• Published 17th Oct 2012
  • 669 Views, 7 Comments

Revolution! - Lightning_Tumble

This is set in the time that Discord ruled all of Equestria, if the pony sisters never took him down

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Start of Something Big

This story takes place in the Discordian times, at looks at what may have happened if the Royal Sisters never overthrew Discord, and what the common ponies of Equestria do to end their terror under the watchful eye of Discord.
Maybe accepting OC’s later in story, maybe not. Rated T for now but rating may change. Enjoy :D

Chapter 2: Start of Something Big

He inched his way forward, afraid of what he might see. He gasped when he saw Lightning Tumble hunched over a table, stacks of propaganda posters scattered haphazardly around the room with several cans of red paint to his right and his history book (opened on the Dragon Revolution page) to his left, on the ground. Chrome sighed in relief when his panic had flushed out of his body. ‘What a relief,’ He thought.

“Lightning? What are you doing down here?” Chrome enquired. Lightning grunted and looked behind him. He smiled and turned around. “Hey Chrome. What’s up?” Lightning said. “Nothing much buddy.” Chrome replied. Lightning turned back to the table and shifted to his right, allowing Chrome some space to inspect his project. Chrome cautiously walked to the table and gasped when he saw what Lightning was planning. Countless balls of paper were thrown to one side while five pieces of paper with notes covering them were in the centre, while the propaganda posters were all either crossed out in red paint or had ‘Revolution!’ on the bottom or across the middle.

“Lightning, what is this?” Chrome asked. Lightning looked at him and chuckled. “Can’t you guess? No? Well let me explain to you my thoughts. Discord has been ruling us for the last, what, hundred years? Two hundred? Anyway, he has been ruling us for a long-ass time and all he’s been doing is wreaking havoc across Equestria. Nopony has even tried to overthrow him before, so not only will he be surprised at the theory that somepony might be plotting to, but he will be completely caught off-guard when I secretly rally up the ponies of Equestria to destroy his rule – excuse me, tyranny. Chrome looked sceptical. “Lightning, how are you going to rally up the ponies of Ponyville? And even if you manage it, how is one town going to overthrow an all-powerful spirit of Chaos?” Chrome asked, very much doubtful of Lightning’s proposition. Lightning chuckled once again. “My my, you are a doubting Tom.” Lightning said. “I’m going to rally up the whole of Equestria, no problem. But I’m going to need some help in doing so. Let’s say I got Ponyville on my side. Then I send out ponies from Ponyville to relay the message up to Cloudsdale, Appleloosa, Las Pegasus, Manehatten and finally Canterlot that the ponies of Equestria will destroy Discord and all of his followers!” Lightning ended with a yell. Chrome’s opinion seemed to be changed. He started to smile and within seconds of silence he too began to write notes on how they might do this.


An hour and a half later, Chrome and Lightning were on the steps of the Town Hall, spreading the word that Discord must be overthrown, and were receiving a lot of reception from the residents of Ponyville. The ponies were becoming more and more pumped for Discord’s tyranny to end, and the crowd grew and grew to the point where almost all of the ponies were there. Chrome Knight managed to get all of the ponies to chant:

Discord your time is through!
No one wants to be ruled by you!

The mayor of Ponyville herself began to chant along with them. Suddenly, a lavender unicorn made her way up on stage. “Ponies of Ponyville! The time is now to overthrow Discord! We must strike him when he is unaware of our rebellious presence! We need 18 ponies from this crowd to pass the message to the other main towns and cities of Equestria! I shall personally travel to Canterlot; Rainbow Dash has volunteered to go to Cloudsdale; Pinkie Pie shall go to Manehatten; Applejack shall go to Appleloosa and Fluttershy will go to Las Pegasus – accompanied by Chrome Knight, for her safety. Who’s with me?” The unicorn yelled. The entire crowd shouted back in confirmation. “Then it’s settled – the ponies of Equestria will overthrow Discord!” Lightning continued. “This is a new age! Long live Lightning Tumble, future ruler of Equestria!” the pony pitched in, followed by the crowd copying the same words.

“Wait, me? Why? I’m no royalty!” Lightning protested. “Because, Lightning Tumble, who else is more capable of ruling Equestria than you? You clearly have the mind for it as well as the charisma to rally ponies up. You would make a perfect ruler; you are just and fair and you know what is right for your fellow ponies.” the unicorn explained. Lightning looked at her with determined eyes. “I’ll do it.” he said. “But you know, you still haven’t told me your name.” he went on to say. “Twilight Sparkle.” she answered. “Well than Twilight, I shall make you my main advisor during this revolution. And Chrome?” Lightning said, turning to his friend, who was looking rather downhearted that he would not be his friend’s advisor. “Yeah, Lightnin’?” he said gloomily. “You will be my right-hand stallion.” Chrome’s face then lit up, and he grinned from ear to ear.

“But we’re gonna have to really work on strategy here everypony!” Lightning shouted, turning his attention back to the crowd. “And we must have complete faith that we can do this!” the crowd cheered. “Long Live the Revolution! Long Live Lightning Tumble!” they chanted. Lightning got an unfamiliar feeling of pride over the ponies gathered.


That night, as Lightning Tumble and Twilight Sparkle stood over a map of Equestria in the library, each with a glass of lemonade courtesy of Twilight’s assistant, Spike the dragon. ‘He may come in handy later,’ Lightning thought. “So Lightning, we have ponies on the way to three of the six main cities of Equestria, while I am to leave tomorrow morning. What is the plan here?” Twilight questioned. “Well, I’m going to get my friend to help make weapons suitable to overcome Discord and his guards. And I’m going to make more plans to attack the castle in Canterlot. I’m going to need your help with that one. If you can try to map the wall and any weak points we might be able to break down on the day of the Revolution. Speaking of which, once we have the other cities on our side, we need to have them all gather here, in Ponyville. After all, we do need to plan everything before we do anything major.” Lightning replied.

“That’s a good idea. And I’ll do my best for mapping the wall around the castle in Canterlot while I’m there.” Twilight said. She then yawned cutely, and Lightning cleared his throat. “Wow, I’m tired. I think I should hit the hay.” Twilight said sleepily. “Yeah, it’s quite late. I should head home. Good-night, Twilight.”

“Good-night, Lightning.” Twilight replied, heading up the stairs.


The next morning, at 6 am, Lightning went over to Twilight’s house to wake her up, as was the agreement. They went through the game-plan once more with a checklist and finally they felt they were ready. “Well, everything checks out all right.” Twilight said cheerfully. “Twilight, why do you have to go? I’ll miss you.” Spike said with a frown. “Don’t worry Spike, I’ll be back before you know it. After all, you’re staying with Lightning, he’ll be like a big brother or something! It’ll be great. Won’t it Lightning?” Twilight replied, nudging Lightning painfully in the ribs. “Uh, yeah! It’ll be like a sleepover I guess!” Lightning said, rubbing his side.

“Fine,” Spike gave in. “But promise you’ll be back soon!” He added. “I promise.” Twilight said. “Well, I best be off.” She announced. “Goodbye guys!” “Goodbye Twilight. Be safe.” Lightning said, grabbing her front leg. “I will.” She said confidently. Lightning let go and watched her leave into the sunset.

“Bye Twilight! See you soon!” Spike called.

“Bye Twilight.” Lightning said.


PHEW! That was a pain to write! All that writer’s block, yikes! Anyway, I WILL be accepting an OC, for Lightning’s other friend. A blacksmith. I hope I can find one because I did say I’d be getting one and I don’t want my story to have just 2 OC’s. Also did I hint a little bit of LightningxTwilight there? :3
Nah. Seeya next week!

*EDIT: Sorry chapter 3 is taking so long, but I'm a lazy shit. So chapter 3 is in the making (thank Celestia) but it may be another week.

Comments ( 3 )

You need to stretch this out!:pinkiehappy: I find that that happened a bit quickly, I love the idea, you NEED to have this become a huge adventure! I think you should sit down and just write horible plot-twists that pop into your head, then chose 3 of them, and fit them in!

Profit :trollestia:

Taking all comments into consideration guys! Any OC's? :pinkiesmile:

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