• Published 23rd Sep 2023
  • 273 Views, 10 Comments

Sly Cooper: Thieves in Equestria - Mario-and-sonic-pals

Our favorite ring-tailed, raccoon thief gets stuck in Equestria.

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From Paris to Equestria

Author's Note:

I couldn't find any sly cooper stories here, so I decided to make my own. This is separate from my previous story, so consider this it's own thing.

Chapter 1

I should probably start from the beginning, my name is Sly, Sly Cooper, and I’m a thief from a long line of thieves. In fact thievery is the family business. If you saw my last adventure, you would know that after time traveling to meet my ancestors, I ended up stuck in ancient Egypt.

Lucky for me, my friend Bentley managed to transport me back to modern times. Bentley was the brains of my heists. We grew up in the same orphanage together where we bonded over stealing cookies, our very first heist.

Once I got back to the old Paris hideout, I was reunited with Murray, the third in our trio. Murray was our enforcer, the muscle, and the guy who ate all the cookies back in our orphanage days. Ever since then, we’ve been more like a family than a gang.

It’s been two weeks since we’ve been reunited, and I decided that we had to pull a heist. I should mention that as a master thief I only steal from other criminals, so, even though it took a while, we decided to steal from a new thief in town. He seemed respectable, but he was about to learn that the cooper family is also interested in magical artifacts. Funny how people get these kinds of things.

It was a nice Fall evening in Paris, and the Cooper gang was at the hideout of a new thief in town. “Okay, do you guys remember the plan?” said Bentley.

“Of course, my mind is like a steel cap,” said Murray.

“That's a steel trap, big guy,” said Sly Cooper, as he and the gang tiptoed around the hideout. “Besides, we’ve been over it a million times, what could possibly go wrong?”

“That’s what you said before we time traveled in time and look where that got us. Look, we’re only going to get one shot at this, so we can’t mess up,” said Bentley, as the gang all got into position.

Bentley took out the security system, while Murray took out the guards with his strength. As for Sly, he went to the loot that he was after… a golden amulet. “Okay, this was too easy,” said Sly, as carefully grabbed the amulet and left his calling card.

“Stop right there, Cooper!” said a voice that sounded familiar. The voice was that of Inspector Carmelita Fox, Sly’s on again off again love interest.

“Carmelita, as beautiful and unpredictable as ever,” said Sly, as he made his exit into the getaway van. “Not bad for a reunion heist.”

“Yeah, but now the cops are on our tail,” said Murray, as he drove the van away from the police. “Bentley, does the Time Machine still work?”

“Yes, but we don’t have any artifacts to use,” said Bentley.

“We do now. Hold on tight,” said Sly, as he placed the golden amulet into the Time Machine’s artifact scanner. Suddenly, the machine started to malfunction. “What’s going on, Bentley?”

“It appears that the amulet is not sending us to another time, it’s sending us… to another dimension! Hold on!” said Bentley. The van’s Time Machine started lighting up and, in less than a second, the cooper gang was transported to an alternate dimension.

Somewhere, in another dimension…

The Cooper gang woke up in a big field of green grass, slightly famished. “Is everyone okay?” said Sly.

“It’s a good thing my legs are numb, other than that I’m okay,” said Bentley.

“I think my butt is broken,” said Murray. “The van’s totaled, so I guess we’re marooned. Where are we?”

“I don’t know, but I see a town up ahead, maybe we can ask someone for directions,” said Sly, as he and the gang walked towards the village up ahead. Once the Cooper gang got into town, they noticed something unusual. The town was mostly inhabited by… ponies. “Well, at least we know that this dimension is very different from ours.”

The ponies all stared at the cooper gang, and whispered to each other. Just then, a pink pony with a fluffy, cotton candy-like mane started hopping towards the gang. “Maybe she knows what this place is?” said Murray. The pink pony walked up to the Cooper gang.

“Hello strangers, my name’s Pinkie Pie and welcome to ponyville. What are your names?” asked Pinkie Pie.

“My name is Sly Cooper, these are my friends Bentley and Murray,” said Sly. “We’re a little lost, do you think you could find someone who can tell us where we are?”

“Sure thing, follow me,” said Pinkie Pie, as she led the Cooper gang to Twilight Sparkle’s castle. “Princess Twilight Sparkle should be able to help you. She’s very good at knowing things.” She then bounced off to Sugarcube Corner.

“Well, if this princess has a way for us to get home, we might as well check if she has some nice loot,” said Sly, causing his crew to give him ‘seriously’ looks. “I know, we only steal from criminals, but I don’t know if there’s any crime here. Let’s just ask this princess for help.”

Just then, Twilight Sparkle excited the castle, causing Murray to bow. “Greetings your majesty,” said Murray.

“Nice to meet you, my name is Twilight Sparkle,” said Twilight. “What brings you to Ponyville?”

“Well, it’s kind of a long story, your highness. But long story short, we’re from another world and we’re kind of lost,” said Sly. “It sounds like a lot to take in, but I think it has something to do with this amulet.” He then showed the pony Princess the gold amulet.

“Wow, the legendary Equestrian amulet. How did you find it?” asked Twilight, who was clearly fascinated.

“I… uh, found in the storage room of my local museum,” lied Sly, who didn’t want Twilight to know that he was a thief.

“I’ve heard of this before, but I’ll have to do some research. In the meantime, you can stay in the castle until you get back home,” said Twilight.

“Thank you,” said Sly.

So here we were, trapped in a world inhabited by ponies. Colorful and cute was one way to describe this world, but I think it would be nice to stay in a castle for a while.

I wanted to tell Twilight that I was a thief, but I figured that I would tell her tomorrow. Besides, I wouldn’t want this princess to know she’s letting a thief live in her home. Until then, I want to see where this goes.