• Published 17th Jan 2024
  • 232 Views, 14 Comments

Captain Underpants and the Dastardly Return of the Dazzlings - Big Imagination E

Captain Underpants and his crew are back! This time facing off three sirens known as the Dazzlings

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Chapter 9: Home At Last and The Kids

The mirror rippled and all our heroes are back in Equestria. Thanks to them they saved the universe from those Dazzlings. Then George and Harold went back to the treehouse and cleaned it up for their wives when they return. Then after 2 weeks the boys heard a knock on the door. George went to go get it and to their surprise it was their wives Lyra and Bon Bon smiling at him.

"Surprise!" Lyra and Bon Bon said in unison.

"Girls! You're back!" George said as Harold heard it and they gave them a hug.

"How was your vacation girls? Did you like Maretopia?" Harold asked.

"Oh we sure did. We went surfing, swimming, we ate out at a few restaurants, and we managed to get a few spa treatments in to melt our stress away." Bon Bon answered.

"Sounds like you had a good time." Harold said.

"Yeah. And I bet you all had a girls night with Heidi. She planned a wild night just for all three of you." George added.

"You bet she did. Oh and boys? We have a surprise for you. There's someone we want you to meet. Come on in kids." Lyra said.

The boys got shocked in excitement as they see two foals coming in. One was an orange unicorn and had a red mane and tail with blue streaks and a cutie mark that is a rainbow color wheel like on his costume, but also a heart behind it. The other was a sky blue pegasus with a black mane and tail and had a cutie mark of a group of stars and clouds on it. George and Harold started to cry a little seeing their adopted children in front of them.

"Hey there little guys. Were your daddies. You can't believe how happy we are to see you." Harold said.

"Harold? This orange unicorn is Color Love. He's your son." Bon Bon said.

"And George? This sky blue pegasus is Daring Flight. He's your son." Lyra said.

"Go ahead kids. Go say hi to your dads." Bon Bon encouraged.

The kids were a little shy but they did what their moms asked them to do and came to George and Harold. They gently lifted them up and looked at them in the face.

"Hi. Are you my dad?" Color Love asked.

"Yeah. I am. And this is your Uncle George. He's gonna make you so happy when he reads you a story before bed." Harold said.

"And are you my dad mister?" Daring Flight asked.

"Yes I am. And that makes Harold your uncle too. Welcome to your new home kids. This is where you'll be staying. And don't worry we will get a bedroom for you two to share so you'll have somewhere to sleep." George said.

"Thanks. Um mom told us that you were once kids in a place called Jermone Horowitz Elementary with the meanest principal. And how you came and fought bad guys." Color Love replied.

"That is true. You see son. Me and George were kids and yes our school wasn't really the best place to be. The meanest principal Mr Krupp was so cruel that he hated anything fun. But after a while we came to Equestria and began a new life. And during that is when we met your mothers." Harold explained.

"Nice. And daddy? Mom said that you and Uncle Harold made comics and go on adventures?" Daring Flight asked.

"Yes son. See me and Harold loved making comics. When we were in kindergarten we hung out at our old treehouse and made hundreds of them. But the greatest superhero we ever made was The Amazing Captain Underpants. And son? Like most superheroes they look like they fly around in their underwear. But this guy actually does! And here's something exciting. Every time we make a comic about Captain Underpants the adventure comes to life and we try to help him save the day." George explained.

"Wow! Hey dad? We were wondering if one day we can go on an adventure with you and Uncle Harold?" Daring Flight asked.

"Maybe one day when your older you both can. But you need to understand that being a superhero isn't all fun and games. We faced many villains and they were bad to the bone." George replied.

"Besides we don't want you two getting hurt. We would hate to upset your mothers if they see any marks of you signaling that you got hurt." Harold added.

"Sweetie. It's only the major injuries I be worried about. If it's a cut or bruise then it's alright. But he's right. When your older you can go on an adventure with your dads." Bon Bon explained.

"Thanks mom!" Color Love smiled.

So the kids hugged their dads and they shedded a few tears of joy seeing that they are now officially fathers to these two boys. Lyra and Bon Bon smiled and hugged their husbands sharing this family moment. After 5 minutes they all separated.

"Now we best be getting ready. Krupp will marry the royal sisters soon. And we sure wanna look our best." Lyra said.

"Right you are sweetie. And boys? Since were heading to a wedding be on your best behavior okay?" George asked.

"Yes dads." Color and Daring said in unison.

"That's our boys. Now let's get you two a nice outfit to wear." Harold smiled.

So the two families headed out to Rarity's shop to find some nice outfits for them since the wedding will be coming soon.

Author's Note:

Next chapter will be the moment you all waited for! Krupp's wedding of him and the royal sisters!!