• Published 23rd Mar 2024
  • 221 Views, 6 Comments

Blues Clues: Meeting a Magician. - Big Imagination E

Periwinkle needs some help knowing who the mysterious magician is after Periwinkle gets a letter from it.

  • ...

Time to Skidoo and The Third Magic Clue

The guys all found Blue at a book of magic. She then skidooed straight into the book. They couldn't believe where she skidooed to.

"Look at that. Blue just skidooed! Into the Book of Magic." Steve said.

"Maybe the person who sent me the letter is in there. Let's go!" Periwinkle thought.

They all got close to the book and sang the skidoo song. Once they all did they skidooed straight into the book.


They landed inside the book and looked at their new surroundings. They see everything is all magic based. And they see some people practicing the different magic spells and tricks.

"Wow! Now this is a place to practice some magic." Periwinkle said.

"You say it Periwinkle. Come on let's check out this place." Spike replied.

They all walked around seeing the sights that are yet to behold. Then they spotted a bunny in a purple tux and top hat. He smiled at the group and greeted them.

"Greetings Steve, Inferno, Spike, Blue and Periwinkle! I am the Magic Bunny! And I welcome you all to the Magic verse!" He introduced.

"Well it's very nice to nice you too Magic Bunny." Steve said.

"Hey I was wondering if you like to help me. See I'm trying to figure out what kind of magic tricks that my people are doing and I don't think I can figure this out by myself. Think you can help?" Magic Bunny asked.

"Do you wanna help Magic Bunny figure out what kind of magic tricks that his people are doing? You do? Great. Yeah Magic Bunny I think we can help you." Steve answered.

"Wonderful! Now when I bring out a few performers all you have to do is figure out what magic trick they're doing." Magic Bunny said.

And like that he used his magic to bring out two female magicians that have a bag in their hands.

"Ooh. Ok so these girls have a bag. I wonder what they will pull out?" Steve wondered as they pulled out a red hanky. "Oh! It's a red hanky! So what magic trick are they doing?"

"The Bag of Magic Hankies!" The reader answered.

"Yeah! That's the trick they're doing! They're getting hankies out of the magic bag! Good work." Steve said.

"Great! Okay now it's time for Spike and Inferno to guess the next one. It's a little different. Get ready." Magic Bunny replied as he summoned two different magicians with a box.

"Ooh ok so this trick has something to do with a box. Wonder what they'll get out of that?" Spike asked as they saw a whole line of hankies coming out. "Wow so a bunch of hankies came out. What trick is that?"

"The Box of Mystery!" The reader replied.

"Oh yeah! Because that box they have as got to be a mystery if it's empty one minute and has hankies the next. Good job!" Inferno smiled.

"Nice work! Ok Periwinkle. I want you to figure out the last trick. Now get ready cause this one is a little tougher than most of them." Magic Bunny replied as he summoned the last two magicians which have a single top hat.

"Alright so those two have a top hat. Do you know what trick their doing?" Periwinkle asked as he saw them pull out a cute bunny out.

"The Pull the Rabbit Out Trick!" The reader answered.

"Yeah! Because that trick is quite easy. Saying the magic word and pull out a cute bunny. Nice job." Periwinkle said.

"Wow! Nice job everyone! You figured out all the magic tricks!! I'm really impressed." Magic Bunny said.

"Thanks. Oh and Magic Bunny? Did you or one of your friends give Periwinkle this letter?" Steve asked.

"No it wasn't me. Nor was it one of my friends. Sorry." Magic Bunny answered.

"Oh well I guess we better get moving if were gonna find out who. And not only that but we still have to find one more clue." Spike said.

"You are right Spike. Come on guys. Let's go find that third clue." Inferno agreed.

So everyone walked off waving goodbye to the Magic Bunny and they passed a section. But then a pawprint appeared out of nowhere and kept on disappearing and reappearing in lots of places! That is the third clue!!

"A clue! A clue!" The reader spoke.

Then everyone came back after the reader said that.

"Yeah. Everything about this place is so cool! I'm really liking the magic." Periwinkle agreed.

"No a clue." The reader said.

"Oh. Oh you see a clue? Here in the Magic verse? Where?" Spike asked.

"Right there!" The reader replied.

They looked to their right but the pawprint disappeared and they didn't see it.

"We don't see it. Where is it?" Steve said.

"It's right there!!" The reader said.

Then they quickly looked to the left and saw the paw print before it disappeared again and realized what they said.


Steve gasped, "There it is! Our third clue. And it's... uh..., what's it doing?"

Inferno stared at it, "It's vanishing and reappearing all over the place."

Steve pondered, "What do you call it?"

"Oh, I've seen magicians do this all the time on T.V.," Periwinkle realized before clearing his throat, "It's called a magician's exit!"

"A magician's exit! That's brilliant, Periwinkle!" Spike complemented, "So our clue is..."

"A magician's exit!" They said in unison.

Steve mentioned, "We better write this clue down in our handy dandy..."

"Notebook! Right!" Steve said as they took out there notebooks. "Ok. So let's draw a magician's exit."


"To draw a magician's exit we'll start off with the pawprint in the smoke and then we draw an arrow pointing right at a smaller puff of smoke. And there. A magician's exit." Steve said.

"Ok so the magician's exit is our third clue." Spike replied.

"Spike. We have all three clues!" Inferno said.

"We do? Then that means we can finally figure out who sent me the letter!" Periwinkle said in joy.

"That's right Periwinkle! And also that means were ready to sit in the...." Spike said.

"Thinking Chair!" The reader said.

"Thinking Chair! To figure it out! Let's go!" Inferno said.

Then everyone ran and skidooed out of the book and went to the Thinking Chair. All three clues are found! So who gave Periwinkle the letter? Only time will tell.

Author's Note:

All the clues are found! Next chapter they will found out who sent Periwinkle the letter!