• Published 23rd Mar 2024
  • 221 Views, 6 Comments

Blues Clues: Meeting a Magician. - Big Imagination E

Periwinkle needs some help knowing who the mysterious magician is after Periwinkle gets a letter from it.

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The Second Magic Clue and Mailtime

Back inside the gang walked into the living room and Inferno noticed a book with a title that says 'The Magic Book of Colors'. He picked it up and had an idea for some more magic with Periwinkle. The other went on ahead but Periwinkle and Inferno stayed.

"Hey Periwinkle! Wanna try another magic trick with me?" Inferno asked.

"Sure Inferno." Periwinkle answered as he got out a magic wand. "So what's the magic trick you wanna try?"

"See this book?" Inferno asked. "This is The Magic Book of Colors. Now as of right now when I open it I don't see any colors right now. But if you do a little bit of magic by waving your wand and tapping the book three times you might get something in the book."

"Ok. Here we go. Abracadabra!" Periwinkle said as he waved the wand and tapped the book three times with it.

Then suddenly when Inferno opened it up he and Periwinkle saw all the colors on there now. Periwinkle was starting to get less nervous and hopefully he will be ready to meet the magician and his admirer really soon.

"Good job Periwinkle! Your getting better at magic by the second." Inferno complimented.

"Thanks. Come on we gotta catch up with the others." Periwinkle said.

The two ran off. The wind from them flipped the page to a color but also had a pawprint on it. And we all know that this means that it's a clue!

"A clue!" The reader said.

Inferno and Periwinkle came back along with the rest of the gang.

"Yeah. Maybe Blue would like to try a magic trick with Periwinkle too." Steve said.

"No a clue!" The reader corrected.

"Oh your saying you see a clue? Well where is it?" Spike asked.

Then everyone spread out and began searching for the clue. But Periwinkle who was close to the book might know where it is.

"It's on the book!" The reader said.

Then Periwinkle looked in the book and saw the clue.


"Oh! There it is! Guys! I found the second clue!!" Periwinkle said getting everyone's attention.

They all went to the book and saw the clue.

"Good job Periwinkle! There's a clue on this color. It looks like a pale cornflower blue." Spike said.

"Alright. You know what we need. Our handy dandy..." Inferno started.

"Notebook!" The reader finished.

"Notebook! Right!" Inferno said as everyone got there notebooks out again.

"You know what? I think we need this colored crayon for this clue." Steve said as he got a pale corn flower blue crayon. "So. A pale corn flower blue."


"We'll draw a splotch shape like this and we'll color it in. There. A pale corn flower blue." Steve said.

"Ok. Were trying to figure out who gave Periwinkle the letter. Our first clue was a wizard hat. Now our second clue is this pale corn flower blue." Spike replied as the images came out.


"So who could send Periwinkle the letter with a wizard hat and this pale corn flower blue?" Inferno asked.

"Hmm. Im not sure. I guess maybe someone who's skin is that color and can wear the wizard hat?" Periwinkle thought.

"Good thinking Periwinkle." Steve said as the images went back in. "But we need to find one more clue and then we'll know for sure."

"Ok. And we better make it quick. The clock says it's now 3:30pm." Inferno said pointing at the clock.

Then suddenly they heard someone saying "Mailtime." in song. When Spike heard that he knew what time it is.

"The mail is here! Come on guys!!" Spike replied as everyone headed to the living room.


Then all started singing and at the end they all wailed out 'mail!'. After that Mailbox came in and the gang went to the Thinking Chair to sit down.

"Hey guys. I hope you are ready to see one of my magic tricks! Cause Im gonna make your letter appear!" Mailbox replied.

He then opened up, as smoke appeared and gave everyone a purple letter.

"Thanks Mailbox." Inferno smiled.

"Your welcome." Mailbox said as he left.

"We just got a letter!" Spike said as they started singing again.


When they finished Steve opened it and the letter was from Periwinkle's old friend Plum.

"Look. It's a letter from my friend Plum." Periwinkle said as they all heard what he had to say.

In the letter

"Hi guys. I hope you are treating my friend well. I wanted to send this letter saying that I miss him since he moved away. In fact I'm trying out some magic tricks too. First I tried the Box of Mystery and boy my friends were surprised seeing lots of hankies coming out. Then I tried a hat trick where I pulled out a rabbit from my hat. It's a little though to do though. Then I tried out a vase trick where a placed a huge hanky over the vase and got a bunch of flowers! Finally I wanted to do a grand finale where I made a cute girl disappear and then I brought her back! Anyways I hope you have a fun time with your new friends Periwinkle. But I gotta go now. Bye." Plum replied.

Out of the letter

"Bye Plum. Thanks again." Periwinkle said as Steve closed the letter and placed it down.

"Wow that was really nice of Plum to check on you. And it appears that he is practicing some magic of his own." Steve said.

Then suddenly they all heard Inferno's phone go off. He took it out and answered it.

"Hello? Oh hi. What? You decided to arrive at 5:30 instead of 6:30? And your on the way here now? Um. Ok we'll be ready for you when you arrive. No problem. Alright thank you." Inferno said nervous as he hung up.

"We got a problem guys. The magician is coming at 5:30 instead of 6:30! And we still don't know who it is! What are we gonna do?!" Inferno panicked.

"Ok calm down Inferno. We just need to find the third clue and then everything will ok. Let's go find Blue. Maybe she knows where the third clue is." Steve replied.

"Ok. Let's go." Inferno said as he calmed down and they went to the backyard where hopefully they will find Blue and the third clue.

Author's Note:

Two clues have been found next chapter they will skidoo and look for the third clue.