• Published 2nd Aug 2023
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Steins;Gate 0: Equestria Chronicles - Chaldea Stories

A short story of Sunset and Adagio in the world of Steins;gate 0.

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Unexpected encounter.

Canterlot City year 2036.

"Canterlot City was a small town that was known to be a relatively calm place, although the last months of the year 2011 were very peculiar because of accidents caused by magical interference. All of this was caused by my fault, but mainly for not considering the consequences it would bring to this world to bring an element of harmony. I really thought there would never be a problem with this. It's been more than 10 years since it all started, I remember even when we were still in school."

The person who was writing all this in a diary was Sunset Shimmer, a former unicorn and one of the fugitives from the world's greatest nations. As her pursuers, Russian and American soldiers, continue to search for her relentlessly, so she sneaks into an abandoned subway to lose them.

"Things have become worse. The world has been plunged into the darkness of war, and now I am a fugitive. But despite all the battles I've faced, I never imagined I would end up in this devastated future. Truth be told in the past, I always thought that if I had a war with Celestia very few would perish but..."

She takes a moment to rest after running a lot and losing the soldiers, so she starts to collect her thoughts and read her diary. It was old, somewhat burnt and dirty but; it was all she had left of her semi-peaceful school days.

As she was ready to write in her journal, a tired Sunset Shimmer barely hears a noise behind her and quickly turns around, ready to defend herself. Drawing a pistol from her knee with some ammunition. After so many years of running away, being in fights and losing many people, she was ready for anything. Walking cautiously through the sewer near the subway, she again hears some somewhat dry footsteps ready for anything, Sunset points to the back of the person who was down there with her.


Sunset's voice was cold and hard, the person in front of her stands up and turns to look at the person who was pointing a gun at her. But she is surprised to come face to face with someone from the past, someone she never thought she would see again and that person was: Adagio Dazzle. Sunset was as confused as Adagio at the time, she is surprised to see herself, a figure she thought she had left behind long ago. But as destiny would have it, an old acquaintance was there together.

"Adagio Dazzle... What are you doing here?"

Sunset asked, keeping her guard up. Even though Sunset was pointing gun at Adagio with murderous coldness, Adagio started to let out tears. Though he didn't know if it was from anger, happiness or sadness as it had been a long time since he found not only someone from Equestria but someone he could talk to.
Adagio ignoring the weapon rushes over to hug her attacker and cry on her shoulder, showing a weakness she never thought she would see, there she was smearing and smothering her crying on Sunset's shoulder so Adagio almost got her detected so without time to think. Sunset takes the girl's hand and they run away to not waste time there and try to hide from the military, although they were running aimlessly in a very dark and dimly lit place to only use a flashlight. At this moment he came to have a dilemma of saving his former enemy, it was then that Adagio started to run on his own and began to lead Sunset.

"Sunset, follow me I have a hideout nearby."

Adagio started to turn into the next sewer tunnel, there was some kind of painting on the wall. It was a beautiful mermaid, not a pony like the ones in Equestria but like the one in human folklore where they are half fish and human, Sunset was surprised to see how beautiful she was but there was no time to admire such majesty. At that moment Adagio began to take out a necklace and put a kind of half heart shaped gem on the neck of the painting to form a complete and began to press the gem as a kind of switch.

"Wow, Adagio I'm surprised you have such a place. I'm surprised I haven't found you, don't you think it's too obvious the siren? You're giving away your location with that."

"Sunset, I didn't. I was already there when I found the place, besides... It's supposed to be a tribute as far as I know."

Sunset was a bit confused, as even though Adagio was a mermaid she never thought of being the type of person who would give a tribute to someone like that. As she was in her thoughts the mural began to separate and a path began to show itself Adagio was the one who began to run inside with what she was carrying plus some sacks of bricks, as she did that she began to lead Sunset to the shelter.

"Follow me, to close we need to get on the platform as counter weight and use these sacks to get the platform to start working."

Although both distrust each other, the common enemy brings them together in an uneasy truce. Sunset approaches the platform, at which point the wall begins to close with some speed and they begin to stand on a circular platform with everything they carry. At that moment it started to go down and a second wall appeared over the entrance they entered through, the platform started to go down faster from what Sunset saw Shimmer saw it was closing above and darkness started to fill the place.

Sunset in attack position pulls out a gun just in case this was a trap. No matter what one the two of them were in the band battle, she wasn't going to let her guard down just because she's the only acquaintance she's had in a long time.

As she was about to sneak up on her with the intention of making her talk but something stopped her... She started to hear a small cry, and she could see that it was Adagio who was trying to keep herself from crying out in tears. Sunset really was dumbfounded as he thought she had become so weak in these years of war, it seemed that while she became cold and heartless... Her former enemy seemed to have gained humanity, or at least remorse during the war. There were so many things he wanted to ask but he thought it was not the time.

Before long the platform stops and a door begins to open.

As far as he could see "Sunset" this place was a seedy place where either a small group of guerrillas or some punks used to hang out before the war, what was more impressive was the decent state it was in compared to other shelters he has been in.

Adagio just took the backpacks he had in his hands, and set them down in the center of the room.

"Welcome to my home... Sunset. Or should I say our home."

Adagio turned around holding out his hands to look around the place. It looked comfortable however, to Sunset this place was new.

"Our home? What are you talking about Adagio... I was never in this place until now, it's nice really but..."

As she was walking, she saw something that took her aback for a moment and that was because it was a picture from when she was young, however it was a place and a period she doesn't remember living in. Sunset approached in fear and awe to get a closer look, but her mind couldn't process it correctly as it was her and Adagio smiling with both hands on the other girl's waist but most of all... It was that she was wearing a white doctor or nurse outfit and Adagio was wearing for what looked like it was a formal red one piece dress with some white gloves. Also, in the background was a full college theater for a big show. For Sunset it was too much to process this whole situation generated more questions than answers, so with some fear, nervousness and curiosity she asks.

"Where did you get these, are you...?"

At that moment, Adagio lunged towards Sunset to kiss her on her lip. Which left her surprised by such an action, but seeing Adagio flicking her tongue and caressing Sunset. She began to notice that "This" Adagio had a history with the human Sunset of this world, something to this day she always wondered who or what her life was like but... To think that her counterpart had that kind of relationship with Adagio, was something she never expected to have in her life with how different worlds are that possibility was possible.

After a short time, Adagio separated and looks her straight in the eyes already calm.

"You're the Sunset of Equestria from the looks of it... I can tell you don't know how to kiss very well or at least you haven't had practice, I can tell you're not "THAT" Sunset. It's been a long time since I've seen anyone from Equestria since this all started."

"It's not my fault I haven't had much romantic experience... Besides, why did you jump in and kiss me? If you met my counterpart, I'd also like to believe you met yours. Tell me what happened.

Both were nervous and confused, Sunset was between shock and anger while Adagio was between happiness and regret.

They decided to talk, putting aside their past differences, and began to share their thoughts and history since they parted ways. Sunset was the first to begin her story.

Canterlot City 2011

The days at Canterlot High School passed in apparent normalcy as Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity and Sunset Shimmer shared laughter, friendship and learning. It was a quiet time before the shadow of war overtook them.

One sunny spring afternoon, the seven friends gathered in the schoolyard, enjoying their free time after school. Twilight held a book in her hands while Pinkie Pie hosted a lively impromptu party.

"Have you finished your research yet, Twilight?"

Rainbow Dash asked, as she spun around on her skateboard around the portal to Equestria.

"Yes, I've been working on some interesting experiments!"

Twilight replied enthusiastically, it was only a short time she had been at the school but she was already feeling accepted by her new friends...

"It's amazing how quantum physics can open up so many possibilities with the concepts of magic. It really will be a breakthrough for both worlds."

Fluttershy smiled shyly as she fed her bunny and friend Angel.

"You always amaze us with your knowledge, Twilight, Especially how quickly you've adapted to school."

"Hey, girls! The music's ready!" exclaimed Pinkie Pie, excitedly.

Rarity joined the party, showing off a new white outfit at the dance.

"Pinkie, this party is just lovely!"

As they laughed and danced, Sunset Shimmer looked at her friends fondly. Since arriving from Equestria, she had found a true family in them, one that had welcomed and accepted her.

However, the peace was abruptly shattered when the school's alarms sounded. The military had arrived, surrounding the institution. Twilight and Sunset looked at each other with concern, knowing that they were the target.

"Twilight, Sunset, we have to go!"

Applejack exclaimed, exiting the school as she tried to find an escape route.

"Why are they here, what's going on?"

Rainbow Dash was just as confused as the whole group, her gaze fixed on the soldiers.

Before they could react, a group of military men approached Twilight and Sunset, surrounding them.

"What is this, what's going on, why are they hurting her?"

Pinkie Pie asked, not understanding the situation.

"It's because of the Friendship Games events," Twilight shouted, trying to remain calm.

Twilight's words spread quickly among her friends. Tension grew, and Sunset felt a knot in her stomach as she braced herself for the worst.

"Those girls are a threat to national security! We want them for use in the future war and time travel that Stratfor and DURPA just started developing!"

A military man exclaimed, you could tell he was big and strong as they advanced towards Twilight and Sunset.

"No, we can't let them take them." said Fluttershy firmly, facing the soldiers with the help of her animals.

"They're wrong. We're not a threat," Rarity added, trying to reason with them.

Sunset looked at her friends, feeling the determination and fear in their eyes. She knew they had to flee to stay safe, but she also knew she couldn't leave her friends behind.

"Girls, we need to escape, together!" said Sunset, seeking support from Twilight and the others.

Rainbow Dash nodded and saw that the others agreed so it was Rainbow who started running to free Twilight from the soldiers.

"Let's go fight for our liberty!"

They all started running towards the school, hoping that the soldiers wouldn't start a slaughter in the school with all the students.

"We have to go now!" exclaimed Sunset.

Quickly, they found the half-empty hallways, running at full speed as the soldiers chased them. The sound of sirens with gunfire filled the air, and the school was plunged into chaos.

With tears in their eyes, Sunset and Twilight separated from the rest of the girls, using their knowledge of the school to create a distraction and allow their friends to leave.

"Don't worry, Twilight, we'll meet again!"

Sunset promised, before running in the opposite direction, it was the last time they saw each other but not the last time to contact each other.


Sunset starts to look at a pendant with a picture of all of them together before all this happened, as she finished narrating her story sitting on a step she started to shed a tear.

"Everything became chaos. The shots resonated in the corridors while trying to escape. Some pupils and teachers died in the confrontation. Twilight, myself and the others held on to hope as we fled, not knowing where we were going or what the future would hold. Luckily there were still the motorcycles from the friendship games in the gym, that plus a minor transformation we were able to get out of there."

Adagio was in counterpart sitting in a chair listening to everything... She was perplexed, and with nothing to say. Since the same thing had happened with her sisters and with the "other" Sunset....

"Well, I think I touch my. I remember everything started little after the battle of the bands. We were defeated by Twilight Sparkle and her friends, and lost our source of power. Since then, we were hunted by the United States government, who wanted to harness our power for their own nefarious purposes."

Adagio tells how she was on edge, it had been a few months since their facades and old crimes were revealed by the government. They had been around for several centuries now, so it was only natural that they had done several bad things in the world and it was thanks to their collars that they could avoid being found as well as get rid of the witnesses but; now without them they were nothing more than teenagers.

Adagio was the one who was most upset with Sunset Shimmer and her friends, she could barely sleep or eat anything because of their pursuers but it was thanks to technology and the demonstrations that they were able to escape the government.

"We became fugitives, constantly on the run from CIA squads. But even in the midst of all the chaos, my sisters and I stayed together. Sonata and Aria were all I had, and I protected them with all my might from humans and even from you."

Her eyes clouded with tears as she continued her tale.

"One day, while we were running from the soldiers, a terrible accident happened. The bridge we were on collapsed, and my sisters...my sisters lost their lives at that moment. It was devastating, and I barely managed to survive. As I was drowning with grief I began to have a crazy idea... It was that I could go back in time, I could do things differently and make peace with everyone, but the more I thought about it, the darker everything became, and as my mind was getting darker I had a headache so bad that it made me pull the last of my breath.

Sunset approached Adagio, feeling her pain and reaching out her arm to comfort her. Adagio continued to tell her story as she cried from just remembering things.

"After that tragedy, I found myself in a makeshift infirmary with a group of civilians led by... you, Sunset Shimmer."

Adagio said, looking at the other Sunset wistfully.

"I didn't know how I had arrived or how I was still alive after all the debris was falling on me but, the *Sunset* that found me said that I had been knocked unconscious by a car bomb, that I was lucky to survive since it was something normal to see in a war zone and more for being in a world war."

Sunset was a little surprised, what she was telling seemed to not add up to something but she kept listening to the story to find something else.

"While everyone was running around tending to the wounded, Sunset was helping half the world as best she could with the smile of an angel. No matter how many insults came her way, or how many cries of pain and fear she heard she still wore an angelic smile. That same night while I was resting she came up to me and hugged me with all her strength while crying and relieved that I was alive. She said: That she did not expect me to recover, since although I did not receive damage to my body I was asleep for a week. It was then that she showed a necklace with pendant and a photo and I was shocked."

Adagio grabbed the photo Sunset Shimmer had seen and attached it to her chest as if it were a treasure as she now began to cry harder.

"The photo in question was this same one but smaller, according to her that necklace was mine. I was stunned, as I was not only happy but it seemed that I had really lived all that, she knew things about me that I never told anyone especially that I was a *mermaid*. When she finished talking about everything, it was that I understood that at least my memories and hers were different, it was then that I asked her about my sisters and she told me that she knew nothing about them and that she had never heard of even one of them."

At that moment Adagio began to tremble her whole body as she remembered everything that happened that day.

"It was then that I decided to pretend to have lost my memory and pretended to be the Adagio she once knew, to protect myself from the armies of the world that were looking for me. Upon learning that I had lost my memories, she broke down and began to cry as if someone had passed away... Which in question she had."

Sunset quietly begins to question some of that story and begins to speak.

"Adagio let me ask you something... Did you know anything about the third world war at that time and our bounties?

Adagio shakes his head no such thing.

"The Sunset back then told me that she didn't understand why she was wanted, if she was never in canterlot city in her life and more so because she had lived with me in Manehattan until the start of the war."

"In what year did the persecution of which you remember happen and the day of your death?"

"July 2025, even though we had no powers we had a hard time getting old from what I see it also applied to you. Since the other Sunset did look like a beautiful and majestic adult."

Sunset was somewhat shocked so she gets up and walks away to walk around the place, she begins to believe that there is some connection. Since in that year she had also heard about the removal of one of her classmates from the world's most wanted list, she found out by unconventional means since she has to stay hidden. The name was one "Hououin Kyouma" and the closest being to a time machine, Twilight told me that it was impossible to do such a thing, even when we only spoke in code but; if she got to know a terrorist group called "Valkyrie" from Japan that aimed to create a weapon of mass destruction. While Sunset was thinking about the year that all that happened and the things that happened that year, Adagio continued to tell his story.

"Little by little, I was accepted into the group after I recovered and saw that I had no more after-effects. So little by little I started to live with the people in the area and even worked as a nurse assistant for them. Sunset was very happy to see me wearing a nurse's outfit hehehe, it was a moment I remember as if it were today. The nerves, my failures and the embarrassment of those days I wouldn't trade for anything in the world."

Adagio a little calmer begins to smile as she recalls how her relationship with the human Sunset had started and was evolving over time.

"I was surprised to find that I was developing romantic feelings for your counterpart. You were so compassionate and brave, and little by little, I opened my heart to you. We fell in love and eventually married in a small ceremony with only a few witnesses. Those were moments of happiness in the midst of the chaos around us."

Tears rolled down Adagio's cheeks as she continued her story.

"But that peace didn't last long. While we were in our room, one night we were attacked by unknown soldiers, and many of our friends were killed in the attack. That's when he mentioned to me an old base that used to be his mother's Canterlot city hideout, from when she had a punk band on the subway. In her last moments she gave me something special, a necklace that was the key to the place, the map and the picture you see there, I wanted us to leave together but she said she needed to buy some time for those who could to get out alive so she gave me one last time and ran away. In my cowardice I listened to him and rode out of there on a motorcycle".

Adagio held the necklace carefully and showed it to Sunset, Adagio held it as if he was offering his real heart to this Sunset.

"You told me to live for both of you, and I promised to keep your legacy and mine alive," Adagio said with determination.

"I lost my sisters and many friends, but through memories and promises, I move on. I want you to know, Sunset Shimmer, that through this necklace, she will always be with me, and I will carry her in my heart wherever I go."

Adagio, with eyes full of love and gratitude towards Sunset showed her his weaker side something he never intended to do again.

Sunset although she had several things to say, especially her lack of knowledge about the war or about her sisters decided that she would not delve further into this painful subject for Adagio at this time.

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