• Published 9th Nov 2023
  • 417 Views, 12 Comments

Equestria Ninjas: Liberty Thankgiving - Dinomite123

Donnie takes Twilight and a few of the gang on an adventure in the 17th century with three teenage reporters.

  • ...

The Rescue Mission Part 1

The chariot raced all the way back to Pennsylvania Colony to tell Moses the terrible news.

"Step on it!" Mikey demanded.

"We're almost there, so be patient." James told him.

"I don't how long it's gonna take for us to start a rescue plan." Rainbow Dash said. "Twilight and Henri need our help."

"Don't worry, we'll figure something out." Applejack reassured her. "We just need to gather some more information first."

"Are we there yet?"

They hear a kid's voice from somewhere. They removed a cloth to see it was Chayton.

"And who are you?" Rarity asked.

"I'm Chayton, I've come from the tribe from where you were."

"Why did sneak onto out chariot?" James asked.

"Because I want to help." Chayton replied. "I know where my father and the others are being held. They're at the old fort by the river."

"They took your father was taken too?"

Chayton nodded. "Yes, they arrested him because they said he was teaching us the wrong things. They took my father away and put him in a prison cell. I managed to sneak away and find you all because I want to help you rescue them."

"Okay, but we have to break news to Moses first, and we need a plan." Sarah told him.

"And we also need to save Twilight and Henri!" Rainbow reminded.

"We need to get them back," he said with determination in his eyes. "They're my friends."

"You've just met them." Mikey said to him.

"I know, but they're good people. They're here to help us understand our culture, not hurt us." Chayton explained.

At last, they arrived at Pennsylvania Colony to tell Moses about the terrible news. The young reporter looked shocked when he heard what happened.

They've been what?" He exclaimed.

"They've been taken by the Boston Tea Party, Moses." Sarah said, her voice full of concern. "They were trying to gather information about the upcoming Thanksgiving celebration when they were ambushed."

Moses looked horrified. "This is unacceptable! We must do something to rescue them."

The group exchanged glances. They knew that they couldn't risk confronting the Boston Tea Party head-on, but they also couldn't just sit by and do nothing. They needed a plan.

"We should gather as much information as we can about the Boston Tea Party's movements and plans," suggested James. "If we know where they're likely to take Twilight and Henri next, we might be able to devise a rescue mission."

"Wait, I know where they are." Chayton spoke. "They're at an old fort by the river."

The group looked at him in surprise. "You're sure about this?" James asked.

"Yes, I know the way there. My father and I used to go there for hunting trips," Chayton explained. "We can get there before they realize we're missing."

The group exchanged glances once again. It was a risky plan, but it was the only one they had. They knew they couldn't just sit idly by while their friends were in danger.

"All right, Chayton," Sarah said, her voice resolute. "Lead the way. We'll follow you and see if we can rescue them."

They set off toward the old fort, following Chayton through the woods. The tension was palpable as they crept silently through the underbrush, careful not to make a sound that might alert the Boston Tea Party soldiers. After what seemed like hours of walking, they finally reached the outskirts of the fort.

"This is as far as I can go," Chayton whispered. "The soldiers are all over the place."

The group nodded, taking a moment to catch their breath. They were hidden behind some bushes, peeking out at the fort. They could see Twilight and Henri tied up in the center of the camp, guarded by several soldiers. The Boston Tea Party had set up camp for the night, with fires burning and soldiers standing watch.

"What's the plan?" Mikey whispered, his voice barely audible even to himself.

James glanced at Chayton, then at the fort. "I think we should split up. Some of us can sneak in and free Twilight and Henri while the rest provide a distraction. That way, we can overwhelm the guards and make our escape."

"Or how about we dress up as the soldiers and create a diversion?" Leo added.

"Good idea," Chayton said. "I can help with that."

"Sorry, Chayton. But, you are much too young for that." Sarah told him.

"I understand," Chayton said with a sigh. "Then, I'll help with the distraction."

"No, just stay put." James said.

They quickly discussed the plan, deciding that Mikey and Leo would dress up as soldiers and try to create a diversion at the north gate while Sarah and James sneaked into the camp to free Twilight and Henri. Chayton would remain hidden nearby, ready to provide backup if necessary.

As night fell, the group split up. Mikey and Leo hurried toward the north gate, doing their best to look like soldiers. They approached two guards who were leaning against a tree, deep in conversation. With a shout, they charged at the guards, knocking them to the ground. The guards were so surprised that they didn't even have time to react before Mikey and Leo had them tied up and gagged.

Meanwhile, Sarah and James crept silently through the camp, avoiding detection. They made their way toward Twilight and Henri, who were still tied up in the center of the camp.

"Sarah, your just in time." Henri said.

"What took you guys?" Twilight asked.

James grinned at her. "We're just glad to see you two safe. Now, let's get out of here."

Using their knives, they quickly cut the ropes that bound their friends' hands and feet.

"All right, we'll lead the way," Sarah whispered, her heart pounding in her chest. "Michelangelo and Leonardo are creating a diversion at the north gate."

The group crept through the darkness, weaving between the tents and soldiers. As they neared the north gate, they could hear shouting and the sound of swords clashing. The diversion was working perfectly.

Suddenly, a loud explosion erupted from behind them. They turned to see a figure running toward them, his face painted white and his clothes disheveled. It was Chayton. "I did it!" he panted. "I set off the smoke bomb I made earlier. They're all busy with that now!"

They dashed toward the north gate, following Mikey and Leo's trail. As they emerged from the forest, they saw the two boys fighting valiantly against a group of soldiers. They joined the battle, attacking from behind, and together they managed to overpower the remaining soldiers. The north gate was theirs.

Outside the fort, they found a small boat waiting for them. They quickly loaded it up with the unconscious bodies of the Boston Tea Party soldiers and rowed away from the shore. As they made their escape, the sun began to rise over the horizon, painting the sky a breathtaking shade of red and orange.

"Chayton, what are you doing?" James exclaimed.

Chayton turned to James, his face flushed with excitement. "I just wanted to leave them with a little something," he said, handing James a small pouch. "These are firecrackers. They should do the trick."

"I couldn't just sit there and watch them suffer," Chayton replied with a shrug. "Besides, I figured it'd be better if we left them with a little something to remember us by."

"Come one, let's get out of here." Leo ordered.

The group quickly boarded the chariot and galloped away from the camp. As they left the area behind them, they couldn't help but feel a sense of relief and accomplishment. They had successfully rescued Twilight and Henri and had even managed to free themselves from the clutches of the Boston Tea Party.

"You two okay?" Leo asked.

"Leo? Is that you?" Twilight asked in surprise.

"Of course, it is, Twilight," Leo replied, grinning. "We're all here. Chayton, you did a great job with those firecrackers. That'll teach them not to mess with us."

"Well, I couldn't just leave them empty-handed," Chayton protested. "Besides, it's not like they'll know what to do with all those firecrackers."

"Yes, I mean, he did help us escape." Sarah added.

"He may be just a kid, but he did pull a nice trick for those guys to help us escape." Raph added.

"True, but he could've been hurt." James exclaimed.

"James, just show some appreciation for once." Sarah told him.

The next day, they were back at Pennsylvania Colony. They were not done with the rescue mission yet. They had to save Chayton's father next.

"So, what's the plan this time?" Twilight asked.

"We need to find out where they're keeping Chayton's father," Sarah replied. "Chayton, do you know anything about that?"

Chayton's eyes widened with fear. "I-I think he's at Fort Necessity," he stammered. "But it's guarded by soldiers. We'll need a plan to get in and rescue him."

"We'll come up with something," Mikey reassured him. "In the meantime, you should stay with Twilight and Henri. You've been through enough."

"I've sent a message to Mr. Franklin." Moses said.

"Who's Mr. Franklin?" Chayton asked.

"Benjiman Franklin, he's one of the most important people here in Pennsylvania Colony. He's an inventor, writer, and a diplomat. He's also a good friend of my father's," Moses explained. "He might be able to help us rescue your father."

"How's he gonna help us?" Leo asked.

"You'll see, we just have to wait patiently."

If they want to rescue Chayton's father, they'll have to wait patiently for Benjiman Franklin to arrive. But, things will eventually get out of hand when it comes to the Boston Tea Party.