• Published 11th Nov 2012
  • 646 Views, 4 Comments

The Iron Solari and The Moonlight Blade - rikkuidol

The Radiant Dawn and Scorn of the Moon. Both accepting each one's fate.

  • ...

The Walking Moon

Writer's Notes: Hi everyone! 1st of all I would like to thank all of you for taking the time to read this fanfic of mine. As you may have noticed, English isn't really my 1st language and thus I have a difficulty with words and grammars and stuff, I'm not saying that I ARE IZ BAD GRAMMAR WOWO, It's just that I kinda struggle with this things. But Enough with that.

If any off you are interested in pre-reading my future chapters, just toss me a PM and let's work this out! for everyone to enjoy the story even more! =D. YAYIFICATIONS!

PS: Yes, it is related to League of Legends.... in a way. =3


Left, right, up, down. Whichever direction Moonlight looked is different from where she was before. She was now 100% sure that this place is not the place where she used to tread.

"Where in the world am I?" Asked Moonlight to herself as she blindly walked forward in this dark and damp forest. At first, she thought that she was just teleported to safety, a good few miles, But she never knew that she would get teleported to a different world all in all.

"I still don't have the hang of my own power, I'm pathertic" said Moonlight with a huge grin. "Still, if move forward, I might get out of here. Wait, better yet, I need to find high ground and check how big this forest really is."

And so Moonlight walked and walked, searching for higher ground because the trees in the area don't seem sturdy enough to climb. and gives an awfully scary feeling that she should not touch it. For hours she walked, she even tried to summon the powers of the moon, but to no avail, it seems that the forest itself is covered with some form of magic that restrains her from acquiring power from the moon, her last burst of power was when she woke up, after that she can neither summon an offensive beam of moonlight nor teleport very far.

"This isn't getting any better, and it seems that the wildlife here are getting a bit wilder. I really need to find some sort of shelter soon, I cant defend properly at my current state."

With that said, Moonlight picked up her pace as she was sensing the killing intent of the animals, even the trees around her. In some wierd luck she stumbled upon multiple wooden signs saying: "To Tartarus!", "Beware of Dog/s". But the most peculiar sign she has saw was:

"Incase anypony is brave enough to venture inside

meet me in ponyville! I would so love to explore what's inside and study them!"

- Twilight Sparkle

PS: I live in the town library, If i'm not home, tell my assistant, either the baby dragon or the owl.

All Moonlight could do was raise an eyebrow, passing it off as a joke, I mean, Come on! "Dog/s"?, The one that put it up was not even sure if it is multple dogs or just one, cleary this is a prank of some sort by kids who wish to try to scare anyone who would tresspass on their tree house or secret spot or whatever. But if this "Tartarus", is some sort of shelter even if it's just a tree house, then it is good enough to rest in, just enough to wait for things to settle down, besides there are wooden signs with arrows that might lead to this "ponyville". Gambling on her odds, would not be wise in this unknown region she is currently in, so she chose to follow the signs leading to this "Tartarus".

Treading ever so fast to the direction of this "Tartarus" she will find out why this "Twilight Sparkle" could not figure out if to put just one dog or multple dog in the sign because, what lay infront of Moonlight was a sleeping giant three headed dog that was magically leashed to a tree.

"Now I now why Dog/s was put there, It's one dog with three heads, cute" Said Moonlight as cold sweat starts to appear. Good thing the dog is asleep, she thought to herself. But even as this lay infront of her, she did not panic, she thought of panicing though, due to the lack of power she currently possess but, if she had regained her powers, this mere dog will be no challenge at all. But one thing caught the eyes of Moonlight even more so than the dog. It was the huge spiral building it was guarding, it was so huge that it pierced through the trees itself and onto the sky.

"So this is Tartarus, Interesting" said Moonlight in a quiet tone as to not wake up the sleeping three headed dog. "I need to get in there, my only chance of survival is atop that building where the moon shines, I just need to get past this dog without waking it"

With much conviction and the fact that she is running out of time due to the killing intent creeping in closer and closer, Moonlight mustered up all of her remaining strenght to her scythe and raised it above her head. The scythe she held in her hands glowed a faint light, covering her whole body, and in a fast curving motion, she swung her weapon in the direction of the door and bright white light approched the door in a crecent arc avoiding the three headed dog and reaching the door, and in an instant, the light pulled her along to the direction she swung and she was infront of the door soon after the light faded from her scythe.

"I'm glad I still had that much power left" she said whispering to herself. "I just need to get inside now, and rest a good few."

As Moonlight slowly entered the door inside Tartarus, she bore witness what was inside the huge spiral castle. Doors, Lots and lots of doors covered the side of the huge building, but the most notable part of the building was the spiral staircase. It was so long that even she cannot phatom how long it is till the very top. But she could not think clearly anymore, Moonlight's fatigue was starting to creep in, all of the energy she had left was starting to vanish, she does not care anymore, she is safe from outside, rest, rest is the only thing in her mind right now. And with that, she lay on the floor and closed her eyes while hugging her weapon, drifting into a sound sleep, not noticing the huge dark violet door slowly opening and the sound of hooves getting louder and louder.

"Oh my, I never would expect myself to be the one to find 'her', how amusing" said the black alicorn.

End of Chapter 2

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