• Published 28th Oct 2012
  • 697 Views, 3 Comments

Iron Moon - Princess Carlestia

Epic narrative of the decripit, pitheless life of Iron Will, as told in poetic form.

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Chapter 1: The Beginnening

Iron Will slowly drew his breath as the air around him froze his skin. Through the scope of his .500 Nitro Express, he saw the hair on the back of Rarity’s mane bristle.

“Something is awry... but what?” thought the clueless equestrian as the full metal jacket shell instantaneously evacuated her brain of all neurological material. The splatter of gray matter against the east wall of her now gore -filled abode left naught but the reeking smell of death.

“Yes..." he snarled, and lips curled into a lustful smile. "Another trophy to add to my rape wall, and she’ll do just nicely.”

As his stomping hooves approached the door, the handle turned to ash.

“The fuck?" he demanded, whipping the rifle around. "But I want her warm cadaver for...” he mumbled as the walls of the cottage begin to swirl into a purplish-brown vortex on the ground. The world dissolved into it, and he snapped awake in a cold sweat.

“Oh god, another nightmare.” He rolled over in bed as the chills ran up his spine. Murderous rampages were a thing of his tormented past that he had tried to forget, but there was not enough cider in the world to dull the throbbing of his horns. Next to him, another form stirred.

“What’s the matter, honey?" said Luna in a tender whisper, curling herself around Iron Will's muscular form. He snapped awake, the flush of adrenaline quickly fading.

“Damn dreams, like Inception," he muttered angrily. "At least it wasn’t a wet one.” He rolled over, his dick deflating like a spent balloon animal in the hands of a tired carny.

“Wasn’t a wet what, dearie?" asked Luna, still half-asleep, rolling to face away from the husk of a bull she used to know.

Iron Will woke up a third time staring Luna in the face. His eye twitched once, though he could have imagined it like everything else tonight.

“Tell me you’re real," he said quietly.

"Let me run my hooves through your flowing mane one more time…” he sadly said to her sleeping form.

Without saying a word, she inched closer to his postrate body, seeking the warmth of two souls bound in a fiery and chaotic passion fueled bond. As Iron Will felt reality finally setting in, he realized that he had been wrong to question this relationship. Maybe there was hope for a damaged soul like his, embittered to the world that he had shunned so long ago. The gentle neighing of Luna in her sleeping led him to believe all was right with the world. He had just began to feel relaxed when the purple vortex opened on the floor of the room.


He cried, now a heart-broken bull at this last mental betrayal.

Iron Will woke up, opening his eyes to see the sun peeking through holes in the tattered ceiling. There was no pony beside him, and the ground felt colder than ever.

“Fuck this; I'm going to college,” Iron Will quipped through gritted teeth. It was indeed time for a change. It was time for Iron Will to start his life-changing quest for poon.

It was a chilly morning as Iron Will opened the flap to the tent his meager wages afforded him. Such a long time had passed since he had had a good night of sleep that the zombie mentality was full-blown now. Time had no meaning anymore… only the lust of poon.