• Published 18th Nov 2023
  • 186 Views, 2 Comments

Test - Cage Black 1443

If you have ever woken in a strange, unfamiliar environment... you probably know what the main character in this story feels like.

  • ...

Chapter 1

"Is the test subject ready?"

"Wake him."


I open my eyes. White. It's the same every time. I open my eyes, and see white. I groan as I stretch my legs and get off my bed, my hooves touching the cold floor. Everything is white. The floor, the walls, the bed, the light, the toilet/sink hybrid. The door. That door. It never opens. Well, kind of. There's a slot in the door that gets opened at least three times a day: Breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

It's the same every time. The same, boring slop. Sometimes, I wish that the door would open, so I can see something... something other than white. Well, I guess I lucked out in one area: There's one thing that isn't white: Me. I have dark gray fur and horn, a black mane and tail, and piercing shade of Kelly green eyes.

And then there's my Cutie Mark. A white skull with green in it's eyes sitting in a black flame. It signifies my dark personality and my specialty in fire magic, and all my fire is green. Like, I am not kidding. I am talented. I could out-magic any unicorn with my fire magic--well, unless it was any area other than fire. I mean, I can levitate stuff with my horn, but...so can every unicorn. Or, at least that's what the books tell me.

I haven't seen any other pony in my life. At least, not in my memory. My earliest memory was this Celestia forsaken white room. You might be wondering, if you're reading this, how I might be able to get food, and books without seeing any other ponies.

Simple, really: the slot in the door opens down, making a platform. The trays of food slide in at meal times. When I am done eating, I place the tray back on the platform, which acts as a conveyor belt. The first day I remember waking up, I found a book sitting on a desk by my bed. I picked it up and started reading. When I was done reading it about a month later, I set it aside, and looked around. There was a button on the wall by the door. So I went over and pressed it, and I heard a female voice come through in a slightly off sound: "Please state your request."

It was strange. If I had to put a word to it, I guess I would say it sounded robotic. I hadn't spoken a word at all up to that point, yet I understood English (I mean, I had just finished reading a book).

I cleared my throat and asked for a new book. My voice came out rough and raspy from lack of use. Then the robotic voice spoke again:

"Please place the book on the tray." The slot that usually held my food opened, and I place the book on it. The book slid through like a conveyor belt, and a new book slid in. That's the pattern I've been in for the last few...

I don't know how long I've been here. There's no calendar, or clock.

It's like whoever designed this place designed it in a way that would make it confusing for anypony (me in this case) to know what day it is. There's not even any windows.

The days bleed together. It gets to the point that for all I know, I'm eating my lunch at midnight. There are days where I wish I wouldn't wake. I mean, would it kill these ponies to, I don't know, get some action in here? Or some company? I don't even know why I'm here, or what this place is. One time, I used the button to try to ask to talk to someone.

Here's the response that I got: "Request cannot be fulfilled."

What is that supposed to mean?!

So yeah, I never tried that again. I still don't know why I'm here. And with nopony to talk to, I obviously get lonely. Part of me wants to try and end it, but there's nothing I can use. However, I did manage to get a journal, which is the journal I am currently writing in.

I can't even dream. Every night, when I'm asleep, they fill the room with this strange, non-lethal gas through the air vents that I can never seem to find that cause me to have dreamless sleep. I don't know why they do this, but from what my books are telling me, one of the princesses of Equestria is named Luna, and she has the power to travel through dreams and talk to ponies in their sleep. I'm guessing that if I have no dreams, she can't see them, and therefore can't talk to me.

But at this point, I don't know. For all I know, those are just books, and there are no Alicorn princesses. Besides, if they were real, then why for the love of Celestia would they not be aware of whatever is going on here?

I've lost hope in finding answers. Now, I spend my days either asleep or reading, and that's it. When I wake up, and I see white, I wait. If I'm awake, that means it's time for food. And sure enough, as I think this, the food tray slides in. I levitate it with my horn. As usual, on the white tray sits a white bowl full of bland, gray oatmeal, with a white, plastic spoon. I eat my food, and place the tray with the bowl and spoon on the conveyor belt, and watch it slide out and the slot close for the millionth time now.

I sigh, and crawl back into my ungodly uncomfortable bed and pull up my extremely itchy blanket, and go to sleep.

After reading all of this, you might be invested in this story. And if you are, then good for you. Join me on this descent into madness. But there might be a question itching the back of your mind:

"What is this guy's name?"

Ha. Well, if you want to know my name, then oh boy, I feel bad for you. Why should you care? You don't know me, and I don't know you. Why would you even care about me? My name doesn't matter to you.

But if you must know, my name is Cage Black.

Author's Note:

Hi! This... this is awkward. You actually read the whole chapter.
Or you scrolled down to read this. Well, this is my first story. In my blogs, I have been talking about this thing called the C.E.M. (Cage Extended Multiverse). This story is indeed in that Multiverse, but will most likely never be seen. This is just--as the title suggests--a test. A test to see if people will be invested in my stories.
If this gets positive reviews, there may be a Chapter 2 on the way.