• Published 4th Aug 2023
  • 140 Views, 10 Comments

Is darkness really the enemy of light? - Dark Harmony00

Growing up I've always wondered about it ... Why get so angry? It's true, it's not fair what they did, but... what if there was another aspect? What if dark magic wasn't really evil? What if things changed depending on who uses it?

  • ...

The beginning of everything

“Kindness, honesty, generosity, joy, loyalty, friendship.

Light, love, good.

Harmony, Peace.”

Books, monuments, images, everything remembers these words. Even our ancestors, our family, did nothing but tell us about the great adventures of the Guardians of Harmony, starting from their first encounter until they arrived at their epic battles against powerful enemies, one after the other, victory after victory. Their friendship was able to overcome any obstacle. Thanks to it they have made Equestria a safe place, after a long time. There was no longer the fear, the fear that some evil creature could attack Equestria.

That was a good thing.

I've always wondered if one day I'll meet some real friends too, like Twilight Sparkle.

Even though I'm not like her. I didn't attend the unicorn magic school. My parents weren't by my side when I got the cutiemark.

They didn't rejoice with me.

I was alone.

You're probably wondering why.

No, they didn't abandon me.

No, I didn't run away.

And no. They didn't kidnap me.

By now you will have understood it. Well yes. My parents are gone.

They died when I was very little. I could barely read.

In our village, in the Everfree, many ponies had mysteriously fallen ill. Nothing was known about this strange disease.

My parents went out of their way to keep me safe, because this disease was very dangerous especially for the little ones.

And even though I hadn't taken it, she eventually managed to hit my parents, taking them away from me forever.

I wanted to be in their place.

The other foals in the village and I were immediately taken to the orphanage.

That would be our new 'home', until someone decided to adopt one of us.

Our guardians were kind and strict at the same time.

They made us read everything about the ancient equestrian. We have always been taught that good overcomes evil. That you have to stay away from negative energies, but above all from dark magic. Those who had dared to challenge the good had paid dear for the consequences. They were demons, abominations of nature. They didn't deserve to be born. And thanks to the magic of light these evil entities had disappeared. Forever.

Will it really be like that?

Growing up I've always wondered about it ...

Why get so angry? It's true, it's not fair what they did, but... what if there was another aspect? What if dark magic wasn't really evil? What if things changed depending on who uses it?

At night I was never very sleepy, so when everyone was asleep, I would secretly go to the library and discover some books that had been forbidden to us.

Books of dark magic.

It was inexplicable.

I had tried to stop, to repeat the words they had taught us, but without success.

I was attracted to it.

I started reading one book, then another, and another.

I was fascinated by what I was reading. I had discovered that it wasn't really that scary.

He had something mysterious, divine...

Every time I finished reading them, I kept them there in the same place, to arouse suspicion.

One night I had finished before, and I decided to teleport to the roof.

That night after reading the spells, I decided to go up to the roof to admire the starry sky.

I loved the night, the moon, the stars. I loved the calm she conveyed to me. Princess Luna had done a great job. As always.

I closed my eyes and decided to enjoy the moment, before going to sleep.

But I immediately had an idea.

I had been reading those books for a long time now, I had memorized most of the spells.

And so I said to myself, “Why not throw one?”

Only one I told myself. I was sure of myself. I would have taken it easy.

I started to concentrate my magic, and after a while I cast the spell.

It was beautiful. I felt so powerful. The night and I were one.

All of a sudden I felt a tingling. I felt weird. Maybe I was wrong to cast the spell!

I should never have read those dark magic books! I knew it! It was over!

I got scared and screamed.

No one had ever noticed. Until then!

I began to hear footsteps, and screams. Someone had grabbed me with magic.

Then the dark.

I woke up after a few minutes. I was in the infirmary. Everyone was there. And they stared at me angry.

They had discovered everything. How could I have been so silly?

I looked at my side and noticed the CUTIE MARK!

That's why I felt so weird! Then it wasn't the spell's fault!

I was so happy! So that was my special talent!

The same could not be said of others ...

I apologized, but I was immediately silenced.

They decided to change my room. According to them, I couldn't be in contact with other ponies.

They told me I shouldn't be proud of my cutie mark.

That that was a curse. My curse.

They decided to close the library with a powerful spell during the night.

And every night they locked my room.

They were horrible days.

Everyone was afraid of me.

I was alone.


I wanted my parents to still be here with me. So all this would not have happened.

They would have been proud of me.

Or at least I hope.

A few months passed, I had come up with a plan. I had to get out of there.

I didn't care about living on the street.

Anything was fine.

After everyone went to bed, I got up, silently approached the door. I remembered two spells that would allow me to get out of there, without waking anyone up.

I was able to open the door. The corridor was dark. But it didn't scare me. I knew that place well. Unlike other ponies, the dark was not my enemy.

I arrived in front of the exit, but first I turned around and cast a spell on the entire building.

It was a spell of sleep and memory erasure. They are powerful and dark spells, forbidden to all common ponies, spells that only princesses can use.

I closed my eyes, concentrated and threw it.

Since I got the cutie mark, I noticed that I was getting better. It was a good thing.

Many said that these spells were capable of bribing ponies.

But that wasn't the case for me. I was always the same. And I didn't want to hurt anyone.

The spell seemed to work.

I closed the door behind me, and looked at the future before my eyes.

I was free. They would never, ever remember me.

That place I used to call 'home' at first, actually turned out to be a nightmare.

They preached the good so much that they didn't realize they were evil too.

It is not true that there is only the good.

In each of us there are two parts. Good and evil. The Light and the Darkness.

My thoughts were interrupted by what was before my eyes!

The Canterlot Library!

I was so immersed in my thoughts, that I didn't realize I had come this far!

I was so happy!

I love libraries, books, magic, especially the dark one.

I don't know if you noticed :D

Okay! Let's get back to us!

Obviously it was late at night, and it was closed... I got up in the air thanks to the magic and noticed that I could get in from the roof! Fantastic!

I went in. I used my magic to shed light. The library was huge! Full of books!

I walked and walked, until I got to the forbidden area.

I used another spell and walked in.

I started reading a lot of books, so many that I fell asleep!

You got it right!

I was devastated! I tried to save what was possible, but with poor results!

In the morning when the librarian came in, at first glance everything seemed to be in order. But when she arrived in the forbidden area there was chaos.

And I fell asleep in a bunch of books! They practically became a blanket :D hahaha

The librarian noticing my presence immediately alerted Princess Twilight, who sent her guards to pick me up.

How should I have felt in this situation? Am I weird if I say I was so happy?

I mean, me at the castle? When would such a thing happen to me again? In fact, I never thought such a thing could happen to me! It wasn't in my plans!

But on the one hand I was afraid. She would find out everything about me, and who knows what would happen to me...

Would she have imprisoned me in Tartar? Trapped in the sun or the moon? Or would she have killed me?

Okay I don't think it would get to that much but... you never know!

So reluctantly I would have to accept my fate.

Or not.

Who knows.

We arrived in Canterlot.

The guards left me in the hallway, while they went to alert Princess Twilight.

There was no one but me.

I looked out the window, and saw the tower!

She was beautiful! I had seen it in books, but reality is beyond imagination!

The guards had not yet arrived, so I decided to reach the tower. I wanted to admire Equestria from up there! See what it feels like!

Obviously did you really think that I would leave, without arousing suspicion?

I made a copy of myself. They wouldn't have noticed. At least not right away.

So much my destiny was sealed.

One more fault, one less fault made no difference. I started to move away.

I decided not to teleport, so as not to arouse suspicion ...

It didn't take me long to find her... I had a very good sense of direction.

It was gorgeous! I breathed the air full of my lungs! I forgot about everything else.

Now I knew what it felt like.

I decided to cast another spell.


The last one!

I swear!

But as usual something unexpected happened. I was losing control!

It had never happened!

This time I didn't scream. I hoped it would all end quickly.

But everything started to shake, as if there was an earthquake!

I was starting to feel weak, I tried to fight in vain.

I didn't care.

I would have died, like my parents.

I would have been happy again.

I was rushing, when suddenly someone grabbed me!

She opened her eyes, and I saw Princess Luna!

She had saved me!

It was a dream!

My favorite princess was here in front of me!

She looked at me and noticed that I was the one who cast that spell.

She asked me how I had done.

I told her my story. Everything. My adventures and misadventures.

She was amazed. And after telling her how I got the cutie mark, and what had happened to the orphanage, she decided without thinking to take me under her wing. She had decided to welcome me to his castle. I would have lived there with her.

Very happy I accepted.

The guards caught up with us.

One guard in particular pointed at me with her hoof.

She was a pegasus, she had eyes as blue as the sea, and her mane was beautiful!

She whispered to Princess Twilight: Here she is! I told you that this was not her, but a copy of her.

Princess Twilight smiled at her, and thanked her, praising her for her abilities.

She joined us. I explained everything to her too, and Princess Luna told her what she had decided. Twilight accepted. From that day on I had a house, and ponies that loved me.


Comments ( 10 )
Comment posted by Dswega deleted Nov 5th, 2023
Comment posted by Dark Harmony00 deleted Nov 5th, 2023
Comment posted by convexscreen deleted Nov 5th, 2023

That's why I felt so weird! Then it wasn't the spell's fault!

Well it Too bad for the lost knolidge, As I crave any perspective opinion, knolidge.

Cutie mark is Choise to be in future, memorable thing or event , while is in the thing you feel so gooad as you are meant to be ,

I had theory like that

But that wasn't the case for me. I was always the same. And I didn't want to hurt anyone.

Maybe In a way it's just the mentality.

and it's just a tool no matter what is the source

They preached the good so much that they didn't realize they were evil too.

it was curious kid who just had the knack to try dark magic and felt fine , but the parents were biased as most were.

Sometimes Stigmas cound create vilians
so far so good

Comment posted by Second Chance deleted Nov 12th, 2023
Comment posted by Second Chance deleted Nov 12th, 2023

Comments were deleted, I was curious what was saying.

thought number2

The magic No matter of the origin is Technicly just a tool and how it is used matters more than what it is the origin . By the ways it is used to judge if it is evil or not .

thought number 3

If the user is fine the preemptive measure was so extreme that it could create a vengeful Villian for being locked .

I understand but I had seen good dark users so it was too much bias or stigma for skill that just has it

next thought

Stigma ,Bias , Predjudies , mistretment could create vilians and monsters
next Thought

the main diarch or Equestria preach how light magic and everything not dark is good ,
And in this case what was dealt to the poor kid was unfair and so was I said it goes to Lawfully evil
Final Thought is Just to continue the chapter.

I hope it is clear .

I just noticed the deleted comments too, but I didn't delete them.... It's weird. Anyway I will continue the chapter as soon as I have inspiration

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