• Published 27th Dec 2023
  • 388 Views, 8 Comments

Opaline and Allura’s December drinking - RiffRaff7942_YT

A little what if if Opaline and Allura met eachother during the time between hearths warming and new year.

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The Tea Room

It was a couple of days after hearths warming, snow covered the lands of modern day equestria, and ponies all around were spending their time with relatives and family. All except for one lonely alicorn, who had no family and no friends.

Ever since opaline had managed to break out of the tree, she’d kept a low profile going around. But these next few days were the only days of the year she could wander freely without having to worry about disguises, on account all ponies were indoors celebrating with eachother.

Opaline had spent the entire day stretching her legs. Being trapped in the tree for so long had done a number on her biceps, and the long walks she was taking over the days was doing wonders for her. What with the crisp fresh air and long walkways, plus the mentioned permit of not having to worry about being spotted, she was back to a fit physical state in no time.

In the evening of the day, Opaline had one location in mind; Alphabittle’s tearoom. She’d overheard ponies walking by when she was trapped in the tree, and apparently the tearoom was haven for local drunks at weekends. And lucky for opaline, the tearoom was closed until New Year’s Eve.

Opaline felt as if she had been through Tartarus recently, being trapped in the tree for weeks, Misty’s betrayal though Opaline knew that was her fault, having so much power being stripped off of her so soon, and many other little things in between. It seemed drowning her sorrows with alcohol was the next best step, and Opaline had a feeling there’d be leftover drinks from hearths warming eve. And so Opaline trotted up to the front door of the tea room.

She was about to burn the door with what little magic she had left, before remembering ponies would be suspicious if they came to the tearoom to find the door burnt. She tried jostling the door. Locked. She then decided to look for an open window. She trotted all around the tearoom. It was nice for once she didn’t have to watch her every move when going out.

Sure enough, she found a slightly open window on the side of the building. She slowly raised it and clambered in, making sure not to let the window slam behind her just to be completely safe. That being said, Opaline had no doubt ponies would notice the missing drinks and potential trashed room, but by that time she’d be long gone, so that was none of her concern.


Opaline was about to turn on the lights, when she decided to check if the windows were closed. She quickly trotted around, making sure all the windows in the main room were covered, just to no pony would notice the lights on. Though Opaline’s self set restrictions were eased, they were still somewhat apparent for the time being. And then Opaline slowly trotted over to the light switch, and flipped them on.

The tearoom lit up one light at a time, and soon Opaline’s surroundings became apparent. She was thankfully alone, with not even a lowly non self aware animal around to expose her to the public. Opaline closed her eyes and smiled, fully taking in her new temporary sanctuary. But she didn’t idle for too long before turning her attention to the many shelving units in the tearoom.

Before long she spotted the rack of liquor, and trotted over. Opaline eyed the drinks longingly; Poni Colada, Jack Stalliels, and good old beer. Opaline’s grabbed a , and eyed it longingly.
“Sweet sweet alcohol,” She declared, “May you rid me of my problems, if only a for few hours.”
But before opaline could even remove the lid, she heard a clatter from the other end of the tearoom.

Opaline hesitated for a moment. There was something, or worse, some pony in the back room of the tearoom. She pondered on wether to flee as fast as she could, or investigate. As far as Opaline knew, the tearoom was closed until New Year’s Eve, and what other pony in their right mind would be coming to a closed tearoom?

Eventually, Opaline’s settled on investigating the back room.


Opaline opened the door, and entered the back room. But what she saw was unlike anything she’d ever seen for a long time. A giant snow leopard, with wings and a multicoloured haircut, was lying on the floor in a heap. There was a window open in the room, obviously it had squeezed itself through it. Opaline looked longingly at the leopard, which hadn’t noticed her, since it had its eyes closed as it lay. Opaline could see it breathing, so it wasn’t dead.

“Umm…” Was all Opaline could think to say.
The leopard opened its eyes, and stared at Opaline. Unlike other ponies, she didn’t notice the fact that Opaline had both wings and a horn. All she was concerned about was the fact that it was a pony.

“Oh… hello.” Was all the leopard could utter back. “I suppose I’ve been caught, have I not?”
“Oh no don’t worry, I won’t report you to anypony.” Opaline replied. “Truth be told I’m somewhat of a villain around here.”
“So am I,” the leopard stated, feeling a little easier. “I’m Allura, Jaquin.”
Allura stood up, revealing the huge pair of wings on her back as she stretched. Opaline did feel slight jealousy, but that was quickly overcome.

“And you are?” Allura purred.
“Umm, Opaline Arcana.” Opaline said. “May I ask what you’re doing here?”
“I don’t really have any creature else to spend hearths warming day with, so I figured I may aswell drown my sorrows with alcohol.”
“Huh, I came here for that too,” Opaline stated. Both were visually Theon with how similar their situations are.

“You’re not some creature else in disguise are you?” Allura asked.
“I could ask you the same thing.” Opaline retorted.
The two eyeballed eachother.
“Well I suppose I’ll trust you,” Allura finally said, “If only to get my claws on those delicious drinks. Allura reached out her paw. Opaline looked confused. “Shake.” Allura clarified.
“Oh, of course,” Opaline said. They shook paw and hoof. Allura’s paw felt strange in Opaline’s hoof. She didn’t have fingers after all like Allura did. It felt somewhat soft and comfortable.

“So you said you don’t have any other friends or family like me?” Opaline asked.
“That was actually a lie,” Allura replied, “I have a little rabbit sidekick, but he’s back in our makeshift lair.”
“Hmm, at least you have something,” Opaline said, “I used to have my own little spy. But then again, I did kidnap her at a young age and treat her horribly. It’s honestly no wonder she decided to switch sides.”
“I see,” Allura replied, feeling a little bit of sorrow for the alicorn. “Shall we take a gander at the drinks?”
“Yes, let’s,” Opaline replied, almost smiling back.


“Alright, let me see,” Opaline uttered, eyeing the drinks. “Suppose we’ll start with this.” Opaline levitated the Jack Stalliels. She poured two glasses for the two of them.
“That’s a neat horn you have,” Allura commented.
“Thank you,” Opaline replied, “Obviously it can do much more than that, but I’m a little short on magic right now.”
“I understand,” Allura said, “Cheers.”
“Yes, cheers.” Opaline’s replied, the two of them clanging glasses, and taking the first of many swigs that night.

“That’s the stuff,” Allura said, feeling the delicious taste of the rum run down her throat.
“It’s been so long since I’ve had some of this,” Opaline commented.
“How long exactly?” Allura asked.
“Oh a good long while,” Opaline lamented, “I’d say about six months at the most. I had Misty pilfer a bit for me, but when magic returned I became so focused on trying to take it all I had no time for booze during it all.”
“I see,” Allura said.
“Have you ever had any rum?” Opaline’s asked.
“Oh yes lots of times,” Allura stated, “I would sometimes have the auroricorns make me some while they looked for the nova star.”
“Nova star?” Opaline’s repeated.
“Long story,” Allura replied.
“I’ve got time,” Opaline said, “I intend to spend lots of long hours here. This is the most freedom I’ve had in weeks.”
“Well I suppose if you insist, I’ll tell you,” Allura replied, thinking about her past.

Allura spent a good long while explaining her backstory to Opaline and all of her own woes of the past. How she ended up in Starlight Ridge, her brother, Twitch, the auroricorns, everything she could think of.
“So you got tricked by a makeshift umbrella?” Opaline said, smiling a little bit.
“I was desperate!” Allura clarified, “You don’t know what it was like to be stuck in that frozen wasteland for years on end. Nothing but snow, and ice, and mountains, and more snow, and more ice, and more more snow there was a lot of snow. And it wasn’t cold snow, but it was all I could see for miles.”
“Sounds like a nice place to live,” Opaline said.
“A nice place to live for you,” Allura replied, “Its more of a place to visit for me.”
“You’re probably just saying that because you’ve been there so long, the novelty wears off. So how did you end up there for that long?” Opaline inquired.
“I don’t like to talk about it,” Allura stated. Opaline shrugged and took another swig.
“Fair enough,” Opaline replied, “Suppose it’s my turn now.”

And in turn, Opaline told Allura of some of her past. She’d been alive a lot longer than Allura, and they would’ve been there all night if she went through absolutely everything, which is what Opaline’s intended to do of course, but she had better things to talk about than her past all night. She talked about magic returning, and her mad race to steal it all, Misty’s hard but understandable betrayal, being imprisoned in the tree, and lots of other small things inbetween it all.

“Wow,” Allura said when Opaline finished. “Sounds like you’ve done a lot more than I have. I suppose great minds think alike.”
“Yes indeed,” Opaline replied, taking another swig from a Poni Collada. “This was just what I needed after everything recently. What with all I’ve just told you, I really need something like this to forget my troubles, if only for a couple of hours.”
“Yes well, I’m sorry if my unexpected arrival was a little bit of a detriment to you.” Allura lamented.
“No no, I completely understand,” Opaline reassured, “After all, you know what they say, no pony, or any other creature, should be alone at this time of year.”
“No indeed,” Allura replied.


The night went on, more swigs were had, and the two winged villains were bonding at a tremendous rate. There were many things that they found they had in common; They both shared immense hatred for Sunny’s little friend group, a pair of wings rested on either of their backs, even their colour was a shared purple, albeit in different shades. And as the night went on, they also became more drunk and found it difficult to properly function.

“I’ve heard some ponies say I’m ugly.” Opaline was saying. “Do- do I look ugly to you?” She leaned on Allura’s side.
“Well, no more than any other horrible good pony around here,” Allura replied.
“…I mean I guess I’ll take that,” Opaline replied. Opaline nuzzled up towards Allura, really taking her time to feel Allura’s soft fur.
“Oh wow,” Opaline uttered, as she felt the soft fur on Allura’s face, “Your so soft...”
Allura leaned on Opaline, and felt the much shorter fur on Opaline’s face. “So are you…”


“Oh yes, there’s all sorts of advantages to having fingers over hooves,” Allura explained, “You can grasp things, and make different gestures. Here, watch this.” Allura twisted her fingers into a couple of different hand tricks.
“Ooh, nice.” Opaline complemented her.


“And (sniff) and I just wish I could go back in time and be a better mother to her!” Opaline sobbed into Allura’s chest.
“Alright, Alright,” Allura reassured.


“So you used to have ailurophobia?” Allura asked,
“Yes indeed,” Opaline explained, “But when you love for over 2,000 years you’ll come to realise you have bigger things to worry about.”


“And of course, that was when my preferred hairstyle became apparent,” Allura finished, “After about 4 long months of trying to put my finger on it.”
“Hmm,” Opaline responded, “My hairs just been like this since birth.”


“Oh please, being nice is Uhh…” Opaline faltered, “Honestly being nice wouldn’t be that bad. I mean, being- being good, it would mean you wouldn’t have to constantly be worrying about being *Hic* taken down by some do goody goody… goodies.”
“I mean I, Uhh, I get what you, say…” Allura replied.


“And when the storm finally *burp* finished,” Allura lamented, “The snow queen was no *gulp*, no more.”
“Wow, fascinating story,” Opaline complemented.


Hours passed. Opaline pressed up against Allura, nuzzling her like an old friend. And a friend was something Opaline had just made that night. It seemed like centuries since Opaline had made a genuine friend. She’d tried and failed with Misty, though truth be told she hadn’t really been trying then, but now, maybe, just maybe, Allura was the friend she’d been longing for.

As for Allura, she was glad to make a genuine friend too. She didn’t really consider the auroricorns her friends, on account of her mind controlling them at times, and them not really liking her back. And she saw Twitch more like a pet, since he couldn’t speak (even though Allura could understand him when others couldn’t.).

“That’s enough I think,” Opaline declared, “I think we should… uhh…”
“Sleep?” Allura suggested.
“Sleep! Yes! We sleep inee other room so we can, Uhh, make a quick, umm, getaway, in case anypony drops by tomorrow,” Opaline managed to get out.
“Ye- yeah, sure,” Allura agreed.

That’s exactly what the duo did. They bedded down in the back room next to the closed window, so they could make a quick getaway in the morning. They took a few pillows from the main room and other comfortable things, and snuggled together in the back room.

“Yaknow, Allura,” Opaline said, “I really like you. Not as in a, let’s get into bed and do the dirty way, like… It’s just been, so long since I had a real friend. I… I probably should’ve been a, better friend to.. Misty. But you… you’re a real one.”
Allura smiled as the two of them drunkenly cuddled together. They fell asleep together, on the floor with a few blankets around themselves.

To be continued…