• Published 7th Sep 2023
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Kung Fu Panda: The Dragons Destiny - Dragonfan101

Master Oogway finds Spike near the peach tree after going for a walk, he learns that he was called by the universe to help the future Dragon Warrior with his battles, and he takes him in and trains him to fulfil his destiny.

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34: The Battle Against Shen

After Spike and Po were blown into the river from Shen's canon, the 5 were all captured again and were falsely imprisoned, they had tried so hard to escape, but they couldn't, and they could only watch as they were here to watch the end happen. Everyone was finally waking up and they found themselves all chained together, and they saw Shen was in front of them and smiled evilly.

"Such sad sad faces, But now is a time only for joy, you are going to be part of something beautiful." Shen mocked while Tigress and Viper both growled and hissed at him.
"Once we reach the harbor, in front of all of the world. You and your precious Kung fu.. will die. And China will bow to me." Shen said evilly while they all couldn't do anything to escape.
"Set Sail!" Shen announced which raised the chain holding the five upwards and they could only struggle while watching Shen begin his invasion.

The people of Gongmen city were going about they're night like they could, but everything they were doing came to a scary halt as they began seeing colors of red and gray begin to move through the rivers of the town, everyone had a look of fear as they saw Shen with an army of his own, with dozens of powerful cannons on each one, all of which were heading down to the harbor so they can begin invading China.

The 5 were all chained in the middle of everything and could only feel hopeless as they can't find a way out now.
"Well I never thought I'd die like this.. always thought I'd meet a girl and settle down and.. then she'd eat my head.. so sad.." Mantis said sadly while the boats moved trough the city.
"And Spike and I never got to save this world.. and now he's missing another arm.. again.. I just wish I could've saved him.." Viper said with tears while thinking about her boyfriend.
"We must not give up hope, we must remain strong, hardcore like.. Tigress?" Monkey asked looking at her who felt awful for failing to save they're friends.

Shen's boats were heading towards a bridge where some citizens were backing away with fear.
"Sir, what about the bridge?" The leader asked again which made him scoff.
"Nothing stands in my way, fire!" Shen announced the ones in front, and the canon began to lower down and aimed at the bridge. The citizens screamed while running away from the bridge just as the canons fired at it and destroyed it completely.
"You coward!" Tigress said with rage while they tried escaping, but Shen only laughed evilly as a result.

But they're movement was halted when they heard a loud familiar roar, they looked up to a rooftop above and saw two familiar figures with hats on them, and they looked down at the army below.
"Po? Spike?" Tigress asked both shocked and hopeful, they look closer and it's revealed that Spike and Po are alive and they've recovered from the blast they took.
"Po? Spike?!" The others asked shocked to see them too.
"Spike!!" Viper cheered in relief while they both glared at the armada with rage.
"How many times do I have to kill the same stinking panda and dragon?!" Shen asked furious that they're still alive.
"Shen's time is over." Spike said while clutching his Chi arm again.

"Shen! A panda and dragon stand between you and your.. destiny!" Po shouted from the roof, but they were really far away and they couldn't hear Po fully.
"What?!" Shen shouted not hearing Po's speech.
"Prepare yourself for a hot... serving of justice!" Po shouted again, but they still couldn't hear them and Shen was just confused.
"What?" Shen asked again not knowing what to do for the moment.
"And now! Free the 5! Disk of Destruction!" Po shouted while holding out his hat.
"Po wait that's just a...!" Spike shouted right before Po threw his paper hat.. and they just watched it float down in a silly way which made Spike slap his face.

"How come your hat can do that?" Po asked looking at his own.
"I got it when I unlocked Chi, so by default, it has a few unique things of it's own." Spike countered while he and Po began hopping down the rooftops to reach the others.
"Alright Spike, what's the plan?!" Po shouted while they saw more wolves aiming they're cannons at them.
"Friendly Fire Po!" Spike shouted which gave them both an idea, Spike hopped on over to one of the boats and began fighting against multiple wolves while Po led another cannon to their own men. Spike threw his hat at the wolves again, but unlike Po's, his hat bounced off the other wolves faces like a certain shield and knocked them down, Spike caught his hat again and backflipped over a sword swing, Spike went over the large wolf and charged up his arm before making a powerful hit.

"Take this!" Spike shouted before he smashed against the ground and his Chi arm created a powerful shockwave which blew a ton of wolves away from him.
"Get them Spike! You can do it!!" Viper cheered while Po led the canon directly to another ship as it was being lit up.
"No no don't shoot! Don't shoot!" The other soldiers said with fear while he tried putting it out, Spike landed down on another wolves back and landed right next to Po and they looked at the 5 who were even closer.
"Don't shoot! Cross fire!' The leader ordered before Shen had enough.
"Attack!" Shen shouted which made all the wolves charge at the two of them.

Po rolled onto another canon and threw one wolf into another while Spike punched another wolf in the face, he rolled under a gorilla and punched him in the face which sent him flying into another group, Po grabbed one of their weapons and got an idea.
"Catch of Freedom!" Po shouted before he tossed it to the 5.
"Monkey!" Tigress ordered while he caught it with his tail and used the weapon to free them all, they landed nearby Spike and Po and broke away all the wolves around them.
"Spike! Your alright! Thank goodness!" Viper said relieved while giving him a hug.
"I'm not giving up on any of you!" Spike said before he punched a wolf right behind him without even looking.

"Impressive Dragon Warrior and Master, what's the plan?" Tigress asked while the wolves surrounded them.
"Step 1, free the 5!" Po declared while Viper hissed at another wolf.
"What's step 2?" Viper asked wondering what to do next.
"Honestly I didn't think we'd make it this far." Po admitted.
"Po!" Tigress shouted trying to keep him focused.
"Uh.. stop Shen before he gets to the harbor!" Po instructed which made the team all charge into battle together.

Everyone jumped on the boats in front of them and began battling against the hundreds of wolves around them, Spike grabbed one wolf with his Chi arm and threw him into the water, Viper came from behind and she whipped a couple more away that were behind him, Monkey jumped up in the air and grabbed one weapon with his tail before twirling the wolf around to take more down.
"Whoo hoo! Nice!" Po said with confidence, another wolf roared at Po but Po caught him with one fist and slammed him down.
"Viper Puppet of Death!" Po shouted before tossing it in the air, Viper coiled around the wolf and began moving it's body around to take down even more wolves with they're weapons while Tigress went below her to move them forward.

Spike and Po continued fighting through the enemy's until a familiar roar caught they're attention, they turned behind them and saw Master Ox was there to help.
"Master Ox!" Po said amazed just as Croc jumped out of the water and took a couple more down.
"And Croc! You guys actually came!" Spike said relieved that they're hear.
"Vengeance is served!" Croc said confidently while they were surrounded by more wolves.
"But how did you..?" Po asked before Ox said something to surprise them.
"Your friend there, is very persuasive. " Ox answered as multiple wolves were flying in the air behind them, they all took a closer look and saw a familiar Red Panda charging through the army and he took them all down easily, and it was revealed to be..
"Master Shifu!" Po and Spike said amazed to see him here, Shifu ran across the wolves heads and knocked them down with his staff to clear a path.
"Quickly! Use they're boats to block the way!" Shifu instructed landing in front of them.

They all looked ahead and saw a way to block the way to the harbor. Spike used his Chi arm to send a boat into the air to block the path, Tigress joined in and knocked a canon forward which made the boat tilt forward from it's heavy weight, Tigress flipped over to the top and went to the top of the bridge. Po grabbed multiple ropes by the sails and had one idea.
"Crane!" Po shouted just as Crane flew above him.
"Wings of Justice!" Crane shouted before he made a familiar bird sound which sent a shockwave a wind through the air and into the sails which had the boats crash into eachother, and that made the boats behind start crashing into eachother too. Spike smashed one boat down easily with his Chi arm and used Viper as a whip to take down more groups.
"I love you Viper!" Spike shouted while he twirled around on his head and kicked multiple wolves down with her.
"And I love you!" Viper shouted as well before they kept fighting they're way through the army as a team.

Spike and his entire team ran through the blocked boats and they all jumped in the air while the boats exploded behind them which made a cool gold and glittery affect, Po looked at the team besides him and Spike flew directly above him and took a deep breath.
"I love you guys!" Po said in slow motion before Spike shot more fire at a lot of them and he began taking them down one by one, even with one arm, he had enough skill to push through this army with his friends. Spike joined in with Monkey and they grabbed eachother's tails and went on they're arms, they then twirled around and began kicking multiple wolves behind them before Monkey flung Spike into the air so Spike could deliver a drop kick, Crane flew besides him and Spike took another deep breath while Crane spread out his wings, and they both used a familiar move that they developed together which sent a large wave of green fire across the army which cleared the path even more.

"Why aren't we firing?!" Shen asked furious while they were getting even closer.
"They've taken out our gunners sir! They're getting close!" The wolf leader said seriously while Spike landed besides Po and took down more groups at once.
"Fire! Fire at them all!" Shen ordered which shocked him.
"But sir! We'll kill our own!" He said with worry not wanting to kill his own kind.
"I said fire at them! Fire!!" Shen shouted with rage, but he had enough and turned to him one last time.
"No." He said tossing the fire away, but Shen had enough and threw a knife in his chest which killed him before Shen hopped over to his canon and aimed it at them just as Spike and Po were within range.
"On no.." Spike said with fear again as they saw no way out. Shen grinned again and used his talons to light up the canon once again to fire it.
"Po, Spike!" Tigress shouted right as she pushed them out of the way, but that put her in the line of fire and everyone watched as Shen's canon fired at them all, and that destroyed the boats in front of Shen's ship, but also completely broke down every boat that was blocking the path, and the heroes were caught in the line of fire too..

Spike and Po groaned with pain as they finally got up from the blast, but watched with fear as they saw Shen had finally made it out to the harbor, and his army was beginning to set sail.
"No.." Spike said with fear as they looked around, and they saw they're allies and friends were badly hurt from the blast. Spike saw Viper was on a single wooden plank and was extremely injured, Spike slowly swam up to her and picked her up to check on her.
"Viper?" Spike asked with tears as he didn't hear a response, but he heard faint breathing which meant she's still alive. Po weakly swam up to Tigress as well and saw she was barely moving.
"Tigress.." Po said with regret while he held her paws, she opened her eyes and was barely able to look at him, but Po could see she felt defeated and felt awful. Spike held Viper close and gave her another kiss on the head, he knew what he had to do, and he wasn't gonna let his girlfriend die here.
"I'll make this right, Po and I both will.." Spike declared before he gently put her back on and pushed the wood she was on to the others, just as Spike began to swim back to Po, Viper weakly opened her eyes and saw Spike doing one final thing.
"Spike.." Viper said weakly as she went floating near the others in the water around them.

Shen laughed evilly again as Spike and Po finally came together, and they stood on top of one piece of rubble together that was still floating.
"It is time, to end this." Spike said seriously as this was their last stand. Shen could see that they were wanting to keep going, and smiled smugly.
"As they wish, let's finish this." Shen said with a scoff as two canons began aiming at them, Spike and Po both took deep breaths and began moving they're feat around in a familiar way, and they moved they're arms in a slow and calm way which Shifu recognized almost instantly, Spike and Po stood at the ready, even with one arm, Spike knew what he had to do now that he has Inner Peace.
"Fire." Shen ordered once again. This finally made the two canons fire two canon balls at Po and Spike, they're red sparks and fiery affects twirled around as they got closer and closer, Spike and Po closed they're eyes one final time before they remembered one word..
"Inner Peace..." The words echoed through they're heads as they felt the scene where they placed the raindrop on a plant like Shifu did.

So Spike and Po raised they're hands forward before the drop went flying off the leaf just as the canon balls reached them, and to everyone's surprise and amazement, Spike and Po both caught the canonballs and threw them aside and into the water. Everyone had a look of amazement as Spike and Po finally found Inner Peace together. Spike and Po grinned at Shen who was shocked at this too.
"Your move." Spike said getting ready again which irritated him.
"Again!" Shen ordered his soldiers, more boats shot more canons at the two, Spike grabbed another and yelled before he threw the canon forward which was amazing the citizens watching, more canons kept firing at the two and Po grabbed one next and twirled it forward which almost hit the boats.
"Yeah!" Po shouted with confidence while they dodged another canonball.

"Bring it Shen!" Spike declared while raising his fist.
"Kill them! Somebody kill them!" Shen ordered again just as the soldiers lit more canons up, Spike and Po kept catching the canonballs while they went to them and were throwing them forward with each one, Po grabbed another and did a backflip before throwing another one directly to one of the boats which actually destroyed it. Spike grabbed another too and threw it extremely hard with his Chi arm which sent another directly into a boat as well which made the people cheer in joy.
"What?! No!" Shen shouted with horror as more of his boats were being destroyed. The sun was beginning to rise as Spike and Po deflected more to the boats and just made a gesture to Shen.
"Keep em coming!" Spike said confidently while they got ready for the last one.
"Keep firing! Keep firing!!" Shen ordered one last time, the canon on Shen's boat shot another ball directly at them and they raised they're fists one last time. They both caught the last ball at once and they screamed as they began twirling around in the air, the water swirled around from the intense wind and everyone watched as they became the Yin and Yang symbol very briefly before they finally held the canon together.
"Skadoosh!" They both said at once again before they finally threw the ball back at them and it shot directly into the canon itself which destroyed Shen's entire ship and army for good.

Shen groaned and finally was getting up while coughing roughly, he tried to see what the state of his army is now, but looked around and saw his ship and canon were destroyed, he looked around and saw all his ships were destroyed, and there were no soldiers left.
"How did.. how did you two do it?" Shen asked confused as Spike and Po were behind him now.
"Well you know just keep your elbows up, and.. shoulder's lose.." Po said not understanding that question.
"No, not that. How did you two find peace? I took away Po's parents, everything, I.. I scarred you for life.." Shen asked not understanding how they did it.
"It doesn't matter what's happened in our lives, what only matters now, is who we chose to be going forward, no matter what trauma we've experienced." Spike explained with a calm tone as the sun was finally rising in the sky.
"Spike's right Shen, it doesn't matter what happened to us then, what really matters, is who we choose to be now.." Po said agreeing with Spike's statement while Shen wanted to make one last attempt.
"Your right.. then I choose.. this!" Shen shouted before he threw more knifes at them which they barely dodged.

Shen swung his blades at the two while they tried avoiding getting hurt just as Po got cut in the face. Spike saw what was happening and realized he was cutting down the ropes holding the ship together.
"Shen! Stop this! You'll get yourself killed!" Spike shouted before backflipping out of the way from another attack.
"As long as I bring you two down with me, I don't care!" Shen shouted while he slashed at Po again who was flipping over Shen's slashes, they heard the canon was beginning to fall from the cut ropes and looked up with fear as they saw it begin to fall.
"Po run!!" Spike shouted while they ran to get off the ship, Spike look back one last time and he saw Shen close his eyes as he accepts Death and the canon falls onto him and kills him, which also destroys the rest of the ship and sends the debris flying everywhere.

The people look on with hope while they think they survived, but Spike and Po finally emerged from the water and gasped for air which made all the people of the city cheer with joy.
"We did it.. we actually won.." Spike said amazed as they actually beat Shen. They both saw some shadows go above them and they saw Tigress and Viper just above reaching out for them, Spike took Viper's tail and she helped him out while Tigress helped Po.
"That, was pretty hardcore you two." Tigress said impressed with what they just did.
"We deflected actual canonballs, how cool is that?!" Spike asked really amazed with what they did too.
"It was awesome Spike, and you both did a fantastic job.." Viper said before she came in and hugged Spike close, Viper even gave Spike another kiss on the cheek which made him chuckle even more and he cuddled with her a bit. And Po suddenly hugged Tigress which surprised the rest of the 5 who all were shocked with that too, but Po quickly pulled away and looked nervous before they all came up to Spike and Po and hugged them tightly.
"You guys did it!" Monkey said amazed while they all looked over the two.

Shifu walked over to the two with his staff while also holding something in his left arm.
"It seems you two have found Inner Peace. And at such young ages too" Shifu said as he was proud with them both, but also a bit jealous too.
"Well we had a pretty good teacher." Po said proudly too while Spike noticed what Shifu's holding.
"What's that your holding Shifu?" Spike asked coming up to it.
"Oh, this is something the Soothsayer had for you, she made it to make up for your.. other missing arm." Shifu said as he just now saw Spike's left arm was missing too.
"Really?" Spike asked while he took it, Spike undid the straps attached to it and they all watched it unfold, and it was revealed to be a strong, well made metal arm, it was pretty tough looking from the looks of it, and it looked like a strong muscle arm too, Spike looked at it with amazement and picked it up.

"A metal arm.. awesome.." Spike said amazed as he put it on his left arm, he used his Chi arm to attach it and a small clink sound was heard before Spike was finally moving the fingers.
"How does it feel sweetie?" Viper asked while he moved it around.
"It feels.. just like my old one.." Spike said amazed while he looked at both his arms, he had a Metal arm that looked to be made of the same metal as Shen's canonballs, and a Chi arm, and they both had they're unique look and feel to them both and they felt awesome to have.
"Well, at least it all turned out well in the end, right Spike?" Po asked patting his back which made him laugh a bit, Spike looked to the crowd and saw the Soothsayer was there too and smiled proudly, Spike smiled gratefully at her and they heard people cheering as they saw Shen's boat shoot out more fireworks that formed the Yin and Yang symbol while being around dozens of amazing colorful fireworks which covered the bright sunny sky.

We finally cut back to the Valley of Peace at Ping's shop after days of making they're way back home.
"What do you mean they're not here? All my son wanted was to meet the Dragon Warrior and Master!" A mother asked upset with Po and Spike not showing up.
"How about some tofu birthday cake instead huh?" Ping asked nervously hoping they could cheer up.
"You know, I think we'll just try again another time, when do you think they'll be back?" The mother asked ready to leave which finally made him sad.
"I don't know! Okay I don't know! Maybe never! I mean.. I'm just worried, I'm Po's dad okay? At least.. I was his dad.. Why did he and Spike have to go and save China? I know why, but why?! They're just one little panda and dragon.." Ping asked finally breaking down in tears, but the kid seemed to notice something and had a look of joy before he ran up to the door.

"How ya doing kid?" A familiar voice asked which got Ping's attention, he turned around and looked amazed as he saw Spike and Po were finally here, while also holding some Radish boxes together. Ping was extremely relieved and went up and hugged Po tightly. He then opened his eyes and finally let go of him.
"So, how did it go, did you two save China?" Ping asked hoping they did.
"We wouldn't be here if we did right?" Spike joked which made Po chuckle a bit.
"We both did, and in an awesome way too." Po said with a smile which made him really proud.
"Well I knew you two would! That's why I made this new sign! My son and his best friend Spike saved China, you two can save, buy one dumpling get one free!" Ping announced while showing them a cool poster of both Spike and Po together.
"Hey that's a pretty good deal." Po said while they put the Radish boxes down.
"I'm wanting to get one myself." Spike said already liking the design.

"Do you wan to try it now you two?" Ping asked hopefully.
"Maybe later.. but there's something we should tell you.." Po replied which made Ping gulp nervously.
"While Spike and I were gone, we found the village where I was born.. and I found out.. how I ended up in that Radish basket.." Po explained while Spike looked down sadly reflecting on what happened during that horrific night.
"Really?" Ping asked surprised and glad to hear they found it.
"And I know who I am.." Po said looking at his father in the eyes.
"You do?" Ping asked worried with what he's gonna say.
"Yes.. I'm your son.." Po admitted before he gave Ping a tight hug and Spike smiled proudly seeing his friend finally at peace, Spike was proud to be at peace with himself, too, and couldn't be happier for winning the day.

"I love you dad.." Po said with tears while he held him close.
"I love you too son.." Ping replied with tears as well before Po put him down finally. Po turned to Spike and smiled gratefully.
"Spike, thank you for being there for me. Even after all we've been through, I'm glad to have someone who I'm proud to call.. my brother." Po said gratefully while he gave Spike another hug too which Spike smiled at.
"I'm always there when you need it, we're both brothers, till the end." Spike said patting his back with his metal arm as Po pulled away and Ping saw the boxes of Radishes.

"Ah! Delicious fat Radishes! You two must be hungry, let me make you something to eat!" Ping offered while he took one of them.
"What are you talking about we'll cook." Po offered while he and Spike took the rest.
"Guys, there's no need to compete, we'll all cook, together." Spike offered looking at them both.
"Together?.. No I'll cook!" Ping declared which made them all laugh as they went into the kitchen together, and were glad the world was finally saved. However, the camera zooms far far away from the Valley of Peace, it goes far into the mountains and the camera moves through a few trees until it comes upon a very old looking house, and two figures with green cloaks finally move and they have a look of realization, one of them is a familiar panda, and the other is a tall orange dragoness with pink hair and a yellow underbelly with small wings.
"My son is alive.. this is.. amazing... Smolder.." The father said in realization while the dragon was amazed too.
"And I.. I have a brother.." Smolder said amazed too as they look over they're home, and we see a final shot of a panda village where it was revealed Po was not the last panda after all...

Author's Note:

Hey guys thanks for reading this again! And that's a wrap on the 2nd movie! I know this took some dark turns here and there, and it was dramatic at points, but it all turned out well in the end, Spike now has both a metal arm and a Chi arm that will both play into the story at points. This ending always puts me into tears and I love seeing it.

I still think Spike and Smolder should've been revealed to be siblings in the show since they get along like brother and sister too, I would've much preferred it over Garble being Smolder's sister let me tell you, but now this is gonna play into the 3rd movie when I get too it soon, while I was gonna cover the Dragon Knight too, I realized that it would drag on a bit too long, so I decided I'm just gonna head into the 3rd movie instead, I know that's a bit disappointing but I don't want my story to drag on so I hope you can understand, hope you all liked this chapter and hope you look forward to the 3rd movie!

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