• Published 10th Oct 2023
  • 621 Views, 6 Comments

A Dazzling Supprise - Newtimestonight

After Sonata and Aria had gone back to Canterlot High, Adagio wanted to meet up with Sunset Shimmer to thank her in regards to her sisters. Sunset accepted the offer all too eagerly.

  • ...

Chapter One

It had been a little over six months since the battle of the bands and Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk and already become friendly with the school and the people inside it, including the Rainbooms.

Adagio Dazzle had yet to re-enter the school. Sonata and Aria had tried countless times to get Adagio to go to Canterlot High with them, but Adagio answer always stayed the same. “I’ll think about it.”

It wasn’t so hard to tell that Adagios answer was obviously a lie, she didn’t want to go back there, she didn’t want to see the Rainbooms again, but the more Sonata and Aria pestered her about it, the more obligated she felt to do so.

Adagio knew that if she were to go back to that high school, it could end up one of three ways.

The first option being: Everyone could turn a blind eye to her, completely ignoring her, giving her the silent treatment, so to speak. The second option being: People could bully her, give her dirty looks ect. Or the third option: They could be accepting.

Adagio couldn’t care less what people thought of her, but she didn’t want the possibility of having to deal with children with big egos pestering her all day, reminding her of her incredible failure.

But, nonetheless, she couldn’t help but feel somewhat great full for Sunset Shimmer. She had been the one to help Aria and Sonata reform themselves and she had let them into her friend group without a second thought, as if the battle of the bands never happened.

Of course, Adagio still wasn’t the Rainbooms biggest fan, but she was happy that Sonata and Aria had found the light in the dark.

If it wasn’t for Sunset Shimmer, the bullying Sonata and Aria had to endure would have escalated to more extreme measures. But, thanks to Sunset’s intimidating and determined demeanour, that issue was solved quickly.

Adagio sat in the karaoke bar, tapping her foot quickly as she watched the door. She was dressed in a pink sleeveless top with dark triangles scattered across it. Her purple shorts matched perfectly with her yellow belt she wore over it. She had purple bracelets that lined both of her wrists equally as much, and as usual, she had on her purple high heel boots with spikes at the ankle. Her hair almost glowed like the sun under the multi coloured lights of the bar. She had her hair wrapped in her purple band with spikes that matched with her boots.

Adagio tapped her heel quicker as she checked her phone and sighed to see no new messages. She couldn’t quite put her finger on why she was this nervous, I mean, she had seen Sunset Shimmer before…granted, it was at the battle of the bands, but Adagio had never felt scared to meet up with someone before. Sunset should be no different, right?

Adagio almost jumped at the sound of a buzz coming from her phone. She quickly picked it up and read the message.

Hey, I’m here. Where are you?

Adagio lifted her head and looked towards the entrance and her eyes widened slightly as they fixated on Sunset Shimmer standing there, looking around quickly.

Sunset was dressed in a white dress with sleeves that hung just below her shoulders. It clung tightly to Sunset’s waist before flowing out at the ends. Despite how extra it may seem, she didn’t look over dressed at all. Sunsets fiery hair stood out in the small crowd near the door. It was wavy and came just to the bottom of her back.

Adagio stood up and eventually met Sunset’s gaze from her booth on the other end of the bar. Adagio did her best to give Sunset a welcoming smile and waved at her. Sunset waved back and began to walk over to the booth of which Adagio was seated at.

Adagio’s heart began to speed up slightly, she still couldn’t quite figure out why she was so nervous for this. Sunset should be no harder to talk to than anyone else.

“Hey, Adagio.” Sunset said in the most welcoming tone she could. She sat down opposite Adagio after setting her purse down on the seat.

“Hello, Sunset.” Adagio replied, trying her hardest to come off as calm as she could. She smiled warmly to Sunset, her heart rate now slowing down.

“You…you look nice.” Sunset said slowly as she returned Adagio’s smile. Adagio couldn’t help but notice Sunset fiddling with the ends of her dress under the table, making her chuckle quietly to herself.

“Thank you…I could say the same to you~” Adagio answered in a teasing tone, causing the two girls to giggle softly.

“So, you said you wanted to meet up…was there a reason in particular?” Sunset asked as she brought both of her hands above the table separating the two, interlocking her own fingers together.

“Yes,” Adagio began, taking a sip of her water. “I wanted to thank you.”

Sunset raised an eyebrow. “Thank me?”

Adagio nodded.

“Yes. I wanted to thank you for helping Sonata and Aria. They seem so much more…happier now…I wasn’t expecting you to be so welcoming with them, but I really do appreciate it.” Adagio watched as Sunset’s expression turned from confused to a soft smile.

“Of course, I’m more than happy to help, everyone deserves a second chance, right?” Sunset said, never losing her smile.

Adagio nodded and chuckled softly. “Right.”

After a few moments of silence, Sunset spoke.

“I have to ask, Adagio,” She began, her voice barely audible above the karaoke going on around them. “Do you think…you’ll ever return to Canterlot? I mean, you seem to be…reformed.” Sunset asked slowly, slightly hesitant to hear Adagios answer.

Adagio shook her head. “I don’t know. I would like to but…I’m just not ready to face everyone yet.” Adagio said, turning her gaze to the empty glass of water in her hands. Sunset simply smiled and nodded.

“I get it, you just take your time, I’m sure Aria and Sonata can wait a few more months.” Sunset’s tone was soft, nearly soothing.

Despite it being a short answer, the sentence stuck with Adagio. The three words at the start…’I get it.’ If felt…good…to talk to someone who can relate to her on this level.

“You do get it…don’t you?” Adagio said under her breath, her voice no longer audible above the songs that provided an overwhelming backdrop to the conversation.

Sunset looked around before slowly returning her gaze to Adagio. “If you don’t mind me asking,” Sunset began as Adagio turned her head to return Sunset’s gaze. “Is there a reason you chose this place?”

Adagio tilted her head. “What? You don’t like it?~”

“No, no! It’s not that…Its just—I meant—” Sunset stuttered before she was shushed by a finger.

“It’s alright, I’m just messing with you, Shimmer.” Sunset giggled sheepishly before Adagio took a deep breath and let it out in a sigh. “I’m not too sure myself why I chose this place. I guess I just…missed it.”

A look of understanding and slight guilt spread across Sunset’s face as she nodded slowly. “I’m guessing you used to come here a lot with your sisters?” Sunset asked in an attempt to brighten up the conversation.

Adagio chuckled softly and nodded. “Oh, yes…it was our usual Saturday night out. We would come here, order a few drinks, and sing our hearts out over there.” Adagio pointed to the karaoke stage with her head before looking down at her hands of which were balled up in front of her on the table. She smiled and sighed. “It was fun.”

Sunset smiled to Adagio and reached her hands across the table to hold Adagio’s in hers. “It sounds like it.” Sunset said with a chuckle.

Adagio’s heart skipped several beats when she felt the warmth of Sunset’s hands on hers before she let go. Adagio turned her head away for a moment, trying to hide her blush as she looked to the karaoke stage.

Sunset looked to the stage and then back to Adagio before taking a deep breath and speaking once again. “Wanna sing?”

Adagio Dazzle and Sunset Shimmer both waited behind the curtains of the karaoke stage, patiently awaiting their turn. It somewhat surprised Sunset that Adagio agreed to sing, seeing as she doesn’t have her pendant anymore, Sunset was mentally preparing herself for a song that sounded like two wild cats fighting when Adagios turn came around.

The black glittery curtains made it almost impossible to see a thing. If it wasn’t for the bright purple and pink lights illuminating the backstage, it would be pitch black.

An applause broke the small talk the two girls were having backstage along with a voice coming from a microphone, clearly stating Sunset’s name and the song she would be singing. Sunset took a deep breath and waved to Adagio as she walked into the stage. Adagio walked out of the backstage area to get a better view of Sunset.

Adagio smiled to Sunset as the music began to play. Sunset held the microphone to her mouth and began to sing. Adagio had heard her sing before, but only at the battle of the bands when she defeated them. But this time, her song had no trace of anger or any unpleasant emotion at all, her voice was soft and soothing as she sang. Adagio focused only on Sunset and her beautiful singing as she continued. Sunsets fiery hair glowed under the lights of the stage and the lighting framed her face perfectly. Adagio admired her and her singing as she continued, her gaze never daring to separate with Sunset’s.

After a few more minutes, the song ended and a loud round of applause broke the momentary silence as Sunset smiled to Adagio. A quiet ‘Thank you!’ came from Sunset’s microphone as she walked backstage behind the curtains. Adagios quickly made her way back to Sunset with an exited smile painted onto her face.

“That was amazing, Sunset!” Adagio exclaimed, her tone uncharacteristically exited. Sunset giggled and smiled warmly, a soft blush appearing on her cheeks.

“Thank you, Adagio..” Sunset said with a chuckle. The same voice heard from the microphone reverberated off of the walls of the bar, indicating it was time for Adagio to sing. She smiled to Sunset and walked onto the karaoke stage. Sunset, like Adagio, walked around the stage to get a better view of the formar siren. Sunset smiled and gave a childish thumbs up to Adagio, making her giggle softly before the microphone was turned on.

As the song began to slowly introduce itself, Sunset mentally braced herself for the off key notes and screechy tone that was about to escape Adagio’s mouth. As the lyrics started, Sunset’s eyes widened and her mouth gaped slightly. Adagio’s voice was not broken, it was not off key, and it was not screechy. Adagio’s voice sounded almost angelic, unlike anything Sunset had heard before. Her notes were smooth, not a single voice crack was heard throughout the entire song.

Adagios hair showed a shine stronger than the sun itself. Her dominating mane hung just below her waist. Her fingerless gloves matched perfectly with the purple light shining down on her. Adagio’s eyes were closed as she sang, a small smile across her lips as she did so.

Sunset’s heart fluttered as she admired the majestic woman barely eight feet away. She looked perfect. She sounded perfect. Everything about her was perfect.

As she song came to its end, Sunset was broken out of her trance and she joined in with the applause of most of the bar. Adagio smiled, nodded to the people bellow her, and headed backstage again.

Sunset ran to Adagio and just as she stepped off of the last step, Sunset grabbed adagio by the shoulders. Sunset’s eyes were still wide and a blush presented itself proudly on her face.

“THAT..WAS…GORGEOUS!” Sunset beamed as she looked deeply into Adagio’s eyes. Adagio chuckled and tucked a piece of hair behind Sunset’s ear.

“I’m glad you thought so~” Adagio said in a teasing tone, making Sunset’s blush more prominent as she felt Adagio’s hands gently graze her cheek.

Sunset’s breath caught in her throat for a moment as she looked into the majestic former sirens eyes.

Adagio Dazzle truly is dazzling.

Author's Note:

A short story i came up with at 1am. As always, feel free to leave comments and any corrections or advice you may have! :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 5 )

Awww this was such a cute heartwarming story! Thanks for sharing :raritystarry:

A ship I wasn't aware I needed! :pinkiecrazy:

Wanderer D

This was a cute story, well done! I've felt that these two could hit it off in any number of ways, and I like the first-date-maybe setting that you put them into, and the way they played of each other. Short and lovely. Well done!

Who did the cover art?

Thank you so much! I really appreciate that! :pinkiesmile:

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