> Equestria Ninjas: Liberty Thankgiving > by Dinomite123 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Class Assignment > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the lair of the sewers of NYC. Donnie was in his laboratory working on his latest invention...a teleportation machine. He had been working on it for weeks, trying to perfect the technology he had been studying for years. As he carefully calibrated the machine, he thought about the possibilities it could bring. What if they could explore new dimensions and galaxies? What if they could travel through time? "Watcha workin on, D?" Mikey walked in. "A teleportation machine." Donnie answered. "No way, can I see it?" "Mikey, have you ever thought about how rare these inventions are before getting excited about it?" "Sorry." "This teleportation machine is still in its early stages, but I believe it has the potential to change the course of history," Donnie explained, his eyes shining with excitement. Then Mikey remembered the last time her tried an invention like that, it made him travel to somewhere to fix his mistakes and vowed to never touch it again. "Wow...uh...must be real rare, huh?" Mikey acted as if something never happened. "It sure is." Donnie replied. Just then, Twilight rush into the lab. "Hey! Guys! I need your help with something." She spoke. "What's up, Twilight?" Donnie asked. "I'm working on a school assignment about Thanksgiving in the 17th century, but I can't seem to find enough information," Twilight explained. "I was wondering if you guys could help me out?" "Sure, what do you need?" Donnie asked. "Since you're the genius, I'd figure we study it together." "Alright, I think we should start by understanding the historical context of the event. You know, to get a better idea of what they were celebrating." Donnie suggested. "Can I join?" Mikey asked. "Your not genius, Mikey." "But, I was a genius when I made that antidote for you." "Those were brain worm effects, Mikey." Twilight rolled her eyes. "Anyway, let's get started. We'll need to study about the relationship between the Pilgrims and the Native Americans, their way of life, and the events leading up to the first Thanksgiving." As they delved deeper into their research, they discovered that the Pilgrims, a group of English separatists, had arrived in America in 1620 seeking religious freedom. They struggled to adapt to the new environment and faced numerous hardships, including harsh weather and a lack of food. The Native Americans, specifically the Wampanoag tribe, helped the Pilgrims by teaching them how to farm and fish, and even sharing their food with them. The first Thanksgiving was held in the year 1621, when the Pilgrims and the Native Americans gathered together to celebrate their bountiful harvest. It was a time of feasting, sharing stories, and expressing gratitude for their blessings. The two groups came together to form an alliance, which was crucial for the survival of both parties. As they continued their research, Twilight, Donnie, and Mikey discovered that the Thanksgiving feast was not just about food but also about building relationships and understanding between different cultures. The Native Americans showed the Pilgrims how to live in harmony with nature, and the Pilgrims learned valuable skills from them. "It's amazing how two completely different groups of people could come together and help each other survive," Twilight said, her eyes wide with wonder. "Yeah, and it just goes to show that when we put aside our differences and work together, we can achieve great things," Donnie added. Just then, Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash showed up. "Hey there, Twilight," Applejack greeted. "Hi, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash," Twilight replied, surprised to see them. "What are you guys doing here?" "We wanted to help with your history lesson," Applejack explained. "We figured if you were gonna learn about the past, it'd be best to experience it firsthand." "I've already seen your family photo of you in 18th century style." "Like I ever thought I'd be experiencing the 17th century," Rainbow Dash muttered under her breath. "Hey, no need to be negative, Rainbow," Applejack chided. "We're all here to learn something new." "Hey, you just gave me an idea." Donnie beamed. "What's that, Donnie?" Twilight asked. "Well, since we've already researched about the 17th century and Thanksgiving, why don't we just go back in time to experience it firsthand?" Donnie suggested. "How are we supposed to do that?" Applejack asked. "I've been working on a teleportation machine," Donnie explained. "It's not perfected yet, but I think it might be able to transport us to the 17th century." Everyone looked at him in disbelief. "Are you serious?" Twilight asked. "Of course I am," Donnie replied. "We'll go back in time and observe the event firsthand." "Don't you remember the last time we travelled back in time?" Applejack asked. "What?" "We were in the dinosaur age and cousinly got dino poo on my hair!" Rarity cried. "But this is different," Donnie insisted. "I've done extensive research and testing on the machine. It's safe now." "I don't know dude, it doesn't seem like it's safe." Mikey said in worry. "How would you know? It's not like you've been in it before." That still reminded Mikey about the time he actually did go in it. "Of course not." He faked. "Are you sure about this, Donnie?" Twilight asked, her skepticism evident. "I've done extensive research and testing on the machine. It's safe now." Donnie insisted. "Alright, let's do it!" Twilight declared, her excitement overpowering her skepticism. Later, they were all dressed in the right occasion. "I could get use to all this old fashion." Rarity said. "Well, I won't." Rainbow mumbled. "Quit complaining, Rainbow." Applejack told her. Donnie and Mikey used the device that transformed them into their human disguises in fancy 18th century outfits. "Alright, everyone, listen up," Donnie explained as he adjusted the settings on the teleportation machine. "We're about to travel back in time to the year 1623. The machine will scan our surroundings and transport us to a similar location. Remember, this is a historical event, so we must act accordingly." "I'll do my best," Twilight replied, her eyes wide with anticipation. They all took a deep breath and stood in front of the teleportation machine. Donnie hit the activation switch, and they disappeared in a flash of light. When they materialized, they found themselves in a small clearing surrounded by dense woods. The air was cold, and the ground was covered in dead leaves. In the distance, they could hear the sound of running water. "Where are we?" Twilight asked, her voice shaking with fear. "We seem to be in the middle of the wilderness," Donnie replied. "We must have miscalculated the coordinates." "We need to find out where we are and how to get back," Applejack said, her practical nature taking over. Suddenly, they heard a gunshot noise. "What was that?" Twilight asked, her eyes wide with fear. "It sounded like a gunshot," Mikey said, his voice trembling. "We need to be careful," Donnie warned. "We don't know what kind of dangers we might face in this time period." They all nodded in agreement, their hearts pounding with fear and anticipation. They surveyed their surroundings, trying to figure out where they were. The dense woods seemed impenetrable, and the only clue they had was the sound of running water in the distance. At last, they arrive at spot where they can see a clear spot through the trees. It was a camp with soldiers that looked like they were from Massachusetts. Expect...they really are from Massachusetts. "Wow...it looks like the Massachusetts soldiers camp." Twilight said. "Wait a minute, aren't they soldiers from one of the greatest colonial history stories of all...the Boston Tea Party?" Donnie wondered. "I think so," Twilight replied, her brow furrowed in thought. "But that happened in 1773, which was a century after the first Thanksgiving." "Oh no! Then that means I took us back on the wrong date. We're in 1773, not 1621!" "Calm down, Donnie. It's not the end of the world," Applejack reassured him. "But we're not supposed to be here!" Donnie insisted. "Hey, let's focus on the present situation," Applejack said, her voice calm and reassuring. "We're in 1773, and we need to figure out what to do next." "But 1621 is the date of the first thanksgiving. It's supposed to be an exploration for Twilight's class project. " We can't just stay here," Twilight said, her brow furrowed in thought. "We need to find a way back to our own time." "But what about your project?" "I guess I'll have to rewrite it," Twilight sighed, resigned to the fact that their plan had gone awry. "Hey! You all there. What are doing behind the trees?" They froze and turned to see it was one of the soldiers calling out to them. "Uh...we're just passing through," Donnie managed to say, trying to keep his voice from shaking. The soldier approached them, his musket slung over his shoulder. He was young, no more than twenty, with a scruffy beard and tired eyes. "Who are you?" he asked, his voice guarded. "Uhh...we are just villagers." Donnie tried to explain, not wanting to reveal their true identities. "Really? It looks to me that you all are spies." The man said. "Did you come from the Indian village?" "No, we're not spies," Twilight quickly replied. "We're just travelers." "Travelers?" The soldier raised an eyebrow. "In these times, travelers are not safe. You should be in your homes, not roaming around." "We're sorry, we didn't mean to cause any trouble," Twilight apologized, trying to appease the soldier. "I think you both better come with us, just to be sure your not spires or anything." "Wait, I have a better idea." Mikey cutted in. "RUN!" He dashed past the soldiers, quickly disappearing into the woods. The other friends hesitated for a moment, but then followed suit, not wanting to be left behind. They ran as fast as they could, their hearts pounding with fear and adrenaline. "AFTER THEM!" The soldiers shouted and gave chase. The friends ran deeper into the woods, trying to lose their pursuers. They tripped over roots and branches, their breath coming in ragged gasps. "We gotta hide somewhere," Applejack said, her breath coming out in short gasps. "But where?" Rainbow asked. "I don't know, just find a spot and hide!" Twilight urged. "Hide!" Twilight whispered. They all scrambled to find hiding spots. Rainbow Dash managed to squeeze herself into a small crevice between two rocks, while Applejack hid behind a thick tree trunk. Mikey found a hollowed-out log to hide in, and Twilight hid herself under some leaves and branches. The soldiers came closer, their boots crunching on the leaves and twigs. The friends held their breath, hearts pounding in their chests. They could hear the soldiers talking, their voices growing louder. "Did you see where they went?" one of them asked. "No, they must have disappeared into thin air," another replied. "Well, we can't let them go. We need to find them and make sure they are not spies. The last thing we need is trouble from the British." The friends listened in horror as the soldiers continued their search. Their hearts pounded in their chests as they tried to remain still and silent. The branches rustled above them, and the leaves crunched beneath the soldiers' boots. The friends held their breath, praying that the soldiers wouldn't find them. Suddenly, there was a loud cracking noise. One of the soldiers had stumbled upon Rainbow Dash's hiding spot. She froze, unable to move, as the soldier approached her. "Don't move, or I'll shoot," the soldier warned, his musket pointed at her. Rainbow Dash froze, her heart racing in her chest. She could feel the barrel of the gun pressed against her back, and she knew that any sudden movement could be fatal. "Who are you?" the soldier demanded, his voice cold and harsh. Rainbow Dash swallowed hard, her heart pounding in her chest. She knew that if she revealed who she was, they would never believe her. So, she took a deep breath and tried to think of a lie that would sound convincing. Just then they heard a horse nose. "What was that? A light and heavy cargo bag flew right into their faces causing them to fall. Just then, two teenagers were on a horse with a cart in the back of it. The teenage male had long blonde hair with a ponytail and a green vest on him. And the teenage female was a redhead with a ponytail as well and a white dress. "Quick, get on!" The blonde teen said, pointing to the cargo bag in the back of the cart. "What about them?" Applejack asked, gesturing to the soldiers. "Don't worry about them. Just get on the cart, now!" The friends scrambled onto the cart, quickly hiding among the cargo. The redhead girl named Sarah Phillips took the reins of the horse, while the blonde boy named James Hiller climbed onto the cart next to them. The cart began to move swiftly through the woods, leaving the confused soldiers behind. Something tells me that this adventure is going to be epic. > The Reporters > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Donnie and rest were riding on the cart carried by a horse along with two strange teenagers to get away from the Boston Party. "This is amazing, Donnie. I never thought I would see the 18th century." Twilight Sparkle said as she was holding a quill and ink. "Well, I didn't think it would work either. But here we are." Donnie replied, looking around at the village. At last, they arrived at the edge of the village, where a large group of people was gathered. As they disembarked from the cart, Twilight and her friends were greeted by a mixture of curiosity and suspicion from the villagers. Donnie and the others were immediately struck by the rustic simplicity of their surroundings - wooden houses with thatched roofs, dirt roads, and people dressed in homespun clothing. "This is our stop." James said. "Thanks for the ride." Applejack said as they all stepped down from the cart. "And thanks for saving our butts back there." Mikey replied. "Oh, it was nothing. Who knows what the Boston Tea Party are capable of." Sarah smirked. "Yeah, about that..." "What were you all doing spying on them anyway?" James asked. "We're not spying! We're just trying to understand...uh...what's going on in the colonies. You know, like journalists do," Twilight tired to explained. "Well, your in for luck. I'm a journalist as much as him here." Sarah pointed. "And we have a few other special friends with us. They're here to help us learn and observe as well." James said, gesturing to the group. "Wow, I guess we are in for luck." Applejack said. "As much I see luck, then I guess we're all right with it." Rarity pointed out. "Anyway, my name is "Anyway, my name is Sarah Phillips, and this is my colleague, James Hiller." "I'm Twilight Sparkle, and this is my friend, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Michelangelo and Donatello." "Nice to meet you all," Sarah said, smiling. "Well, it seems like you've all come a long way." "I'm sort a journalist like you, only a little bit." "Really? What's your report on?" "Well, it's actually more of an assignment for school." Twilight explained "We're here to cover the upcoming Thanksgiving celebration between the English settlers and the local Native American tribes. We're hoping to get a firsthand account of the event and its significance." "That sounds like quite a challenge." James said, "But I'm sure you'll find plenty of material to work with. The Native Americans have a rich culture and history that often gets overlooked." "Yeah, I'm excited to learn more about them," Twilight said, nodding in agreement. "But, I gotta ask, do the Native Americans do the same thing at this time? Especially during the Boston Tea Party?" "Well, that's actually a bit of a sore spot between the colonists and the Native Americans," Sarah explained. "Many of the tribes were caught in the middle of the conflict, and some were even attacked by colonists who blamed them for supporting the British." "That's terrible!" Twilight exclaimed. "Yes, it was a sad time for many," Sarah said solemnly. "But it's important to remember that not all Native Americans sided with the British. Many tribes tried to stay neutral, fearing the consequences of either side winning the war." "That's really interesting," Twilight commented, making a mental note to include this in her report. "But there is still the same Thanksgiving tradition around at this time, right? Donnie asked. "Oh yes, of course." Sarah replied. "The Wampanoag tribe, who were among the first to interact with the English settlers, actually helped them survive their first few years in the new world by teaching them how to plant crops and fish. When the English held a harvest feast to celebrate their first successful growing season, they invited the Wampanoag tribe to join them, and thus the tradition of Thanksgiving was born." "Wow, that's amazing!" Twilight exclaimed, her quill scribbling furiously on the parchment. "I can't wait to learn more about their customs and traditions." "You know, this reminds me of a young friend of ours who works with us." James replied. "Oh? Who might that be?" Rarity asked curiously. "His name is Henri Richard Maurice. He's a bit of a prodigy, actually. He's only twelve years old but already writes for several publications in France." "Where is he now?" "I believe he went to gather some more information about the upcoming celebration." Sarah replied. "And he's helping out with Moses with the English?" James replied "Speaking of which, we should probably head back to the newsroom. Would you like to come with us?" "Oh, I think we'll be fine for a while," Twilight said, gesturing to the others. "We were just getting comfortable with the locals." "Actually, we would love to join you all." Donnie cutted in. "Great! The more the merrier." James said as he started walking. At the newsroom in the town of Pennsylvania Colony in Philadelphia, a twelve year old boy named Henri Richard Maurice and Moses were busy working on their latest article about the upcoming Thanksgiving celebration. Henri had been sent by his father to gather information about the event and he had managed to secure an interview with one of the English settlers who had attended the first Thanksgiving feast. "So, tell me about your experiences during the Thanksgiving celebration with the Natives," Henri asked, leaning in eagerly. The English settler, Mr. Johnson, smiled fondly at the memory. "It was a truly remarkable occasion. We were invited to join the Wampanoag tribe for a feast of their own, and it was there that we shared our first Thanksgiving together. There was an abundance of food, and we all sat together, sharing stories and laughter." Henri scribbled down the details in his notebook, already forming ideas for his article. He glanced up at Moses, who was busy organizing the papers on his desk. "What about the Native American customs and traditions? Did you get a chance to learn anything about that?" Moses nodded, "Yes, I managed to speak with one of the local chiefs. He told me that their Thanksgiving celebration is similar to ours, but it also includes a ceremony to honor the spirits of their ancestors. They believe that the harvest is a gift from the spirits, and they give thanks to them for their blessings." Just then, James entered the newsroom. "Henri, we're going to the printing press. Are you ready?" James asked. "Yes, sir!" Henri replied, standing up and putting his notebook away. As they walked to the printing press, Henri couldn't help but feel excited. This was his first big assignment, and he was determined to make it a success. He glanced over at James, who was walking next to him, and wondered what it would be like to be a real journalist like him. "Who are your friends, James?" Moses asked. "Oh, they're just some young folks that we saved at the sight of the Boston tea party."," James replied casually. ."And they're all here to learn about the Native American culture and traditions for their school projects?" Moses asked, sounding surprised. "It's a pleasure to meet you all," Twilight said, extending her hand to shake Moses's. "I'm Twilight Sparkle, and these are my friends, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Michelangelo and Donatello." Moses smiled warmly and shook her hand. "It's an honor to meet you as well, Twilight. I must say, your presence here is quite intriguing." "Oh, and this is our little friend we told you about earlier, Henri." Sarah said. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Henri," Twilight added with a warm smile. "I'm sure you'll have some wonderful stories to share with your readers back in France." Henri blushed slightly at the attention, but he couldn't help but feel proud of himself. He glanced over at James, who gave him a reassuring nod. "Well, we should probably get back to work," James said, breaking the silence. "We have a lot to prepare for the upcoming issue." They all nodded in agreement and returned to their respective tasks. "Oh, well, I'm from a small village in France. My father is a successful businessman, and my mother is a well-known artist. They were quite supportive of my dreams of becoming a journalist." Sarah said, smiling. "Well, I'm from Boston. Born and raised there," James replied. "My father was a sailor, and my mother was a homemaker. They taught me the value of hard work and dedication." Moses, on the other hand, hailed from a small village in Africa. "I was born in Ghana, but my family moved to Philadelphia when I was just a boy. My father was a tribal leader, and my mother was a healer. They instilled in me the importance of preserving our culture and traditions." As they continued to chat, the printing press began to hum, signaling that it was time for Henri's article to be printed. He watched nervously as the papers rolled off the press, his first article finally taking shape. It was titled "A New Perspective on Thanksgiving: The Native American Experience." "So, how did you guys met?" Donnie asked. "Well, it was during the Boston Tea Party," James replied. "I was there with my friends, and we saw Henri trying to help his father who was injured during the chaos. We managed to get him to safety, and that's when we first met him." "Yes, and I was just a young boy then," Henri added. "I remember being so scared and not understanding what was happening. But James and his friends were like angels to me." They all laughed at the memory, and the atmosphere in the newsroom lightened up. As they continued to chat, they heard a commotion outside. "Well, I was on a ship to Boston." Sarah explained. "While I was writing a letter to my father, the ship was under attack by Mohawks," "That was before when Benjiman Franklin sent us to take care of her." James replied. They were shocked when he said the name Benjiman Franklin. "Did you just say Benjiman Franklin?" Donnie asked. "Yes, he was the one who sent us to take care of her." James replied. "The" Benjiman Franklin? The one who did an experiment on electricity with a kite?" "Yep, the same one," James replied. "The Donnie and rest were riding on the cart carried by a horse along with two strange teenagers to get away from the Boston Party. "This is amazing, Donnie. I never thought I would see the 18th century." Twilight Sparkle said as she was holding a quill and ink. "Well, I didn't think it would work either. But here we are." Donnie replied, looking around at the village. At last, they arrived at the edge of the village, where a large group of people was gathered. As they disembarked from the cart, Twilight and her friends were greeted by a mixture of curiosity and suspicion from the villagers. Donnie and the others were immediately struck by the rustic simplicity of their surroundings - wooden houses with thatched roofs, dirt roads, and people dressed in homespun clothing. "This is our stop." James said. "Thanks for the ride." Applejack said as they all stepped down from the cart. "And thanks for saving our butts back there." Mikey replied. "Oh, it was nothing. Who knows what the Boston Tea Party are capable of." Sarah smirked. "Yeah, about that..." "What were you all doing spying on them anyway?" James asked. "We're not spying! We're just trying to understand...uh...what's going on in the colonies. You know, like journalists do," Twilight tired to explained. "Well, your in for luck. I'm a journalist as much as him here." Sarah pointed. "And we have a few other special friends with us. They're here to help us learn and observe as well." James said, gesturing to the group. "Wow, I guess we are in for luck." Applejack said. "As much I see luck, then I guess we're all right with it." Rarity pointed out. "Anyway, my name is Sarah Phillips, and this is my colleague, James Hiller." "I'm Twilight Sparkle, and this is my friend, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Michelangelo and Donatello." "Nice to meet you all," Sarah said, smiling. "Well, it seems like you've all come a long way." "I'm sort a journalist like you, only a little bit." "Really? What's your report on?" Sarah asked. "Well, it's actually more of an assignment for school." Twilight explained "We're here to cover the upcoming Thanksgiving celebration between the English settlers and the local Native American tribes. We're hoping to get a firsthand account of the event and its significance." "That sounds like quite a challenge." James said, "But I'm sure you'll find plenty of material to work with. The Native Americans have a rich culture and history that often gets overlooked." "Yeah, I'm excited to learn more about them," Twilight said, nodding in agreement. "But, I gotta ask, do the Native Americans do the same thing at this time? Especially during the Boston Tea Party?" "Well, that's actually a bit of a sore spot between the colonists and the Native Americans," Sarah explained. "Many of the tribes were caught in the middle of the conflict, and some were even attacked by colonists who blamed them for supporting the British." "That's terrible!" Twilight exclaimed. "Yes, it was a sad time for many," Sarah said solemnly. "But it's important to remember that not all Native Americans sided with the British. Many tribes tried to stay neutral, fearing the consequences of either side winning the war." "That's really interesting," Twilight commented, making a mental note to include this in her report. "But there is still the same Thanksgiving tradition around at this time, right? Donnie asked. "Oh yes, of course." Sarah replied. "The Wampanoag tribe, who were among the first to interact with the English settlers, actually helped them survive their first few years in the new world by teaching them how to plant crops and fish. When the English held a harvest feast to celebrate their first successful growing season, they invited the Wampanoag tribe to join them, and thus the tradition of Thanksgiving was born." "Wow, that's amazing!" Twilight exclaimed, her quill scribbling furiously on the parchment. "I can't wait to learn more about their customs and traditions." "You know, this reminds me of a young friend of ours who works with us." James replied. "Oh? Who might that be?" Twilight asked curiously. "His name is Henri Richard Maurice. He's a bit of a prodigy, actually. He's only twelve years old but already writes for several publications in France." James explained. "Where is right now?" "I believe he went to gather some more information about the upcoming celebration." Sarah replied. "And he's helping out with Moses with the English" James replied. "Speaking of which, we should probably head back to the newsroom. Would you like to come with us?" "Oh, I think we'll be fine for a while," Twilight said, gesturing to the others. "We were just getting comfortable with the locals." "Actually, we would love to join you all." Donnie cutted in. "Great! The more the merrier." James said as he started walking. At the newsroom in the town of Pennsylvania Colony in Philadelphia, a twelve year old boy named Henri Richard Maurice and Moses were busy working on their latest article about the upcoming Thanksgiving celebration. Henri had been sent by his father to gather information about the event and he had managed to secure an interview with one of the English settlers who had attended the first Thanksgiving feast. "So, tell me about your experiences during the Thanksgiving celebration with the Natives," Henri asked, leaning in eagerly. The English settler, Mr. Johnson, smiled fondly at the memory. "It was a truly remarkable occasion. We were invited to join the Wampanoag tribe for a feast of their own, and it was there that we shared our first Thanksgiving together. There was an abundance of food, and we all sat together, sharing stories and laughter." Henri scribbled down the details in his notebook, already forming ideas for his article. He glanced up at Moses, who was busy organizing the papers on his desk. "What about the Native American customs and traditions? Did you get a chance to learn anything about that?" Moses nodded, "Yes, I managed to speak with one of the local chiefs. He told me that their Thanksgiving celebration is similar to ours, but it also includes a ceremony to honor the spirits of their ancestors. They believe that the harvest is a gift from the spirits, and they give thanks to them for their blessings." Just then, James entered the newsroom. "Henri, we're going to the printing press. Are you ready?" James asked. "Yes, sir!" Henri replied, standing up and putting his notebook away. As they walked to the printing press, Henri couldn't help but feel excited. This was his first big assignment, and he was determined to make it a success. He glanced over at James, who was walking next to him, and wondered what it would be like to be a real journalist like him. "Who are your friends, James?" Moses asked. "Oh, they're just some young folks that we saved at the sight of the Boston tea party."," James replied casually. "Fellas, this our publisher, Moses." "It's a pleasure to meet you all," Twilight said, extending her hand to shake Moses's. "I'm Twilight Sparkle, and these are my friends, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Michelangelo and Donatello." Moses smiled warmly and shook her hand. "It's an honor to meet you as well, Twilight. I must say, your presence here is quite intriguing." "Oh, and this is our little friend we told you about earlier, Henri." Sarah said. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Henri," Twilight added with a warm smile. "I'm sure you'll have some wonderful stories to share with your readers back in France." Henri blushed slightly at the attention, but he couldn't help but feel proud of himself. He glanced over at James, who gave him a reassuring nod. "Well, we should probably get back to work," Sarah said, breaking the silence. "We have a lot to prepare for the upcoming issue." They all nodded in agreement and returned to their respective tasks. "So, Sarah, darling. Tell us where you came from." Rarity replied. "Oh, well, I'm from a small village in France. My father is a successful businessman, and my mother is a well-known artist. They were quite supportive of my dreams of becoming a journalist." Sarah said, smiling. "What the rest of you guys." Mikey asked James and Moses. "Well, I'm from Boston. Born and raised there," James replied. "My father was a sailor, and my mother was a homemaker. They taught me the value of hard work and dedication." Moses, on the other hand, hailed from a small village in Africa. "I was born in Ghana, but my family moved to Philadelphia when I was just a boy. My father was a tribal leader, and my mother was a healer. They instilled in me the importance of preserving our culture and traditions." As they continued to chat, the printing press began to hum, signaling that it was time for Henri's article to be printed. He watched nervously as the papers rolled off the press, his first article finally taking shape. It was titled "A New Perspective on Thanksgiving: The Native American Experience." "So, how did you guys met?" Donnie asked. "Well, it was during the Boston Tea Party," James replied. "I was there with my friends, and we saw Henri trying to help his father who was injured during the chaos. We managed to get him to safety, and that's when we first met him." "Yes, and I was just a young boy then," Henri added. "I remember being so scared and not understanding what was happening. But James and his friends were like angels to me." They all laughed at the memory, and the atmosphere in the newsroom lightened up. As they continued to chat, they heard a commotion outside. "How did you meet Sarah?" "Well, I was on a ship to Boston." Sarah explained. "While I was writing a letter to my father, the ship was under attack by Mohawks," "That was before when Benjiman Franklin sent us to take care of her." James replied. They were shocked when he said the name Benjiman Franklin. "Did you just say Benjiman Franklin?" Donnie asked. "Yes, he was the one who sent us to take care of her." James replied. "The" Benjiman Franklin? The one who did an experiment on electricity with a kite?" "Yep, the same one," James replied. "And your friends with him?" Applejack asked. "Friends is a strong word, but we've met him a few times and worked together on a couple of occasions," James explained. "He's a remarkable inventor and thinker, always coming up with new ideas and experiments." "Wow, that must have been incredible," Twilight exclaimed. "I've read so much about him in history books. To actually meet him and work with him must be a dream come true." "It definitely is," James said with a smile. "We're grateful for the opportunities we've had to learn from such brilliant minds." Then they hear a noise coming from outside. "What was that?" Moses wondered. They all rushed outside to find out what was happening. As they stepped out of the newsroom, they saw a group of Native Americans running towards them, their faces filled with fear and determination. "What's happening?" James asked, trying to make sense of the chaos around him. "The colonists have attacked our village!" one of the Native Americans replied, his voice shaking with anger and fear. "They burned our homes, stole our food, and killed many of our people!" "This is terrible!" Twilight exclaimed, feeling her heart break for the suffering of the Native Americans. "Yes, it is a dark day for us," James said solemnly. "But we must not stand idly by. We will help you in any way we can." "We'll go to the colonists and demand they stop their attack," James replied, his voice filled with determination. "Or we can stay put for awhile until we can get any further notice." Moses demanded. "What do you mean by that?" James asked. "I mean we should stay put and not go rushing off to confront the colonists," Moses replied. "We don't know what kind of force we're up against, and we could end up getting ourselves killed." "But we can't just stand by and do nothing!" Twilight protested. "No, we can't," Sarah agreed. "But we also can't just rush in blindly. We need to gather information and plan our strategy carefully. We need to know what resources we have at our disposal and what the colonists are capable of." "You're right, Sarah," Twilight said, nodding in agreement. "We need to think this through carefully." "In the meantime, we can gather information from the survivors and assess the damage," Henri suggested. "We need to know what we're up against and how we can help." "That's a good idea," Sarah agreed. "We should also try to spread the word about what happened and gather support from other journalists and leaders." "Alright, let's do this." Donnie said. And they were prepared for whatever assignment or mission they are determined to do. > The Mission > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the team more information from the survivors, they found out that the colonists were led by a man named Captain John Smith, known for his brutal tactics and ruthlessness. He had a small army of soldiers and mercenaries, well-armed with muskets and swords. The Native Americans, on the other hand, were unprepared for such an attack and had few weapons to defend themselves. "Wow, looks like it's a really tough event in this year, huh?" Applejack said. "It certainly is," Sarah replied, nodding grimly. "We'll need to gather as much information as we can about Captain Smith and his forces. If we're going to help the Native Americans, we need to know their strengths and weaknesses." "How long will that take?" Rarity asked. "Weeks, maybe months," James replied. "But we have to start somewhere. In the meantime, we can work on building alliances with other Native American tribes and recruiting sympathetic colonists to our cause." Later, Saraj was writing a letter to her mother and father. "Dear Mother and Father, We've been learning a lot about the situation between the English settlers and the Native Americans. The attack on the Native American village by the colonists led by Captain John Smith has only made things worse. The survivors have shared harrowing tales of death, destruction, and displacement. It's clear that something needs to be done to help them. But also, we've have now met five new people with interesting backgrounds and stories. Also, we have new friends who we rescued from the Boston Tea Party. And they to have assignments of their own. Once we've make peace with whatever they want, I'll send the next letter to you. From your only daughter, Sarah As they continued to gather information about Captain Smith and his forces, they also began to make contact with other sympathetic colonists and Native American tribes. They organized meetings and shared their findings, working together to formulate a plan of action. Despite the daunting task ahead of them, they remained hopeful that they could make a difference and bring peace to the region. "I don't understand why the rival with the Natives and English men are continuing." Donnie said. "Well, it's not as simple as that, Donnie," Twilight replied. "There are complex historical, political, and economic factors at play here. The colonists are driven by a desire for land, resources, and power, while the Native Americans are fighting to protect their homes and way of life. The conflict is also influenced by the broader struggle between the European empires for colonial domination in the New World." "Wow, you can even speak of smart talk I would not understand." Mikey whispered. "It's okay, Mikey. You don't have to understand everything." Twilight said, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Is anyone ready for a trip to Native's village?" Henri asked. "Who said anything about a trip to the Natives" Rainbow Dash asked. "We did." Henri replied. "Why?" Mikey asked. "Well, since we're here, and we know that there's going to be a big Thanksgiving event soon, we might as well see how the other side is preparing for it," Twilight explained. "We can observe their customs and traditions firsthand, and maybe even learn something new about them." "I'm going to stay behind and finish up this article about the attack on the Native American village," Moses said. "But if you all need any help or support, please don't hesitate to ask." The group nodded in agreement. Henri, Donnie, Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Mikey made their way towards the village on a horse cart, carefully navigating the dense forest that surrounded it. "So, what should we do when we get there?" Mikey asked. "Well, first we should introduce ourselves and explain why we're here," Sarah said. "Then we can observe their preparations for the Thanksgiving celebration and see how they're different from our own traditions." "Easy for you to say. I might feel uncomfortable being around Indians." Rainbow stuttered. "Will you quit complaining, Rainbow?" Applejack replied. "Well, it's just...you know...they're Indians..." "They're not so bad." Henri told her, trying to calm her down. "I mean, they're just like us, you know? They have families, they celebrate, they live their lives. They're not some kind of monsters." The group finally arrived at the village, which was surrounded by a dense forest. The village was laid out much like the other settlements they had seen, with wooden huts and thatched roofs. The people who lived here were dressed in loincloths and leather vests, their skin painted with intricate designs. The air was filled with the scent of burning wood and herbs. "Um, hello?" Twilight said, clearing her throat. "We're here from the other settlement. We just wanted to introduce ourselves and let you know that we're here to observe your preparations for the upcoming celebration." The group stood nervously as the villagers gathered around them, eyeing them warily. One of the elders stepped forward, a tall man with a bald head and a long gray beard. He spoke in a language they didn't understand, but Henri quickly translated for them. "He says that they welcome them to their village but asks them to be respectful of their customs and traditions while they are here." The group nodded, and the elder motioned for them to follow him. He led them to a large clearing in the center of the village, where they could see preparations already underway for the celebration. Colorful cloths were hung from the trees, and large fires burned at each corner of the clearing, their smoke carrying the scent of roasting meats. The villagers were busily setting up long tables laden with food and drink, and decorating the area with flowers, leaves, and feathers. "So, what do they usually do here during the Thanksgiving celebration?" Twilight asked Henri. "Well, it's similar to what you're used to back at your settlement, but with some differences," Henri replied. "They give thanks to their gods for a successful harvest, share food and drink, and engage in traditional dances and storytelling." As they watched the villagers work, Twilight couldn't help but notice the joy and camaraderie among them. It was clear that this celebration meant much more than just a feast; it was a time for the community to come together and reaffirm their bonds with each other and their ancestors. She also saw how different their customs were from her own people, and it made her realize how much she still had to learn about the native culture. "So, Henri, what do you think about our two cultures' celebrations?" Twilight asked, turning to her new friend. "Do you think we have anything in common?" "I think there are some similarities," Henri replied thoughtfully. "Both celebrations involve giving thanks, sharing food, and bringing communities together. But the ways in which these things are expressed are quite different. It's fascinating to see how two cultures, living side by side, can develop such unique traditions." "This is incredible," she whispered to Henri. "I've never seen anything like it." "Glad you feel that way. Want some venison meat?" "No thanks." As they continued to watch the villagers prepare for the celebration, a young boy around the age of six caught Twilight's eye. He seemed to be fascinated by everything that was going on, and his bright, curious expression reminded her of herself at that age. She couldn't help but feel a pang of nostalgia as she watched him. "You know, Henri," she said, "I think I'd like to speak with that boy for a moment. Would you mind translating for me?" Henri nodded, understanding her curiosity. He led Twilight over to the young boy, who was now crouched down next to a small fire, carefully poking at the embers with a stick. "Hello," Twilight said, kneeling down to be at the boy's eye level. "My name is Twilight, and this is Henri. We're visiting from another village. We're interested in learning about your culture and your traditions." The boy looked up at her, his eyes shimmering with curiosity. Henri translated Twilight's words into the native language, and the boy nodded slowly, seeming to consider her request. "What is your name?" Twilight asked, trying out the native words she had learned from Henri. The boy looked surprised for a moment, then smiled shyly and replied, "My name is Chayton." "Nice to meet you, Chayton. I'm really interested in learning about the traditions of your village. Would you mind showing us around?" Twilight asked, trying to sound friendly and inviting. Henri translated her words, and Chayton seemed to consider her request for a moment before nodding slowly. "I can show you some things," he replied, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Come with me." Chayton led Twilight and Henri through the village, pointing out various landmarks. What is your favorite part of the celebration?" Twilight asked, genuinely curious. Chayton paused for a moment, looking thoughtful. "I like the dancing the most," he replied. "It's so beautiful and exciting to watch. The girls wear these colorful dresses and the boys wear feathers in their hair. They move in such a way that it's like they're a part of the dance itself." "That sounds wonderful," Twilight said, her voice tinged with envy. "I wish I could see that." Henri translated her words, and Chayton's eyes lit up. "You can!" he exclaimed. "You can stay for the celebration. My father said that all visitors are welcome." Oh, we would love to. But I'm afraid we'd..." Suddenly they hear gunshots and crowd screaming. "What was that?" Twilight asked worried. "I don't know," Henri said. "But it doesn't sound good." Suddenly, a group of men in English soldiers' uniforms burst into the clearing, their guns drawn and their eyes wild. They shouted orders at the villagers, who looked on in confusion and fear. "What is the meaning of this?" demanded the leader of the soldiers, a tall man with a handlebar mustache. "You are not supposed to be celebrating such a pagan ritual!" The villagers, including Chayton, looked at each other in confusion. They had never seen these men before and had no idea what they were talking about. "We are not celebrating anything wrong," Chayton's father tried to explain. "We are simply having our Thanksgiving feast as we have done for generations." The soldiers, however, were not convinced. They roughly pushed the villagers aside and began to search their belongings, confiscating food and weapons. They even went so far as to drag Chayton's father away from the group, accusing him of leading a "heathen" lifestyle. The young boy watched in horror as his father was taken away from him, tears streaming down his face. Twilight, Henri, and the rest of the group looked on in shock and disbelief. They couldn't understand why the soldiers were acting so brutally and without reason. They tried to intervene, but the soldiers were too strong and numerous. "Stop this!" Twilight shouted, her voice echoing through the clearing. "You have no right to do this!" The soldiers turned their attention to her, surprised by the boldness of the young girl. "Who are you to speak against us?" demanded the mustached leader. "My name is Twilight Sparkle. I'm a student, just like yourselves. I came here to learn about your culture and traditions, not to see innocent people hurt." The soldiers exchanged glances, unsure how to respond to this brave outburst. One of them, a young private, spoke up. "This is no place for outsiders. You should leave while you still can." Twilight took a deep breath, trying to keep her composure. "I can't do that, Private. I won't abandon these people to your cruelty." She turned to Henri. "And you shouldn't either. Your people would never condone such behavior." "This this is how you want continue, so be it. Take her!" The mustached leader pointed at Twilight, and two of the soldiers grabbed her roughly, pushing her to the ground. She felt the roughness of the ground against her skin, the sting of tears in her eyes. "Hey! Let her go!" Henri shouted. The young private turned to Henri, his eyes narrowing. "You dare to defy us? You too will pay for your insolence." Without warning, the private grabbed Henri and pulled him close, his hand clamping down on the young boy's arm. Henri winced in pain, but he didn't cry out. He knew that showing any sign of weakness would only make things worse. They grabbed both Twilight and Henri and dragged them across the clearing, past the terrified villagers and the panicked children. The soldiers shoved them both roughly to the ground, forcing them to look up at the leader as he towered over them. "They've got Twilight and Henri! What we going to do?" Rainbow panicked. "We need to help them!" Applejack said, her eyes filled with determination. "But how?" Rarity asked, her voice shaking with fear. "There are so many of them." "Hold on, if we rush out there then we'll arrested as well" James warned. "But they might need our help!" Mikey protested. "Yes, they might," Sarah agreed. "But we need to be smart about this. We need to find a way to help them without putting ourselves in danger." "We need a plan, fast." "We can write to Mr. Franklin about this and tell Moses." "And who's Mr. Franklin?" "Benjiman Franklin!" "Oh right." They rushed out to see what's happening until... "Hey, did you say Twilight was taken?" Asked a teen with native Indian outfit "Uh, yeah. Why do you ask total stranger? Donnie asked with confusion. "Donnie, it's me." He glitched and showed it was none other than Leo who was wearing a disguise. "Leo? What are you doing here?" "I came to help," Leo replied, his voice steady. "I heard about what happened and I knew I had to be here. These soldiers are not here to protect anyone. They',re here to take what they want and destroy anything that stands in their way. Then Raph came up. "Also, I brought Raph with me." Leo gestured behind him, revealing the teen with a disguise that made him look like an oversized turtle. Raph gave a half-hearted wave, his expression serious. "I'm here to help, too." "Come on you guys, we don't have time!" Rainbow Dash ordered. They headed to the chariot cart while Leo and Raph put back on their disguises. "Who are these fragile men?" Sarak asked Donnie. "Oh, these are my other brothers. Leonardo and Raphael." Leo waved passional, while Raph waved reluctantly. "Come on, Twilight and Henri need our help!" James said. They hurried onto the cart and the horses raced off back to the village. Twilight and Henri have now been captured by the Boston Tea Party and it looks like the rest of the team are gonna have to think fast if they ever want to rescue them. > The Rescue Mission Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The chariot raced all the way back to Pennsylvania Colony to tell Moses the terrible news. "Step on it!" Mikey demanded. "We're almost there, so be patient." James told him. "I don't how long it's gonna take for us to start a rescue plan." Rainbow Dash said. "Twilight and Henri need our help." "Don't worry, we'll figure something out." Applejack reassured her. "We just need to gather some more information first." "Are we there yet?" They hear a kid's voice from somewhere. They removed a cloth to see it was Chayton. "And who are you?" Rarity asked. "I'm Chayton, I've come from the tribe from where you were." "Why did sneak onto out chariot?" James asked. "Because I want to help." Chayton replied. "I know where my father and the others are being held. They're at the old fort by the river." "They took your father was taken too?" Chayton nodded. "Yes, they arrested him because they said he was teaching us the wrong things. They took my father away and put him in a prison cell. I managed to sneak away and find you all because I want to help you rescue them." "Okay, but we have to break news to Moses first, and we need a plan." Sarah told him. "And we also need to save Twilight and Henri!" Rainbow reminded. "We need to get them back," he said with determination in his eyes. "They're my friends." "You've just met them." Mikey said to him. "I know, but they're good people. They're here to help us understand our culture, not hurt us." Chayton explained. At last, they arrived at Pennsylvania Colony to tell Moses about the terrible news. The young reporter looked shocked when he heard what happened. They've been what?" He exclaimed. "They've been taken by the Boston Tea Party, Moses." Sarah said, her voice full of concern. "They were trying to gather information about the upcoming Thanksgiving celebration when they were ambushed." Moses looked horrified. "This is unacceptable! We must do something to rescue them." The group exchanged glances. They knew that they couldn't risk confronting the Boston Tea Party head-on, but they also couldn't just sit by and do nothing. They needed a plan. "We should gather as much information as we can about the Boston Tea Party's movements and plans," suggested James. "If we know where they're likely to take Twilight and Henri next, we might be able to devise a rescue mission." "Wait, I know where they are." Chayton spoke. "They're at an old fort by the river." The group looked at him in surprise. "You're sure about this?" James asked. "Yes, I know the way there. My father and I used to go there for hunting trips," Chayton explained. "We can get there before they realize we're missing." The group exchanged glances once again. It was a risky plan, but it was the only one they had. They knew they couldn't just sit idly by while their friends were in danger. "All right, Chayton," Sarah said, her voice resolute. "Lead the way. We'll follow you and see if we can rescue them." They set off toward the old fort, following Chayton through the woods. The tension was palpable as they crept silently through the underbrush, careful not to make a sound that might alert the Boston Tea Party soldiers. After what seemed like hours of walking, they finally reached the outskirts of the fort. "This is as far as I can go," Chayton whispered. "The soldiers are all over the place." The group nodded, taking a moment to catch their breath. They were hidden behind some bushes, peeking out at the fort. They could see Twilight and Henri tied up in the center of the camp, guarded by several soldiers. The Boston Tea Party had set up camp for the night, with fires burning and soldiers standing watch. "What's the plan?" Mikey whispered, his voice barely audible even to himself. James glanced at Chayton, then at the fort. "I think we should split up. Some of us can sneak in and free Twilight and Henri while the rest provide a distraction. That way, we can overwhelm the guards and make our escape." "Or how about we dress up as the soldiers and create a diversion?" Leo added. "Good idea," Chayton said. "I can help with that." "Sorry, Chayton. But, you are much too young for that." Sarah told him. "I understand," Chayton said with a sigh. "Then, I'll help with the distraction." "No, just stay put." James said. They quickly discussed the plan, deciding that Mikey and Leo would dress up as soldiers and try to create a diversion at the north gate while Sarah and James sneaked into the camp to free Twilight and Henri. Chayton would remain hidden nearby, ready to provide backup if necessary. As night fell, the group split up. Mikey and Leo hurried toward the north gate, doing their best to look like soldiers. They approached two guards who were leaning against a tree, deep in conversation. With a shout, they charged at the guards, knocking them to the ground. The guards were so surprised that they didn't even have time to react before Mikey and Leo had them tied up and gagged. Meanwhile, Sarah and James crept silently through the camp, avoiding detection. They made their way toward Twilight and Henri, who were still tied up in the center of the camp. "Sarah, your just in time." Henri said. "What took you guys?" Twilight asked. James grinned at her. "We're just glad to see you two safe. Now, let's get out of here." Using their knives, they quickly cut the ropes that bound their friends' hands and feet. "All right, we'll lead the way," Sarah whispered, her heart pounding in her chest. "Michelangelo and Leonardo are creating a diversion at the north gate." The group crept through the darkness, weaving between the tents and soldiers. As they neared the north gate, they could hear shouting and the sound of swords clashing. The diversion was working perfectly. Suddenly, a loud explosion erupted from behind them. They turned to see a figure running toward them, his face painted white and his clothes disheveled. It was Chayton. "I did it!" he panted. "I set off the smoke bomb I made earlier. They're all busy with that now!" They dashed toward the north gate, following Mikey and Leo's trail. As they emerged from the forest, they saw the two boys fighting valiantly against a group of soldiers. They joined the battle, attacking from behind, and together they managed to overpower the remaining soldiers. The north gate was theirs. Outside the fort, they found a small boat waiting for them. They quickly loaded it up with the unconscious bodies of the Boston Tea Party soldiers and rowed away from the shore. As they made their escape, the sun began to rise over the horizon, painting the sky a breathtaking shade of red and orange. "Chayton, what are you doing?" James exclaimed. Chayton turned to James, his face flushed with excitement. "I just wanted to leave them with a little something," he said, handing James a small pouch. "These are firecrackers. They should do the trick." "I couldn't just sit there and watch them suffer," Chayton replied with a shrug. "Besides, I figured it'd be better if we left them with a little something to remember us by." "Come one, let's get out of here." Leo ordered. The group quickly boarded the chariot and galloped away from the camp. As they left the area behind them, they couldn't help but feel a sense of relief and accomplishment. They had successfully rescued Twilight and Henri and had even managed to free themselves from the clutches of the Boston Tea Party. "You two okay?" Leo asked. "Leo? Is that you?" Twilight asked in surprise. "Of course, it is, Twilight," Leo replied, grinning. "We're all here. Chayton, you did a great job with those firecrackers. That'll teach them not to mess with us." "Well, I couldn't just leave them empty-handed," Chayton protested. "Besides, it's not like they'll know what to do with all those firecrackers." "Yes, I mean, he did help us escape." Sarah added. "He may be just a kid, but he did pull a nice trick for those guys to help us escape." Raph added. "True, but he could've been hurt." James exclaimed. "James, just show some appreciation for once." Sarah told him. The next day, they were back at Pennsylvania Colony. They were not done with the rescue mission yet. They had to save Chayton's father next. "So, what's the plan this time?" Twilight asked. "We need to find out where they're keeping Chayton's father," Sarah replied. "Chayton, do you know anything about that?" Chayton's eyes widened with fear. "I-I think he's at Fort Necessity," he stammered. "But it's guarded by soldiers. We'll need a plan to get in and rescue him." "We'll come up with something," Mikey reassured him. "In the meantime, you should stay with Twilight and Henri. You've been through enough." "I've sent a message to Mr. Franklin." Moses said. "Who's Mr. Franklin?" Chayton asked. "Benjiman Franklin, he's one of the most important people here in Pennsylvania Colony. He's an inventor, writer, and a diplomat. He's also a good friend of my father's," Moses explained. "He might be able to help us rescue your father." "How's he gonna help us?" Leo asked. "You'll see, we just have to wait patiently." If they want to rescue Chayton's father, they'll have to wait patiently for Benjiman Franklin to arrive. But, things will eventually get out of hand when it comes to the Boston Tea Party. > The Rescue Mission Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As time passed, the whole team couldn't wait any longer. "How long is this going to take?" Raph grumbled. "Be patient, Raphael. Mr. Franklin is a very busy man," Moses said calmly. "He's already sent a message to his contacts in the British Army, trying to find out what they know about the Boston Tea Party's plans. We just need to wait for his reply." As they waited, the group found themselves occupied with various tasks around the colony. Sarah and Leo helped Mrs. Washington with her chores, while Mikey and Chayton worked on repairing some equipment in the smithy. One afternoon, as they were taking a break, they heard the sound of galloping horses approaching the colony. The group gathered around curiously as a rider came into view, covered in dust and sweat. He handed a letter to Moses, who quickly opened it and read through it. His face pale, he turned to the group. "The Boston Tea Party has taken Chayton's father hostage at Fort Necessity. They plan to exchange him for a large ransom of gold and jewels. We must act quickly if we want to save him!" he exclaimed. There was a moment of silence as the news sank in. Everyone looked at each other, determination in their eyes. "Well, then, I guess we don't have much time," Raph said. "Let's go rescue your dad, Chayton." "Wait, wait," Mikey interjected. "We can't just charge in there guns blazing. We need a plan." "Yeah, we don't know how many soldiers are guarding the fort," Sarah added. "We could use Chayton's knowledge of the place to our advantage, though." "I remember there's a secret tunnel that leads into the fort," Chayton said. "But it's been years since I've been there. I'm not sure if it's still hidden or not." "We'll have to take a look at the map and find out where the tunnel is," Sarah said. "Once we know that, we can plan our attack." They gathered around a table in one of the rooms of the Washington house, studying the map of Fort Necessity and the surrounding area. Chayton pointed out the location of the tunnel, which was hidden behind a false wall in the smithy. "So, we'll have to distract the soldiers guarding the entrance to the smithy while the rest of us sneak in through the tunnel and rescue your dad," Sarah said, coming up with a plan. "Moses, you and Raph can handle the distraction. Mikey, Leo, and I will sneak in through the tunnel with Chayton." "Wait, are you all sure about letting Chayton be a part of this?" James asked. "He knows the fort better than any of us," Sarah explained. "He'll be a huge asset in this operation." "But he's so young." "He may be a kid, but he's also our only insider. And he's shown us he's capable of handling himself in dangerous situations," Mikey argued. "We need all the help we can get if we want to rescue Chayton's dad." "He knows the fort better than any of us," Sarah explained. "He'll be a huge asset in this operation." "But he's so young." "He may be a child, but he's also our only insider. And he's shown us he's capable of handling himself in dangerous situations," Mikey argued. "We need all the help we can get if we want to rescue Chayton's dad." "Alright, but if anything happens to him, then it's on you guys." They spent the rest of the day planning and preparing for the rescue mission. Mikey and Leo each took a weapon, while Chayton carried a lantern to light their way through the tunnel. They gathered at the entrance to the smithy, waiting for Moses and Raph's signal. Moses and Raph charged out of the woods, their weapons drawn, shouting and firing at the surprised guards. The distraction was enough for Mikey, Leo, Sarah, and Chayton to sneak into the smithy and find the hidden entrance to the tunnel. They crept through the darkness, feeling their way along the damp walls. The air was thick with the smell of earth and mildew. After what seemed like an eternity, they emerged into a dimly lit chamber within the fort. They could hear shouting and the clash of weapons from outside. They quickly located the room where Chayton's father was being held and burst through the door. The room was empty, however. "Where is he?" Chayton cried out. "Where did they take him?" "Calm down, Chayton," Sarah said gently, putting a hand on his shoulder. "We'll find him. Mikey, Leo, you two stay here and guard the entrance. Raph and I will search the rest of the fort." They split up, with Mikey and Leo guarding the door while Sarah and Raph searched the rest of the fort. They checked every room, every hallway, and every nook and cranny, but they couldn't find any sign of Chayton's father. They were about to return to the chamber where they had left Chayton when Raph noticed something out of the corner of his eye. There was a hidden panel in the wall, barely noticeable because of the dim lighting. He nudged Sarah and pointed it out. Sarah nodded and they both carefully examined the panel. With a click, it slid open revealing a hidden passageway. They hesitated for a moment, unsure if they should investigate further, but their curiosity got the better of them. They cautiously made their way down the narrow, winding passageway, the air growing colder and damper the deeper they went. After what seemed like an eternity, they emerged into a large chamber with torches burning along the walls. In the center of the room, Chayton's father was tied to a post, surrounded by British soldiers. A man in a red coat stood before him, shouting threats and demands for information. "Chayton," Sarah whispered, a mixture of relief and fear in her voice. "We're here." Chayton's eyes widened as he saw them enter the chamber. "Sarah, Mikey, Leo," he managed to croak through the gag in his mouth. "Thank goodness you're here." The soldiers, distracted by their entrance, hesitated for only a moment. Raph and Sarah took advantage of the opening and charged forward, weapons drawn. Raph tackled one of the soldiers to the ground while Sarah slashed at another with her sword. Mikey and Leo followed suit, quickly subduing the remaining guards. The man in the red coat, realizing that he was outmatched, drew his sword and prepared to fight. Chayton's father tried to break free from his bonds, but to no avail. "Help me, please," he begged as the man in the red coat circled around him. "Stand aside, Chayton," the man commanded. "This doesn't concern you." Chayton hesitated, but Sarah's hand on his arm stopped him. "It's okay, Chayton. We've got this." The man in the red coat lunged forward, his sword flashing through the air. Mikey and Leo sprang into action, deflecting his attacks with their weapons. Raph stood beside Chayton, watching the fight intently. Sarah turned to Chayton's father. "We're going to get you out of here, okay?" she said, her voice steady despite the chaos around them. She glanced at the gag in his mouth and quickly untied it. "Can you tell us where the documents are?" Chayton's father coughed, his voice hoarse from the gag. "They took them to the north tower, in a hidden chamber. Only a few people know of its existence." The battle between Raph, Mikey, Leo, and the man in the red coat intensified. Swords clashed, sparks flew, and grunts of exertion filled the air. Despite being vastly outnumbered, the four friends fought with a fierce determination that seemed to unnerve their enemies. Meanwhile, Sarah and Chayton hurried through the winding passageways of the fort, their hearts pounding in their chests. They emerged into a dimly lit chamber, filled with crates and barrels. In the center of the room, a hidden door was barely visible in the shadows. Chayton's father had described this place in detail, and they knew they were close. With careful precision, Sarah and Chayton moved the crates and barrels aside, revealing the hidden door. It was unlocked, and as they opened it, a musty scent filled their noses. They stepped into a small, impeccably maintained room, lit by flickering candles. Along the walls, rows of leather-bound books and scrolls were neatly arranged. "This must be it," Chayton whispered, his eyes wide with anticipation. He hurried over to one of the shelves and began rummaging through the documents. Sarah knelt beside him, scanning the titles of the books and scrolls. After several tense minutes, they found what they were looking for: a thick, ancient-looking scroll wrapped in silk. The title read, "The Plans of Yorktown." As they unrolled the scroll, they realized that it was a map of the fort, with secret passageways and hidden chambers marked in intricate detail. Chayton studied it intently, memorizing every turn and twist. "We can use this to our advantage," he murmured, "to find the documents and get out." Suddenly, they heard shouting and the sound of fighting from the other side of the hidden chamber. "They're coming," Sarah whispered. "We have to hurry." Chayton and Sarah quickly rolled up the map and stuffed it into a pocket of their clothes. They hurried back through the hidden door and into the main chamber. The four of them had managed to subdue the man in the red coat, but Raph, Mikey, and Leo were still exhausted from their battle. The soldiers had reinforcements arriving at any moment. "We need to find the documents and get out of here," Chayton said, his voice strained. "Follow me." He led them back through the passageways, memorizing the map as they went. They moved quickly and quietly, avoiding traps and patrols. After what seemed like an eternity, they finally reached the north tower. The chamber was massive, with a high ceiling and rows of shelves stacked with crates and barrels. In the center of the room was a large, ornate pedestal, on which rested a heavy chest bound in iron. Chayton motioned for the others to stay back as he approached the pedestal. He knelt down and slowly opened the chest. Inside were several stacks of parchment, tied with red ribbon. He quickly scanned the titles and found the one they were looking for: "The Plans of Yorktown." As they hurried back through the passageways, they could hear the sounds of the battle raging outside. The soldiers were closing in on them, and escape seemed increasingly unlikely. But Chayton had a plan. He led them to a hidden tunnel that he'd discovered on the map, a forgotten passageway that hadn't been used in centuries. The tunnel was dark and cramped, with a damp, musty smell, but it led them deeper into the heart of the fort, away from the fighting. After what felt like an eternity of crawling through the darkness, they emerged into a small, abandoned chamber. The four of them collapsed on the floor, panting and exhausted. Sarah unrolled the map once more and studied it, trying to orient themselves. They were still far from safety, but at least they had a plan. "All right," Chayton gasped, "we need to find a way out of here. The map shows that there's a hidden tunnel that leads to the beach. We can hopefully make our way to a friendly ship and sail back to Boston." As they set off down the tunnel, the air grew colder and damper. Their footsteps echoed off the wet stone walls. The further they went, the more the tunnel began to slope downwards. Eventually, they emerged into a small, damp chamber with a narrow passage leading to the ocean. The beach was deserted, the waves lapping against the sand. Chayton and Sarah exchanged worried glances. They had no idea which way to go or if they would be able to find a ship. Suddenly, they heard the sound of horses galloping towards them. A lone rider appeared on the horizon, waving his hat. "It's him!" Sarah cried out, relief flooding through her. "It's Mr. Franklin." The lone rider galloped up to them, his face red from exertion and worry. "I'm glad I found you," he gasped, dismounting his horse. "We've been searching for you for hours. You were supposed to meet us at the old oak tree, not here." He glanced around, taking in their disheveled appearance. "What happened?" "It's long story, but we'll explain when we get the others." Sarah said. "No need to." They turn to see the rest of the team behind them. "We're right here." They both hopped on the rider and they galloped all the way back to Boston. Their story reached the ears of the general, and they were hailed as heroes. Not only had they managed to retrieve the plans, but they had also saved the life Chayton's father. > A Regular Thanksgiving > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the rescue mission, they finally made it back to Boston. Their journey was nothing short of incredible. They had faced countless obstacles, battled enemies both human and natural, and saved the day against all odds. As they recounted their story to the general and the other officers, they could see the awe and admiration in their eyes. It was clear that their heroics would not be forgotten anytime soon. Meanwhile, in the publish room. "Benjiman Franklin, it's an honor to meet you." Donnie beamed while shaking his hand. "Likewise, Donatello." He said. "I have heard so much about you and the rest of the group finishing the assignment." "So, that we have saved Chayton's father, what do we do now?" Henri asked. "Well, Henri, I think you and your team have proven yourselves to be quite resourceful and capable." Benjamin said, glancing at the rest of the team. "I believe there is still much work to be done. The Boston Tea Party is still creating havoc on this holiday. "So, what do you propose, sir?" Sarah asked, her voice laced with eagerness. "I shall write a letter to Lord North, the Prime Minister of England, expressing our concerns about the situation. We must also inform the Sons of Liberty and gather more support for our cause. As for you, Chayton, I believe you have a future in politics. You have shown yourself to be quite adept at negotiating and strategy." Benjamin smiled, placing a hand on Chayton's shoulder. "And as for you, Sarah," he continued, turning to her, "your skills in map-making and navigation are unparalleled. I believe you would make an excellent cartographer for the colonies. You could even help chart the new territories we hope to explore one day." Sarah beamed at the praise, her cheeks flushing with pride. "Thank you, sir," she said, dipping into a curtsy. "I would be honored to serve my country in any way I can." "Does this mean were able to save the holiday?" Mikey asked. "It is too soon to tell, Michelangelo," Benjamin replied. "But with the combined efforts of all of you, I am confident that we can make a difference. You have proven yourselves to be a formidable team, and I believe that together, we can achieve great things." The next day, the letter spread out across the colonies like wildfire, and the people were inspired by the courage and determination of the young heroes. Donatello, Raphael, Michelangelo, Sarah, and Chayton became symbols of hope and resistance against British tyranny. They received numerous offers of support from the Sons of Liberty and other patriotic organizations. "What does it say?" James asked. Moses unfolded the letter, his eyes scanning the words. " "It's from Thomas Jefferson," he said, his voice full of awe. "He has heard of our exploits and wishes to meet with us. He says that he has an important mission for us." The group exchanged excited glances. "When and where does he want to meet?" Donnie asked. "He's waiting for us at the Jefferson Mansion," Moses replied. "We should leave immediately." The team quickly made their way to the Jefferson Mansion, their hearts filled with anticipation. As they approached the grand front door, it was flung open by a young, well-dressed slave. He bowed his head respectfully to them. "Please, follow me," he said, leading them into a lavishly decorated sitting room. In the center of the room, Thomas Jefferson stood with his back to them, staring out the window at the magnificent view of Monticello. He was dressed in a crisp, white wig and an elegant suit, and his posture radiated confidence and wisdom. The team exchanged glances, wondering what he could possibly have in store for them. "Ah, I see you've all arrived," Jefferson said without turning around. "Please, have a seat. I won't keep you waiting much longer." His voice was smooth and soothing, like the sound of a warm summer breeze. The team took their seats, glancing around the room as they waited for Jefferson to speak. The furniture was exquisite, made of rich mahogany and adorned with intricate carvings. The walls were lined with books, paintings, and maps, hinting at Jefferson's vast knowledge and interests. A large fireplace crackled in the corner, adding a cozy warmth to the room despite the chill in the air. "Wow, this must have been some rich guy from the 18th century has bought this place." Mikey commented. "I could make myself comfortable here." "Mikey, behave yourself." Donnie whispered. Thomas Jefferson finally turned around to face them, his warm, intelligent eyes taking in each of their faces in turn. "You are all aware of the political turmoil that our beloved colonies are facing at the moment," he began. "You have proven yourselves to be courageous and resourceful in the face of adversity, and for that, I am truly grateful." He paused for a moment, taking a deep breath before continuing. "As you may know, I have been working on a document, one that I believe will help guide our country towards freedom and independence. This document is called the Declaration of Independence, and it is my hope that it will inspire others to join us in our struggle against tyranny." The team exchanged glances, unsure of what Jefferson was asking of them. "We are honored to have met you, sir," James said, speaking for them all. "But we're just simple folk. How can we possibly help with something as important as that?" Jefferson smiled warmly. "You underestimate yourselves," he said. "Your adventures in the wilderness, your encounter with the native tribes, and your daring rescue of the captives have given you a unique perspective. I need you to journey back to the wilderness, to the heart of the continent, and gather information about the native tribes. I believe that their support will be crucial to our success." "So, does this mean we have peace for the season?" Henri asked. Jefferson considered the question carefully before responding. "I fear not, my friend. The road to freedom is never an easy one. But with your help, and the help of others like you, we can forge a path towards a brighter future. A future where our children and their children can live in peace and prosperity, free from the shackles of tyranny." "What about Thanksgiving?" Twilight asked him. Jefferson considered the question thoughtfully. "Well, I believe that as we gather information and work towards our goal, it is important to remember the things we are thankful for. Perhaps this year, you could spend Thanksgiving with the native tribes you will encounter, learning from their traditions and sharing your own. In that way, you can not only gather information but also build bridges of understanding and friendship." The team smiled and nodded in agreement, feeling a sense of purpose and determination welling up inside them. "We'll do our best, Mr. Jefferson," they promised. "We won't let you down." Thomas Jefferson beamed at them, his expression full of warmth and gratitude. "I have no doubt that you will not," he said, extending his hand. "I wish you all the best on your journey, and may the winds of freedom guide you safely home." Later, as they left Monticello, the team felt a sense of determination and purpose that they had never experienced before. The air was crisp and cold, and the sky was a brilliant shade of blue, dotted with fluffy white clouds. They knew that the journey ahead would not be easy, but they were more than prepared to face whatever challenges lay in their path. Their first stop was a small village populated by the Delaware tribe. As they approached, they were greeted by the sight of a bustling community, with people busily tending to their crops and huts. The chief of the tribe, an elderly man with a wise and kindly face, invited them into his home for a traditional feast. As they ate, they shared stories and learned about the Delaware's way of life, their customs, and their relationship with the land. "Hey, Chayton. Thank you for helping us." Twilight said to him. "Thank you." Chayton replied. "Even though your young, your pretty clever and brave." The team nodded, feeling honored by the compliment. After the feast, they spent some time exploring the village and learning about the Delaware's way of life. They noticed that the people were particularly skilled at crafting bows and arrows, and their houses were expertly constructed from natural materials like wood and animal hide. As they talked to the villagers, they learned that the Delaware had been living in peace with the other tribes in the area, trading goods and sharing knowledge. However, they also expressed concerns about the growing tensions between the native tribes and the settlers from the east. Later, the team were at the Pennsylvania colony once again, but this time to say goodbye. "Can't you all stay a bit longer?" Sarah asked. "I heard your good at writing, Twilight." "Sorry, Sarah. But we have our own home in New York." She replied. "Why do you guys even live in New York?" James asked. "That's just our home." Leo said. "I know we've been friends for a short time. But, we'd really like you to know that we'll always be there for you. Even if we can't be there in person, we'll always keep in touch through letters and such. And if you ever need help with anything, you can always ask. We'll do our best to help you." Twilight assured her. "Thank you for helping us with our report and saving our friend." Sarah smiled. The team smiled and waved goodbye, as they mounted their horses and rode off. Finally they arrived at a clear spot. "You guys ready?" Donnie asked. "Yes, I want to get out of these clothes." Raph whined. They teleported all the way back the present time in the lair. "Well, that was an interesting trip." Mikey said as they took off their costumes. "Home at last!" Rarity smiled. "Yeah, I can't believe we had experienced havoc." Rainbow Dash said. "And I can't believe we actually met Benjiman Franklin!" Donnie beamed. "Now that that's done, I need write what I've learned from our little adventure." Twilight ran off. "Right behind you!" That was another adventure done and remembered. Now that have what they need for Twilight's school assignment, they could focus on other things. This time was a colonial Thanksgiving, But soon their will be more adventures for them to face. THE END