• Published 24th Oct 2012
  • 4,194 Views, 158 Comments

Equestria Noir Case 13 "Blue Moon" - Jacoboby1

A murder mystery starring Luna and tells of the circumstances surrounding her banishment

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Chapter 5 "Trapped"

Chapter 5


When my grey eyes finally reopened they were greeted by almost total darkness. I felt extremely light headed, and somewhat nauseous. Was I hit by an aesthetic spell? I guessed so, judging by how much my head hurts.

I cast an illumination spell and looked around. I was in the spare room at the library, the one Twilight thought to offer me when I first came to Ponyville. It was almost perfectly square with only one small window, high up beyond my jumping range. My light found the door and I walked to it.

I gave it a push, but it wouldn't budge. I tried to pull on the handle with my magic, locked?

I knocked on the door. “Twilight? Twilight, are you there?”

No answer.

I turned and tried to buck the door. My legs literally bounced off the wall. It appeared to be wood, but it was as solid as steel. What the hell was going on?

I started to panic. I was trapped….

No! No! Celestia No…

I slammed my hooves on the door and shouted, “Twilight! Where are you? Let me out!”

“Private,” I heard a familiar voice speak from the other side.

“Oh, thank Celestia. Twilight,” I said, with a sigh of relief. “I was so worried I’d be trapped in here.”


“Twilight?” I said when silence greeted me. “Twilight, come on, let me out.”

“Private, I can’t…” Twilight replied, softly.

“What are you talking about?” I shouted. “Open this door!”

“Private, after what you did…”

Oh, Luna! No!

Memories of what I almost did came flooding back to me. I realized with horror what I tried to do to Twilight. What I did…

“Twilight, I’m sorry!” I said, frantically. “I don’t know what came over me! I’m so, so, very sorry!”

I heard a sob on the other end. “I believe you, but until I can figure out what happened to you, I can’t risk it.”

“Twilight, please,” I desperately cried. “I didn’t mean to do it! Please, just let me out!”

“I’m sorry, Private” Twilight said, sobbing. “I just can’t trust you right now.”

No! No! NO! Not again…

“Twilight, please,” I begged, tears streaming down my face. “Please, don’t leave me in here. Please, let me out. I want to be with you."

“I know you do,” Twilight said, sobbing all the more, “but I just can’t risk you doing it again! I’m sorry, Private. You’re just going to have to wait until I can figure out what happened.”

I looked around at the small room around me; the walls seemed to be closing in. I was trapped…

“Twilight!” I cried, slamming my hooves on the door.

No answer…

“Twilight, please!” I cried, desperately, pounding even harder on the door. I heard noises from outside! What were they? I can’t stay in here!


I began desperately bucking the door. NO! NO! NO!

“Twilight, I’m sorry…” I fell to the floor and buried my face in my hooves.

A crack was heard and I looked towards the window. I couldn’t reach it from my position and I couldn’t levitate up to it if I wanted to. It was raining outside. A storm was coming…

Storms. Trapped. NO.

I curled up into a ball. I was trapped! I was helpless…

I wanted Twilight. I wanted her here, with me.

Twilight, I love you!

Let me out…


When next I opened my eyes, I found myself lying on a soft bed. I looked up and saw I was back in Luna’s room… How did I get here?

“You are awake,” I heard a voice speak up next to me,

I looked over and saw Luna looking back at me, her turquoise eyes filled with deep compassion.

“How did I get here?” I asked, looking at the Princess of the Night. “I was trapped…” A shudder ran through my body as I remembered the walls closing in on me.

“We heard your cries when Twilight Sparkle trapped you,” she replied, her face turning somber. “We know what it is like to be trapped.”

“You must have good hearing,” I said, burying my face in the bed. I was too tired and too ashamed to bother with formalities.

I felt Luna scoot over beside me, and wrap one of her large wings around me. I instinctively scooted closer to her, cuddling in.

“Your mother must have had wings if you react this way,” Luna observed, gently nuzzling me on the head. “You are troubled…”

I told her what happened. The box, the blue mist, and most importantly what I did to Twilight.

“You are a victim of Miasma,” Luna said, knowingly.

“Miasma?” I asked. “Isn’t that an ancient word for disease?”

Luna shook her head. “We speak not of a mere disease. We speak of the substance known as Miasma. Long ago this substance threatened to cover all of Equestria. It causes living beings to give in to their darkest desires… We believe it was what turned us into Nightmare Moon in the first place.”

“I wanted Twilight,” I said, closing my eyes in shame. “I can’t believe I did that.”

“Nopony is truly invincible, Private.” Luna said, gently. “We all have a dark side in us that causes us to do evil. All we can do is try and overcome it.”

“You talk like my mom” I said, smiling slowly. “Well, she never said the royal 'we' whenever she spoke.”

We both laughed a little, I felt safe and comfortable sitting here in the wings of the Princess of the Night.

“Forgive us for prying,” Luna said, slowly, “but why were you causing such a clamor about being locked up?”

I flushed in embarrassment “I… I have Cleithrophobia”

“Fear of being locked in an enclosed space?” Luna guessed.

“Yes, I can’t stand being trapped in a room” I said, bowing my head in shame.

“What caused this?” Luna asked, with concern.

“When I was seven,” I explained, “I was playing outside when this storm came out of nowhere. I was too far away from the house to get to it in time. So, I took shelter inside a garden shed. While I was inside a tree branch got hit by lightning and fell, blocking the way out. I spent all night in that shed, unable see anything, things would bang alongside the walls as the storm went on. I was so terrified…”

She nuzzled me gently on the head. “Have you told anypony about this?”

“Only my parents, and I think my brother knows about it,” I replied, keeping my head down.

“Twilight Sparkle didn’t know about it when she locked you up?” She asked.

“No,” I admitted. “I never told her about that.”

“It’s hard to admit fear like this,” Luna said, knowingly. “Maybe if you had told Twilight then and there that you were afraid, she would’ve let you go.”

“What good would that do?” I retorted. “If Twilight knew about that, how could she ever see me as the strong pillar? I’m supposed to be the one in control! I’m supposed to be…” I shook my head. “Forgive me, Luna. I shouldn’t dump all of this on you.”

She shook her own head in turn “It is refreshing that a pony is willing to confide in us. We understand now what Twilight Sparkle means to our sister. We simply know what it’s like to be trapped. It’s not a good feeling, and it can leave one with terrible scars. We will help you, however we can.”

“Thank you, Luna,” I said, smiling slowly. “I do feel better talking about it.”

“Come,” she said, getting up. “Let us get you some air.”

We climbed off of the bed, and Luna led me out to a balcony. I looked up and saw the night sky in all its glory. The stars were glistening like a million tiny diamonds on the midnight blue canvas of the sky. I looked over and noticed Luna was simply looking at me.

“It’s a beautiful night,” I said, smiling at her warmly.

“It is,” she replied, but then she lowered her eyes to her hooves. “It's a shame nopony cares for it.”

“Are you kidding me?” I asked, looking back up at the stars. “On a night like this, Twilight would probably drag me out for star gazing. Then we’d just sleep together in the moonlight."

“We never realized our night could be so,” she paused for the right word, “romantic.”

“It is,” I replied. “Did you make all those stars?”

“No,” She said, with a slight chuckle. “They were already there when we were born. We are unsure of who put them there first. We simply rearrange what is there, to make it more beautiful.”

“So, you made constellations?” I asked.

“Indeed.” She pointed with her hoof at Orion’s belt “Named after a pony Tia had a crush on about fourteen centuries ago. He was always so proud of that belt of his; we put it in the sky to commemorate him.”

She gestured to Taurus. “Named after a pet we owned at the menagerie, about twelve thousand years ago. Tia never liked bulls so we made that red star Aldebaran to give it a rather ferocious appearance.”

“Sounds like you put a lot of thought into each one,” I said, looking up at her work.

“It’s nice to know somepony appreciates what we have done.” Luna smiled. “We only wish more ponies cared for our night like you and Twilight Sparkle.”

“I should probably get back to Ponyville” I said, with a sigh. “It was a pleasure talking with you, Luna.”

“The pleasure is ours,” She replied smiling at me, but then her eyes fell on my open trench coat. Nocturne’s diary was sticking out. “Pray tell, did you find anything out about Nocturne in that diary?”

“Nothing I think you wouldn’t already know about” I answered, shrugging, “but maybe it’ll work better if you write in it.” I levitated out the diary, passing it to Luna.

Luna’s magic reached for a quill and ink and she began writing in the diary. “We are Princess Luna…”

I looked over her shoulder as Nocturne answered:

Hello Luna, I am Nocturne.

Luna smiled with glee at me, and kept writing “Is that really you, Nocturne?”

I’m afraid not, Princess, I am merely a memory of him.

“Then tell me,” she wrote down, "is Nocturne still alive?”

Slowly the word formed…


Luna’s eyes looked confused “We do not understand, he drank of our blood when we were Nightmare Moon.”

“You don’t remember much of what happened when you were Nightmare Moon,” I pointed out. “It took me a while to remember what I did to Twilight, maybe Nocturne knows what happened.”

Slowly words formed on the diary.

Let me show you the last part of the tale…

Light enveloped both me and Princess Luna.

Here we go again…


Nightmare Moon was standing, surrounded by five strange ponies. Each bore an Element of Harmony. One bearing the Element of Loyalty, a pink pony with a blue mane was glaring at Nightmare Moon. “This is as far as thou goest!”

“How didst thou find us?” Nightmare Moon asked, looking around at the five ponies surrounding her.

A white Pegasus with a blond curly mane spoke almost scarily like Pinkie Pie, “'Twas easy silly. That nice Lunar Stallion told us where thou wast hiding.”

An earth pony bearing the element of Honesty and also a striking resemblance to Applejack face hoofed. “Surprise, thou art not supposed to gloat! ’Tis the villains job!”

A turquoise pony with a rather refined tone that reminded me of Rarity spoke up, “Tis no matter, Applejack. Tis only important that we hast captured the monster!”

Applejack? No way!

An earth pony that looked almost exactly like Fluttershy looked up at Nightmare Moon. “Um, if thou dost not stop hurting ponies, we wiliest, um…”

The pink pegasus from before rolled her eyes. “Posy, for once in thine life try to act brave whilst we vanquish this villain.”

Nightmare Moon laughed. “Celestia sends this to stop us? We must say thou art all quite amusing, but we must ask, who spookiest of our location?”

My host moved from the shadows “I didst…”

“Nocturne?” Nightmare Moon said, looking at my host in disbelief. “Thou told them where we wast?”

“I didst,” Nocturne said, with a slow nod. “I told them and thy sister, so that they couldst stop thee.”

“Our sister?! Nightmare Moon asked, in absolute shock.

Just then Celestia descended from a skylight with a pony on her back. She was a pink color with a white mane and a violet strip running through it. On the unicorn’s head was the Element of Magic.

She hopped off Celestia’s back and glared at Nightmare Moon. “Thy days of evil art over, Nightmare Moon!”

Celestia glared at Nightmare Moon. “Thou art surrounded, and out classed, Nightmare Moon. ’Tis no way thou canst escape.”

“Thou thinkest thou canst stop our eternal night?” Nightmare Moon gloated. “With a bunch of mares that hast never even touched the Elements of Harmony before?”

“Thou underestimates just how much power these mares hast,” Celestia said, firmly. "We shalt give thee one chance to surrender.”

Nightmare Moon glared at Nocturne. “Thou wouldst betray us, Nocturne? Thou wouldst betray the pony thou loved?”

“You are not Luna…” Nocturne replied, sadly.

Nightmare Moon’s reptilian eye dilated in shock.

“Everypony now!” The Element of Magic shouted, her element glowed brightly and fired a beam at Nightmare Moon

“Right behind thee, Twilight!” The pink pegasus shouted as her element activated.

“Tis going to be fun!” Surprise exclaimed, with absolute glee.

“I’m not sure if thou wouldst call this fun,” Posy said, as her element activated.

“Just put all thine hearts into it!” Retro Applejack cried as hers activated.

The refined speaking unicorn glared at Nightmare Moon “Thy time is up, monster,” she shouted, as her element activated.

The elements concentrated on Celestia’s horn and it shone bright as the sun “For thy crimes against Equestria, We hereby banish thee to the moon for one thousand years!”

A blast of rainbow light fired from Celestia’s horn and hit Nightmare Moon square in the chest. My host looked away as the light grew brighter.

Suddenly Nightmare Moon shot through the skylight and towards the moon, where she would remain for a thousand years…

Nocturne bowed his head but looked up when Retro Twilight approached him. “Thank thee. Twas not easy for thee to tellest us where she wast.”

“Why didst thou tellest?” Firefly asked. “I thought thou loved her.”

“I didst” Nocturne replied, sadly.

Celestia walked to Nocturne. “Thou hast done an honorable but painful thing. We shalt not ask anymore of thee Nocturne; thou hast done all we couldst possibly ask of thee.”

“I, needst some time, Princess.” Nocturne said, staring miserably down at his hooves.

“Come subjects, he needst some time alone.”

The retro mane six followed Celestia out, all except Firefly, who stopped and put a hoof on Nocturne’s shoulder “Just remember thou didst the right thing, if thou didst not nopony would’ve been able to stop her.”

He smiled at the pink Pegasus. “Thank thee, Firefly. May thy descendants always be as honorable as thou art.”

“Or they shouldst be as awesome as me” Firefly said, smiling.

“Awesome?” Nocturne asked, with a raised eyebrow.

“Tis a new phrase I’m trying to catch on.” Firefly said with a shrug, as she flew off.

The scene faded as Nocturne looked up at the moon. It now had craters in the shape of the Mare in the Moon, the same shape it would have for a thousand years.


Nocturne was lying on a field. It was night out and he was just staring up at the moon, I noticed he was no longer wearing any armor.

He turned as a Marigold landed not too far away “Nocturne, thou hast been up here for a long time. Almost a week in fact”

“I appreciate thy concern, Marigold,” Nocturne replied half-heartedly.

“Tis not helping thee cope with the sorrow in thine heart,” Marigold said, as she sat down beside Nocturne “Her cult hast been dismantled, her night tis over.”

“But she’s gone” Nocturne said coldly “What matters now?”

“Nocturne,” Marigold said, looking at him.

“Why dost thou care?” Nocturne shouted at the white pegasus.

“I care because,” Marigold looked down suddenly, not finishing her sentence.

“Speakest! Why dost thou care! What couldst possibly bring thee out here when everypony else ist out celebrating Luna being gone for a thousand years?”

Suddenly Marigold pressed her lips to Nocturne’s. The former lunar stallion was caught off guard by this sudden display of affection. Then she slowly pulled away and looked down in shame.

“Forgive me, I simply canst not stand to see thou suffer,” she said, staring at the ground.

“Marigold,” Nocturne said, blinking his brown eyes.

“Thou art always putting thine self on the line for others,” Marigold said, bringing her eyes up to meet Nocturne's. “Thou defended me when others hast turned away. Thou art gallant, and strong! I just can’t stand to see thou suffering alone! I love thee, Nocturne!”

Nocturne just held Marigold's gaze. I could tell he was going over every scenario in his head since he first met her. Searching for all the signs he'd clearly missed, all those times when she seemed to speak in half meaning sentences. All those times when she seemed to want more out of her friendship with him.

I can relate.

Slowly, Nocturne met Marigold’s lips with his own. The white Pegasus’ wings spread as the kiss grew deeper.

The scene faded…


I opened my eyes, and saw Luna was looking on in absolute shock. “Nocturne betrayed us?”

“Luna?” I said, looking at her. “You saw?”

“Saw our love run into the arms of another?” Luna shouted, her voice filled with fury. “Saw him betray us to our sister when we needed him the most! Saw he didn’t accept our offer of immortality, when it meant we could be together forever? Yes, we indeed saw!”

“Luna…” Then I noticed a faint blue mist seeping from my clothing. It moved towards Luna as though it were alive. I looked up. “Luna! The mist!”

She ignored me. “You think you can hide from us Nocturne?” she shouted to the night sky. “You are in the Everfree Forest like Private Eye said! We will hunt you down and destroy you!!”

She suddenly flew off into the night, towards the Everfree Forest.

I tried shouting back to her but no such luck. She moved with such speed that she was long out of earshot. That and I don’t think she would have listened me, anyway.

I looked down for the blue mist, but it was gone. If the Miasma wasn’t on me…

Then it was on Luna…