> A Canterlot Gala > by Gold Meddle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Holiday Breaker > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chrysalis wouldn't admit it, but the tropical beachfront was a pleasant change of scene from her seslidareous hive. Glancing over Blueblood, his busted lip revealing a metallic misnomer, she noticed a scroll tucked into his tattered leisure suit. Unfurling it, her frown was lifted. She had a golden ticket. ========== The streaking streets below her carriage made her queasy. Her own wings were all she trusted, and her indulgence on Blueblood's chauffeur didn't help. She was relieved to have snagged a royal without a loving personality. She'd considered the feasibility of abducting Celestia, but even more frightening than the Sun falling on her head was the notion of having to smile and wave. Dismounting the carriage, she stepped toward the castle gates, leaving her lackeys to attend to her luggage--largely empty, owing to its current owner's ability to materialize clothing at will, but the prince wouldn't be caught dead without a veritable mountain of bags. ========== "Welcome, Blueblood!" greeted Celestia, beaming radiantly--Chrysalis could sense an unexpected warmness from her. She gave a curt nod. "Princess Celestia. Apologies for being late, I was forced to take an oblique route to Canterlot." "It's no matter, preparations are well underway. Would you assist with the buffet menu? Our cooks have already prepared a selection of samples." While changelings could consume food, it wasn't a matter of if they'd be able to keep it down but rather for how long. "I would love to; alas, I've already dined." "Very well, you could instead oversee the servants." "Certainly." A few replacements later, the castle staff looked far more obedient to Chrysalis. She'd toyed with the idea of spiking the drinks, but Celestia would likely interfere before they could take even a droplet of love. > The Buggiest Night Ever > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As night turned to day turned to night again and the Gala opened its gates, Chrysalis was waiting on reports. She was beginning to reassess the viability of her other plan when she got the telltale feeling of someone's gaze being firmly set upon her--not the limited loyalty of her minions, this was an overflowing adoration. Glancing back, she spotted the origin of that stare. A white unicorn, wearing refined clothing and carrying herself with an almost regal elegance. Chrysalis welcomed this respite, making her way out to the courtyard, with the unicorn hesitantly following her. A few minutes later, she spotted her daintily sniffing a rose and approached. "Good evening, I am Prince Blueblood." Tenderly, she responded. "I am...Rarity. Oh my, what a lovely rose!" leading Chrysalis to pluck it. "This rose?" she asked, tucking it into the back of her mulberry mane. "It goes wonderfully with your ensemble." For an instant, their thoughts lined up perfectly. ========== Cucaracha dragged her bow against her cello's strings. While a better use of her talents than her typical assignment, she'd gotten weary of this background music. She enjoyed making those around her sing, dance, and shower her in affection. She was snapped out of her thoughts by the dramatic entrance of a pink pony. No ordinary Gala-goer, that one, energetically singing and dancing, even mercifully interrupting her song by leaping on stage, and attracting some stern looks from the other ponies. The look on Cucaracha's face, however, was one of hope. Gesturing to her fellow musicians, she and they ran backstage to trade their elegant accoutrements for something a bit less sophisticated. Reemerging, she saw the pink pony moping. "Hey, senorita!" Turning her head, the senorita in question saw a full Mareiachi band on stage, costumes and all, with an empty spot by the microphone. Not needing any more of an invite, she galloped to the stage in glee, eliciting many gasps from the ladies and gentlecolts around her. She leaped, landing right next to the mic, and without even a pause to breathe started singing. ========== Chrysalis felt a sudden pang of doubt in the competence of her subjects. Of particular concern were the cooks, who she worried might slip venom into the food out of habit. "Miss Rarity, would you like to partake in some refreshments?" "Why, certainly! One of my friends is running a food stall." She'd check later. "Lead the way," and she did. The stall they reached would've been more at home at a carnival. "Applejack, darling! Two apple fritters, please." "Two apple fritters, coming right up!" came the response, Applejack quickly offering a board with a crumbly couple resting on it. "That'll be four bits." Chrysalis paid, relieved at her date's less-than-lavish taste. As she bit into the fritter, she could almost--nay, she could fully taste the love that went into it. Despite her stomach being the size of a breezie's breadbox, she finished the fritter without hesitation, having to stop herself from licking her lips. "These fritters are simply fantastic!" "Shucks, I'm glad to hear they're fit for a prince. The secret ingredient is--" "Love?" "Heh, that's right!" Applejack's smile only grew as she noticed ponies lining up behind the pair. Rarity giggled. "We'll run along now." "Have fun, you two!" wished Applejack, before turning to the crust-hungry upper crust. > A Dash of Drama > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Having grown tired of Rarity's prattling on about her friends, Chrysalis offered her a tour of the less-frequented parts of the castle. Drawing her attention to some ornate tapestry hanging on the guest room's wall, she readied a fire poker in her magic, aiming right where she stuck that rose. She was appreciative of Celestia's insistence on oversized dumbwaiters. "Your Highness!" came a shout from behind them. Whipping her head backwards, Chrysalis saw a butler peering into the room. "There's been an incident in the Wonderbolts's VIP section, and Celestia is still busy with greetings. We need somepony of authority there!" Chrysalis fumbled with the poker. "Ah, what a pity. I was hoping to show you this brass and nacre fireplace set, but duty calls." As they walked through the doorway to their destination, Rarity's expression quickly soured. Struggling against three servants, a pegasus was drawing looks ten times worse than anything Chrysalis had been subjected to in recent memory. Some distance away, a servant was holding an ice pack to her cheek. Chrysalis was about to speak when Rarity cantered past her toward the multicolored menace. "Rainbow Dash! What is the meaning of this!?" Rainbow flinched. "Wha--Rarity?" Ignoring them, Chrysalis approached the injured servant, eliciting a whisper. "Fear not, My Queen, I am merely pretending to have been injured by that pony's wild thrashing." Failing to hide a wince, she went on. "I--I confronted her after she attacked another guest and tried to eject her from the event." Chrysalis nodded, making her way to the pegasus, whose struggling had weakened in the face of Rarity's verbal beatdown. "--And another thing, you've ruined your dress! Stars above, I knew I should have brought a sewing kit!" Chrysalis took advantage of the brief pause and cleared her throat. Rarity turned to face her. "You must give me a chance to explain, my friend here was simply caught up in the heat of the moment!" Dash grunted. "The only thing I'm caught up in is half a dozen hoo--" "Enough!" bellowed Chrysalis, silencing everyone. "I've no clue why you would associate with a ruffian the likes of her, but the Grand Galloping Gala is not some free-for-all brawl. Guards!" What little color was present drained from Rarity's face. "M--My Prince, is that truly necessary?" "Assaulting not one, but two innocent ponies? I daresay your friend shan't be leaving these castle walls tonight," sneered Chrysalis. "On the contrary, we shall prepare a room, just for her!" Rainbow Dash frowned, before a fearful expression washed over her face. "Wait a sec, I really didn't--" "Spare me your excuses." Chrysalis turned her head at the sound of galloping, catching a glimpse of a billowing cloak before it disappeared down a hallway. > Unbulimable > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Newly single, Chrysalis decided it was a good time to go and dispose of the food she'd eaten so far. There was a sizable queue to the restrooms, so she opted for the garden. It was only after plunging a hoof into her throat that the retching royal noticed a pair of puffy eyes boring into her, unable to meet their shocked gaze before her stomach's contents splattered wetly on the grass. "You--" Rarity sniffed, "--you really are impossible, you know that? I came here to berate you for arresting my friend, and this is what I find. Why couldn't you have simply been a jerk?" Stuck between a rock and a hurled place, Chrysalis wiped her mouth. "Sorry to disappoint." "But your affliction...as awful as it is, it doesn't give you the right to take out your frustrations on my friends!" "I suppose not." "So relea--" "Would you mothernatures be quiet!?" interrupted a shout from the bushes, causing a flock of birds to take off. Rarity's face had gone from red back to pale, and even Chrysalis was startled. A frazzle-maned pegasus poked her head out from behind the decorative hedge, her eyes taking a moment to focus on them. "Rarity?!" she exclaimed, quickly approaching. Chrysalis looked to Rarity. "Another one of your friends?" "Why, yes," affirmed Rarity. "Prince Blueblood, Fluttershy. Fluttershy, Prince Blueblood. I wish I could say this was the least pleasant introduction I've made this evening." "Don't worry, I won't arrest her too." Fluttershy placed a hoof over Rarity's back. "What happened?" "Dash started a fight and got arrested by my date," answered Rarity, pointing to Chrysalis. "Oh, dear. Just like flight camp. Is she alright?" "Applejack's gone to check up on her, I've got enough to deal with over here," repeating her gesture. "Didn't your mother tell you it's rude to point?" asked Chrysalis. "Didn't your mother tell you it's rude to...imprison innocent ponies?" That got a chuckle out of Chrysalis. "No, I suppose some things were glossed over." "So you'll let her go?" Chrysalis looked at Rarity, then at Fluttershy, eyes settling on her wings. "Very well. So long as she stays out of trouble, she can enjoy the rest of the Gala free as a bird." "Good!" Rarity turned to Fluttershy. "Say, what happened to you?" "Um, I...tripped?" she answered. "...Repeatedly?" she added, seeing her friend's eyes tracing the vivid green streaks that now covered her dress. "It's brilliant!" declared Rarity. "So full of life, and," pausing to sniff the fabric, "esters!" "Uh...I think I'll go find Rainbow." "One more thing," said Chrysalis, once Fluttershy had gotten out of earshot, "tell nobody of what you saw me doing here." "Heavens, I wouldn't dream of airing out somepony's dirty laundry." "That makes one of us," thought Chrysalis. ========== "I believe you, I really do," said Applejack. "Trouble is, these fellas don't." One of the guards spoke up. "Prince Blueblood has ordered her imprisonment. You are welcome to submit an appeal if you disagree with his ruling." "Great, so I can be out of here just in time for next year's Gala," snarked Rainbow Dash. "Look, Rarity's working on it." "Oh, I'm sure he'll be all ears after a night with her, but I'll still spend it here!" "Come on, I'm sure she's trying her best." "Well it's not quite the--" Dash was cut off by a guard trotting in. "Message from the prince--he's ordered her immediate release." Applejack couldn't help but smile. "You were saying?" > Six Ways to Sun-Slay > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I thought you'd lose interest by now," uttered Chrysalis as she entered the music hall. Rarity followed closely. "I've found my prince, and I'll have my mane shaved before I let go of him." Chrysalis stifled a contemplative hum. "Say, have I shown you the--" "Rarity!" interrupted a pink pony perched on the stage, flanked by-- "Oh, for the love of..." lamented Chrysalis. "Friend?" Rarity cracked a smile. "Quite. Pinkie Pie, meet Prince Blueblood. He's the one who freed Rainbow--" "Wow! I didn't know she got captured, but who am I to judge how a pony has fun?" Pinkie turned to Chrysalis and began shaking her hoof. "Thank you so much for letting her out!" "--after ordering her arrest." The hoofshake kept going for a few seconds more before abruptly stopping. "Oh." Applejack butted in. "She brought it on herself." "Did not!" huffed Dash. "Girls, please, you're making a scene," Fluttershy tacked on. Chrysalis put a hoof to her head. "Well, isn't this a bona fide reunion. Have you any more friends I've yet to meet?" Rarity couldn't hide her grin as she looked behind Chrysalis. Following her gaze, she saw none other than Celestia entering, prompting all ponies and the better-trained changelings to bow. "Princess, I had no idea your social circle extended all the way to...what was it, Pony Hill?" "Ponyville," corrected a unicorn at her side. "My star pupil, Twilight Sparkle; His Highness, Prince Blueblood," stated Celestia. "Oh, it's an honor!" said Twilight, raising her tired foreleg. Chrysalis briskly shook it. "I'm sure it is." She took a step back as the mares exchanged stories. A tap on the back brought her attention to Celestia. "I'd prefer it if you exercised some leniency with our national heroines in future." "These six?" she glanced at them. "I suppose that explains how they managed to secure their tickets." "A bargain, if you ask me. They've secured the future of Equestria." "So they have." She tugged at her illusory collar. "Miss Rarity, I just remembered I was supposed to check up on the staff, would you excuse me?" Rarity's smile faltered before she glanced back at her friends. "Of course, take all the time you need." > Hair of the Sir > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Preparations all done, Chrysalis returned to where she left her date, finding her with a glass of wine that had long lost its sparkle. "Miss Rarity?" Her makeup was running thin. "Just when I thought you'd abandoned me." "I admit I've been far from a perfect prince. I could spin you a sob story about my struggles with...self image, but you deserve better than petty excuses." "I wouldn't make light of such issues, I've seen many ponies torn apart by them." "Enough about me, what are you doing all alone? I thought you'd be with your friends." Sighing, Rarity looked up at the ceiling. "They split into two groups. I'd feel like a third--or, rather, fourth wheel going with either." "Would you like to visit the royal barber's? I know you've not given up on me, and anyway, he's not in at the moment, but his tools are. The gem-studded scissors are something to behold." ========== The hair bin, like everything in the castle, was exceedingly ornate. Its sheer size likely inspired the myth of Celestia's beard. Thankfully, its sturdy wheels made moving it easy, even for a dainty maid. Slowing to a stop, she looked around before sneaking a peek inside it. She snorted. "Talk about a hairy situation." ========== "You do the Pony Pokey and that's what it's all about!" "Nope," remarked Applejack. Pinkie deflated. "Aw, I was sure that would work!" Dash placed her forehooves over her face. "I'll never get closer to the Wonderbolts." "Cheer up, Dashie! We'll get you a one-on-one as easy as one-two-three!" "I'm not much for mathematics, but even I can see we're already in the triple digits," griped Applejack. "Sorry, sugarcube." "No, I'm sorry for being such a downer. This isn't bad. Better than being jailed, that's for sure. You two can go, I'll just hang out here." Lacking any more platitudes, the two left Dash to her pining. She did mingle with the Wonderbolts once, after saving their lives--but at the time, they were still nursing a few concussions, generously given by Rarity. A most familiar voice tore her out of her reminiscing. "I knew you'd be here." She didn't look. "Where else would I be? I came here to be with the Wonderbolts, so until you kick me out, I'll stay." "I have no intention of getting in your way. I came here to apologize." Now she did. "I...appreciate it, but it's not gonna get me closer to the Wonderbolts." "I fear nothing will." "Jee, thanks." Chrysalis looked at her quizzically. "Miss Dash, surely you understand the importance of image?" "I guess?" She puffed out her chest half-heartedly. "I always make sure to show off my skills." "Maintaining an image is more than just showing off. It's about knowing what to reveal, and what to conceal." "And what does that have to do with me getting to the Wonderbolts?" "Suppose that they ignored your impudence. What message would that send? They'd be tacitly approving your hooliganism." "So they won't." She groaned. "Way to rub it in." "Now, supposing a private meeting was arranged..." she paused, meeting Dash's wide eyes. "I did say I was sorry, didn't I?" ========== "Sorry!" "Excuse me!" "Coming through!" And other such exclamations came from the two servants carrying a large duffoal bag through the packed halls. "This is back-breaking work." "It won't be your back broken if you drop it." > Cock a Dawdle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Now, now," reassured Celestia, "don't worry." "Just reach out your hoof and touch it," instructed Twilight. Fluttershy gulped. She'd never done this before, but the support of the two brightest ponies she knew emboldened her. Foreleg shaking, she moved closer, until her hoof barely grazed it. "It's so...big, and fuzzy!" "Yes, the kangaroo is known for its thick fur, which helps it deal with the extreme heat of its native habitat," explained Twilight. "They're naturally timid, which would explain your earlier lack of success," added Celestia. "Thank you both, thank you so much," said a misty-eyed Fluttershy. Twilight put a hoof on her back. "It's no trouble, we wanted to get out of that stuffy party anyway." "I don't think there's anything that could ruin this," voiced Fluttershy, blissfully unaware of the large shape behind her. "It's happy," it observed. Celestia tilted her head. "Blueblood, isn't this a surprise. Since when are you an animal expert?" "I picked it up over my vacation. At any rate, you're doing a wonderful job." Fluttershy was just as confused at the compliment. "Um, thanks?" "What are you doing here?" inquired Twilight. "Looking for company. Miss Rarity needed a little time to herself, so I figured I'd use that time to get acquainted with her friends. Now, Twilight, was it? I'm sure you've got some, ah, private things to discuss with the princess." Twilight stepped back. "W--What?" she choked. "I mean, m--maybe I do, what's it to you?" "How about you get off--I mean, go off with the princess, tell her all those burning secrets, and I'll keep...Fluttershy company." Fluttershy looked between her friends and the prince. "You've already helped me so much, you deserve your private time. I'll be fine with Blueblood." "It's not like that, okay!?" yelled Twilight, scaring off the kangaroo. Celestia gave a light snigger. "It's alright, Twilight. Let's go, before we undo our good deeds." After they parted, Fluttershy looked up at Chrysalis. "Would you like to get your hooves on a cute little critter?" Chrysalis mirrored her smile. "Verily." ========== Making his rounds, the old groundskeeper spotted none other than Prince Blueblood taking off with his wheelbarrow, which was covered with a fluttering tarp. "What in tarnation are you doing?" he called out, causing Chrysalis to stop dead in her tracks. She turned to face him. "It's for a, uh, Gala...thing. We'll fill it with champrein and drink from it." He shook his head. "Celestia's sake, you boys get rowdier every year. Just bring it back by tomorrow, alright?" "Will do!" answered Chrysalis, resuming her course for the castle's rear entrance. > Bagel Blues > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Joe looked at his only customer with some worry. "Don't you think you've had enough?" "Another donut, extra sprinkles!" insisted Spike. Reluctantly, he served him yet another sugary step toward diabetes. So young, yet already so self-destructive. It was almost impressive. "I had a big plan for tonight," said Spike between bites of his casket gasket. "I figured out what all my friends would like, made a schedule for the night, but as soon as we got here, they all split off and left me behind." "Sounds like they had plans of their own." "Yeah, but I thought they'd at least hear me out." Joe thought for a bit. "Look at it this way--they all waited a long time for this, dreaming up the perfect night. They're not gonna let anypony, even their best friends, get in the way of those dreams." Spike swallowed the last bite of his donut. "When you put it that way, I guess it makes sense." "Who knows, some of them might be done already. Night's still young, lots of time left for you to show them around." "You're right! I should go back, thanks, Joe!" "You're welcome," replied Joe, watching in mild disbelief as the stuffed drake somehow managed to carry himself out of the shop. ========== "A white unicorn with a purple mane?" asked the well-dressed pony. "Yeah, seen her?" confirmed Spike. "Yes, actually. I think she was heading for the, ah...train station, that was it!" "A--Are you sure?" "Absolutely." Spike hastily brought out his watch. "Shoot, the last train to Ponyville leaves in five minutes!" "Better hurry, little one." Running off, Spike shouted something that might have been a "thank you" by way of "appreciate it". "I love kids," thought Chrysalis as she waved him off, "so gullible." > The Farmer and the Hyper > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spotting her two earth pony targets heading toward the gardens, Chrysalis caught up to them. "Hey, Prince!" called out Applejack. "Have you seen Rainbow?" "Not since I had her taken away." "Shoot, I was hoping you'd keep an eye on her." "Do I look like some sort of tyrant?" "...Permission to speak honestly?" "Denied." Pinkie chimed in. "We're not looking for Dash and we wouldn't appreciate your help!" "And don't say she's better off lost. She might've been uppity, but she didn't get her licks on anypony." "Why would she lick somepony? She's not some blue dog." A cough came from Chrysalis. "If we may get back on topic, you two were looking for your feathered friend?" "Sugary sure!" "Have you asked your other friends?" Applejack slumped. "That's the thing, we can't find any of them either, aside from Twi..." she straightened up. "Weren't you with Fluttershy?" "Yes, I had a gay old time chasing--" "Help! Someone, help me!" came a shout, nothing shy of terrified. "Some horrible monster is after me!" While Pinkie gasped, Applejack set off in the direction of the shout. "Hang on, Fluttershy! We're coming!" She was confidently leading their two-pony rescue team before finding herself suddenly launched in the air. Pinkie ground to a halt, staring up at the net holding her. "Applejack!" "Consarn it, get me down!" Pinkie hopped, hopped, and hopped again. "I can't reach!" "Blueblood!" She twisted around. "Help a gal out, would you?" The face of Fluttershy popped out of a bush. "I wouldn't." ========== "Aren't we forgetting something?" the servant asked his partner as they heaved the burlap sack up a set of stairs. "Don't ask me, I'm still reeling from Queen Horrible Monster's smack." In the distance, a lone tree's branches shook with a nonexistent wind. > Carapace Diem > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After wiping her hooves, Chrysalis began looking for her last mark. "Isn't this a surprise," she found her almost immediately. "Miss Twilight, what are you doing all alone?" Twilight rubbed one foreleg against the other. "Remember those secrets you told me to share with the princess? It seems like a few of them were better left unshared." Chrysalis bit back a smirk. "I'm sorry to hear that, it's a shame how some ponies are stuck in their old ways." "Of course she's traditional! I just...I thought she'd understand." "She's no stranger to hurting those close to her." Twilight put her hoof down. "What's that supposed to mean?" "I shouldn't say," Chrysalis looked side to side. "This sort of gossip spreads like wildfire." "I can keep a secret. Is there a private place we can discuss this?" "My quarters, perchance?" Twilight's cheeks reddened, but her eyes were filled with resolve. "Lead the way!" she squeaked out. ========== Chrysalis closed the door behind Twilight. "Apologies for the mess, my servants have been swamped with Gala duties." "It's no problem. If I may ask, what'll you do after tonight, once you get settled in?" Chrysalis allowed herself a grin. "I've got big plans. After tonight, I'll take on Canterlot. I'll have every pony's love!" "You must have a great PR campaign planned." Chrysalis threw a hoof in the direction of a wall-mounted map. "And from Canterlot, the rest of Equestria!" As Twilight turned to look at the map, Chrysalis prepared to strike. Victory was so close, she could almost feel it. A bead of sweat formed on her brow. "Does victory usually feel this hot?" Twilight turned back to her. "What was tha--Princess!" Whipping her head back with an audible crack, Chrysalis saw Celestia standing in the doorway. "May I ask what you're doing?" "I was merely comforting the star pupil you so heartlessly spurned," admonished Chrysalis. "Like a moth to a light," she smirked, "or, rather, a Twi-light." She froze. "You couldn't possibly..." Narrowing her eyes, Twilight inspected one of the many bags scattered around the room. "Why is this one empty?" "Perhaps it's a spare?" Celestia closed in on Chrysalis. "Say, Blueblood, why do you have so many pieces of luggage in the first place?" Chrysalis did all she could to hold back a hiss. "That's...none of your business." Twilight's magic glow surrounded one of the other bags. "You wouldn't mind if we looked in a few, right?" "N--No! Cease! I have a righ--" Chrysalis's protests were silenced by the zipper's high-pitched shriek. Celestia let out the breath she was holding. So did Twilight, in the form of a sigh. "Still looks more comfortable than economy class." > Presented Perfection > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dawn approached as the two princesses sat in front of a flickering fireplace. "I think this was Blueblood's best Gala to date," remarked Celestia, "his replacement certainly livened things up." "You'd trade a burden for a bedlam?" "I would have preferred malice-free mayhem, but I'm told all the ponies we found in Blueblood's chambers were unharmed." "A silver lining." "The maid? She was among them, yes." Luna rolled her eyes. "I suppose it's this wit that allowed you to uncover the fake prince's ploy." "Not at all, it was simple overconfidence on his--or should I say, her part." "I see you've made progress in your interrogation." "It was a breeze, we're already proceeding with negotiations." "Where does...she stand as of now?" "The freedom of her and her subjects in exchange for the release of some fifty ponies." After thinking for a few moments, Luna nodded. "That sounds equitable." "It would be, if one of those fifty wasn't Blueblood."