• Published 1st Aug 2023
  • 272 Views, 8 Comments

A Canterlot Gala - Gold Meddle

How many changelings does it take to foal up a gala? Zero, but more couldn't hurt!

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A Dash of Drama

Having grown tired of Rarity's prattling on about her friends, Chrysalis offered her a tour of the less-frequented parts of the castle.

Drawing her attention to some ornate tapestry hanging on the guest room's wall, she readied a fire poker in her magic, aiming right where she stuck that rose. She was appreciative of Celestia's insistence on oversized dumbwaiters.

"Your Highness!" came a shout from behind them. Whipping her head backwards, Chrysalis saw a butler peering into the room. "There's been an incident in the Wonderbolts's VIP section, and Celestia is still busy with greetings. We need somepony of authority there!"

Chrysalis fumbled with the poker. "Ah, what a pity. I was hoping to show you this brass and nacre fireplace set, but duty calls."

As they walked through the doorway to their destination, Rarity's expression quickly soured. Struggling against three servants, a pegasus was drawing looks ten times worse than anything Chrysalis had been subjected to in recent memory. Some distance away, a servant was holding an ice pack to her cheek.

Chrysalis was about to speak when Rarity cantered past her toward the multicolored menace. "Rainbow Dash! What is the meaning of this!?"

Rainbow flinched. "Wha--Rarity?"

Ignoring them, Chrysalis approached the injured servant, eliciting a whisper. "Fear not, My Queen, I am merely pretending to have been injured by that pony's wild thrashing." Failing to hide a wince, she went on. "I--I confronted her after she attacked another guest and tried to eject her from the event."

Chrysalis nodded, making her way to the pegasus, whose struggling had weakened in the face of Rarity's verbal beatdown.

"--And another thing, you've ruined your dress! Stars above, I knew I should have brought a sewing kit!"

Chrysalis took advantage of the brief pause and cleared her throat.

Rarity turned to face her. "You must give me a chance to explain, my friend here was simply caught up in the heat of the moment!"

Dash grunted. "The only thing I'm caught up in is half a dozen hoo--"

"Enough!" bellowed Chrysalis, silencing everyone. "I've no clue why you would associate with a ruffian the likes of her, but the Grand Galloping Gala is not some free-for-all brawl. Guards!"

What little color was present drained from Rarity's face. "M--My Prince, is that truly necessary?"

"Assaulting not one, but two innocent ponies? I daresay your friend shan't be leaving these castle walls tonight," sneered Chrysalis. "On the contrary, we shall prepare a room, just for her!"

Rainbow Dash frowned, before a fearful expression washed over her face. "Wait a sec, I really didn't--"

"Spare me your excuses." Chrysalis turned her head at the sound of galloping, catching a glimpse of a billowing cloak before it disappeared down a hallway.