• Published 26th Nov 2012
  • 2,125 Views, 46 Comments

A Matter of Rules of War - dramatic_spoon

The Elements of Harmony intervene in the private war between Necromancers Twilight Sparkle and Trixie Lulamoon. AU.

  • ...

Speakin' with the Dead

The three ponies continued down a dusty, beaten path. Big Macintosh was hooked up to a worn-out cart filled with supplies.

“So, I reckon we’re gonna see them sooner or later. I just wish they could have been more helpful with their directions.” Big Macintosh grumbled.

“Darling, if they weren’t terrified out of their minds, I’m sure they would have given them.” Rarity gently reminded him, “You’re going after their boogiepony, after all.”

“So what exactly are Stitchers and Graveborns?” Big Macintosh changed the subject, “Turner?”

“Oh, basically the two types of necromancers.” Time Turner glanced to his left, “Graveborns are your traditional shady ponies that wander around graveyards and reanimate whatever they can get their hooves on. A few spells, and they’re back up and shambling. Still rotting though. The upside is that it’s easy to make them and you can summon up a bunch at a time. The downside is that they are fairly normal. Pegasi or griffon undead can only fly if they’re freshly dead and still have all their parts. Unicorn undead can’t use magic, and….that’s about it.” Time Turner concluded. “Did you see something move over there?
Oh never mind.”

“An’ Stitchers?” Big Macintosh pressed on.

“Are you Familiar with the novel “Frankenstallion”?” Time Turner paused, “No?”

“Turner, I don’t exactly have th’ time to dig through a hefty novel like that one.” Big Macintosh chuckled.

“Some of it. But the general idea is that they dig up corpses, stitch them together, and bring it back to life, right?” Rarity inquired.

“Basically. But just imagine it.” Time Turner’s grin grew, “Griffons with seven sets of wings and the claws of an Ursa Minor! An actual alicorn that can use something close to the powers of all three!”
Time Turner’s expression turned to one of utter delight, as he realized something.
“Oh, what if we had a minotaur, but gave it griffon wings, a snake’s tail, and octopi tentacles and their ink sacks? It would be fantastic!” The excited stallion yelled. Time Turner blushed and quickly covered his mouth with a hoof, as Rarity and Big Macintosh gave each other a concerned look.

“Time Turner, please don’t talk about that ever again.” Rarity instructed.


“Sorry, sorry. It’s just that I find the idea behind it fascinating.” He blushed and shrugged, “Given all the leaps in technology and magic that have been made there is so much we haven’t done.”

“Turner, sometimes you just gotta let things lie where they are.” Big Macintosh trudged on, “Ain’t no point worryin’ about what coulda happen.
For instance, I reckon things would be mighty different if Nightmare Moon won that day. Why, we could be out fightin’ for our lives against who knows what, instead of bein’ here.”

“Indeed.” Rarity glanced to her side, “Did you hear something?”

“Hmm? No.” Time Turner turned to look in another direction, “Was it over there?” He pointed towards his left.

“No, it was coming from that way.” Rarity pointed down the path they had just taken.

Big Macintosh’s head whipped towards his right, “somethin’ over there too.”

The three ponies back up towards one another. Big Macintosh unhooked himself from the cart and snorted.
“…none o’ the townsfolk said anything about raiders.”

“I think this is worse than that” Time Turner cowered.

The first of their observers pushed its way out of the bushes. An undead unicorn shambled into view, limping along on three legs. It opened its mouth, revealing rotting teeth. Before it could do anything, a wrench surrounded by a telekinetic aura bashed the undead unicorn’s head open. As it collapsed to the ground, Big Macintosh and Time Turner glanced at Rarity.

“…What?” The mare summoned the wrench back to her, keeping it near. “I wasn’t going to let it bite any of us.”

Before either stallion could respond, the bushes rustled again, as more undead ponies and griffons shambled forward, in various states of decay. The three elements back up, bumping into one another.

“I count at least ten over here.” Time Turner mumbled.

“Same here.” Rarity nodded. Her saddlebag unhooked itself and several other tools began to float out.

“Hold it, Miss Rarity.” Big Macintosh motioned to the undead, “Best we don’t make any sudden moves. I don’t reckon we can fight our way outta this one.”

“Big Macintosh, I have no intention of simply dying to these things.”

“I ain’t saying we gotta, I’m sayin’ wait. If they wanted to kill us, they would have already.”

“…He has a point, Rarity.” Time Turner nodded in agreement.

“…Oh fine.” Rarity placed her other tools back into her saddlebags, keeping the wrench out. “But I’m leaving this one out.”

One of the fresher undead, a griffon in a blood soaked uniform, shambled forward.

“Yugh..Forrow.” It motioned with one claw.

“…it can speak?” Rarity and Big Macintosh glanced over at Time Turner.
“You never said it could do that.”

“I didn’t know it could either.” Time Turner blinked in confusion.

“Qurrent. Yugh. Forrow. Or eat.” The griffon motioned again.

“…it’s bluffing right?” Time Turner nudged Big Macintosh.

“I don’t want to find out.”

The griffon shambled off, as it's left claw rolled in an unnatural way, the other undead motion for the living ponies to follow it, growling and baring their teeth for emphasis.


Rarity, Big Macintosh, and Time Turner paused, staring at the castle and its surroundings.

“My goodness!” Time Turner’s eyes sparkled in wonder, “It’s an authentic unicornia era castle! This is magnificent, and it’s in such good shape too!”

Before he could continue gushing, an undead earth mare prodded him with her head, leaving scraps of rotting flesh and hair on his coat.

“Ghep guhg khing” it managed to sputter out of it’s mangled mouth.

“No need to make a mess, my delightful decaying darling.” Time Turner chuckled.

Two of the fresher pegasi took to the air, their wings beating in an unorganized, wild fashion. They both flew over towards the drawbridge and push it forward. It slammed into the ground with a thud and a sickening crunch. The back half of an undead pony twitched for a few more moments until stopping. The other undead remained oblivious to it, as they continue on, trampling the remains and leaving bloody hoof and claw prints on the draw bridge.

“Absolutely horrifying.” Rarity balked at the scene.

“Qurret.” A new griffon, this one missing his wings, motioned for them to follow, “Fharoo. Ake ur gru astshr.”

“I think it wants us to follow him” Time Turner whispered to his companions.

“Well, I would think so. They’ve made us come this far.” Rarity grumbled.

The griffon led the three living ponies, all of whom step around the carcass, and enter the castle. As they walk down the corridors, they glance around taking in their surroundings. Pictures of a blue unicorn mare stare back at them, seemingly watching their every move. Other undead ponies and griffons wander the halls, meagerly pushing brooms, mops and dusters around. The lead griffon paused in front of a massive door and turned to the Elements.

“Ehher.” It motioned for them to pass.

Big Macintosh took the lead, pushing against the door, to find….

“WELCOME HONORED GUEST!” a voice boomed out. Big Macintosh stepped back in surprise, as Time Turner bumped into Rarity. The mechanic shot the brown stallion a dirty look.
“Sorry” he meekly apologized.

The three ponies stared into the room. A blue unicorn mare sat at the head of a massive table, laden with plates of food. The unicorn motioned for the Elements to come forward.

“Come forward! You are welcomed to dine with the Great and Powerful Trixie!” the unicorn smugly smiled.
Big Macintosh and Rarity exchange confused glances, as Time Turner stepped forward.

“Wonderful! I’m star-”

Time Turner found himeslf suddenly restrained by Rarity’s magical aura.

“Hold it right there.” Big Macintosh stepped forward, “You’re that Necromancer the sheriff was talkin’ about ain’t you?”

“I am one of them.” Trixie’s smile faded, “Do not confuse me with that charlatan Twilight Sparkle.”

“Judging by the ones scampering around your, ah, castle, I would imagine you are the…Graveborn?” Rarity ventured.

“Indeed. Unlike my…rival, I believe that the body is already perfect. There is nothing to improve upon.” Trixie smiled and once again motioned to them once again, “Now eat. All from my garden, tended by my own workers.”

“…How do we know it ain’t poisoned? You need bodies don’t ya?” Big Macintosh countered.

The smile once again dropped from the unicorn mare’s face, “I am not going to waste several days’ worth of harvest for three new bodies.” Trixie’s face lit up in a sinister grin, “Besides, if I wanted your bodies, I would have just killed you already.”

“….She brings up a fair point.” Time Turner nodded in agreement.

“..Alright.” Big Macintosh reluctantly nodded. Rarity sighed as she released Time Turner from her aura.

The three ponies took the seats on Trixie’s left, glancing at the decomposing servers and the food itself. Another magical aura surrounded several ladles, and dollop various vegetables on to their plates. Rarity and Big Macintosh exchanged wary glances, only to be interrupted by Time Turner.

“This is fantastic! What is it?” Time Turner returned to munching his way through a hunk of a grayish tuber.

“They call it Kalo. It’s from the Lio’olawe in the Hawaii Islands.” Trixie puffed out her chest slightly, “I had one of the sea pirates bring it in.”

“Sea pirates?” Rarity’s eyebrow rose, “but...”

“They keep land transports on their craft. It’s more bothersome for them, but I pay well.” Trixie replied while cutting an eggplant in half with her knife, “Oh, how do I get the money? I loot the bodies and sell whatever they have. I prefer not to kill travelers, though.
They tend to have more money, but rarely make good bodies.”

“…How did you know we were coming?” Big Macintosh warily inquired, “I don’t re-”

“A little birdie told me.” Trixie smiled smugly, “So I understand you are looking for your cousin? Orange-yellow stallion with an apple cutie mark and leather chaps?
Rather interesting fellow, always getting into bar fights and drinking…..”

“Did you kill him?” Big Macintosh’s expression darkened.

“No.” Trixie quickly responded. “He was a good body, but not one I needed at the moment.”

“Is that all he was? More fuel for your petty grudge?” Big Macintosh’s front hooves began to shake, the gears and screws rattling in his mechanical leg.

“I find it rather unfortunate that you would consider it a ‘petty grudge’.” Trixie scoffed, “yet, I do not expect an outsider from knowing the whole story.
However, now what shall I do with the three of you….”

Trixie rose from the table and began to pace the room. Several undead griffons and ponies begin to clear the table of food.

“What can I do with the Elements of Honesty, Generosity and Magic?” Trixie chuckled at their surprised expressions, “What, did you assume I did not know that? I do receive newspapers and information from the townsfolk and such.” Trixie laughed, “The element of Magic is a mere earth pony? How foolish, certainly someone as great and mighty as the Great and Powerful Trixie deserves such an ho-”.

Trixie was unceremoniously interrupted as a single screwdriver flew past the other ponies, and pinned her hat to the wall. Rarity’s aura faded from her horn and the screwdriver.

“Do shut up. If there is anything I cannot tolerate, it’s a braggart who will not shut up about how wonderful and magnificent they think they are.” Rarity paused, narrowing her eyes at Trixie, “If you continue, I will destroy you.”

The atmosphere grew heavy, as the two mares continued to glare at one another. Suddenly the tension was shattered as Trixie laughed.

“You’ve got guts, I’ll give you that.” The necromancer smiled, “I-”

Before she could continue, an undead earth stallion dressed in a decrepit suit entered, carrying a hat on his back. As he approached Trixie, a roll of parchment popped out of the hat.

“Oh, one moment, business.”

Trixie’s aura surrounded the parchment as she unrolled it and began to read it out loud.

To: Trixie Lulamoon.
From: Twilight Sparkle.
Subject: Our last conflict.

Miss Lulamoon, once again you have ignored our previous agreement.

Item One: No spontaneous reanimations.
Item Two: No luring, killing, and reanimation of travelers or non-sentient beings.
Item Three: Combatants must meet at the scheduled location and time.
Item Four: Combatants must have at least three limbs in the case of earth ponies, unicorns and other four limbed creatures, and at least five in the case of Griffons and Pegasi.

You cannot reanimate during combat! Stop sending undead swine and poultry to attack and harass my soldiers before combat! Stop flanking and sneaking up on my soldiers!
Stop using griffons that lack their hind legs and wings.
I was forced to spend more of that Apple pony’s body to repair the damage done to my Alicorn.

We both swore on the honor of our family names so this counts.

Respectively yours,
Twilight Sparkle.

“Oh, telling me what to do, will you?” a quill, inkpot and sheet of parchment suddenly appeared and Trixie began to write.


Must you always complain?

1: I never agreed to that. I shall raise them whenever I wish. Just because you need fifteen different corpses to make one functioning soldier, does not mean I have to wait for you.
2: If there is a pony that is stupid enough to follow the rotting corpse back, I suppose he deserves to die.
3: Predetermined place and time? This is a battle not a tea party with some half-witted Unicorn noble.
4: Those griffons are models of efficiency, unlike you who can’t make a pony walk without giving it twenty different parts.

Just because you need to take time out to make your troops, it does not mean I must remain idle.

And we have both been disowned by our families, our names don’t mean anything.


“And...done.” she rolled up the letter and placed it in the hat, where the parchment vanished with a slight pop.

“Now where was I?” Trixie pondered for a moment, before her face broke into a wide grin, “Ah right. I know exactly what I am going to do with the three of you…..”