• Published 26th Nov 2012
  • 2,124 Views, 46 Comments

A Matter of Rules of War - dramatic_spoon

The Elements of Harmony intervene in the private war between Necromancers Twilight Sparkle and Trixie Lulamoon. AU.

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The three ponies stared out of the window, watching the various fauna pass by.

“So, Big Macintosh…who exactly is Braeburn?” Rarity inquired.

“Well…” Big Macintosh paused, “He’s my frontier cousin.”

“Oh, a buckaroo, I’ve always wanted to see one of those.” The elements of Generosity and Honesty stared at Time Turner with baffled expressions. The stallion shrunk back a little, “Sorry.”

“Well…” Big Macintosh paused, “I don’t reckon he’d mind bein’ called that. He’s always been a rough and humble sorta fellow.” Big Macintosh chuckled. “First time we met, we got into a bit of a fight and ended up wrecking granny’s new kitchen table.
Anyway, he was the one that set out to help Appleloosa get on their hooves.”

“Ah, Appleloosa.” Time Turner shook his head, “That was quite a shame to be honest. It had a lot of promise, from what I had read.”

“What happened to Appleloosa?” Rarity interjected.

“…Raiders. Appleloosa was caught off guard and the military didn’t make it in time.” Big Macintosh’s expression soured, “He managed to survive, but it hit him hard. After that, he started drinkin’, getting into fights with other ponies, gamblin’…
A terrible thing to see.”

“I would imagine so.” Rarity nodded sympathetically.

“Well, after all of that, he got a message from Silver Star, the former sheriff in Appleloosa. As it happens, some of the survivors headed out to the Badlands and set up a new settlement; Deadwood.”

“Ominous name.” Time Turner noted.

“Said they called it that cause there’s a gulch of dead trees near the town.” Big Macintosh shrugged, “don’t see why they couldn’t call it something more cheery. Anyway, they wanted Braeburn to help them with the orchards they were trying to get set up, so he went off.
That’s really the last we heard from him, until that letter showed up.” Big Macintosh scowled, “Reckon it’s got to be mighty important. Didn’t even say what went wrong.”

“Really?” Time Turner turned his attention back to the earth stallion, “That doesn’t seem quite right.”

“What do you mean?” Big Mac stretched his limbs out, “Miss Rarity, do you mind?”

“No, no, that’s why I’m here.” Rarity’s horn glowed; several small screwdrivers and other tools floated up. Big Macintosh adjusted his position, keeping his left foreleg out. Rarity set to work; opening up the shin guard and inspecting the gears.

“Anyway, what do you mean by that, Time Turner?” Big Macintosh turned his attention back to the other stallion.

“Well, if it’s official, then they would at least what happened. If he’s dead, and mind you I’m not saying he is, then they would inform you of such, right?”


“And if he had gone missing for a significant period of time, then they would also inform you that he is presumed dead.” Time Turner paused, “And I don’t mean to sound rude, but if your cousin had another…breakdown, or lapse into his pre-Deadwood state, I would think they would inform you that they were calling the proper authorities to assist, wouldn’t they?”

“I reckon so.”

“Therefore, it is safe to assume that it is a complicated situation, where they cannot tell you his official status.” Time Turner scratched his chin, “But why? What could happen in the Badlands that would be such a secret? And why would they be terrified to tell you what happened?”
The earth stallion rubbed his hooves together in anticipation, “This is just like one of those murder mystery books. Did I ever tell you I was once part of a dinner murder mystery? They kicked me out because I figured it out before the appetizers were over.”

“Charming.” Rarity deadpanned, “Big Macintosh, have you been using the shin guard I gave you? This model is slightly less protected than your previous one, so I gave that to you to help protect it.”


“Honestly Big Macintosh….” Rarity shook her head.

“Well, anyway, Time Turner, I reckon you have a point. However, I also reckon they’ll let us know once we get there.”

A knock on the compartment door caught the attention of the occupants. A mare with a refreshment cart poked her head in.

“Would you like to have anything?”

“Some apples would be nice.” Time Turner asked politely.

“I’m sorry, we’ve run out. We still have pears though.”

“I’ll pass.” Time Turner waved the thought away, “Pears… Always pears.” He muttered.

“Are there any plums?” Rarity’s attention turned away from Big Macintosh’s prosthetic.

“A few left. How many would you like?”

“Three. Will there be a larger meal later?”

“Yes ma’am. It will be in about four hours or so. Anyway, that would be seven bits.”

Rarity’s satchel opened. Seven coins levitated toward the mare’s cart and settled down in a basket. The unicorn’s telekinetic aura surrounds three plums, bringing them towards her.

“Thank you. And you sir?”

“I’ll pass. Thank you kindly, ma’am.”

The stewardess continued down the train, as Time Turner pulled the door shut.

“Well anyway, I think it’s quite possible that he’s only missing.” Time Turner continued, “The badlands are a treacherous place, so there’s plenty that can go wrong.
Or so I’ve read.”

“You ain’t making this any better, Turner.” Big Macintosh grumbled, “Carrot Top an’ my sister were buttin’ heads when I left, and I can only imagine what they’re getting into.”

“Big Macintosh, I wouldn’t worry too much.” Rarity reattached the armored guard to Big Mac’s leg, “I’m sure Granny Smith or Dizzy will help out.”

“…I have a question. If Applejack doesn’t like Carrot Top, why does she let Applebloom and Sweet Wheat stay friends?” Time Turner inquired.

“Because the two of them have been best friends for years now.” Big Macintosh chuckled, “I reckon there’s no way in Equestrian she’d be able to break that up.”

“Friendship is an amazing thing.” Time Turner smiled. The other two ponies nodded in agreement.


The train’s whistle sounded as the train pulled away from the tracks. Rarity, Time Turner, and Big Macintosh scanned the town, taking in their first impressions.

“This town seems rather… empty.” Rarity frowned. “There are no stores, how do they get what they need?”

“Reckon it all comes on the train.” Big Macintosh also frowned, “What I want to know is where the water source is? I didn’t see one on the way in, and a town can’t really support itself by importing all its food.”

“No, Big Macintosh, I mean there’s nothing. No blacksmith, no mechanic, nothing that would help maintenance.” Rarity shook her head, “I for one cannot believe a frontier town would be devoid of such things. What do you think Time Tur-” Rarity blinked, “Where did he go?”


Rarity and Big Macintosh looked down the dusty road that passed as a street, and watched Time Turner run back and forth studying everything he could get his hooves on.
Big Macintosh shook his head in disapproval, while Rarity groaned.
“We can’t take him anywhere, can we?” the mare complained.

“Eenope. Grab him while I figure out where the sheriff’s office is.” Big Macintosh started off in a different direction. Rarity stared at him, frowning.

“Leave me with the difficult job, will you?” Rarity turned her attention back to the other Earth pony, currently engrossed with the rusting remains of a plow.

“This is a different model than the ones the Sweet Apple Collective uses. The angle must mean that it’s better for arid soil or perhaps one with little to no hu-”

The Earth stallion suddenly found himself engulfed in a telekinetic aura. He floated toward Rarity, stopping in front of the upset mare.

“Darling, try not to make a fool of yourself.” Rarity scolded the stallion. Time Turner blushed and shrunk.


“Quite alright.”

“Miss Rarity, it’s this way.” Big Macintosh called out. Rarity stared over to the stallion, keeping Time Turner trapped in her aura.
“Can you put me down?”

“No. It’s faster this way and we won’t have to chase after you every time you see something ‘fantastic’.”

“…Fair enough.” Time Turner grumbled.

The two ponies managed to catch up to Big Macintosh. His eyebrow cocked at the sight of the encased Time Turner.

“Don’t ask.”



Big Macintosh pulled the door out, holding it open.

“Affer yuu” He motioned, his voice muffled by the door.

“Why thank you.”

Rarity trotted in, still holding Time Turner in her telekinetic aura. Big Macintosh followed, closing the door with a slam. a loud thud is heard from another part of the room, followed by a sleep-filled groan.

“What in tarnation…” a voice drifted out of a separate room.

A brown mustached earth stallion trotted into the room. His cutie consisted of a five pointed sheriff’s star and he possessed crumpled ten gallon hat on his head. He quickly scanned the ponies in front of him, pausing at Time Turner.

“Th’ hell’s wrong with him?” the stallion pointed at the still floating Time Turner.

“What?” Rarity turned to look, “Oh. Nothing.” She releases the aura, dropping Time Turner to the ground with a thud.

“Ow.” Time Turner pulled himself back onto his hooves, rubbing the back of his head. “Thank you.”

“Sheriff Silver Star?” Big Macintosh ignored his companions.

“That’s me.” The stallion nodded. “And you are…”

“Macintosh Apple. You sent me a telegram about my cousin, Braeburn.”

“Ah right. Didn’t think you’d get here so soon.”

“Sheriff, when it’s matters about family, there ain’t no such thing as “too soon”.” Big Macintosh frowned.

“And the other two?”

“My friends, Time Turner and Rarity.” Big Macintosh shifted his attention back to the Sheriff.
“Let’s not beat around th’ bush, what happened to Braeburn?”

The sheriff’s eyes flickered to the ground, “Why don’t you take a seat, we got a lotta talkin’ to do.”

The sheriff settled behind his desk, as the other three ponies took their own seats.

“Well…there ain’t no easy way to say it. We’re pretty sure Braeburn is dead.”

“…What do you mean, ‘pretty sure’? Either he is or he ain’t.” Big Macintosh countered, his voice rising.

“Big Macintosh, I’m sure he’ll explain more.” Rarity calmed the stallion down. “Please continue, sheriff.”

“Thank you, ma’am. I say ‘pretty sure’ because we only saw…I’d say about a fourth of him. Had his cutie mark though, so we th-”

“Wait, wait, wait.” Time Turner interrupted, “what do you mean ‘a fourth of him’?”

“…You folk don’t know?”

“Sheriff, we have our own problems back in Ponyville. I don’t reckon anypony heard about what happens here.”

“…Well, to understand it, I gotta talk about the Kingdom. As I reckon you know, they still take their unicorns and train them just like the old days. Well, as the story goes, two very promising unicorns were born, Twilight Sparkle and Trixie Lulamoon. Both got accepted to the Academy, and both did well in their studies.” The sheriff paused for a moment. “As they say the two of them where rather competitive, always trying to prove who was the better mare.
Well, they both decided to do something banned in both the Kingdom and Equestria; bring back the dead.

Seems they were fairly successful for a while, seeing that there were plenty of reports of missing bodies, before they were finally caught.

Now normally, the penalty for breaking the law like that is death, but given their age and their family’s influence, their sentences were reduced to exile. And that’s how our problems began.” The sheriff finished.

“…So yer basically tellin’ me that my cousin got caught by one of them, and turned into a walkin’ corpse?” Big Macintosh blinked, “Tell me where I can find them. I got business now.”

“Mister Macintosh, that’s suicide. Do you know why there are so little people left here? Most of them ran off, but others tried to do the same foolish thing you’re about to do.” The sheriff shook his head, “I can’t send a pony to his death.”

“Sheriff, you’ll find that I ain’t an easy pony to kill.” Big Macintosh stood up, “Now even if you ain’t gonna tell me, I’ll figure this out on my own.”

The sheriff turned his attention towards Time Turner and Rarity, “You’re his friends, aren’t you? Talk some sense into that darn fool head of his.”

Rarity shrugged, “Sheriff, if there’s one thing I can’t do, its change his mind. Once he’s set on something, he will do it.”

Time Turner shrugged as well, “We’ve been through worse.”

The three ponies stood up and headed towards the door. Sheriff Silver Star slammed his hoof onto the table.

“None of you get it. You’re going up against two of the greatest necromancers alive. You’re all gonna get yourselves killed.”

Big Macintosh and Rarity left the room without a word. Time Turner began to follow them, but paused for a moment. He looked back at the sheriff and flashed a smile.

“We’ve faced Nightmare Moon. What’s a few unicorns?”

Time Turner’s smile faded as he hurried to catch up to his friends.