• Published 24th Oct 2012
  • 4,194 Views, 158 Comments

Equestria Noir Case 13 "Blue Moon" - Jacoboby1

A murder mystery starring Luna and tells of the circumstances surrounding her banishment

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Chapter 4 "Lust"

Chapter 4


The scene flashed again and I found myself with my ear pressed against a door. I could tell I was still Nocturne. I heard a regal voice speaking on the other side of the door.

“Luna, tis not like thee," the voice said, trying to sound gentle. “Thou hast had the moon up for so long, 'tis been night for at least a day.”

“What art thou saying, sister?” I recognized Luna’s voice speaking, although there was a noticeable edge to it. “That we dost purposefully keep the moon up?”

“We art not accusing thee,” I figured this had to be Celestia speaking. “We wishest only for thou to speakest to us, if not as thy fellow ruler, than as thy sister and friend.”

“When hast thou ever been our friend? “ Luna asked, in a sinister tone. “Thou just wantest everypony to worship thee during thy precious day.”

“Luna, thou art being unfair," Celestia said, pleadingly.

“Tis not fair,” Luna said, stamping her hoof. “Thy subjects sleep and doest horrible acts during our night, but during thy day everypony are happy and joyous. Thou just wantest us to lower the moon so it canst continue!”

“Luna!” Celestia exclaimed, with obvious shock.

“Good night, sister!”

My host had the good sense to hide behind a potted plant to keep from being trampled by Luna, as she stormed out of the room. Nocturne watched as Luna stomped away. Just then Celestia came out; her mane was pink as opposed to her tricolored mane in modern times. Like Luna, she too wore more jewelry than her modern counterpart.

She looked over with her violet eyes to where Nocturne was hiding. “We knowest thou art hiding there, child of the night.”

Nocturne walked out and bowed his head before the princess “Forgive me, M'lady, I heardest the shouting and felt compelled to investigate.”

“Always so inquisitive, Nocturne,” Celestia said, with a bemused smile. “Thy curious attitude couldst get thee in trouble, one day.”

“I only wishest to make sure Lu-, I mean, Her Highness, ist all right” Nocturne said, a faint blush coloring his cheeks.

“We too worry for our sister,” Celestia said, closing her eye in thought. “Perhaps she shouldst speak with thee”

“I am but a humble servant, M'lady!” the Lunar Stallion exclaimed, way too fast.

“Dost thou thinkest us blind, child?” Celestia asked, smiling. “We art well aware of thine relationship with our sister.”

Nocturne turned as red as a tomato. Celestia certainly didn’t mince words. “If thou disapprove…” Nocturne said, his ears flattening.

“Far from it,” Celestia said, lowering her head so she was level with Nocturne. “We believe 'tis sweet that Luna hast found a pony to share her troubles, and joys with.”

“I am glad to hearest that, M'lady,” Nocturne said, sighing in relief.

“Though, art thou aware of what thou art taking on, by being Luna’s lover?” Celestia asked, with concern.

“Couldst thou elaborate, M'lady?” my host asked, tilting his head in confusion.

“We art immortal,” Celestia replied, in a somber tone. “Thou art not the first stallion she’s been drawn to. We wantest to be sure thou art ready for when she dost outlive you…”

“Thou art saying she wilt be there for the rest of my life,” Nocturne said, in slow realization, “but I wilt not for all of hers.”

“We art sorry to break this truth to thee,” Celestia said, with compassion. “We simply wishest for thou to realize it sooner, rather than later.”

Nocturne got quiet for a while. I felt a vast amount of emotion coming from him, anger, guilt, even a little sorrow, all leaving the Lunar Stallion in a sorry state. He opened his now yellow eyes and looked at Princess Celestia directly. “I wilt consider this, M'lady, but I shalt not deny Luna the comfort she needeth right now.”

Celestia smiled and walked off, her expression unreadable.

The scene flashed again…


Nocturne was walking down the halls of Canterlot Castle when his ears perked up. He thought he heard a cry come from a nearby corridor. My host broke into a run and came upon a most disturbing scene.

The Lunar Stallion, Nightwind, had Marigold pinned to the ground. His eyes were not yellow, but instead were blood red. Marigold let out a muffled scream as Nightwind pressed his hoof to her mouth.

“I wilt take what I desire of thee…” Nightwind said, in a disgustingly sick tone.

Nocturne leaped out from the shadows and tackled Nightwind. The two stallions tussled a little before Nocturne managed to sink his piranha like fangs into Nightwind’s leg. Nightwind let out a screech of pain, and leapt backward. Nocturne growled low as he stood protectively in front of the white pegasus.

“Thou wouldst defile Marigold?” Nocturne roared, outraged. "Hast thou gone mad?”

“Always the goody four hooves, Nocturne," Nightwind hissed, his head low and his fangs bared. “What dost Luna see in thee, anyway?”

“Thou speakest madness,” Nocturne growled, his yellow eyes meeting Nightwind's. “I wilt bring thee before Celestia! She shalt judge thy fate!”

Nocturne leaped towards Nightwind but suddenly a bright flash occurred, and the Lunar Stallion was gone. Nocturne growled in annoyance. “Hiding behind glamor spells, I see! Fine! Run like the coward thou art!”


My host turned around to see Marigold looking at him with shining silver eyes. “Thou hast saved my life, and my honor.”

“Tis nothing, Marigold,” Nocturne said, with a small smile. “I wouldst doest the same for anypony.”

“Thou art so brave,” Marigold said, looking down. I could see a faint blush come to her cheeks. She stepped closer to the Lunar Stallion and met his yellow eyes with her own silver ones. “Forgive me…”

“For wha-“ Nocturne was cut off when Marigold planted a kiss on his cheek. Then she flew off at a speed that would make Rainbow Dash proud.

Nocturne reached up and touched his cheek where he was kissed by the lovely mare “Marigold…”

Well, isn't this an interesting development?

The scene flashed again…


When I came back, Nocturne had just opened the door to Luna’s room. I recognized the basic shape, but a lot of the decorations were different. Then again, things were bound to change in 1000 years.

Nocturne’s eyes, however, were only on the silhouette of the mare behind the curtains of the bed. He tilted his head, and asked, “Luna?”

“Thou hast come, my stallion.” Wait, that voice was defiantly not Luna’s. It sounded too, evil…

Nocturne’s eyes grew wide as none other than Nightmare Moon emerged from behind the curtains. She was as big as Celestia; her coat was as black as a starless night. She was wearing a strange blue armor, including a helm of some sort. Her ethereal mane was similar, but it seemed almost… alive.

Her turquoise reptilian eye looked right at Nocturne. “Doest thou find our appearance suitable, my stallion?”

“What hast happened to thou, Luna?” Nocturne asked, his jaw dropping “Thine body…”

“Tis a change to inspire a more, loyal, response from our subjects.” Her sneer dripped more evil then all of the bastards I’ve jailed, combined.

“The mist,” Nocturne said, slowly. “It hast changed thee."

“We art now a being the subjects will not only worship, but fear,” Nightmare Moon said, smiling evilly. “We plan to create a night that shalt last forever. Soon everypony wilt appreciate the night we’ve worked so hard to create.”

“M'lady,” Nocturne gulped, nervously.

She walked over to him, her ethereal mane seemed to caress Nocturne on the cheek. “Our sister hast made it clear to thee that thou art mortal?”

“How didst thee-“

“We art not blind, nor stupid, Nocturne.” She said, with a smile. “Thou needest not worry about mortality any longer.”

“What dost thou speakest of?”

“We speakest of… our blood,” She replied, holding a leg before him. “ Thou hast only to drink of our blood, then the mist will enter thee as well. It shalt grant thee immortality, too. We canst be together forever, my love.”

Nocturne looked down at the leg that Nightmare Moon was holding before him. His teeth showed as he opened his mouth, then…

The scene faded…


My grey eyes blinked open, I was lying on a couch in Twilight’s house. I looked up and saw she was standing over me, looking concerned. “Are you all right?”

“Yeah, I’m fine,” I said, with a nod. “I activated the diary, and then…”

I went on to explain every tiny detail about what I had witnessed in Nocturne’s memory. Twilight raised an eyebrow when I finished. “It’s odd that he cut you off just as you were about to find out if he founded the cult.”

“I think he might’ve,” I said, deep in thought. “What time is it, anyway?”

“After the diary activated, you kind of passed out,” Twilight explained. “You were out all day, it’s almost seven at night now.”

“Did you find out anything else while I was out?” I asked.

“I did go back to the scene of the crime, but all I found was an odd paper stuck on a tree, and this box here.” She held up a small brown box. “I didn’t open it yet, though.”

I levitated the box with my magic and held it in front of me. It didn’t appear to have any extraordinary markings or anything. Just a simple lock with a crescent moon shape.

“Hold on a sec!” I reached into my coat, and pulled out my lock picking kit. After two whole minutes of picking at it, it finally gave way.

I should’ve kept it closed…

Suddenly, a blue mist came out of the box and entered my nostrils.The force of the mist entering me, knocked me back. Twilight screamed in shock, as I fell to the floor in a heap. I felt, strange…

“Private, are you all right?” Twilight asked, frantically. “Say something!”

She looks so… desirable.

Doesn’t she?


I closed my eyes, and faded into darkness….


When I awoke, it was still dark out. I was back on the couch with a blanket over me, how thoughtful of Twilight.

I got up and shook the blanket off me. Looking over at a nearby clock, I saw it was just past ten p.m.

Twilight should have company.


You know where her room is.

I’ve never actually entered it before….

Time for a change.


I walked up the stairs to where I knew Twilight’s room was. I slowly opened the door and peeked in. Books were tucked everywhere, a telescope looked out towards the beautiful night sky. I heard soft breathing, and saw Twilight asleep on her bed.

Twilight… I walked to her bed and looked at her, so beautiful, so brilliant, and so desirable…

You want her.

I do…

How much?

More than anything…

Claim her. Make her yours.

I crawled onto the bed, causing Twilight to stir in her sleep. I nuzzled her neck slowly, Her eyes suddenly shot open, and she looked up at me with confusion. “Private? What are you doing in my room?”

“I got, lonely…” I said, slowly. “I wanted to see you.”

She blushed a little, and smiled “All right, I guess we have been busy lately.”

Too busy…

Far too busy to appreciate you.

Twilight lifted up the covers and I slid under them. I began kissing her tenderly; she let out a small squeak as I ran a hoof along her side.

She broke away from our kiss. “Private, what’s gotten into you?”

“Am I not allowed to give the mare I love what she deserves?” I asked, my voice husky with desire.

“I just wasn’t expecting you to be so,” she paused, searching for the right word, “forward…”

“I just think the time for talk is past,” I said, leering at her. “Let me show you how much I love you…”

“Private, what are you-“ She was cut off when I kissed her again roughly. I pressed my coat to hers and kept the kissing her hard. I wanted her…

Take her. Make her yours…

“Private,” Twilight gasped, breaking away again. “Are you sure you’re okay, you’re acting very strangely.”

“I’m fine," I replied, looking at her hungrily. “In fact, I'm better than ever…”

“You’re being so aggressive,” Twilight said, nervously. “This isn’t at all like normal.”

“Good,” I said, simply, “because when I’m normal, nothing happens.”

“What are you talking about?” Twilight asked, worriedly. “Private, you know I love you.”

Then she should let you act on it.

She looked up at me with those wonderful amethyst eyes. I flipped her over so she was on her belly. “Then let me act on it, Twilight.” I said, climbing on top of her.

“Private, what are you doing?” She looked back at me, incredulously. “I told you I’m not ready!”

She just doesn’t know what she’s missing.

“You just don’t know what you’re missing,” I said, roughly pulling up her tail.

“Private,” she said, sobbing. “Stop! This isn’t…”

“Shh,” I growled softly, in her ear. “You will soon see what I can provide…”

“PREVENTUS PHELPS EYE, GET OFF ME!" Twilight shrieked, as I was hit by a huge blast of magic. It sent me sailing across the room into the far wall. I fell down in a heap, the voice suddenly silent.

Wait, what did I almost do?

I looked up as Twilight stood over me, her face streaked in tears. “Sorry Private,” she said, as her horn glowed again.

As everything faded to black, only one thing crossed my mind…

What have I done?
