• Published 26th Dec 2023
  • 761 Views, 4 Comments

Applebloom: The Daughter of Mulan - Big Imagination E

Mulan adopted a girl and will promise to take care of her and make sure she doesn't get hurt.

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Going to the Army

The very next day when Apple Bloom woke up she and Mulan went downstairs for breakfast. But Apple Bloom was still thinking about her old family. Fa Zhou noticed her face and planned to try and help her feel happy while Mulan is out doing something.

After when Mulan left Apple Bloom went to the place that Fa Zhou showed her how to pray for her parents in hopes of seeing them. Fa Zhou came in and saw what Apple Bloom was doing.

"I see you are praying for your old family young Apple Bloom." Fa Zhou said.

"Yes Grandpa. I really miss them since the day they got killed." Apple Bloom cried.

"I understand how your feeling. Sometimes when I feel alone I like to pray to my ancestors to see how their doing. But don't let it cloud your head. Come. Lemme show you something." Fa Zhou replied.

So Fa Zhou took Apple Bloom's hand and walked with her to a blossom tree. At the same time Mulan returned home but was disappointed because the woman at her appointment thought she was a disgrace to the family. But Fa Zhou and Apple Bloom don't think so.

"What is this grandpa?" Apple Bloom asked.

"This is our lovely blossom tree. And look. This one is late. I bet that when it blooms it will be the most beautiful of all." Fa Zhou answered.

Mulan smiled knowing that her father was right. Suddenly they heard a drum playing and a man on a white horse came with scrol!s and news from the army. He was Chi-Fu.

"Attention! The Huns have attacked the Great Wall!! By order from the Emperor one member from each family must serve in the Imperial Army to defeat them." Chi-Fu replied.

As soon as those words 'the Huns' rang inside Apple Bloom's head she knew that somewhere she knew that name before. Then Fa Zhou decided to serve in the army which left Mulan and Apple Bloom in shock. Mulan tries to dissuade him from going due to his age and disability, but he protests that he must do his duty. Apple Bloom begged him not to go but Chi-Fu pushed her away. Mulan didn't like that at all.

"Hey! You can't do that! Also my father is old and he won't survive out there!" Mulan worried.

"Silence!! If anything you should teach your daughters some discipline to hold their tongues in the presence of a man." Chi-Fu snarked.

"Hey. You don't talk to Apple Bloom like that. But Mulan. You dishonored me." Fa Zhou said.

Then Chi-Fu gave him a scroll to report to the camp tomorrow morning to start training to defeat the Huns. Later that night after tea and dinner Apple Bloom and Mulan were outside in the rain worried about him. If he goes he'll die.

"Mulan. I don't want grandpa to die in front of those horrible Huns. What do we do?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Well my dearest Apple Bloom. There's only one thing we can do. We dress up like men and go to the army in my father's place so he won't die." Mulan responded.

"But I can't fight Mulan. Plus there's something I should have told you. The Huns killed my parents." Apple Bloom confessed.

Mulan gasped hearing that.

"So they killed your parents. Which is why I'm gonna help you train hard and guess what? I'll be with you the whole time and together we will bring down the Huns. That okay?" Mulan asked.

Apple Bloom looked down. But she knew to avenge her old parents she have to take the risk and defend China from the Huns.

"I'll do it." Apple Bloom answered.

Mulan smiled and decided to put her plan in motion. So later that night they snuck into the place and Mulan cuts her hair, steals her father's sword and armor, and disguises herself as a man so that she can enlist instead of him.

She even disguises her daughter as a man too. If she was going to kill the Huns and end them for good she'll definitely need to look the part. Then they started training for a while to make sure they know how to use the weapons and understand the importance of kung fu. After a few hours they got it all down and the two left home, and when their family discovers Mulan's plan, Mulan's grandmother prays to the family's ancestors, telling them to keep Mulan and her daughter safe. Then the ancestors rised from the grave, awoken a dragon and ordered him to awaken the Stone Dragon to find them. But things didn't well and instantly destroyed him.

Then the red dragon disguised himself as the Stone Dragon and decided to head off to find the girls and bring them back home. Let's hope they are safe and able to stop the Huns.

Author's Note:

I hope Apple Bloom can help Mulan stop the Huns. Especially when sometime she faces the leader Shan Yu.