• Published 9th Aug 2023
  • 211 Views, 5 Comments

Arcane Bonds: a Tale of Faith and Magic - MajorPaleFace

Faith and magic intertwine as Sisters Sororitas clash with pig-like beings in Equestria's arcane depths.

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4. Ancient Stones

In the distance the silhouette of a towering Hogar fortress stood ablaze against the horizon. The fiery glow cast ominous shadows that danced across the surrounding land, as smoke billowed into the cavernous warrens and drifted along the upper reaches, adding to the foreboding atmosphere. Shouts of the Pig Men warriors and the thunderous roar of bolter fire echoed through the rocky channels, their sounds reverberating along the ancient stone highway. The very earth seemed to quiver beneath their hooves, reminding the Sisters of the intense battle that raged beyond their current location.

Their advance went without incident as their path wound and eventually straightened, when suddenly, Ismene halted them with a hand gesture. She waved Ardelean forward to speak with her.

Ardelean was able to see it immediately. Seraphim jump-boosting along the skyline, their forms silhouetted against flames that engulfed the fortress. They rose along the twilight created by the smoke pillars and dove into the battle, following explosions and bolter-fire.

"Look Alicia, Seraphim! They soar into the heart of the fighting. We must reach them as soon as we are able." Ismene stood following Ardelean.

"They certainly don't lack any courage, I am glad to see they were relocated to this place as well."

"We must push forward and join them, our path lies ahead," their scout began moving away as Ardelean kept pace.

"At once," She agreed. "Sisters, advance!" She gave the command and her team followed smoothly.

Ardelean had established a staggered file formation, with Lucreti and Ismene ahead of her and Aurelia, Serrano and Valeria behind. She flexed her hand up in a star shape and her sisters spread along the path as they approached the foreboding stone bastion. Within the slate warrens they found themselves on a winding stone highway, this ancient pathway was like a forgotten artery of the underground world, a road carved from the very rock itself.

The stone highway stretched ahead, its surface worn smooth by countless years of use. It was wide enough to accommodate the Hogar troops and their Human cattle who would move along it, a testament to the sheer size of the convoys which would flow through regularly. The stone underfoot was cool and slightly damp, unlike their dry and rocky surroundings. Bioluminescent lichen gripped the sides of the pathway, providing eerie, bluish illumination that casted lengthy shifting shadows.

The highway wound through the rocky terrain, curving around ancient stone formations and disappearing into the dark recesses of the hilly valley. The air was thick with the musty scent of age and dampness, mixing unnaturally with the smoke from the fortress fires. Ardelean could feel the history here, of countless beings that had come before them, who had used this very path, leaving behind an indelible mark on the subterranean world. She couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation as they moved closer to the looming bastion in the distance, where fierce and intense fighting appeared to continue with no end in sight.

After close to an hour's march, they had at last arrived. The fortress, much like the highway that led to it, was carved from the very rock of the surrounding valley, ancient and imposing. Its exterior was a dark, rough-hewn stone that bore the marks of centuries, with deep cracks and moss-covered patches. Massive stone walls stretched high, their contours appeared jagged and somehow prehistoric. The entrance was a massive stone arch, weathered and worn, with an eerie aura of long-forgotten history. The architecture hinted at a distant, stone age civilization, with symbols and carvings that were indecipherable.

To either side of this entrance existed a series of stone structures with defensible walls and short ramparts that formed a makeshift barricade. These structures were dotted with Pig Men guards, their stout figures clustered and prepared for the approaching Sisters Sororitas.

The scent of tension and challenge was thick in the air as the Pig Men, clad in mismatched and battle-worn armour, grasped an assortment of weapons. Their porcine features lifted in snarls of challenge, daring the Sisters to attack as they awaited them with grim expressions.

Ardelean took a steadying breath and began issuing instructions for their assault. The area was fairly flat and offered few strategic advantages. There was a hut and some fencing - likely slave storage - on the right, in line with the far-most wall on that side. Opposite that the terrain rose and fell slightly, and led into a hill that seemed to almost sleep against the ramparts on the left side. Ahead was the main archway, leading to a tunnel through which was a stone courtyard and small structures akin to barracks or perhaps storehouses.

They'd been spotted and Hogar skirmishers approached them about 100 metres away.

"Ismene, Aurelia, right flank, loop around and check that hut. Release any slaves if you should come across them, and then push toward the gate.

"Valeria, Serrano, take that hill and draw them away from the gate. We'll all converge on the entrance when we are able."

That would leave Lucreti and she to advance together right up the middle. She didn't need to say it out loud, her girls knew what they were doing. Following a round of acknowledgements, the women moved as instructed.

Lucreti and Ardelean spread about 10 metres apart and flushed forward quickly. The pig men squealed and snarled in their devilish tongues, one larger of them pointing at her girls on the flanks. Several Hogar moved away to engage them.

Confronted by a dozen foes clad in a motley assortment of armour made from leather strips, adorned with gold and bones, and wielding pike lances, Ardelean took a knee to fire and her aim was true.

She cut them down in a burst of bolter fire. The large calibre, gyro-stabilised rounds exploded on impact, blasting them limb from limb or opening gaping wounds as large as pickle jars.

Those who had been sent to ward off Ardeleans flanking units had met similar ends. There was a large crunch sound and a slight whistle - on instinct both she and Lucreti threw themselves to the ground in a roll that had them spring into a dead sprint. There was a type of fixed crew-served crossbow at the top of the arch, the bolt it had fired was what they had heard. The sisters moved in unison, arriving at the gatehouse as two dozen more pigmen flooded through.

They took a side each and fired into the groups as fast as possible, pausing to reload. The pig-like troops fell in piles, and as they did, their brethren shoved them aside without care or concern and the dead soon lined the edges of the archway which was perhaps 15 metres deep. The flood of pork halted suddenly, with squeals and shrieks coming from within the fortress.

Ardelean seized a moment to hurl a high-explosive grenade toward the wall, where the crossbow lay. Causing a porcine biped to be flung over in a blast of mortar and splinters. Ismene appeared at her side and she regarded her, the woman had crimson blood coating her almost from helmet to bootheel. Even with the helmet the askew tilt she held her head with spoke volumes: by the emperor, do not ask.

Aurelia wasn't far behind, and opposite the archway where Lucreti checked her surroundings - Serrano and Valeria appeared - flashing a signal that told her they were ready to proceed.

Ardelean moved into the arch and she sensed her sisters following in her footsteps. Together, they entered a courtyard filled with weathered bricks and dark, towering pillars. It was devoid of movement or enemy presence.

The courtyard expanded into numerous cobbled streets and passages. Along one side, iron cages dangled from chain pulleys above the brickwork. Ardelean's heart sank as she spotted small human forms inside the cages – children.

"Serrano, cut them down," Ardelean ordered promptly.

"I'm on it," Serrano replied, gingerly stepping over to the cages and attempting to lower them.

Ismene quickly found a pale of water and began scrubbing some of the gore from her power armour. Meanwhile, Aurelia, Valeria, and Lucreti checked the ground-level archways leading to the rooms scattered throughout the courtyard. Not far from their position, bursts of bolter fire echoed along the stone corridors, punctuated by the cries of the pig men.

The iron cages were lowered to the ground in light thuds. They were grey and boxy, with a few slits to see within. Serrano quickly opened them, and the malnourished and dirtied kids that spilled out tugged at Ardelean's heartstrings.

There were several kids, they huddled near Serrano - not fearing her armoured appearance.

The nearby fighting, which seemed to be getting closer, or perhaps escalating in its scale, raged on with a symphony of war. A cacophony of bolter fire, explosions, Hogar shouts, and the sweeping hum of Seraphim jump jets.

Ardelean gave a firm order, "Ismene, take the children back to Palatine Valenwood in the village and wait for us there. We will link up with the Seraphim and Sororitas inside the bastion and follow you shortly."

"Very well, sister. May the emperor keep you safe."

Ismene moved for the pile of kids as Serrano swapped positions with her to join Aurelia, Valeria and Lucreti by the main passage that led deeper into the fortress.

Ardelean led the way and together they moved up the path. Navigating twists and turns, checking every dark corner, roof edge and window frame for hostile movement.

The cramped fortress passages suddenly opened into a wider area paved with black brick and stone. It was littered with the bodies of fallen Hogar and small pockets of armoured Adeptas Sororitas. These Sisters stood resolute against waves of aggressive Pig Men, who came in relentless surges, attempting to dislodge the defenders. Overhead the Seraphim weaved among the skeletal winged mounts of the Hogar, both sides engaged in a chaotic aerial dance. The enemy's numbers seemed infinite.

Ardelean turned to her team, "this is our exit! Valeria, Lucreti - hold this position. Serrano, Aurelia, with me. We'll direct our forces this way and escape this godless chaos."

Their tasks now established, they split up. As they approached a group of Sororitas who were dug in at the base of a guard tower, they engaged multiple Hogar without pause.

Above them a pitched air battle cracked the very air with the sound of jump packs, bolter fire and the roars from the Hogar mounts.

The Sororitas permitted Ardelean and her entourage through their perimeter. A wall inside the tower disclosed several wounded being tended to by a pair of Orders Hospitallers. They were an order of non-militant Sororitas who were dedicated to healing the sick and infirm.

Their armour was adorned with cloth bases- like a skirt - with a breather mask and veil in place of the standard Adepta Sororitas helmet. Their gauntlets contained small robotic surgical implements, which they used to repair the damage that had managed to pierce the few weak spots in the wounded Sororitas armour.

There was a Seraphim Legatine who appeared out of one of the two stairwells. She was resplendent with jet black hair, golden eyes and the Fleur de Lis tattooed on her neck. Her armour had intricate patterns in silver along the shins and forearm gauntlets. One of her Junp jet wings appeared damaged.

"Legatine," Ardelean began, but was interrupted by a hand.

"Sophia Tysaynn," she identified, "I sense great urgency in you, what news do you bring?"

"Cannoness Von Kluge awaits us at an old guard tower about ten kilometres from here in one of the valleys. I am tasked with locating our stranded sisters and guiding them back to her."

The Seraphim snorted, "so you are - although it will not be long before this fortress falls under our control. It would provide a much greater defensive position than a single tower, would you not agree?"

"I would," Ardelean allowed.

"Good, our Vox Communication is untenable. I ask that you return to Von Kluge and relay my request that she relocate to this bastion. By the time you return it will be fully in our hands."

Ardelean thought for a moment. "I will return as quickly as possible."

She had lead Aurelia and Serrano back through the passageway, taking Valeria and Lucreti on their way. As they reached the gatehouse, they paused for a moment. Just as the disabled Seraphim had foretold - the battle appeared to be quietening.

It was only now that, despite the emptiness of before - with the absence of the Hogar defenders - many Human slaves had fled into the surrounding structures. They had nowventired it of hiding to peer warily at the gathered Adeptas Sororitas.

"Serrano, Aurelia, hold the gateway. And get these slaves to work - they can move the bodies outside."

"Yes, sister," Serrano said.

"Lucreti, Valeria - with me, we'll be back in short order."

As they departed she could here Aurelia gently persuading the freed slaves to assist them.

Author's Note:

I don't think many people are reading this, I don't know if it's because no one's interested or if there just aren't many people on this site anymore. I think the hay days are long gone. Bring back 2010, Skrillex and Nicolodian.

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