• Published 6th Dec 2023
  • 328 Views, 2 Comments

Bridges in Time and Tradition - Serina

Lyra reflects on the roots of pony holiday celebrations, finding a profound connection as she uncovers numerous traditions that intriguingly mirror those of the human world.

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What is "Christmas?"

Lyra Heartstrings found herself in a contemplative mood. It had been a year since the extraordinary events involving Twilight Sparkle and her interdimensional adventures. The writings of Twilight's encounters with humans lingered in her thoughts, sparking Lyra's insatiable curiosity about these mysterious creatures. To satisfy her thirst for knowledge, Lyra delved deep into the Canterlot archives, surrounded by dusty tomes and ancient scrolls. However, a new section now adorned the Canterlot shelves titled "Humans."

As the morning sun cast a warm glow through the arched windows of the archives, Lyra's vibrant green eyes scanned the pages of an anthology chronicling the history of Equestria. She couldn't help but draw parallels between the pony culture she knew so well and the intriguing tales of human civilization recently brought back by the Princess of Friendship. Bon-Bon, who had tagged along for the study session, noticed Lyra's intense focus and approached with a gentle smile.

"Hey, Lyra. What's got you so engrossed in those dusty old books?" Bon-Bon nuzzled Lyra's cheek affectionately.

Lyra looked up, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Bon-Bon, did you know that humans exist in another dimension? Twilight Sparkle proved it last year when she traveled through the mirror. I've been reading about their culture, and it's fascinating. There are so many similarities to ours!"

Bon-Bon chuckled, her eyes filled with warmth. "You and your continued fascination with humans. What have you discovered?"

"Well, for starters, their holidays seem to align with some of ours," Lyra explained, flipping through the pages of the anthology. "Take Hearth's Warming Eve, for example. It reminds me a lot of what they call 'Christmas.'"

Bon-Bon tilted her head in curiosity. "Christmas? What's that?"

As Lyra delved into the details of human traditions, she painted vivid images with her words, bringing the festive atmosphere to life in the Canterlot archives. Her animated gestures and expressive eyes conveyed the joy that emanated from the human celebrations.

"So, Bon-Bon," Lyra began, her voice filled with excitement, "imagine this: during Christmas, humans exchange beautifully wrapped gifts. It's a way of showing love and appreciation for one another. The anticipation of unwrapping a present, the joy of discovering what's inside—it's a magical experience, just like our traditions! They use colorful paper and ribbons, making each gift a work of art. And sometimes, they even hang stockings by the fireplace, hoping to find surprises inside on Christmas morning!"

Bon-Bon's gentle laughter filled the archives, and she couldn't help but be captivated by Lyra's enthusiasm. "That sounds very similar to our charming traditions, Lyra."

Lyra nodded, her excitement contagious. "Exactly!" With a thoughtful expression, Lyra continued, "The exchange of gifts is a significant part of both celebrations. In Ponyville, we carefully choose presents for our friends, wrapping them in colorful paper as a symbol of our appreciation. Humans do the same during Christmas. The art of gift-giving is a universal language that transcends dimensions, reflecting the joy of expressing love and gratitude."

Lyra turned the page in a book titled 'How The Grump Stole Christmas' pointing to the large tree in the middle of the town. "Now, picture this: humans also have these magnificent evergreen trees that they decorate with ornaments and lights. It's called a Christmas tree. Families gather around it, sharing stories, singing carols, and enjoying each other's company. The tree becomes a symbol of unity and warmth."

"In Ponyville, as we prepare for Hearth's Warming Eve, it's like stepping into a wondrous tale," Lyra began, her voice filled with enthusiasm. "The air is tinged with the aroma of freshly baked sweets, and everypony is bustling about, adorning their homes with decorations that sparkle like the night sky. It's a magical time where the entire town comes together to celebrate friendship and unity."

As Lyra spoke, she couldn't help but continue to draw parallels with the human Christmas traditions she had discovered in her research. "And you know, in the human world, during Christmas, it's almost like a scene out of a heartwarming storybook. The streets are aglow with twinkling lights, and families gather around to decorate their Christmas trees with ornaments and lights. It's a time for them to come together, just like we do in Ponyville."

Lyra's eyes sparkled as she continued to share her findings. "And the holiday traditions go beyond decorations and gifts. Just like our Hearth's Warming Eve pageant, where ponies gather in the town square to sing carols and celebrate the founding of Equestria, humans have their own carols that tell the story of Christmas. It's fascinating how these parallel celebrations weave a tapestry of joy, love, and unity in both worlds."

Lyra flipped another page in the book on the dusty desk, "You see, Bon-Bon, it's not just about the similarities in customs but the shared essence of these holidays. Whether it's the glow of the Heartfire in Ponyville or the flickering candles in human homes, both celebrations symbolize the triumph of light over darkness and the enduring spirit of friendship that unites us all."

Bon-Bon's eyes sparkled with curiosity as she absorbed Lyra's words. "Lyra," she asked, "I understand the beauty in these parallels, but why have you been so engrossed in researching human holiday culture lately? What's driving this fascination?"

Lyra, ever the enthusiast, smiled at Bon-Bon, her eyes glinting with a mixture of determination and excitement. "Bon-Bon, it's not just fascination; it's a quest for understanding. I believe there's a deeper connection between Equestria and the human world, one that history might have overlooked. The more I delve into these similarities, the more convinced I become that humans may have once lived right here in Equestria, just as I have theorized for years." Lyra paused, glancing at the picture of a red-suited human on the page before her. Just like I saw years ago....

Bon-Bon raised an eyebrow, her expression a blend of surprise and intrigue. "I know you have mentioned this in the past, but what makes you so sure this time?"

Lyra broke her gaze from the picture and began to gesture animatedly as she explained, "Look at the evidence, Bon-Bon. The undeniable parallels in our holidays, the shared essence of our celebrations—it's as if the fabric of time itself has woven a tapestry connecting our worlds. Why else would our traditions align so closely? It's more than mere chance; it's a reflection of a shared history."

As they continued their conversation, Twilight Sparkle overheard as she trotted down the archival stairs, returning her own books to the shelves with a purple aura, and joined the discussion between the mares. "Lyra, the idea of humans living in ancient Equestria is certainly intriguing, but do we have any concrete evidence to support such a theory?"

Lyra nodded, her eyes gleaming with determination. "Twilight, consider the artifacts we've discovered in the Canterlot archives. Why do human objects like cups with handles and bowling balls with holes appear in our ancient records? It's as if these items were once a part of daily life in Equestria. I believe these aren't coincidences but rather traces of a shared existence."

Lyra's theory hung in the air like a wisp of magic, sparking Twilight's curiosity. The two ponies were standing amidst the ancient tomes and scrolls of the Canterlot archives, surrounded by the faint scent of old parchment and dust. The soft glow of unicorn horns illuminated the room, casting an otherworldly ambiance.

Twilight Sparkle, the ever-curious princess of friendship, adjusted her librarian glasses and regarded Lyra with a mix of intrigue and skepticism. "You think these human-like artifacts are more than just oddities in our records? That they might be remnants of a shared existence between ponies and humans?"

Lyra nodded, her mint-green coat shimmering in the magical light. "Exactly, Twilight. I've been researching extensively, and the more I delve into our history, the more convinced I become. There's a pattern here, as if there's a forgotten connection between our worlds." She shifted her hooves, "Besides, I know because... I've seen it."

"Lyra," Twilight began, her lavender eyes gleaming with curiosity, "how did you come to see the connection between humans and Equestria? It's a fascinating theory, but I need to understand how you arrived at this conclusion."

Lyra, sitting across from Twilight, hesitated for a moment. She looked over at Bon-Bon who gave her a reassuring nod and ran a hoof through her vibrant mint mane, a thoughtful expression on her face. "It's... it's hard to explain, Twilight. It's like these memories were hidden away, waiting for the right moment to resurface. But I remember every detail—Santa Hooves, the magic, the humans. It's all so vivid."

Twilight's interest intensified. "Vivid memories from your childhood? Did something trigger them recently?"

Lyra nodded, her mint-green eyes reflecting a mix of wonder and uncertainty. "It was our research into the artifacts. The more we delved into Equestria's history, the more those memories came flooding back. It's like I've been carrying a piece of another world within me all this time."

Twilight's horn glowed with a soft lavender light as she considered Lyra's words. "If these memories are so clear to you, perhaps there's a way to share them. A spell that can unveil the past and make it tangible for both of us."

Lyra raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the idea. "You think that's possible?"

Twilight nodded confidently. "Magic has a way of unraveling mysteries, Lyra. Let me try a spell to access and project your memories. We might be able to see the connection you're talking about."

Lyra agreed, her anticipation growing. Twilight's horn shimmered with increased intensity as she cast a spell, weaving the threads of magic to connect with Lyra's memories.

In an instant, the library around them blurred, and a translucent, ethereal scene unfolded. They found themselves in the orphanage from Lyra's past, surrounded by the soft glow of Hearth's Warming Eve decorations.

The little filly Lyra stood in her crib and the sound of hooves on the roof echoed through the room. The memory played out like a silent movie.

"I can't believe it," Twilight whispered, her eyes wide with awe. "This is incredible, Lyra. It's like we're seeing the past in real-time."

Lyra nodded, a mix of emotions playing across her face. "It's all there—the magic, the wonder."

They watched as the young Lyra slept soundly as the beautiful lights glittered in the dark room. The orphanage was adorned with makeshift decorations, and the foals had huddled together in anticipation of a visit from the mysterious figure known as Santa Hooves, but alas not a pony in the room remained awake. As the clock struck midnight, a soft noise echoed through the chimney.

Lyra, in her tiny crib, stirred from her sleep. Her ears perked up as she heard the distinct sound of hooves on the roof and the muffled jingle of bells. In the moonlit room, a faint glow emanated from the fireplace.

Before she could comprehend what was happening, Lyra found herself levitating out of her crib, still new to using magic her mint aura drew her tiny body toward the source of the enchanting sounds. With wide eyes filled with wonder, she floated towards the fireplace. A large, red bag lay nearby, overflowing with beautifully wrapped presents spilled outside of it. Lyra's eyes widened in amazement. Each box was adorned with shiny ribbons and bows, promising untold surprises.

As her magic sat her down on the wooden floor without hesitation. Lyra crawled into the bag grasping at the colorful boxes before her. Suddenly, the bag closed behind her. The tiny filly, hugging a plushy reindeer, yawned and the rhythmic sound of hoofsteps became a lullaby that lulled her into a peaceful slumber.

Lyra's eyes fluttered open, and as she took in her surroundings, she discovered that she was no longer in her familiar crib at the orphanage. The room was aglow with the soft luminescence of twinkling lights, and the air was filled with the delightful scent of peppermint. The gentle hum of muffled laughter danced in the air, coaxing a sense of wonder to bubble up within her.

As the little filly pushed herself up, her little head peeked out of the bag. She was flying like a pegasi! Towering evergreen trees adorned with colorful baubles and twinkling lights surrounded her, creating a magical forest of wintery wonders. The ground beneath her was a pristine blanket of glistening snow that sparkled in the moonlight, and she couldn't resist the urge to let out an excited gasp.

"Wow! Where am I?" she exclaimed, her voice a hushed whisper, not wanting to disturb the enchanting stillness of the winter wonderland.

Lyra saw she was passing a clearing where a quaint village of candy cane houses stood. The roofs were dusted with powdered sugar, and windows glowed warmly with the light of crackling fireplaces. Small... What were those... snowballs? Adorned the front yards, wearing colorful scarves and hats, frozen in playful poses. It was a scene straight out of a winter fairy tale.

In the center of the village square, a group of lively creatures danced in a circle, their laughter like a melody that echoed through the crisp air. They were small, round, and wore pointy hats, each with a mischievous twinkle in their eyes. Lyra didn't know what kind of creatures they were.

As she marveled at the creatures, a deep voice boomed behind her. "Well, well, looks like we have a curious visitor."

Lyra spun around, her eyes wide with awe, to see a creature unlike any she had encountered before. It stood before her, towering and yet strangely familiar, with a broad smile that reached its eyes. The being had a white beard that cascaded down its chest, framing a face that radiated warmth and kindness.

Her mint-green eyes widened, reflecting both curiosity and surprise. The creature wore a vibrant red suit trimmed with fluffy white fur, and its eyes sparkled with a magical glow. Its presence exuded an aura of joy and generosity, reminiscent of the tales she had heard about Santa Hooves.

"Are... are you Santa Hooves?" Lyra stammered, her voice a mixture of excitement and uncertainty.

The being chuckled, the sound resonating in the wintry air. "Ho ho ho, you could say that, little one. I'm Santa Claus, and you've found your way to the Christmas dimension."

Lyra blinked, her mind trying to make sense of the extraordinary sight before her. The concept of a creature in a red suit with a white beard was beyond her wildest imaginings. In Equestria, ponies didn't encounter beings that looked quite like this.

"What... what kind of creature are you?" Lyra asked, her eyes narrowing as she examined Santa Claus with a mix of fascination and curiosity.

Santa Claus let out another hearty laugh, the twinkle in his eyes never fading. "Why, I'm human, my dear. In this dimension, we take on our true forms, be it humans, elves, or even ponies. It's a magical place where the spirit of Hearth's Warming transcends all boundaries."

Lyra's gaze shifted from Santa Claus to her own hooves, pondering the idea of creatures that weren't ponies. The realization that there were beings beyond her world, each with its unique form, ignited a spark of wonder within her young heart.

Santa Claus, noticing her contemplative expression, bent down to her eye level. "Don't worry, Lyra. In this dimension, differences are celebrated. We come together to share the magic of the season, regardless of our appearances."

As the reality of the Christmas dimension unfolded before her, Lyra felt a sense of enchantment and acceptance. The unfamiliar creature before her wasn't a threat but a bearer of joy, kindness, and a connection between worlds she had never imagined.

With a gentle smile, Santa Claus extended a hand toward Lyra, inviting her to join in the festivities of the Christmas dimension. As they walked through the snowy village, Lyra couldn't help but marvel at the wonders of this magical realm, where the boundaries between species blurred, and the spirit of the season united them all.

"Welcome, Lyra," he said with a jolly smile. "You've stumbled upon a world where everypony, human, and creature alike comes together to celebrate the magic of the season."

Lyra, surrounded by the magic of the Christmas dimension, couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for this unexpected adventure. As Santa Hooves led her through the snowy village, sharing tales of joy and kindness, she knew that this enchanting night would forever be etched in her heart.

With a wave of his hand, Santa transformed back into a Reindeer, his coat regaining its familiar reddish hue with white accents. He approached Lyra and gently opened the bag, revealing a treasure trove of beautifully wrapped presents.

"I didn't mean to bring you all the way here, little one," Santa confessed. "But since you're here, how about we make the most of it? What's your deepest Christmas, excuse me, Hearth's Warming wish?"

Lyra, wide-eyed and still awestruck by the magical journey, thought for a moment. "I want to remember this, Santa Hooves. I want to remember you, the humans, and all the wonder I've seen tonight."

Santa Hooves nodded knowingly, his eyes filled with kindness. "Your wish shall be granted, my little friend."

With a swirl of winter magic, Santa created a dimensional portal. The snowy landscape around them melted away, replaced by the familiar sight of the orphanage in Ponyville. The bag floated gently through the portal, and before Lyra knew it, she was back in her crib, surrounded by the soft snores of her fellow foals.

As Santa Hooves bid her farewell, he leaned down and whispered, "Never forget the magic you've experienced tonight, Lyra Heartstrings. The connection between our worlds is stronger than you think."

With that, he vanished up the chimney, leaving behind a sense of wonder that would stay with Lyra for the rest of her days.

Twilight dispelled the magic, and they found themselves back in the Canterlot Archives. The room seemed to buzz with residual energy from the magical projection.

Twilight turned to Lyra, her eyes filled with newfound understanding. "Lyra, your memories are a glimpse into a world we never knew existed. The connection between humans and Equestria is real, and we have the proof right here."

Lyra, still processing the vivid images she had witnessed, nodded, but looked down at her hooves. "But how did I forget for so long if I wished to never forget?"

Twilight thought for a moment, but it was Bon-Bon that spoke up, "Well, perhaps the wish did work because you never truly forgot. You remembered in ways you didn't know, like how you became obsessed with humans. Even if you forgot the more intricate details the magic still worked."

Twilight nodded. "It's true. Magic is tricky and who knows what kind of magic this creature possesses. We must learn more."

Lyra clapped her hooves in excitement, "Twilight, we have to share this with everypony!" Lyra trotted to her quill and paper trying to write down notes of what they had witnessed. "Princess Celestia has always emphasized the importance of understanding and embracing different cultures. I believe that by presenting our findings and showcasing the undeniable parallels between our worlds, we can open a door to a new chapter of exploration and friendship."

Twilight nodded, her curiosity piqued. "You mean a formal presentation to the princesses, showcasing the connections between Equestria and the human world?"

Lyra grinned, her excitement contagious. "Exactly! We can use the upcoming diplomatic summit as an opportunity to share our discoveries. If we present a compelling case, backed by the evidence we've uncovered, we might just uncover the truth about the coexistence of humans and ponies in ancient Equestria."

As the trio hatched a plan to present their findings to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna during the diplomatic summit, the air in the Canterlot archives buzzed with a renewed sense of purpose. Lyra's quest for knowledge had transformed into a mission to unveil the hidden chapters of their shared history.

In the days that followed, Lyra, Twilight, and Bon-Bon worked tirelessly to compile their research into a comprehensive presentation. The Canterlot archives became a hub of activity as scrolls were unfurled, diagrams were drawn, and artifacts were carefully arranged to showcase the uncanny similarities between Equestria and the human world.

Finally, the day of the diplomatic summit arrived. The princesses, along with representatives from various pony tribes and foreign lands, gathered in the grand hall of Canterlot Castle. Lyra, standing before an elaborate display of evidence, began her presentation with a sense of purpose that resonated through the room.

"Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, esteemed guests," Lyra began, her voice carrying the weight of her conviction, "I stand before you not just as a scholar but as a seeker of truth. Our research has uncovered undeniable parallels between Equestria and the human world. From holiday traditions to artifacts found in our archives, the evidence suggests a shared history that goes beyond what we currently understand."

As Lyra presented her findings, the room fell into a hushed silence, captivated by the possibility of a connection that transcended time and space. The princesses, their expressions thoughtful, listened intently as Lyra wove a narrative that challenged the boundaries of their understanding.

Bon-Bon, watching from the sidelines, couldn't help but feel a surge of pride for Lyra's tenacity. Twilight stood by her friend's side, ready to support this bold exploration into the unknown.

When Lyra concluded her presentation, the room erupted into murmurs and discussions. Princess Celestia, her gaze steady and thoughtful, rose from her seat. "Lyra Heartstrings, your dedication to uncovering the mysteries of our past is commendable. We shall consider your findings and explore this connection further. The pursuit of knowledge is a noble endeavor, and your efforts have not gone unnoticed."

As the diplomatic summit continued, the conversation shifted to the potential implications of these revelations. The idea of humans and ponies coexisting in ancient Equestria sparked a dialogue that transcended diplomatic boundaries, uniting ponies from various tribes in a shared quest for understanding.

In the aftermath of the summit, Princess Celestia approached Lyra, her eyes filled with a sense of wisdom. "Lyra Heartstrings, your thirst for knowledge has opened a door to new possibilities. We shall dedicate resources to further explore the connections between our worlds. Who knows what mysteries we may uncover?"

Lyra beamed with gratitude, her journey from a curious scholar to a trailblazer for interdimensional understanding reaching a pivotal moment. As the last notes of Lyra's presentation faded away, a gentle snowfall began, creating a magical atmosphere that enveloped Canterlot. In the quiet moments that followed, Lyra couldn't help but reflect on the enchanting synergy of Hearth's Warming Eve and Christmas, realizing that the true magic lay not only in the shared pursuit of knowledge but also in the ongoing discovery of the universal warmth and joy that the holidays brought to both worlds.

Author's Note:

I hope you enjoy this story! Honestly, this was one of the stories out of the 25 that was hardest for me to write. I never really include humans in my stories, so capturing that element here was challenging. I also had a completely different idea of where the story was going in the beginning than where it ended, so I hope it still comes across as as fun and festive!

Comments ( 2 )

It was an alright story.

This was an okay story. It was certainly very festive, and had some good Lyra silliness, although I feel like it was trying to do too much in too little time. The idea of Lyra meeting Santa is a good comedy premise on its own, but adding all of the surrounding events made the story feel a bit rushed. If this had been a bit more focused, this probably could have been really good.

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