• Published 10th Jan 2012
  • 1,915 Views, 4 Comments

How equestria was made...sorta - LolWhyNot

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The end of us

The year is 2012. The United Governments of your world have ordered scientists from around the planet to create a vaccine for a new disease that had been discovered in large portion on a dysfunctional moon rover that reached Earth from its journey to the moon. The appearance of the disease, now referred to as "Seinop" , was of a liquid ooze and dispatched metamorphic toxins that had a different perks for whichever species that inhaled its fumes. Seinop has been found to be deadly to humans, killing them in the course of only a few hours and de-fusing there cells into melted like matter.

Two months have passed and none of the solutions the scientists could conjure did a thing to Seinop. The disease has been quarantined in a classified military base near the southern portion in the Nevada dessert, where scientists have been working day to day trying to destroy the possible plague, that has been proven deadly due to some mishaps.

On the third month of inspection of Seinop a catastrophic incident with the handling of seinop portions accured. The disease has been released and has become very active, infecting the entire base within the first day of release. The Governments of the world gave officialt declared a new plague has arrived to the planet.

Only a week has passed since the fail of many quirinations by various governments. Seinop has spread throughout the U.S. country and has breached Mexico's defenses. 20% of the human population has been infected and killed due to Seinop. All airline transportation ha been closed, including private transportation services as well as sea crossing services. But even with these precautions the plague spread. How it spread was un-know of although it was knows that Seinop could not travel from animal to human.

Further studies of Seinop have been concluded including the effects it has on multiply species. Most animals are not affected by the same fate humans have succumbed to, but instead face a boost brain chemical actively, making the infected animals more friendlier and less vicious. The following animals receive this affect from Seinop.

These are the only concluded animals to share this perk from this moment.

Its been 2 months since Seinop first spread. The United governments have retreated to a safer classified location with a team of the most elite scientists in our planet. With a high magnitude of cautiousness, a concealed portion of Seinop has been delivered to the scientists to work with. 70% of the human populations has been killed. The remaining 30% have been transferred to a fortified laboratory where all efforts of the human civilization has been put into finding a vaccine to the deadly plague. Scientists have further discovered traits that animals have obtained through Seinop.

Monkeys and other primal animals of the same kingdom have been known to live the same fate as the humans. A valid percentage of however many is left could not have been giving.

It has also been confirmed that current surviving animals that have not been killed off by the plague are incapable of being killed of by the disease.

A very small classified group of scientists have been working with a group of horses and mutated beings (whether it is human or animal is not known) but are not releasing information to the public at the time.

It has been a year since the release of Seinop. The fortified bunker has lived up to its reputation by securing the remaining humans. Knowledge of how they are unharmed by the disease is not known.

Scientists have been conducting more and more excrements on animals. They found that a number in horses and ponies. Not only have they succumbed to being friendlier around humans and other life-forms but they have also experienced a burst in I.Q. Much to the point were they are learning the human language. There are also small mutations between a few ponies, including what seems to be feathers in some cases and horns in others. The completely mutated creatures are also friendlier to other species and take many different forms, many of which could be only identified as mythological beasts.

It has been confirmed that the planet is now completely infected to Seinop. The diesease has mutated to an inviable appearance. It is also been proven that the toxins have mutated the clouds to the factor of conjuring many different weather types as it seems that mother nature is no longer in control. The clouds could be manipulated to give out the different whether scenarios by force.

2 years have passed since the infection. The facility is beginning to rot away from the disease as it has mutated again, which now allows it to check threw the substance protecting the last of humankind. Riots have been appearing and becoming more of the norm as the remaining people urge the scientists to create the vaccine. But the scientists of earth could not defeat its enemy.
The end of human kind is becoming clearer and clearee. At a last bit of hope the people of earth turn to the animals for an answer. They have observed and concluded there data on the animals.

Ponies have become well knowledge in human culture and are able to speak English. The newer born ponies appear to have more mutations as a single horn growing out of the temple of the skull to some, Whole sprouting wings to others. With these perks and the immunity to the plague they animals tried to help. But even with their help the ponies couldn't save mankind. As for the mutated beasts, they have been producing many offspring and are looking more and more like fictional animals. The recording appearance were.

fly looking creatures that are the size of baseballs

There was one mutated creature so fowl in appearance and so fiendish looking the government vowed for its kill. Although as a dieing civilization the human species gave mercy to the creature.
Its appearance was of a head that was horse-like, with a deer antler on the right, a goat horn on the left, one long fang, different-sized pupils, a snake tongue, and a beard. The body was also made up of various animals but that was of no concern to the humans. They were out of resources and left with no cure. They were also out of time.

It has been one year since the death of the entire human population. The planet is cumpletely baren with the only evidence of a human species every being alive are the homes and shops theve left behind. That plague is no longer a threat and has since the fall of humans, vanished.

The mutaded ponies have long lived, taking place of the human society. They are capable of running businesses, writing, and teaching. As a friendlier species the animals destroyed all the weapons left by the humans as well as evidence that they even excisted, making sure not to come to any sort of human dissputes.

The final effects of the mutation spreads through genes of the animals. Making pet like animals kind and ponies elite. The perks of the mutation the ponies recieved for divided into three halfs. One half with the perk of wings and flight. Another with the perk of a horn (capable of releaseing a stable sort of anit-matter allowing the horns to manuver impossible feats.) And normal ponies with the reguler side effect of a boost in I.Q that all three of the halfs of the ponies recieved. All of the ponies have also recieved a texture mutation, allowing them to grow hair on the side of their legs that depict a object or event that the pony exceeds in.

It has been 2000 years since the fall of humanity. Humans have been long forgoten and un-heard of and ponies and other animals with sudden boosts in I.Q have created governments on planet Earth.
And in one Country on this human isolated world, a purple pony with the horn perk procceds to write her letter to the ruler of Equestria.


I am currently working on a sort of prequel to the story. Its basically a pony's story of experiencing the change and the fall of humanity. I'm going to try and cover more detail of cutey marks, how the weather works and Discord.

Comments ( 4 )

This is my first story it was based on the same idea as a pokemon story titled Mutated Future. Im very bad with grammar and again this is my first story. Please tell me what you think as i would love to keep writing.

:fluttercry: we're dead.....
:flutterrage: WE can't experience MLP ever
:pinkiesick::raritycry: we can't experience MLP ever
:trollestia: Time to invent a time machine

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