• Published 24th Mar 2024
  • 741 Views, 41 Comments

Can you fix the broken? - Odes

For a thousand years, Princess Celestia has waited for her sister's return. Now that she is back, she can't help but be overprotective of her sister. For one, she wants to fix past mistakes and two, there is something unknown wrong with Luna.

  • ...

5: The Moon Rises, The Night Falls

Celestia’s P.O.V

Celestia…did not know how to feel about the current situation. The meeting with Cadance went better than expected, sure, but she couldn't help but feel as if it was short. That despite the dump of information onto Cadance, it wasn't enough. Cadance needed more time to learn, and Celestia needed more time to calm herself and adjust to everything.

After Cadance teleported out of the room, the 2 Alicorns and one unicorn simply remained there in silence. She could tell that Twilight wanted to speak but simply was afraid to do so. Oh, how she wanted to grant her permission on her own but she didn't want to risk upsetting Luna. She still needs to talk to Twilight about it properly, perhaps even involve her brother so he can help her convince Twilight that it's a bad idea.

Speaking of Luna, Celestia thought back to what her sister said about the reason for her banishment. Was it that obvious that she was terrified? How did Luna feel about that? Knowing that her sister was scared of her to the point of banishing her as she did? Did she spend 1000 years alone on the moon, her last memory being Celestia’s terrified expression? That thought… terrified her to no end. That is, without even mentioning the part where she said that she doesn't even know why they fought! What could she mean by that?! Sure they argued 10 minutes before she became Nightmare Moon but she still wanted to bring forth eternal night!

She honestly couldn't know why she seemed to be upset about not being Nightmare Moon anymore. Earlier her student mentioned it as if it was a loss, which was utterly ridiculous! How could losing a piled-up mess of negative emotions hurt her or make her feel bad? Sure it didn't happen in the way she wanted it to but the desired effects of getting rid of it were done.

For the longest time, she thought her sister was possessed by something in her moment of weakness. It turned out that her sister was holding back so many emotions that she personified it as a living entity inside h
Ber! Sure, it was heard of before and she brought it up on one occasion but Celestia did every test she could to confirm and it all came out negative. She didn't like the implication that her sister went literally mad with grief and sadness but it was the closest thing to the truth. Oh how she regretted not being there for her little sister, how she regretted letting said emotions fester within her and drive her sweet sister into what she did.

It didn't matter how much she regretted it though, what happened had happened and she could only help her sister heal from it. She doesn't hate her, she knows that, if Luna hated her then she wouldn't have leaned into her before or even called her Tia after the blast. She was still a point of comfort to Luna (why did that hurt?) and she'll hope to deliver this time.

Yet it still confused Celestia. She should be happy and brimming with Joy over her sister’s return yet she's not. Celestia, if anything is more nervous and afraid than happy, afraid that she might say something wrong or do something that upsets her sister. She hated that. Why could she not enjoy having her sister back? Why did her fears have to ruin moments of joy?

And then there is the problem of appeasing her sister. She wants her to be satisfied, she wants her to be happy so she doesn't feel like nothing has changed, so she doesn't feel that neither she nor her nights are hated. But she's also afraid that in her pursuit of pleasing her sister, she'll turn a blind eye and hurt another pony. As much as she loves her sister, she doesn't want to hurt others while trying to repent for her own sins.

She had to make this right, she had to do everything well. She had so many plans before yet they all crumbled to dust as soon as she laid eyes on Luna…she had to plan on how to make it right, she had to find a way to fix their relationship. She has to get her sister, her family, and her first and oldest friend back.

She, unfortunately, didn't get to plan how to do so as their moment of (admittedly awkward) silence was interrupted by none other than Luna herself. “Now that has been dealt with, we shall address another matter. As I said before, today I will raise the moon and bring forth the night as I have done over a thousand years ago. It will be my introduction to the public and the proper night...if it can be that anymore.” Celestia couldn't help but flinch at that.

“Are you sure sister? You returned only yesterday, can your magic handle bring forth the night?” Celestia asked worriedly. Sure, she knew Luna could move the moon. That much was apparent when the moon disappeared, but now she has let out an uncontrolled burst of magic and hasn't rested properly since her return.

“It can,” Luna said in a harsh tone of finality. “We would also like to speak to you in private, sister. Therefore Twilight Sparkle, leave us and wait outside until I call you back.”

Poor Twilight didn't get a chance to do anything but nod before Luna presumably teleported her to the outside of the room. Slightly confused by the haste, and now feeling awkward and scared due to being alone with her sister, Celestia simply turned towards Luna with a small awkward smile on her face. “What would you like to talk about Sist-”

“Luna is fine in public but when alone address me by my full name Celestia.” Luna was quick to interrupt her, in one second all warmth was gone from her sister’s voice and she just stared at her with contempt. What just happened? Why did she say that? And most of all, did it have to hurt so much? Did she do something wrong?

“L-Luna I do-” a cough with a slight narrowing of the eyes “Lunariana why? Did I do something wrong? Y-You never told me to call you that before, what's wrong is-...Lunariana?” Celestia cursed herself as she couldn't keep her fear and worry out of her voice. She sounded like a filly who was told that she wouldn't get a gift at Hearth's warming. Yet, it all took a back seat as Luna glared at her with what felt like pure hatred. But it can't be that! No, it had to be something else and her fear was making her see things.

“Plenty is wrong Celestia, we- I am over my initial shock of return. I mostly reacted to what was happening at the moment and ignored anything else. I believe it is time for us to have a proper talk Sister,just…what was going on? Weren't things going well?

“L-Lunariana…what is going on? I thought that we had a good start. What is causing this? I repeat, did I do something wrong? Please be clear with me!” Celestia was doing her best to not sound like she was pleading…obviously, she was failing miserably.

“Celestia, we have merely returned from a thousand years of banishment and nearly got killed on the same night by your very student. The issues of the present or the past are not dealt with. I would like you to detail to me what you think might be wrong.”

“No, No, NO! You'll tell me why you don't want me to call you Sister or Luna anymore! Then we can deal with everything else!” Celestia knew that her desperation was abundantly clear but she did not care at the moment, how could she do anything but not care? They were sisters, they are sisters, and now Luna is not even allowing her to call her that? Something was seriously wrong here.

“The answer to that is simple. We ended things with a serious argument a thousand years ago and now there is a thousand-year gap between us, not only do I consider our relationship sour at best, but it needs to be addressed that neither of us is the same pony we were a millennia ago. That is also without mentioning other subjects.”

“What other subjects? And can't we just let the past be the past? Lunariana, I've regretted everything I've done to you long ago, I shouldn't have said what I said or even considered any of it and doubted you, I spent the better half of a thousand years trying to fix my mistakes. Please, give me a chance, I've changed, I want us to be like what we were before, back when we were little fillies” Celestia had to hold her emotions, she didn't want to start crying or yelling. She had to give Luna a semblance of what she could be.

“Admirable efforts I will assume but none that I care about at the moment. How can I when I have yet to see any fruit of such efforts? Now, I want to ask what happened to my squadron, my thestrals. What has become of them in my absence?” Luna asked accusingly and coldly, did…did she just shrug off everything she said? Celestia felt an ache in her chest. She hoped that it wouldn't last for long.

“The…Thestrals retreated away from society after your…leave. They secluded themselves in cave systems and a single forest. We tried, I tried to contact them again but they refused. Not that I can blame them. If…if it would please you then mayhaps we can go there one night?”

Luna did not respond for a while. She sat there and stared at the table with a thoughtful expression, Celestia did not know what was on her sister's mind but she hoped it was- NO, No. She will trust her sister, she will not make the same mistake twice.

“Speaking of the night,” Luna suddenly said, breaking the train of thought Celestia had, to which she was grateful. Yet, she still felt a pang in her heart as Luna dismissed what she said once again. “As we said multiple times today we will be the ones to raise the Moon and bring forth the night. I know I insisted on repeating this statement but I want to make it final,” Silence again as Luna's expression turned from thoughtful to sombre. “I'll do it the same way I did when I earned my mark. Perhaps then you'll see the extent of the folly you have done, of what you made the elements do, and their new bearers.”

“What folly? What are you talking about now?”

“The perishing of Nightmare Moon. I- No, we thought that you changed when you accepted us as one, albeit wrong it was also close. Not only have you spread lies of what my dearest is…was but you have also shown not even the slightest hint of remorse. Perhaps seeing the night without her will show you. In all honesty, I am disappointed and it seems that your day is as well.”

What? What the buck was her sister talking about now? The night without her? Was Luna expecting her to feel sorry for destroying the very being that caused her to be banished? And what was that about her day being disappointed?

“Sister, have you gone mad? The being you became as Nightmare Moon is what caused you to be banished in the first place!” Celestia froze as she realized what she said. No, no, no, no…she can't be like that again, she can't. She won't. “Lunariana I'm sorry I didn't me-”

No, that was your fear and distrust of me! Don't you DARE blame her Celestia! How many times will it have to be said for you to realize that I did not become Nightmare Moon?! She was there from the beginning, she came to be the day I became an Alicorn!”

“Sist-” a weak blast interrupted her. Celestia easily deflected it but the message was clear. Lunariana, what are you speaking of now? Is her influence returning? I saw you change right before my eyes. If she was good then the elements wouldn't have gotten rid of her.”

“Oh? So the elements are what dictates what is good or bad? She's a person! The elements didn't kill her in the traditional way but what they did is an act that violates our very realm!...sigh. I don't expect you to understand Celestia, you had a thousand years to do so and figure out the truth, and yet you didn't. Let's get back to business shall we?”

She wanted to yell out no, she wanted to have Luna explain everything, why was she treating her like a foal? Did she hold her in such low regard? Did she not trust her? Seriously, this was not a way to treat fami-....oh.

The ache in her heart turned into pain akin to being stabbed with a knife filled with thorns. Her withers sagged as gave up and nodded, she couldn't lift her head to face her sister.

“Good. Now, I will go on a slight tour for the first week. It will provide a chance for me to see the changes across the world first hoof and also get our subjects more acquainted with me. Twilight, as my servant will accompany me. Now I believe it is time for you to talk to our subjects and announce my event and introduction. Any last words before I take my leave?”

Celestia had to pause at that, she had so many things she wanted to say and ask, from apologies to demands of truth. She took a deep breath to calm herself before lifting her head, but her eyes still did not meet that of her sister. “Will you give me a chance to fix this?” Celestia did not see her sister’s reaction, frankly, She didn't want to. She just allowed her anxiety to overtake her body and mind as she fidgeted in her seat while waiting for an answer.

The pause was deafening, it held a thousand promises of rejection and a thousand more of hate and disdain. She did not wish it to be the case, but Celestia’s mind refused to drift away from such thoughts.

“I'll think about it. You must understand that I don't know what to feel about you yet. One moment I wish to tear you apart and have you out of my life, and the other I wish that it was all a dream of sorts and that I'll wake up as a filly again and all of this has never happened. Give me time to consider it. I need it. I need it. I will speak to you about this when I am comfortable enough so don't be insistent.”

Relief flooded into the Sun princess. Sure, it might not be the answer she wished for but it was also not the answer she feared. There was a chance she'd say yes and Celestia would do anything, absolutely ANYTHING to get her sister to say yes. But for now, she'll give her the time and space she needs.

She lifted her eyes and looked at her sister with a weak smile “Thank you Lunariana, I hope you find it in your heart to allow me to call you by your other names. I wish you a good day princess, I'll get things prepared.”

Celestia took a deep breath as she turned around and started heading towards the door, she felt too exhausted to even think about teleporting.

“Wait.” Celestia froze. It was not a call, it was not a question. It was more of an order that she was more than inclined to follow. She turned around with a confused expression on her face.

“Since you are already here.” a brief pause as if she was thinking about what to say. “You might as well tell me of the current political station of Equestria with the neighbouring nations, and the inner politics. After we are done with that, I'd like to talk about setting up my own private quarters as well. Then you can leave and do as you wish with the rest of your day.”

Celestia blinked, confused then a warm smile graced her face. The Solar princess felt the warmth of her own Sun inside her chest as she headed towards Luna and they began to speak. It was all about business of course but…it was more than enough to calm the princess of the sun and bring joy to her heart.

Twilight's P.O.V

Twilight was pacing nervously in the corridor. She didn't know what to expect or what might happen. She wants to help Luna and make up for what she did but she also feels so scared and utterly terrified of the moon princess. It's clear as day that the moon princess doesn't like her, you have her behaviour at the meeting as proof. Twilight couldn't blame her though, honestly considering everything, she was lucky to be alive at the moment.

But that's the thing, at the moment. She had no idea what might happen next, maybe she'd do something wrong and the princess would hurt her or worse, hurt her new friends simply as a warning. Twilight was slightly okay with getting hurt herself but others getting hurt because of her? Oh buck no, she'll never be able to live with herself if that happened.

Oh, how she wished Shining or Spike were here. She wondered if she could tell a guard to call Shining over or something…but what if he gets mad at Luna for making her a servant? Faust knows how protective her brother is. No, she can't risk him doing something foolish. Okay, back to square one which is pacing and panicking.

Twilight's ears suddenly perked up as she heard the familiar sound of feet on the floor. Not hooves, feet. That of course, meant only one thing, Spike was here.

With excitement and relief, she jumped from her spot and ran towards the source of the sound, completely forgetting about Luna's orders to wait outside.

It didn't take long for the young mare to be close enough to spot the object (well dragon) of her attention and before he could even blink, Spike the tiny dragon found himself tackled and enveloped in a tight hug by Twilight. All the poor young drake could let out was a surprised (yet excited) ‘Woah!’

“Oh Spike, Spike! I missed you so much! So much has happened since last night and I was so worried and taken up in initthatididntevennoticethatyouwerentwithme!” Twilight's speech accelerated to the point that it would have been gibberish to anyone, anyone except her number one assistant of course.

“Hey hey calm down Twilight! The girls already told me about what happened, how come you left so suddenly though? The girls were panicking when they just appeared in Ponyville to the point that I had to calm them down, me! You should have seen the bone-crushing hug Fluttershy gave me! However it did end up with ~Rarity~” he almost sang her name out “ checking that I was okay, which of course I was! But anyway, everything is alright though right? Where were you by the way?” Oh, how sweet the news he gave her. Spike might not know it, but he told Twilight almost exactly what she wanted to know.

The girls were back in their town and they were safe (thank Faust for that) and they were worried about her! A pony that they just met today and almost resulted in their deaths (more than once) and almost had them executed thanks to involvement…okay maybe it was for the better that they did not know that.

Most importantly though, Spike was happy, he wasn't afraid, concerned thanks to her current behaviour, yes, but he was not scared like he was back at Ponyville.

“Yes, Spike. Everything is alright, it's just that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are having a meeting and I was waiting outside until I heard your steps,” she said with a soft smile before realization sunk in.

Without warning, Twilight wrapped Spike in her magic as she picked him up and ran back towards the meeting room at a speed that would have impressed Rainbow Dash herself. Of course, her running figure was accompanied by a purple floating blur letting out a sound that was a combination of a wee and a woah…perhaps there was an AAAAAHH mixed in there as well, it wasn't clear.

She stopped right in front of the door. Should she have stopped a second too late her face would have been on the other side of the door. Thankfully she was not.

Twilight was panting with a surprised, ecstatic and somehow also worried Spike. “Twilight what was that for? Can we do it again?!” Twilight just thought the conflicting emotions were adorable

Oh right, back to the matter at hoof. “Oh, it's just that the new..well she's not really new but a returnee princess well anyway she ordered me to stay outside while she conversed with Princess Celestia about some private matters and I kinda abandoned my post as soon as I heard your footsteps and I didn't want to anger the princess considering my new job as her servant.”

To his credit, Spike just stared at her with a very confused look before shrugging. Of course, it didn't go without him asking about the obvious but at least he didn't freak out.

“Twilight, what do you mean by your new job as her servant?” Considering his age, Twilight was proud of how calm her little son brother was. He certainly handled it better than she would have personally done. Oh right, to answer his question.

“Oh well….” should she tell him what she did? Would Spike be able to forgive her for what she did? He loved her right?...no, no. She can't risk telling him that, and he's too young to even know about this. “I've…made a mistake that hurt the princess greatly Spike. The princess decided that my punishment was to serve her. Sure, it sounds bad and it will definitely affect my study but at least we still reside in Canterlot! I'll just be the princess's personal attendant so you have nothing to worry about Spike.”

The young (and adorable) Drake frowned a bit before shaking his head and suddenly embracing the lavender unicorn. He didn't say anything for a bit as he just continued the embrace. Twilight simply smiled softly before returning the embrace with one of her forehooves.

“Well, the princess will have 2 attendants then! I'll still be your number-one assistant after all, right?”

Her heart melted as she heard Spike speak. For a moment she forgot all the issues that clouded her mind and just sat down with her faithful assistant. “Of course Spike, you'll always be my number one assistant.”

Soon enough, Spike began to fill her in on what happened in Ponyville after she left. Apparently, the 5 mares she met have kept their silence about the murder cleansing of Nightmare Moon and the new princess. It was a bit surprising but she was thankful nonetheless.

She kinda missed them despite knowing them for only such a short period of time. After all, they are the first people in the world that she might call a friend that isn't Shiny, Cadance, Celestia, or Spike. Huh…well that was depressing now that she thought about it. Did she really deprive herself of such comfort and joy because of her studies?

No, it couldn't have been. She was only doing her job after all, and now she has a new job to learn and focus on. Perhaps she'll catch up later.

Hours passed by with Twilight sitting and speaking with Spike, she only noticed the time of day when the door behind them opened and the 2 princesses emerged.

Of course, she bowed to both of them. She knew it wasn't necessary with her mentor but that wasn't exactly the case with the other princess, Twilight knew she had a lot of work to do to get the princess to even remotely like her.

As she looked up Twilight noticed the Lunar princess staring at Spike, who just gawked at the princess. Honestly, Twilight thought it was adorable but knew it shouldn't go on for too long so she nudged the little purple drake so he could get his bearings back.

“Twilight Sparkle, you will accompany Celestia till the night arrives. I have work to do so I can usher in the closest thing to a proper night.” huh, she almost thought that the princess would have asked about Spike…wait ‘proper’ night?

Twilight, as is known about her, is the curious type. She liked to question everything and learn, and it made her extra curious considering the topic. When you're a daughter of a family of astrologers you do not let the mention of ‘proper’ night slip by unquestioned, she knew her dad wouldn't and neither would she.

“Princess Luna, may I ask about this…proper night?” Twilight asked meekly, almost as if expected to get yelled at.

Twilight gulped nervously at the stare she got from the princess, fearing the worst she took a small step back to make some space. Thankfully, that was unnecessary as the moon princess nodded.

Letting out a sigh of relief, she asked her question. “What will make it proper? As far as we saw…yesterday…" Was it that long ago? Or was it that close? She couldn't tell. It felt like so much time had passed but it also felt like everything just rushed by so fast. “The night was the same as it always was when you took over.”

Princess Luna hummed slightly as if thinking if she should answer the question. After all, who was Twilight (a murderer) to answer that question? Or well that's what the lavender unicorn thought. However, the princess did see fit to answer…well if it was to be considered an answer.

“You'll see when the moon rises,” was the glorious answer that Twilight received. She wanted to protest and demand more but she knew she was in no position to do so.

Her withers simply sagged a bit as she nodded. She said nothing else as she went to stand next to Celestia. Meanwhile, Spike went and tried to introduce himself but was ultimately ignored as the princess just…disappeared.

“Hey! Where did she go? I didn't even get to introduce myself!” Complained the young drake with a slight frown on his face.

Celestia meanwhile just gave him a reassuring smile before slightly shaking her head. “My sister went to get herself ready. She needs to rest and gather the energy needed to usher in the night, and she already needs to adjust to a lot of things so please, excuse her young Spike.”

Spike sighed and then nodded in understanding before he climbed on Twilight and sat on her back. Twilight simply kept her silence and followed the princess once she began to walk.

Twilight thought that she would be glad that she was with Spike and the Solar Princess. It was just like before, only the 3 of them. Except, it isn't the 3 of them anymore. She was no longer a resident thanks to being the Princess's student, but a resident as a servant. She was no longer innocent and pure, she had blood on her hooves.

Now she was hesitant to speak, she was curious about what the sisters talked about for hours inside. Did Princess Luna tell Celestia about Nightmare Moon's death? What would she have said? Princess Celestia was wrong about what Nightmare Moon is…right? The emotions of the moon princess were real but was the cause real? It just…felt so overwhelming. Would Celestia kick her out if she knew what she did? No, no she wouldn't. Or would she?

No. She can't think about this, she has to calm down. She has to stay strong, if not for herself then for Spike. She has to…she will stay strong.

Twilight did her best to keep her cool as she soon entered the princess's study. Celestia wrote a proclamation of sorts before sending it wherever with magic.

~~~3 hours later, Time for Sundown~~~

Celestia’s P.O.V

Celestia led her student and companion towards the balcony of her room. Where she always stood to raise the sun when it was not the solstice. Celestia had to admit, she was very eager for sundown today. Today, the ponies of the modern age would be reintroduced to her sister’s night.

She had a feeling that astrologers would have either pleasant dreams or nightmares about today as all of what they studied would change. She felt bad for them since it was her fault. Celestia could never replicate her sister’s night. The most she was able to do was preserve the stars to the best of her abilities but over the centuries the night sky was almost barren compared to its former glory.

Celestia nudged her dear student closer to the rails with her wing as she stared at the masses wondering why their princess called them. She took a deep breath before enhancing her voice with magic so it would be heard with ease.

“Citizens of Equestria! As you are aware, The solstice of the rising sun was disrupted by the night and the celebration never commenced. The reason is, that a creature of the night and moon rose to preserve its home. Unfortunately, its ways conflicted with the harmony of our world so my faithful student and her companions in the town of Ponyville used artifacts of old to restore harmony. The inner Harmony of the world saw fit to have a way of preventing such disaster and so we have gained a new blessing in the form of a new member to our ranks!”

Celestia relaid the script she and Luna made with as much emotion as she could to make it sound genuine. While she spoke she started lowering the sun. She also pointed her hoof to the other direction where a purplish blue tint started to paint the sky.

Soon the form of a flying mare throughout the sky came to be, silver strings flowed from the figure’s wings as it flew closer to their direction. With each of her wings, the night grew and moved as if a tidal wave surged forward to encompass the very heaven itself.

Soon bright specks of light formed and shone with fervor unseen in a thousand years. They flowed with the wave of night as they spread across the sky forming shapes that were witnessed for the first time by the mortals of the lands since countless generations past.

The mare drew closer and so was the object the strings were attached to. The grand form of the bright moon was being pulled as if it were a chariot carried by the singular mare. Its form is clean of the famous shape of the mare on the moon.

Celestia saw the wonder and awe in the eyes of her ponies, as she looked beside her she saw Twilight's jaw drop and a shine in her eyes of wonder. It was a most pleasant sight indeed.

Unfortunately, Celestia couldn't share that sentiment. Something felt off about the night. It was just as she remembered (no, something was different) and the movement and flow of magic of her sister was identical to what it was. So what was off? What was wrong?

It was only when Luna was halfway through her path did she noticed what was wrong. The stars were shining with power, not life. A body capable of holding a life yet none were there to begin. Celestia suddenly felt her knees weaken and felt her back legs give out as she plopped down with widened eyes.

Was…was this what Luna meant? No, it can't be. It just- it just makes no sense! Luna was well! She was rid of the nightmare and her magic was returning? Why did the stars refuse to wake up? Why did they refuse to show their shine in life? Was the night truly….dead? She refused to believe it. She took a deep breath as she stood up and took her previous position.

Whatever it was that was going on or whatever Luna did, she'll talk to her about it later. She had to keep an image of strength for her ponies. She charged her voice with magic again as the moon settled into the middle of the sky, with the galaxies of afar shining across the sky with the sea of lights that were the stars.

“Citizens! It is my honour and my delight to introduce the newest princess of the realm, my sister and princess of the night and Moon, Princess Lunariana!”

As soon as the words left her mouth, her sister gently flew down from the sky and turned to face the Citizens with a smile on her face. Cheers broke out from the ponies at the news. Celestia could tell they were more surprised by the news than happy, but how could they not appreciate the new princess after showing them such a beautiful display? She introduced a new night to them, a brighter, warmer night.

Luna simply raised her hoof and waved at the ponies, she still lacked regalia thanks to there not being enough time to make them, but it worked in her favour by making her seem more approachable to the populous.

Soon the cheer died down and Luna turned around to get inside…the soft sniff that she made had not escaped Celestia, nor had the fact that she didn't even look at her night even once.

It was only then when the simple truth made itself clear to Celestia, that her previous question was answered and her basis of knowledge shattered.

The Moon itself was alive, and its shine and power held strong and gave out its joy…but its other half? the night? The night was…dead.

Author's Note:

Toldja that it will be out soon, comments and opinions are deeply appreciated! (Especially about Spike, I feel like I didn't do good with him)