• Published 7th Sep 2023
  • 2,995 Views, 185 Comments

Kung Fu Panda: The Dragons Destiny - Dragonfan101

Master Oogway finds Spike near the peach tree after going for a walk, he learns that he was called by the universe to help the future Dragon Warrior with his battles, and he takes him in and trains him to fulfil his destiny.

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31: Gongmen City

After Spike and the others left the valley, they began they're long journey to Gongmen City to stop Shen, they knew this was a serious problem if Master Rhino was killed in the process, and Shen needs to be stopped, Spike knew Po had a lot to go through during this journey since he's questioning where he came from, and he hopes he can help Po find peace in himself during this journey.

It took around 3 hours for them to just reach the mountains that led out of the valley's borders, and they were still days away from Gongmen City, Spike's never been there before, but he's heard about how ancient it was and was interested to see what it's like.
"Come on guys lets go!" Po shouted while he and the others ran through the mountains together, and while Po had energy one second, the next he looked almost exhausted.
"Yeah!.. yes.. ugh.." Po said with exhaustion while Spike helped him move as they continued to move.

Meanwhile with Shen, he was having his men melt down more of the metal that was stolen to forge more armory, and grinned evilly seeing his soldiers work to the bone, back with Po and the group, they had traveled so far from the valley at this point, they were traveling through a snowy mountain nearly a day after leaving.
"Po heads up!" Spike warned right before Po tumbled over the snow and screamed in slow motion as everyone literally sees him become a snowball while they kept moving. Shen was right in front of some of his gunpowder within his factory, and he used it to make some sparks on a nearby torch a soldier was holding which made him grin even more. And back with the other's again, they had traveled for up to 2 days at this point, and Po was looking exhausted as it looked like they were climbing a mountain.. until Spike and Tigress just walked past him and the camera pins to the right position that reveals Po's just tired still.
"Come on Po, we're gonna hit a boat that leads us to the city, we've just got another day to go, come on." Spike encouraged helping him up while he groaned hearing that. We now cut to Spike and the others within the dessert hundreds of miles from the valley, everyone had a serious look and Po began twirling a staff Spike got so he could practice for battle, and with Shen, he was practicing this at the exact same time and the artstyle changes to a cool 2d look as it shows the Yin and Yang symbol between Po and Shen, and it cuts to Shen on the very top of the palace looking over the entire city as he awaits Po's arrival..

We now cut to that same night after days of traveling, Spike and the 5 had gotten a boat that could help them travel to Gongmen City, while giving them a moment to rest. Spike and the others were sleeping within a room big enough for all of them, Viper was curled up next to Spike while he was sleeping soundly next to her and Po too, but Po was chuckling a bit as he began to dream about something.
"Mama?" Po asked as the camera pins into his dream and we see him in a strange field looking around somewhere, but he looks over and see 2 panda like figures walking towards the light.
"Mom? Dad? Is that you? Mom! Dad!" Po shouted running to them until they turned around and noticed him.
"Oh! Hey son your back!" The father said while Po noticed they had something in the mom's arms.
"Honey what are you doing here?" The mom asked while the shadows mouths moved around weirdly while they looked like Radishes..
"What? But I thought..." Po asked while he tried to see what they're like.
"We replaced you dear, with this lovely Radish." The mother revealed showing a Radish within the wrapped up cloth.
"R.. Radish?" Po asked stuttering a little.
"It's quiet, polite, and frankly, it does better Kung Fu.." The father said right before the Radish suddenly jumped out and made Kung fu sounds.

"Oh, no no no no!" Po said really confused about all of this while the Radish charged at him.
"Wai.." Po shouted before the Radish hit him in the chest, then up to his chin and it began tossing Po back and forth roughly before it slammed him into the ground and began to finish him off.
"No!" Po shouted right before the Radish jumped into him and he saw that same symbol from before which finally caused Po to wake up with a gasp, and he breathed heavily. Po sighed after realizing it was all a dream and went outside to think this over, but this woke up Spike after hearing Po's sounds near him and looked concerned as he went out. Spike sighed knowing what he had on his mind probably and began to head out too, he careful put a blanket over Viper to keep her comfy without him.
"Sleep tight Vipes." Spike whispered while kissing her head for a second before he tried going out to help Po, but Tigress had heard all of this too and quietly looked back at Spike as he headed out too.

Po went out of the boat to think to himself, he was a bit frustrated with how he got beat up by a freaking Radish in his dream and was just overall really conflicted on how to feel right now.
"Radish, radish radish.. radish.. hyah!" Po shouted while he punched the mast, but that simply made a drop of water fall on him and he looked up to see multiple drops falling down, and he got an idea to try and do what Shifu did. Po took a deep breath and let the drop fall below him before he swiped his foot under it like Shifu did.
"Inner.. peace..." Po told himself before another drop fell on his head.
"Peace..." Po said again before another fell on him again.
"Ahem.. Inner Peace..." Po said again before multiple drops began falling on him and he got more frustrated.

He was about to scream in frustration before Spike finally came out and saw what he was doing.
"Po, what are you doing?" Spike asked rubbing his eyes while Po finally stopped trying, and saw he was next to him.
"Oh.. hey Spike. Did I.. wake you?" Pop asked nervously while Spike stretched his normal arm.
"You were about to wake up the others, what's going on? You look worried?" Spike asked as the boat quietly flowed down the river, Po sighed being asked that and tried to explain this to Spike.
"It's just.. hard to explain all of it Spike, you were there to hear.. Ping explain how I ended up here.. and I.. I just don't know how to process it.." Po said sadly while Spike sighed hearing him not call Ping his dad.
"I understand it's.. rough Po, even with the advise I try giving you... I myself don't know what to do, if Shifu needs us to find Inner Peace.. how will we be able to find it?" Spike asked while he put his hands on the side of the ship while Po stood next to him worried about this as well.

"Well.. Shifu said we need to move past what's bothering us.. right? You got that cool.. Chi arm after finding the courage to save Viper, and her whole family, if anything your a few steps ahead to finding Inner Peace then I am.." Po said trying to figure this out too while Spike sighed hearing that.
"I love Viper a ton Po.. and she loves me back, but just because I unlocked Chi doesn't mean I know Inner Peace, I never knew who my parents were, I don't know if I have a brother or a sister either, and I was just.. left alone to be raised by Twilight and the others. And if I never know who my real family was.. just who am I?" Spike asked as well as that question is something he can't stop asking himself, even after he unlocked Chi and declared himself as Spike, the Dragon Master, this fact still bothered him, and it may be what's truly holding him back.
"You and me both buddy.. we don't know who are family is.. and since Ping really is my.. adopted father.. how will we be able to stop Shen if we're too bothered by this?" Po asked unsure of what to do while Spike looked at the night sky.
"I guess.. even when we feel like we understand ourselves.. we don't know who we are until we know it.. right Po?" Spike asked standing besides him while Po sighed hearing that too.
" I guess so.." Po said sadly while they looked over the view together.

But they're little talk was interrupted when a familiar person announced her presence.
"Ahem." Tigress announced which got they're attention, they both looked up to the roof and saw Tigress was looking down at them , she must've heard Spike and Po go out of the boat.
"Oh uh.. we're um.. training..." Po said nervously while Spike shook his head.
"Sorry if we woke you Tigress." Spike apologized while she looked down at them.
"It's no trouble, and that mast is not a worthy opponent if you are training.." Tigress said before she flipped down over to them and raised her right paw.
"I am ready." Tigress said ready to take a hit, Spike saw where she was going and stood besides her.
"Take a hit with at our palms Po." Spike said raising his Chi arm.

Po looked a bit surprised with them wanting to train a bit but just shook it off.
"Okay.. your so serious.." Po said before he raised his fist and punched Tigress's paw and a loud impact sound was heard while she caught it. Po stood still for a moment before he fell on his knees and held his fist with pain.
"O.. o.. ow!" Po said with pain while they looked down at him.
"You should expect nothing less from Tigress Po." Spike said still raising his Chi arm.
"Okay.. hopefully that arm won't hit as hard.." Po said before he punched Spike's Chi arm in the palm too, but that made an even louder impact sound and sent a small shockwave through the area from it's overwhelming power which most likely opened the others up.
"Ow.. hohoho!" Po screamed while he fell on his knees again, Spike gripped his hand and just wondered how much stronger his arm is.

"I think I prefer the mast, especially compared to you Spike.." Po said in pain while they looked at him.
"Apologies, I used to punch the Iron Wood trees by the palace to train, now I feel nothing." Tigress said gripping her paw a bit.
"I did that with Tigress to when I could, it did make me feel less pain after a few months of punching them daily." Spike said looking at his other arm since it was the only normal one he had left.
"That's.. severely cool you too!" Po said amazed with what they do which made Tigress smirk a bit.
"Again!" Tigress said raising her paw while Spike stood at the side for Po to try again.
"So um, this punching the Iron Wood trees? How long did you two do that?" Po asked punching it over and over again.
"20 years for me, a few months for Spike." Tigress answered which surprised him.
"Oh.. 20.. 20 years ooh.. is there um.. you know any other way till ya.. don't feel anything?" Po asked trying to catch her off guard.
"No.. besides.." Tigress said before she twisted his arm and sent him twirling in the air for a moment before he fell on his back and she saw his large belly.

"I don't think hard style is.. your thing.." Tigress finished while Spike helped him up.
"You can't learn everything Po, especially when trying to cheat your way forward." Spike advised while Po sighed once again
"Po.. Spike.. why are you really out here?" Tigress asked since she knew this wasn't the reason which made Spike look sad.
"Spike and I just found out my dad.. isn't really my dad.." Po confessed which concerned her a little.
"Your dad.. the goose? And.. this bothers you?" Tigress asked concerned to hear this.
"When you just find out you were really adopted Tigress, it makes you wonder who your real parents are, I've questioned that too.. and it does.. bother me to be honest.." Spike said sadly as this never was answered back home.
"Come on Spike, we're warriors! With nerves of steel! And souls of platinum! Like you Tigress!" Po said turning to her who didn't respond for a moment.
"So hardcore you don't feel anything." Po said amazed before he hit her shoulder again but that hurt him too." Oh!... wow.." Po said both impressed and hurt with how tough it was.
"I was..." Tigress said right before the other's had finally come out.

"So what are you talking about guys?" Mantis asked while everyone came out to check on them.
"Uh.. nothing.. nothing!" Po said in defense while Spike sighed again.
"Po's having daddy issues, and is everything alright Spike?" Viper asked while she held his hand again.
"It's.. alright guys, we both found out Po's adopted and.. it's bothering us a bit.. I myself don't know who my father or mother is.. and I don't know if I have a family at all.. you all should be glad you knew who your family was.." Spike said sitting down a little while Viper gave him a hug.
"It's alright Spike.. we're here for you both." Viper assured which made Spike smile a bit.

"Man, I'm so lucky, I don't have any problems with my dad. Maybe that was because mom ate his head before I was born.. I don't know." Mantis said not knowing how to make this better.
"Mantis, this isn't about you, Po is the one freaking out, while Spike just needs our help." Viper said looking at them both.
"I'm not freaking out.." Po said trying to brush this off while Tigress saw something.
"Po.." Tigress said as some light was coming in the distance.
"We're still a team at the end of the day, right guys?" Spike asked which only made Viper kiss his cheek again.
"Of course we are sweetie." Viper assured before Spike finally saw what Tigress was seeing.
"Come on guys, I'm freaking.. in!" Po said not wanting to talk about this a bit.
"Po." Tigress said again which got his attention.
"We're here, Gongmen City." Tigress announced which made all of them look at the huge city in the distance as the sun was rising on the horizon.

Far away within the palace of the place, Shen and his men were tearing down the stuff that belonged to Shen's parents, so Shen could assert his control over the palace, Shen came up to a large golden throne that looked extremely ancient, but also delicate and well designed.
"My father's throne, he used to let me play here on the side, promising that one day this.. throne would be mine.." Shen said with a grin looking at it, we cut to the outside of the building where we see the throne being tossed out of it as Shen was sick of it.
Shen's men had placed the cannon on the very center of the room to replace it while Shen made sure things were perfect.
"A little to the left!" Shen said motioning his wing a bit.
"Ugh, but it's so heavy master." A gorilla said exhausted a bit.
"30 years I've waited for this moment, and everything must be just how I envisioned it. And I pictured it.. a little to the left." Shen said again which made them move it a bit finally.

"Perfect! With the weapon by my si.. uh a little bit more." Shen ordered again which made them move it just above him finally.
"With the weapon by my side! All of China, will bow before me! We move out in 3 days when the moon is full, and the tides are high! And now you old goat, why don't you tell me my.." Shen asked looking at the Soothsayer before she finished for him.
"Fortune?" She asked looking at him.
"The future, I was going to say future. Look into your little bowl, and tell me what glory awaits me." Shen corrected which made her look into her bowl while he walked down the stairs a bit.
"If you continue on your current path.. you will find yourself.. at the bottom of the stairs." She said just before Shen noticed him at the end of the footsteps which made him groan a little.

"I see.. I see... I see.." She said ominously while Shen came up to her.
"Pain." She finished before she took off one of his feathers." Ow!" Shen said with pain as she continued on with this.
"And anger." She continued before she bit down on Shen's cloth which made him rip it off.
"How dare you?! That is the finest silk in the province!" Shen said angered with her ruining his clothes.
"Followed by denial." She continued before Shen spoke again.
"And this is not fortune telling, you are just telling me what's happening right..." Shen said before she finished.
"Now?" She asked which made him scoff again.
"The most important time is now. But if you really waned to see the future.." She said before she threw some powder into the bowl which made it begin to glow brightly.

"What do you see?" Shen asked amazed as the smoke began to form into the room and show a large Peacock in the center.
"A Peacock..." She said while everyone looked at the sight with awe.
"Is defeated by a warrior of black and white.." She continued as the Yin and Yang symbol appeared again which made everyone afraid.
"The only thing that has changed, is that he will be accompanied by a Dragon Master, of Green and Purple.. who will defeat you too.." She continued as they all see the symbol of a dragon with a green and purple fire around it which made everyone more afraid, Shen had enough of this and threw a knife at the bowl and shattered it before he blew the smoke away.
"That's impossible, and you know it!" Shen said denying what she foretold again.

"It is not impossible and.. he knows it." She said looking at the stars behind her for a moment.
"Who?" Shen asked before the wolf leader came up into the room.
"Lord Shen! I saw a panda, and a real dragon!" He reported which caught Shen by surprise.
"A panda and a dragon?!" Shen asked with anger before he went and pinned him down to the floor.
"Two kung fu warriors, who fought like demons! The panda is big and furry, soft and squishy, and the dragon was green and purple with a strange glowing arm." He reported while Shen was furious to know this.
"There are no more pandas! I killed them all. And dragons. Do not. Exist." Shen said holding a knife by his throat while the Soothsayer came up to them both .

"Even with his poor eyesight he can see the truth, why is it that you cannot?" She asked poking at his sore eye which made him growl a little.
"Find this panda and dragon, and bring them too me!" Shen ordered getting off of him.
"Yes sir!" He said before he ran out of the room to find them.
"One panda lives, and a dragon does exist, but that does not make you right!" Shen said denying this truth.
"Your right, being right, makes me right." She said proudly which made him scoff again.
"Then I will kill them both, and make you wrong!" Shen declared glaring at her, but that only made Soothsayer bite at his clothing which angered him even more.
"Will you stop that?!" Shen asked ripping it away again.

Meanwhile with Spike and the 5, they had finally arrived at the city and began to sneak into the place.
"Come on guys, let's go." Spike whispered as he flew up to the rooftops with the others, they all looked over the city and saw it was extremely huge and crowed, far bigger then the Valley of Peace for sure.
"That must be Shen's palace, on the other side of the city." Tigress said as they all saw the huge building in the distance.
"Twilight would be jealous of the place honestly." Spike whispered while looking over the town.
"Great, we will march into the place and declare, we are the Dragon Warrior and the Furious 6, and we are here to bring you to justice!" Po declared about to jump out before Mantis grabbed his foot and brought him back down.
"What are you doing?! This place is crawling with wolves!" Mantis warned which shocked him a bit.

They all looked over the markets and saw there were dozens of wolfs around the place, some were ganging up on smaller people, and others were just going about they're day.
"Hey, isn't that the guy who hammered you in the face?" Crane asked which made them look at the leader who had that symbol on his arm again.
"I do not like that guy.." Po said really wanting to get back at him for that.
"We need to get through that city without being spotted by those wolves." Tigress whispered while they all began to head out again.
"You got it, stealth mode.." Po said confidently while they all started moving.

Spike and the 5 snuck they're way through the rooftops while trying not to be spotted by the wolves, Spike had a good grasp on stealth since he's trained, and he had Viper to thank for that. But while Spike was traveling with the 5, Spike accidently slipped on one of the tiles and began stumbling a bit.
"Whoa, guys!" Spike whispered which got they're attention.
"Spike!" Viper whispered before they saw him fall right down into a basket of fruits while Po was poorly sneaking around on the streets. Spike groaned a little and emerged from it while he had some watermelons on his chest, but his focus was regained as he saw a few women around him, and were giggling a bit with what they were seeing.

"Um.. hey ladies..." Spike said nervously while trying to escape.
"Hey there cutie.." One of them said while the 5 watched from below, but Viper got a bit upset at that and quickly whipped him up to stop this, she leaned down and glared at the others.
"Back off, he's my man!" Viper said before hissing at them which made them quickly run off with fear.
"Ugh.. sorry about that guys.." Spike said while they got all the fruits off of him.
"It's alright Spike, just stay focused." Viper said before they helped him move again, but that's when they all noticed Po wasn't here.
"Hold on.. where's Po?" Tigress asked as they didn't see him with them.
"How can we lose a guy that big?" Mantis asked as they saw a large guy that looked like Po.. but then they looked at a nearby dragon costume that was moving around, and they heard Po inside.
"Oof, okay.. here we go.." Po said while he tried sneaking around while Spike and the other's slapped they're faces.
"You cannot be @#$%ing serious right now.." Spike swore annoyed to see this.

Po kept trying to sneak through the streets through the dragon suit after setting off a couple fireworks.
"Guys, guys?" Po asked looking around for them until Monkey came behind him.
"Hey, Po." Monkey greeted which shocked him and made Po slap his face.
"So that was stealth mode huh?" Crane asked as he and the others came inside too.
"And in a dragon suit as well?" Spike asked moving along quietly.
"Well to be honest, it's not one of my stronger modes. " Po admitted while they saw more wolves gang up on the villagers.

But they specifically saw one of the wolves holding a sheep by the neck.
"This rice is raw!" The wolf said angered with her.
"You stole all my metal pots for Lord Shen!" She said in defense while she was in the air.
"Either you cook my rice! Or I cook you!" He threatened raising his fist in the air.
"Po do something!" Crane whispered to him.
"How am I supposed to help her cook rice without getting caught? Wait.. I got a better idea.." Po said turning to him while he was counting down.
"One!" He finished until Po tapped on his shoulder.
"Hey." Po greeted with a grin.
"Hey, the wolf said not recognizing them yet.
"What's up punk?" Spike asked which made him realize this and look back, but Spike and Po both punched him and the face and they dragged him inside, a kid nearby on the side was watching the wolf be dragged in the suit, and it looked like he was being eaten, the wolf screamed as Spike and the other's beat him up inside the suit before he came out of the rear which made the kid look disgusted seeing it.

"We're here to liberate the city and bring Shen to justice." Po whispered to her making sure she was okay.
"You will need help." She said trying to tell them something.
"Your very brave sheep, but it's too dangerous we can't let you." Po replied thinking she wanted to come.
"Oh, no not me.. it's not to safe to speak here." She said looking around the area.
"Right.." Po said before he used the suit to bring her closer which made the kid watching scream in fear before running away.

"I'm talking about Master's Ox, and Croc, they're in Gongmen Jail, at Black Dragon Alley." She whispered which made them all relieved to know they're alive.
"What? They're still alive?! They must be in that jail gathering intelligence so they can use they're awesomeness to defeat the weapon!" Po declared relieved to hear this.
"We gotta save them, let's go guys!" Spike whispered which the other's agreed to while Po put the sheep down.
"Thanks sheep." Po said gratefully before a wolf gang saw the suit.
"Hey, stop that costume!" The leader ordered which worried all of them.
"Po, go go go!" Spike shouted before he ran through the streets as fast as possible.

Po jumped over a crate of apples which did make it spill over as the wolves were chasing after them.
"Sorry!" Po said while Viper whipped the end of the costume around.
"Take.. that!" Viper shouted whipping a few wolves away while they kept on running.
"Po go!" Spike shouted while they kept running through the streets trying to avoid as many wolves as they can. They were soon surrounded by some of them and Po had to use the suit to bring them inside to shoot them out backwards.
"Let me try!" Spike said before he came in front of them and took a deep breath, he then shot a fire blast at the wolves from the suits mouths which made some of them yelp in pain while Monkey accidently went flying out of the suit towards one person, and they both chuckled nervously before Monkey went back to the suit.

They all began running through the streets from a topside view and the suit kept eating and shooting the wolves out back in a familiar but comedic way, they tried to escape the wolves but were soon surrounded near a market area and were all worried about what's gonna happen.
"Now!" The leader shouted before the wolves stabbed inside the suit thinking they caught them, but when they raised the suit they saw it was empty and only vegetables replaced it.
"What? Where'd they go?" A wolf asked looking around for them.
"Spread out, search everywhere!" He ordered running off to find them.
"What about over there?" A guy asked as the barrels in the background began to move around.
"Is there a part of everywhere?" He asked annoyed with this.
"Um.. I guess!" The guy said nervously.
"Then search there!" He ordered again while Spike rolled in his barrel into Black Dragon Alley.

Mantis rolled Po's barrel right next to Tigress while Spike hopped out of his one.
"Good move guys." Spike said high fiving Monkey.
"They must be close, I can feel a Kung fu chill riding up my spine.." Po said confidently until Viper suddenly appeared above him.
"Sorry Po it's just me." Viper said coming out of the barrel and going near Spike again.
"I think we're here guys." Spike said as he felt they're presence again.
"We are, Gongmen Jail." Tigress said pointing at one of the signs. We cut to a shot of two wolfs guarding the entrance, and they notice one of the barrels rolling down to them.
"Aw it's cute.." One of them mocked seeing how small it is.. until Mantis suddenly burst out of the thing and was mad at them.
"Cute, huh?!" Mantis shouted before he jumped in the air and used aggressive moves before throwing them around in the air while making battle cry's, Spike came in and threw his hat at one of the wolves heads and slammed them into a couple barrels to hide them.
"Come on guys, let's go!" Spike said as they charged into the prison.

Tigress burst open the doors and the guards saw them enter, but Spike and the others made short work of them without much effort, Po made a battle cry while punching a wolf right behind him without even looking.
"Good work Po." Tigress complimented while he looked around for the two masters.
"At the first sight of trouble, I'll give you a signal." Monkey said before he made a weird bird sound.
"You mean like Crane does?" Po asked which made Spike laugh a little.
"Yeah." Po replied before he jumped down into the room.
"Excuse me, when have I ever, made that noise?" Crane asked offended by that.
"Wings of Justice Crane, Wings of Justice." Spike said patting his back before he went to help out Po.

"Master Ox.. Master..." Po said looking in the cells before he saw Master Croc behind one of the cells while he looked very upset.
"Oh, the ferocious Master Croc!" Po said amazed running to the cell, and he saw Ox was locked within the cell too.
"And Master Storming.. Ox.. ohoho! I can't believe were rescuing actual legends of Kung fu!" Po said amazed to see them while Spike ran next to him.
"You guys alight?" Spike asked concerned for them.
"Don't worry Spike, we'll get them out of that cell no problem! There's gotta be a key around here! No wait.. they wouldn't leave a key around here.." Po said right before Tigress burst the cell door down in an instant freeing them.
"Oh good you found it! Come on guys let's go! Yeah! We're coming for you Shen! Whoo hoo! Whoo ho ho ho.. ho...?" Po asked as his cheers of joy turned to concern as the two master's didn't leave the cell.

"Guys are we going or not? Do you wanna meet us there later? You do want to take back your city right?" Po asked worried for them.
"I know Rhino is gone, but you shouldn't let his death stop you from trying to save everyone guys.." Spike said while the two grabbed the door.
"Sorry Spike, but if we stand up to Shen, he will turn the weapon on the city!" Ox said before they locked themselves back in the cell.
"Listen to yourself guys, your protecting Gongmen City, by not protecting it?" Po asked a bit upset to hear this while Ox locked it in place.
"Then the weapon would kill, everyone!" Ox finished which worried everyone in the place.

"Oh would it.. then we should use.. a sneak attack!" Po declared breaking back in the cell.
"We get inside and then.." Po said before they began tossing him out again.
"And then you'll be stopped!" Croc shouted before they slammed the door in front of him and pushed him back out, Ox used one of his moves to make sure the cell was sealed back in normally.
"By the unstoppable weapon!" Croc finished while Spike helped Po up.
"Come on guys, it's one weapon, what worse can it do?" Spike asked trying to help them get out. Po hopped on the top of the door and that side was still lose which made it slid Ox out of the cell which annoyed him and he slid back inside which made Croc slide out, and Spike and Tigress looked at him while he tried going back inside.

"Master Ox, I'm not letting you stay in this cell!" Po said getting back up.
"I'd like to see you get me out!" Ox shouted before Croc slid back inside which made Po fly off the door to Spike and Tigress, but Tigress caught him upside down, and she twirled him back upwards, and Spike turned him around while he pointed at the two.
"You guys see that? It's called being awesome, come on! What ever happened to being heroes?" Po asked while Spike tried knocking the door down again.
"The only hero in this town, is the dead one!" Crock shouted before Spike ripped the cell door out with his Chi arm.
"Even when someone dies, it doesn't mean they're inspiration won't live on with others! Master Rhino was a strong hero, you all know this, sometimes you have to lose something, in order to win the battle, like how I lost my arm back with those demons." Spike said throwing the door away easily.

"Good job Spike, come on let's go!" Po said really ready to go, but the masters sighed and simply went into the next cell behind them.
"I get the top bunk." Croc said as the two locked themselves inside the place.
"It's time to surrender you two, Kung fu is dead..." Ox said with a stern look, and every one in the room all were really shocked to hear that coming from such skilled warriors.
"How can you say that?! Your real legends of Kung fu, I've only been here for a couple years, but I know you all would not give up like this!" Spike shouted refusing to let them say this.
"Kid, sometimes.. there are things that can't be stopped.. even in Death.." Ox said sadly while Spike had a look of sadness being told that by him.

But Spike still had hope, and he wasn't gonna let Shen get away with this.
"Then we'll leave you to do what you wish, even if it means facing against a danger we can stop together." Spike said sadly while he turned away from them, and Po decided to give a motivational speech.
"He's right, you stay in your prison of fear, with bars made of hopelessness.. and all you get are 3 square meals a day of.. shame!" Po said looking at the two.
"With, despair for dessert." Croc added feeling ashamed to have to do this.
"We'll take on Shen, and prove to all those who are hungry for justice, and honor, that Kung Fu still lives!" Po declared raising his fist in the air.
"Yeah!..." A prisoner said sadly while the two master's were sad to hear this

"Even if it means dying in the process, we're still willing to go, if I get another scar from this, It'll just show that even being a warrior, it comes with having to face tough foes, even if it all seems lost, it just gives us the motivation to keep going." Spike said looking at the masters who didn't say anything back. But they're talk was stopped when the wolf leader came out with more thugs after finally tracking them down.
"Monkey!" Po said annoyed looking at him who just made a " Ka ka!" Sound in response.
"You, your mine!" Po said looking at the leader.
"I'll tell you what's yours, my fist in your plush cuddly, super soft face!" He mocked before Spike threw his hat at the wolves next to him and knocked them out in an instant.
"Then let's see if you like the claws." Spike said with a growl showing his sharp claw while he caught his hat again.
"Uh oh.." He said with fear before he began running out of the place.
"Get him!" Po shouted before all of them began chasing after him, even if Ox and Croc have lost hope, they were not giving up hope, and even with what comes next, they have hope they can stop this dark threat..

Author's Note:

Hey guys thanks for reading this! I know this chapter went through a lot for this, and I myself didn't think I would go this far, but I think ending it after this prison scene was good enough, we're heading into the darker moments in the movie starting with the next chapter, so I hope you look forward to that! Thank you all for reading this and hope you look forward to more!

Also quick question, does the wolf leader have a name? Because he never had one dropped in the movie, if someone knows please tell me so I can call him by the name, thank you and hope you have a good day guys!

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