• Published 17th Jan 2024
  • 232 Views, 14 Comments

Captain Underpants and the Dastardly Return of the Dazzlings - Big Imagination E

Captain Underpants and his crew are back! This time facing off three sirens known as the Dazzlings

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Chapter 5: Sonata's Choice

Back at Sunset's house the gang were still waiting to see if Sonata read the comic and will be able to help them. Hours went by and nighttime began rolling in. Twilight was thinking maybe she wasn't coming and that they need another plan to stop the Dazzlings.

"Boys. I'm sorry to say this. But I don't think Sonata is coming. Her sisters probably tore the comic and she didn't get a chance to read it. So maybe we gotta think of something else." Twilight suggested.

Suddenly they all heard a knock on the door. Harold went to go get it and to everyone's surprise it was Sonata! Harold kindly let her in and she sat down on the couch next to Sunset.

"Sonata? You're here? I thought your sisters forced you to stay with them?" Sunset thought.

"They're not my sisters anymore. And I also destroyed my pendant. I'm tired of always taking the negative energy from others just to make my voice sound better. I'm done with all that." Sonata explained.

"So you did read the comic George and Harold made?" Twilight asked.

"Yes. I did. And they were right. My former sisters were always the evil ones. And not once did they care about making friends and family. All they care about is power. So I made the choice of wanting to help you guys out." Sonata said.

Everyone took it all in processing everything that Sonata said. It was clear that she was never fully evil. And if she did want to help them then they need all the help they can get. Applejack looked at Sonata in the eye and smiled knowing that she is telling the truth. George and Harold went to her and both placed a hand on her shoulders.

"You made the right choice Sonata. If you wanna help us then welcome to the team." George smiled.

Sonata smiled and hugged the boys. She loved how they were showing true friendship towards her and she realized that there was something she wanted to give them in return.

"Thank you boys. And to show that I want to help you stop my former sisters I have something for you." Sonata replied.

She reached in her backpack and pulled out a zodiac statue with rainbow colored symbols that surprised everyone.

"What is that?" Rarity asked.

"That is The Artistic Zodiac of Imagination. The rarest one of them all. You see during my time in Equestria when I was alone I took the time to examine this. And I knew that Adagio and Aria wouldn't care less about what artifacts I bring. So I decided to take The Artistic Zodiac of Imagination and hid it from them. Legend has it that whoever possesses it's power will be able to use their imagination to vanquish any threats. George and Harold? I want you two to have it. Use it's power and we will stop Adagio and Aria." Sonata explained.

"That's very generous of you Sonata. But we think that since you will help us we want you to meet Captain Underpants." Harold said.

The boys knew exactly what to do. So with a snap of their fingers in no time Krupp spun around and all his clothes came off and turned into Captain Underpants!

"Tra la laaaaa!!" Captain Underpants said.

"Is this Captain Underpants? He's a real superhero?" Sonata said surprised.

"That's right Sonata! I'm pretty sure that I'm the one and only Captain Underpants!" He said.

"Yes. Now Captain Underpants there's two evil girls named Adagio and Aria who are trying to take over the universe. And Sonata wants to help us so any chance we can have her helping?" George asked.

"Sure sidekicks! The more the merrier! Now what's say we all try to find this Adagio and Aria and stop there evil deeds?" Captain Underpants asked.

"You read our minds! But we need the proper stuff to take them out. Hey Sunset? Doesn't Twilight have a portal blaster where we can get our stuff and help you?" Mr Meaner asked.

"Actually I do! I will see that I will help you get your stuff so we can stop those two." Twilight smiled.

"But first I think we should power up with this Artistic Zodiac of Imagination." George said.

So the boys, Captain Underpants and Sonata placed their hands on the Artistic Zodiac of Imagination and the power started absorbing into their bodies. Once the last inch of power was in then they were all powered up and ready to fight the two evil Dazzlings. But they need their stuff for that first. So everyone headed to Twilight's house and she got out her portal blaster. She opened up the portal and the first was that the two ran into the treehouse and got their costumes. Once they did that they landed on the ground and headed off. Then the next thing was that Mr Meaner brought his Stinky Kong mech, and Ms Ribble and she became Wedgie Woman but for heroism and they jumped back in the portal and back in Canterlot City to help out.

"Ok we all ready?" Sunset asked.

"Yeah!" Everyone shouted in unison.

"But I gotta ask Mr Meaner. How did you manage to build that mech if you are a gym teacher?" Starlight wondered.

"Long story Starlight. But wait you said the Dazzlings can hypnotize anyone by singing. So I think we need something to protect our ears so we won't be hypnotized." Mr Meaner suggested.

"Good idea Mr Meaner. And I have just the thing to do that." Harold said.

Harold used his art rings and created multiple pairs of music powering headphones to protect their ears. Their were six pairs. One for Harold, George, Captain Underpants, Mr Meaner, Ms Ribble and Sonata. They all placed them on their ears and were ready for their singing and not get hypnotized.

"Ok. Now we are fully ready. Let's go find those two Dazzlings and stop them." Ms Ribble declared.

So the gang all nodded in agreement and headed out searching for the two evil sisters and stop their evil plans of taking over the universe.

Author's Note:

Sonata's on their team! Now they need to find the two Dazzlings and stop their plans.