• Published 26th Dec 2023
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Applebloom: The Daughter of Mulan - Big Imagination E

Mulan adopted a girl and will promise to take care of her and make sure she doesn't get hurt.

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Finding a Little Girl

One day in the village of China we see a young woman who was walking around trying to enjoy the air. She had black hair, and was quite a lovely woman. Her name is Mulan. Then suddenly she heard someone whimpering and crying. She followed the sound and in a abandoned house she found a young girl with yellow skin, red hair, a bow and yellow orange eyes. She was a little scared seeing a woman in front of her but Mulan tried to make sure she didn't scare her too much.

"Oh my. Are you alright?" Mulan asked.

The girl stopped crying and got up to face Mulan. But was still sad.

"No. I'm really upset about what happened to me." The girl answered.

"Ok calm down. Deep breath. Now tell me what's wrong." Mulan said.

The girl took a deep breath and told her. "It started when I was a baby. I had a loving family and they always loved me. But then when I reached 9 years old when I returned with my friends a saw an evil group of people in my house. I didn't know what they were but the horrible thing they did was kill my parents in cold blood and their leader told his crew to burn the house down." The girl explained.

"I was devastated and heartbroken. So me and my friends ran as fast as we can to get away from them and we did. But without my parents and my house I had no place to stay. So I took matters in my own hands and tried looking for somewhere to stay. And that's how I ended up here. Now I'm all alone. My friends snuck back to their houses and survived."
The girl finished.

Mulan gasped hearing everything she said.

"Oh dear. That's horrible. I can't imagine how tough it was for you. Hey I know what you need. How's about you come live with me and my family? We'll keep you company." Mulan suggested.

"You mean that? I would appreciate it very much." The girl smiled.

"Your welcome. By the way what's your name?" Mulan asked.

"I'm Apple Bloom."

"Nice name. I'm Mulan."

Then Mulan reached her hand out to Apple Bloom and she took it so she can gently help her up. Then the two headed in the direction of where Mulan was going to keep her company since Apple Bloom needed a home bad.

Soon they both arrived at a nice little Chinese house where they see an old man standing in front of them like he was waiting for them to arrive home.

Then the figure turned around and saw them. He was a kind man, his hair done in a bun and had a little white hair on his beard. His name is Fa Zhou. Mulan's dad.

"Mulan. I'm glad you're home. I've been waiting for you." Fa Zhou said.

"Me too father. Oh I have something I want you to meet." Mulan said showing him Apple Bloom.

"My. Who might she be?" Fa Zhou asked.

"Her name is Apple Bloom. But she's needs a home bad. She had a terrible time when she was little." Mulan answered.

"Tell me young Apple Bloom. What happened around that time. I won't judge you." Fa Zhou encouraged.

"Well when I was a baby I used to have a family. But then when I reached 9 years old my parents were killed. An evil group of people murdered them in cold blood and burned my home down. For so long I been trying to find a home but I couldn't." Apple Bloom cried.

Fa Zhou felt really sorry for her. He showed her kindness by hugging her gently and trying to calm her down. Then Mulan joined the hug and Apple Bloom relaxed. Then Fa Zhou looked her in the eyes.

"Im so sorry for your loss. Losing your parents at a young age. That's really hard on you. But in all honesty I'm like that Mulan found you and brought you here. I cannot let you continue living on your own with no one to love on you. So you will stay with us." Fa Zhou declared.

"You mean it Fa Zhou?" Apple Bloom said shedding a tear.

"Yes. You will stay with us that way you have a family. And please. You can call me grandpa." Fa Zhou replied.

Apple Bloom had more tears coming out and hugged Fa Zhou as a way of saying that she will accept that and stay with Mulan and her family.

"Now let's go get you settled in and Mulan? Promise me that you take good care of her." Fa Zhou said.

"Yes father. Since I found her I will do everything I can to make sure that she gets all the love she desperately needs." Mulan replied.

"That's my girl. Now Apple Bloom come with me and I will show you around the house. And while I'm at it I might as well tell you some legends that happened long ago in China." Fa Zhou smiled.

So Apple Bloom, Mulan and her father all walked together to head inside the house and get her settled. As Mulan was getting her room all ready Fa Zhou decided to share some stories about the stuff that happened in China many years ago, he also introduced her to the other family members and they loved her back. Fa Zhou even decided to take her to a place where they pray for their ancestors and tried teaching Apple Bloom how to do it in Chinese tradition. At first it was hard but Apple Bloom managed to learn very well.

Then night time came in and Apple Bloom was all tuckered out from the day she had. Her now grandpa took her to her room and smiled seeing everything was decorated nicely. There was even the pictures she saw of her and the old family as memories. Apple Bloom was about to cry but Fa Zhou rubbed her back.

"Don't be disappointed. Your parents are always in your heart. Don't forget that okay?" Fa Zhou asked.

"Ok grandpa." Apple Bloom answered.

"That's my little girl. Now get some sleep." Fa Zhou said closing her door.

Apple Bloom got all comfy in her bed which was on the floor. But she was grateful that a new family was going to take her in and care for her. But little did she know that she'll encounter the Huns. And might be the same ones that killed her parents.

Author's Note:

Get ready for another Disney adoption story!!