• Published 28th Oct 2012
  • 697 Views, 3 Comments

Iron Moon - Princess Carlestia

Epic narrative of the decripit, pitheless life of Iron Will, as told in poetic form.

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Chapter 3: The Debonaire Deviance

The walk over to the palace was a dreary one, even though the sun shone brightly down on Iron Will's worn hide. The sense of fearsome anticipation seeped into his thoughts, toying with his perceptions. As he ran through his plot once again, he tried to think of any subtle nuances that might betray him. The guards would be dealt with swiftly, but they couldn't be killed. That would be far too suspicious.

Instead, a distraction would be required; exotic dancing by none other than the queen, Pinky herself. Long having abandoned the role of a genteel and gracious pony, her own fleshy needs had led her to the dark path of self-effacing dance. A payment of half a mushroom was all that it took to give her the inspiration that she needed to join Iron Will's twisted plan. Half a mushroom was a half mushroom that he could use himself, but this was worth it.

"But Iron Will!" she had exclaimed, her usually chipper voice tinged with concern. "You sell drugs to the community!"

"Be that as it may, but that's all that I can pay; I am Iron Will, so shut-up and take your pill!"

Reluctantly, the pink party pony accepted the half mushroom of poison joke without any further objection. To make it as a successful exotic dancer in a decrepit little town like Ponyville sometimes required cutting a repeat customer a deal. And Iron Will was about as repeat as they came.

"But the guards! What if they try to interfere with my erotic dancing?"

"Simple" replied Iron Will, arching into a split kick mere inches from her muzzle. "If somepony tries to block; kick them in the cock!"

Their intercourse now completed, they went their separate ways. The afternoon faded into evening, and the moon's reflection on the still puddle of water in front of the entrance to the castle showed the night's young age. Pinkie Pie crested the hill, wearing her ruby tiara and her sluttiest pony attire: a flowing cape and wizard robe.

The guards were caught off guard by the appearance of such beauty; Iron Will made his entrance into the castle grounds unnoticed. He crept around the grounds, looking for the royal bedroom, and his next meal. Finally finding it, he noticed the door was slightly ajar despite the light being out.

Carefully pushing his frame through the doorway, Iron Will was frozen in place by what he saw. Next to Celestia’s sleeping form was the alicorn that had gone through his dreams so many times before, but never was this imagined.

The hunched figure was emptying a syringe of an unknown substance into the eyelid of the princess of the land. Overcome with lustful passion, Iron Will tiptoed up behind the figure, shaggy hips swaying sensuously. Withdrawing the empty syringe, the alicorn threw it out the window. Which was saying something, wih the castle on top of a cliff; Iron will approved of this method of disposing of evidence.

The syringe's faint shatter went unnoticed by the guards, still entirely enthralled by the not fully erotic but entirely entrancing dancing of Pinkie Pie. The mood now set, Iron Will shimmied up to the alicorn to make his move.

“Are you a paleontologist?" he whispered in Luna's ear. "Because you can explore my topsoil until you find my massive bones.”

As she spun around, Iron Will quickly flexed, striking a pose to showcase the muscles that had atrophied in recent years but still were capable of pulling bitches on the regular. Luna clopped backwards, awestruck and fearing reprisal. In a second she came to her senses, turning immediately to fly out the nearest window.

Not entirely able to follow her in flight, Iron Will flexed his deltoids as hard as he could, attempting to sprout his wings. However, realizing he was coming off a mushroom high and that time was of the essence, Iron Will simply sat down on the corner of the bed, dejected.

His mood suddenly improved when he realized his next meal was laying next to him, and was also conveniently immobile.

Groggily, Celestia opened her eyes to see a heavy breathing bull leaning over from between her loins and staring her in the face. Thoroughly horrified, she tried to roll away from him, but his strong grasp held her down against the bed.

"C-Nasty!" cried Iron Will. "We meet again! And this time, under less sexual circumstances!"

Celestia's eyes snapped wide.


“SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” yelled Iron Will, turning on the lights and revealing the crowd of people around the room. Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, the one blue one with wings, and even the stripper Pinkie Pie were all there with cake and presents.

“Everything is going to plan” thought Iron Will. "Except one thing… where did I stash that damn detonator?”