• Published 17th Aug 2023
  • 1,546 Views, 6 Comments

Finding your Spark - Flamewarrior02

A new mystery emerges for Detective Zipp

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Brightness in the Storm

There were many things that could put a smile on Zipp’s face: flying, athletics, her friends and family, solving a mystery. But one that was recently added to the list was her new marefriend Misty. Spending time with the unicorn was already a blast every time for the pegasus, but there seemed to be something different about it now that they were a couple that made it even better.

So naturally, even if they lived in the same place now, that meant that Zipp would always beam with excitement when she saw the unicorn down below her as she flew by. And that’s exactly what she did before she landed and greeted her marefriend. “Hey, babe.”

Misty looked to see Zipp approaching her and smiled. “Hey.” She said in response before looking back at the scene in front of her.

Zipp followed Misty’s gaze and saw Hitch embracing and nuzzling Sparky. Looking back at her marefriend, the pegasus gained a cheeky smile. “Oh, I get it. You’re thinking about having one of our own, aren’t you?” She asked teasingly.

“W-what?! NO!” Misty exclaimed as her face turned as red as her mane. “I-I-I-I mean, I haven’t not thought about it, but we only just started dating and-“

The unicorn mare was stopped by Zipp’s laughter. “Relax, Misty. I’m just messing with you.” She assured her with a playful jab. “Let’s at least get married first and then worry about foals.”

“Okay.” Misty nodded before looking back at Sparky and Hitch, now feeding each other fries Sparky’s dragon fire created.

Zipp noticed this and immediately her protective instincts kicked in. “Is there something wrong?” She asked seriously this time.

Knowing Zipp was being serious this time, Misty replied. “It’s just…look at Hitch’s Cutie Mark. The way it sparkles.”

Zipp looked at Hitch’s Cutie Mark; saw that it was indeed sparkling, and nodded. “Yeah, that does tend to happen to our Cutie Marks often.” She said.

“Not mine.” Misty said as she looked down at hers.

“What?” Zipp said in surprise. “Of course it has!” She told her marefriend, wrapping a hoof over her shoulder.

“No.” Misty shook her head. “It seems like it does, but then ‘plff!’” She blew a raspberry to prove her point before she smiled softly at Zipp. “But that’s okay. It’s probably because I got it so late, so it doesn’t work like yours or the others.”

Zipp didn’t seem to like the answer she was given if the frown on her face was anything to go by. “Nope! I don’t buy it.” She said with a firm shake of her head. “Doesn’t matter how old you are when you get it, a Cutie Mark is still a Cutie Mark. And since you are now one of us, it should sparkle like ours.”

“Then why doesn’t it?” Misty asked, generally curious where Zipp was going with this.

Zipp put a hoof to her chin as she thought about it and came to a conclusion. “There’s only one way to solve this mystery.” She said before she yanked her marefriend away.

A few minutes later, back at the Brighthouse, and Zipp was all suited up in her detective gear. “Detective Zipp on the case!” She stated proudly.

The Pegasus looked over at Misty and saw that the unicorn was staring at her with rosy cheeks. Zipp smirked at this and said. “Take a picture. It’ll last longer.”

Realizing she had been caught ogling, Misty’s blush only increased. “Well, can you blame me when you get geared up and look ready to take on the world?” She replied bashfully.

Zipp laughed with her own blush before she went to the side of her bed and kicked it, revealing her investigation board. On the board were several pictures of glowing Cutie Marks, all connected by string. “Okay, so I’ve recorded every known instance of one of our Cutie Marks glowing..” She started to explain before Misty asked a question.

“Where did you get all of these photos?”

“Fan photos online.” Was Zipp’s response.

“All of these?” Misty asked as she looked at all the photos before another question came to mind. “Do you even know how ponies are getting these photos?”

“There are some mysteries best left unsolved, Misty.” Zipp told/warned her marefriend before turning her attention back to the board. “Now, from what I have gathered, there seem to be two major factors that get a pony’s Cutie Mark glowing. The first is usually when we are all together and enjoying ourselves.” She said as she pointed to several pictures where all five of her and her friends Cutie Marks were glowing.

“So they glow when ponies are happy.” Misty said as she frowned. “Guess that might explain why-“

“Hey! No pity parties during the investigation.” Zipp told Misty as she flew over to her and gave her a quick hug and a kiss. “Besides, that’s only one of the reasons, and it only implies when we’re all together having a good time. We haven’t exactly been able to have a moment like that recently with all that’s been going down with Opaline and then the heat wave.”

Misty smiled at the comfort and nuzzled Zipp’s cheek in response. “So what’s the other reason?” She asked.

“It seems to when ponies are displaying what makes them them.” Zipp answered. “For example; when Izzy is deep in unicycling, or when Sunny is rallying ponies together.”

“Or you when you’re solving a mystery.” Misty added in.

“Exactly. They seem to tie into what the Cutie Mark represents.” Zipp said before she muttered to herself. “Even though my Cutie Mark doesn’t say anything about me being a detective, but that’s a question for another day.” She then spoke louder for Misty to hear. “So that leads us to the main question. What does your Cutie Mark represent?”

“What it represents?” Misty said as she looked down at it.

“Yeah. Like, why did you pick a butterfly as your Cutie Mark when working undercover?” Zipp asked.

“I just picked the first thing that came to mind, and that was a butterfly.” Misty answered. “I just assumed since that was what I used as my fake Cutie Mark that it became my real one.” She said as she looked down at her flank.

Zipp didn’t seem convinced. “No.” She shook her head. “Every Cutie Mark has a meaning behind it.” She turned and gestured towards her own. “Mine represents both my status as a princess and my speed and athletic skills.”

“So what does a butterfly represent?” Misty asked. “That I’m good with insects and other animals?”

“That is one possibility.” Zipp answered. “Still, I think it means something else.”

“Like what?”

Zipp thought for a bit before asking Misty a question. “You remember what you did to earn that Cutie Mark?”

“I freed you all from Opaline’s trap.” Misty replied, not sure where Zipp was going with this.

“Exactly. It was the moment you fully changed.” Zipp said.

“Kind of like how a butterfly changes from a caterpillar.” Misty slowly realized, but failed to notice something else happening with her. “Before I was scared, afraid, weak, and trapped under Opaline’s hoof. But thanks to you ponies, I was able to find the strength inside of me to transform into somepony more.”

What Misty failed to notice happening, Zipp did and tried to see if she could continue the process. “And with that strength you became our true friend and finally free to be yourself.” She said before she smirked at the unicorn. “Not to mention becoming a beautiful marefriend for a princess.”

Misty blushed at the comment. “Well, I owe it all to you ponies.”

“A lot of it, yeah. But not this.” Zipp said as she gently poked Misty’s Cutie Mark. It was then that the unicorn finally noticed that it was glowing bright as light from it began to circle the couple, much to her amazement. “When the moment came, you made the decision that lead to this all on your own. You faced both temptation and resentment and chose to give up what you wanted for the right thing. I’d say if anything, that’s what gave you your Cutie Mark. Not from what we did. But from what you did.”

“I did. I really did, didn’t I?” Misty said with a smile.

It was at that moment Zipp’s Cutie Mark also started to glow before a silhouette from both of theirs emerged and started to fly around the room in a sort of dance. The two mares watched in amazement, still embracing each other, as their Cutie Mark symbols began to circle one another before they joined together and created a large firework explosion of light.

When all was said and done, Zipp had one thing to say. “Well, Misty. I think that’s another mystery solved.” She told her marefriend with a smile.

Misty nodded with her own smile and kissed Zipp on the lips with all the force of her thanks. “Thank you, Zipp. You’re the best marefriend ever.” She said as she seemed to be leaking tears of joy from her eyes.

“Anything for my girl.” Zipp said as she returned the kiss while their Cutie Marks continued to glow and shine.

Author's Note:

Once again TYT gives me a moment I had to write a story for.

For simplicities sake, all DawnStorm stories are going to be in the same continuity. Makes it easier for me.

Really, I don’t have too much to say for this one. I just decided to rewrite Sparkle School with Zipp while also trying to make it so it would be more than just switching names around.

Hopefully I did a good job. I think I did, but the true verdict is up to all of you.

Comments ( 6 )

Nice job with this! I love this ship. Currently working on a detailed novel-length piece on it myself.

“All of these?” Misty asked as she looked at all the photos before another question came to mind. “Do you even know how ponies are getting these photos?”

“There are some mysteries best left unsolved, Misty.” Zipp told/warned her marefriend before turning her attention back to the board.

Let me guess: Derpibooru?

At least for where I found them

I prefer MistyMoonbow, but this was good.

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