• Published 22nd Jan 2013
  • 567 Views, 8 Comments

My Little Barbarian - CuchulainSetanta

Nanok of Jericho is sent on a quest for the Horn of Epona, and finds himself in Equestria

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Stranger in a Strange Land

Nanok eyed the beast before him warily. By all appearances, it was a unicorn, but not like any he had seen before. Firstly, while a horn was visible upon its brow, it was much smaller than the deadly weapon other unicorns had. Second, the creature was a rich violet color, with a mane and tail of a darker hue. Third, while Nanok expected a unicorn to attack on sight, the beast seemed almost afraid of him...highly unusual for an animal said to impale elephants on its horn and carry off the body. There was one more surprise.

"Uh...hello?" it spoke with a female voice.

It spoke.

Nanok's grip on the bow tightened, but he did not release the arrow aimed between the unicorn's large eyes. "So, you have a speaking tongue in your head," he growled. "Tell me, then, what manner of creature are you?"

"Well, I'm a unicorn. I was going to ask you the same question."

"I am human, a man of Jericho."

Again, silence reigned between the two.

"I don't suppose you could stop pointing your weapon at me?" the unicorn finally asked. Nanok slowly did so, but remained on edge. He did not know what else this creature was capable of.

"Thanks," it said.

"Before you thank me, beast, I would ask some questions of you. It is obvious I am unusual to your eyes. What place is this, and how did I come to be in it?"

The unicorn shifted uncomfortably. "First off, my name is Twilight Sparkle, not 'beast'. We're just outside of Ponyville, in Equestria. As for why you're here, your guess is as good as mine.”

Nanok weighed his options. It did not seem this creature was being dishonest with him. “Very well. I assume this 'Ponyville' of yours is a town?” Twilight nodded. “Good. I suppose I will have to ask for more information there. Be on your way, daughter of Sparkle.” With that, Nanok began forward.

“Daughter of...wait! I told you what I know, now it's your turn!” Twilight began as she followed Nanok. “You're obviously not from here, you just pop up the hay out of nowhere, point a weapon at me, and then you just want to walk into the middle of town? Who are you anyway?”

Nanok continued walking, not even shifting his gaze to acknowledge the strange beast following him. “You have an active tongue, daughter of Sparkle. Be wary, lest it get you into trouble.”

“That's not answering my question! And stop calling me that!”

“I did not intend to answer your question. And I shall call you whatever I see fit. This conversation is over.”

“Now, hold on there!” Twilight shouted. A glow arose around her horn, and a violet bubble formed around Nanok, stopping him in his tracks. He tried reaching for his bow, but the bubble prevented him from moving his arms.

“Sorcery!” he hissed. “Release me, creature, or I shall...”

“You're not doing anything until your attitude improves. You can start by telling me your name.”

“You'll have my name when I choose to give it,” Nanok growled at his captor.

“Well, you better choose quickly. I can do this all day if I want.”

Nanok did not know if Twilight was going to follow through with her threat. She seemed to small and weak to pose a threat for him, but he had no idea she was capable of magic in the first place. “If I tell you my name, will you release me from your foul spell?”

“I'll start considering it.”

He sighed. “Very well. I am Nanok, the Lion of Jericho.”

“There, now that wasn't so hard, was it?”

“Spare me your mockery, beast-witch.”

“That's another thing,” Twilight intoned, glaring at her captive. “The name-calling is really uncalled for. It's Twilight Sparkle. Let's hear you say it.”

“Twilight Sparkle,” Nanok groaned.

“Finally, if you're serious about going into town, I'm not going to have you trying to kill anyone. You'll have to take off your weapons.”

“I would sooner die.”

“Alright, then I can just hold you up here until you change your mind,” Twilight threatened.

“Very well, Sparkle. You may take my bow, sword, and axe, but I insist on keeping my dagger. You'll have to kill me before you will see Nanok unarmed.”

Twilight considered this. Nanok was in no position to demand anything of her, but then, how much damage could he do with just a dagger? “Fine. Give them here.”

She loosened her magic, and Nanok crumpled to the ground. Slowly, he removed his weapons and laid them in a pile at Twilight's hooves. Stepping back, he watched as her horn glowed again and the armaments disappeared from sight. “There now, they're not gone, I've just put them someplace safe.”

“Very well,” Nanok said. He turned to continue in the direction he was walking but, before Twilight could react, he drew his dagger and was at her throat, one hand holding the weapon inches from her jugular and the other solidly gripping her horn.

“Now you will hear me, Twilight Sparkle. You caught me off guard once, but now that I know what you can do, it will not happen again.” The warrior glared deep into her eyes. “You have the eyes of a peasant, one who has never experienced fresh blood splashing upon you. You do not have what it takes to claim the life of another. I, on the other hand, have laid low sorcerers with powers you cannot even fathom. I will spare your life, but if you test me again, I will not hesitate to end you. If you think you can continue to order me around, you are sorely mistaken.” Nanok released her, put the dagger back in its scabbard, and strode off. Hesitantly, Twilight followed.

A Guide to the World of Nanok


During the Middle Ages, unicorns were portrayed very differently than they are today. Bestiaries of the time refer to unicorns as fearsome beasts native to Africa and India, so savage that they could not be captured alive and so strong that they could fall from a cliff, land on their horn, and survive without a scratch. No hunter, human or animal, could take a unicorn in combat, but in the presence of a maiden, they became gentle and harmless.

Comments ( 6 )

Hm... A raging barbarian in a world of peaceful multicoloured ponies?
Let's take a look!

I don't know. . . why not take Conan himself as main character?

A Robert E. Howard-esque adventure crossed with a land of magic and talking horses. It was bound to happen.


I figured making my own barbarian character would give me more freedom to shape his world, rather than sticking to the established Conan stories.

Messing with twilight gets a fav and like. Oh how the mighty havw been ownd:moustache:

Crom! I have never prayed to you before. I have no tongue for it.

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