• Published 23rd Sep 2023
  • 273 Views, 10 Comments

Sly Cooper: Thieves in Equestria - Mario-and-sonic-pals

Our favorite ring-tailed, raccoon thief gets stuck in Equestria.

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The hot smell of hate

Chapter 5

So, Le Paradox’s latest plan had become a reality, and he and Queen Chrysalis were about to destroy our worlds, starting with Paris. Thankfully, Bentley modified the Time Machine to travel across dimensions without any artifacts required, and our first step was to head home.

We knew that we would need some help, so our new friends decided to tag along for the ride. Once we got to Paris, we were stunned to see that Le Paradox had already taken over.

Bentley did a little research while we introduced our pony friends to our dimension, and he found out that Le Paradox and Queen Chrysalis used their mind controlled army to take over Paris. We had to watch our back if we were going to stop them and send our friends to their home dimension.

Once everyone and everypony arrived in Paris, the ponies were amazed by the beauty of the city. “Wow, this dimension of yours is awesome!” said Rainbow Dash. “But, were those banners of Le Paradox always there?”

“Nope, those banners are new,” said Sly. He then faced Bentley. “Bentley, what’s going on?”

“It seems that Le Paradox and Chrysalis used their army to rule over Paris. Their last known location was at the biggest national landmark in Paris… the Eiffel Tower,” said Bentley.

“Not the Eiffel Tower! I don’t know what that is,” said Pinkie Pie. “What’s this tower you speak of, and why is it important?”

“It’s a national treasure, and the only treasure I can’t steal, mainly because it’s too big,” said Sly. “We better get there before it’s too late.”

They all got into the van, and drove to the Eiffel Tower. “Um, guys. I think we’re gonna need a plan before we confront Le Paradox,” said Murray.

“You’re right, Murray. We’re going to need a way to sneak into their secret base. Lucky for us, we have magic and science on our side,” said Bentley. “Fluttershy, do you think you’re up for being a distraction again?”

“I guess so, but only because you asked politely,” said Fluttershy.

“Great. We’ll need you and Sly to take out the guards with a distraction, then we’ll be able to sneak and take care of the security system. Once that’s done, Sly will be able to get to Le Paradox and destroy his mechanical body. It’s almost crazy enough to work,” said Bentley.

“Excellent planning Bentley, but just to ensure that the distraction works,” said Sly.

“Don’t say it,” said Bentley.

“ I’ma going to use my Italian accent,” said Sly, in his infamous Italian accent (emphasis on the infamous), causing the Cooper gang to groan.

“I said crazy, not suicidal. Besides, you have the worst Italian accent I’ve ever heard,” said Bentley.

“We could really use the extra flavor, besides I’ve heard worse accents,” said Twilight. She then used her magic to levitate pizza delivery outfits. “Rarity made these just in case.”

“This’ll go great with my Italian accent,” said Sly, followed by him and Fluttershy changing into their outfits. “ Come on, Fluttershy. Time to cause a distraction.”

Sly and Fluttershy walked up to the guards. “Bonjour my friends,” said Fluttershy, who was putting her French to the test (I never said that it was perfect).

“We are-a here to deliver a pizza to Le Paraclock,” said Sly, in his Italian accent.

“I didn’t know robots could eat pizza,” said one of the guards.

“If we-a don’t deliver the pizza to him he’s-a going to be very angry,” said Sly. The guards let them into the base. Once inside, Sly and Fluttershy ditched their disguises. “Okay, let’s look for a way to get the others into the base.”

“Let’s try the air vents,” said Fluttershy. She then opened the air vents, allowing the others to sneak in.

“Alright, time to end this once and for all,” said Twilight. They all rushed to Le Paraclock and Chrysalis, where the final showdown was about to begin. “Chrysalis! Le Paradox! Show yourself!”

Suddenly, Le Paraclock emerged from the ocean, carrying Chrysalis in his left hand. “I see you made it home with your pony friends,” said Le Paraclock, in his new robotic voice. “There is no way you can defeat me this time, Cooper. Once we take over Paris, we are going after Equestria next. All we need is for your complete and utter surrender.”

“Never gonna happen, Le Paradox. Because we have friendship and family on our side, not only is it something you lack, but it’s also the greatest thing you can ever ask for,” said Sly, causing his gang to smile at him.

“We get it, your friends are your power. Enough playtime, let the battle begin,” said Chrysalis.

“Okay, you asked for this,” said Sly. Suddenly, the royal guard appeared, ready to attack. Speaking of which. “Attack!”

The army charged at the mechanical monstrosity and the former changelings queen, using all their might to do as much damage as they possibly can. “Sly, hop on, we can defeat Le Paradox faster if we take to the sky,” said Twilight, followed by Sly hopping on to her back as she took to the sky.

“Maybe if you zap his mechanical parts, it’ll give me the chance to destroy him once and for all,” said Sly, to which Twilight nodded in agreement. Twilight then started to zap Le Paraclock’s body, until he collapsed into the ocean.

“He’s still powered on. Sly, this is your chance, destroy him!” said Twilight. Sly then jumped onto Le Paraclock’s body, jumping from broken body part to broken body part until he reached the head.

“Destroy me if you can, Cooper, you’ll never be rid of me,” said Le Paraclock.

“Maybe, but you can’t do any harm from the depths of hell,” said Sly. He used his cane to destroy Le Paraclock’s head, causing him to enter self destruct mode. “Uh oh, that’s not good.”

“I got ya buddy,” said Rainbow Dash, as she grabbed Sly and flew him to safety. Suddenly, Le Paraclock exploded into a million pieces, leaving nothing but a pile of rubble. “Holy Chalupa! He exploded.”

“Thanks for stating the obvious, but now let’s deal with Chrysalis,” said Sly. Luckily, they already had a plan for this. “Twilight, Cadence, time for operation Stonehenge.”

“Right away, Sly,” said Twilight. The ponies all surrounded the former queen of the changelings. “Cadence, horns at the ready.” Cadence nodded.

“You’re kidding right?” said Chrysalis. Suddenly, Cadence and Twilight used their magic into stone once more.

“May I?” asked Sly.

“Be our guest,” said Twilight. Sly then used his cane to shatter Chrysalis into a million pieces, ensuring that she will never return ever again. “That’s the last we’ll ever see of them.”

Once everyone and everypony went back to the Time Machine (and sent the mind controlled ponies home), they all said their goodbyes to each other.

“It was nice working with you,” said Twilight, as she and Sly fist bumped. “We’ll never forget you.”

“Right back at ya,” said Sly, followed by Bentley sending the ponies back to their world.

And with that, our magical adventure came to a close. We met so many amazing ponies, and learned so much from them that I didn’t want it to end. But as the old saying goes, all good things must come to an end.

Everything was going to be okay… until I remembered about Carmelita. I thought for sure she was going to arrest us right then and there, but she was true to her word and left us with a warning.

After that, me and my friends set out to find the greatest treasures we could find around the world. After all, friendship truly is the greatest gift.

The End
Go outside.

Author's Note:

That last part is a reference to sly 2 band of thieves. Also, I wouldn’t be a sly fan if I didn’t use the infamous Italian accent.