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A massive headache, ooo a pie

I slowly open my eyes and realize I'm on a bed. I tried to get out the bed but I couldn't because my head was assaulted by a headache. I rubbed my head with my hoof. "Ah my heeead, ohhh why does it hurt so much?"

I said out loud. "Oh your awake!" A voice said. I looked over the bed to see a... you know what I'm in to much pain for this bullshit.

A purple and green body appears on the side of the bed I currently reside in. Said body has a purple head and main body and tail also having a green underbelly and spikes that went to his head all the way to his tail. It also had green eyes, and lastly...weird green fin like thingies. "Who and what are you?" I said while still rubbing my head trying to make the pain go away.

The creature puff its chest and said "My name is Spike the dragon!" Dragon? I looked at at this so called Spike and...well I could kinda see him as a dragon. He then passed me a glass of water.

Wonder how he got that? Anyways I gulped all the water in seconds. Barely drinking water for two weeks made me more thirsty than I thought. "Wow you where really thirsty. Want me to get you more water?"

"Yes please." I said to Spike, it seems like the water was helping me fight the headache. Spike went downstairs to get me more water. But how did I get here?

Think Anon think what happened? Ohhh I remember that Rarity bitch hit me on the back of my head. No wonder why I have a massive headache. My stomach made stomach noise.

I was Hangry. Hungry and angry combined. My headache got a lot better so I again tried to get off the bed. My back legs made contact to the floor.

It was like a bolt of lightning that hit my nervous system. I fell on the floor screaming in pain. Spike quickly came back upstairs. "What happened, are you ok!"

"No, no I am not ok Spike!" I said holding my back legs with my hooves. "My legs hurt so much!" Spike helped me get back on the bed.

After spike helped me get back on the bed he gave me another glass of water. I drank the water. "Hey Spike can you catch me a pie?" "What?" Spike asked confused.

"You know the pies that are outside, floating." "Uhh, I don't think that's the thing you should be concerned about." "Spike my boi, look at my ribs...you can see them." Spike eyes grew wide, to the size of plates.

Why was he surprised, did he not see my ribs? And how did I get here in the first place?!?! Did he bring me here, but I didn't see him near the situation. And how did he not notice my ribs when he was dragging me.

So many questions so many that were left unanswered. This amount of thinking caused my headache to come back full swing. I looked back up to see Spike running down the stairs talking about he was going to make food for me. But I didn't really care.

I looked out the window to see a pie floating by. I got off the bed ignoring the pain. I walked to the window then open said window to catch the pies floating by. "Gotcha."

I said as I caught the pie. I brought the pie inside the house, or tree? I couldn't tell because of the inside. I tossed the pie on the bed and walked to the bed.

I got back on the bed and looked at the pie. My mouth was watering at this point. I was imagining what it would taste like. If the chocolate milk surpassed the apples then what could this be like?

I grabbed the pie out of the pan and shove it in my mouth. I swallowed...Holy Shit...It was mediocre. I was kinda disappointed I mean the chocolate milk was very good. Ohh the cotton candy clouds didn't get those yet.

I mean the pie though it was like the disappointment of the family that was produced by this chaos. Kinda sad really. Suddenly, without your knowledge you started to float. I mean come on really how did someone mess this up that badly? Like the new Kung fu panda movie!

I mean even though I didn't watch it but I heard it was ass. 'And al- wait why am I floating?' I thought as I started to float to the ceiling. Somehow I went through the ceiling and went out the tree.

I breathe in. "AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Holy shit holy shit holy shit! How did this happen why is this happening?!

My heart is racing. I looked around to see what I could get ahold of so I could try to stay as close to the ground as possible. I tried to get ahold of some branches but they broke. "Shit!"

I dropped the stick and tried to swim down. Results, unaffected. Thankfully I stopped... somehow? I looked around and saw that I was around like an invisible barrier stopping me from getting higher.

I was still as... well I guess a stick? I then slowly got back to standing. Wait my legs don't hurt anymore... had to been the pie. 'Also dang I'm standing on basically nothing...upside-down!' Well from what happened today am barely even surprised.

That's when I spotted my 3rd to last goal of the day. I saw a the cotton candy cloud that I was so looking forward to devour. I walked to the cloud while still being upside down.

I went out to grab it, but it was out of reach. "Dammit, so close too." I then walked underneath the cloud and jumped a tiny bit. I reached out on of my hooves to get ahold on it and. Success, mission accomplished.

It then turned night because why the hell not?I brought the cloud down...up to me so it be easier for me to eat it. I tried to bring my hoof back to my mouth but it was stuck.

And for some reason the cloud could or didn't want to move anymore...because fuck me. So I then brought my mouth to the cloud and *CHOMP!* I took a massive bite out of the cloud. The taste...was...amazing I couldn't even describe the it!

Then the sun went back to its original place. Even the sun thought that the cloud was good. I wanted to take another bite but I decided to save it for later.

I decided to take it take to my cave, as I was walking away I forgot that the cloud didn't want to move anymore like it had a mind of its own or something. I pulled my hoof harder, didn't move. I then walked away from the cloud as far as possible to get away from said cloud. But the cloud kept bringing me back.

This happened for five to maybe ten minutes. At this point I walked at least 40 feet away. "Come on... just a bit...further." I said while gripping the invisible barrier. I then heard a popping noise.

I looked behind me and saw that the cloud disappeared. "Fuuuuuuuuu-." I then was sent flying at top speeds. I didn't even scream I was to tired. After like two or three minutes of flying I saw something that I may never forget until I die.

There was a hot air balloon, said air balloon had a orange pony with a cowboy hat and a lasso in her mouth...which was tied around a speeding pony who was flying away. The pony who was trying to fly away had another rope tied around her which had purple... wait a damm minute that's fucking Rarity!!!

Finally there was a purple pony with a horn that had a very familiar face...hold the fuck on these are the same ponies who where at the tree but they all had colors now? And the one being chased was grey but she wasn't there.

Okay what the actual FUCK is going on. Wait and why am I speeding over to the... oh shit ama hit the hot air balloon. As if it was on que my head collided with the air balloon "woah!" "Ahhhh!" "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!" "Hold on girls!"

I heard so many voices but it didn't matter we were all going down. All I saw is that the grey pony got free from her ropes and flew off. That's the last thing I saw before I was surrounded by darkness.

Author's Note:

Hey this was made on the 22 so yeah...I kinda had stuff to do so the next chapter might come out on the 24 or 25 sry