• Published 31st Jul 2023
  • 305 Views, 28 Comments

The Girl Who Cried Wolf - J3sterking

Two years ago, something happened that changed Rainbow Dash's life. Now, reunited with her friends, she finds herself recounting the events that occurred.

  • ...

Is It Wrong

The glowing letters from Princess Twilight appeared onto the journal page slowly. So, explain this to me one more time. Starting from 'nopony controls the moon in the human world'.

Sunset sighed, then began writing back. So, right. No one controls the moon, and it orbits the Earth from space. It is not close down inside the Earth's atmosphere. Neither would it work as a good prison as some of the old myths suggest the pony moon was used as. Due to science things, as the moon orbits the Earth, it receives more or less light from the sun based on its position relative to the Earth. Are you following?

It took a second for Twilight to reply. Now that Spike and I have set up a model? Yes. So the moon is reflecting light from the sun, and based on where it is, it is reflecting 'more or less' light, as you say.

Sunset let out another sigh, this one of relief. Yes. Based on how far it's traveled, we see more of it some nights than others. This is called 'the Lunar Cycle' and most people don't really keep track of it. But around once a month, the moon reflects enough light to be 'full'. This would look like the Equestrian moon--a complete circle, rather than a 'waxing' or 'waning' crescent.

She paused, letting that all sink in for Twilight.

Okay, I think I got it,Twilight wrote back. And on these nights, the 'werewolf' creatures turn into their wolf form?

Yes, but according to Rainbow, she does still have access to some magic the rest of the time, Sunset sent. She hesitated. I'll have to ask her if it's strength depends on the fullness of the moon, because that would be interesting to see.

All in all, I don't recall reading anything about werewolves--

Sunset interrupted her, writing a few lines ahead. If you ask anypony, use 'lycanthropes'. Werewolf translates roughly to 'human-wolf', so I doubt it would be the Equestrian term.

Right, Twilight acknowledged. So, I've never heard that term referenced before, either, but if anyone would know, it would be Princess Luna. She has been raising the moon for...I'm not really sure how long, actually. Since she came back from her banishment--

BANISHMENT?I mean, I never saw her, and I was kinda shocked to see her over here, but I had heard Princess Celestia mention a sister once or twice. Yet--what do you mean, 'banishment'?

Princess Luna is the Mare in the Moon from the old stories, Twilight said, taking her turn to explain. She and Princess Celestia have fully made amends with each other now, though.

Sunset sat back in her chair, letting out a breath. Are you meaning to tell me...that Vice Principal Luna...is Nightmare frikkin' Moon?

It was its own kind of whiplash for me, too, seeing her in her office, came Twilight's reply.

Sunset laughed at that. I do have another question, but I think it's more in your area of expertise than Princess Luna's.

Friendship problem? Twilight asked.

Kind of. So, the other thing about lycanthropy is that it's not like a unicorn horn, pegasus wings, or even being a dragon. If a werewolf bites you, you can become a werewolf.

Twilight skipped ahead hearing the rest of what Sunset was writing. You want to ask her if she could turn you into one?

Sunset sighed, running a hand through her hair. Kind of? She said it was a curse, but in all honesty, I think that's just because she's grown up in a world without magic. She said that she has some trouble controlling her wolf form, but from everything she said, I don't think it was that hard for her. Otherwise, she'd have put more emphasis on us staying away. But she also said that she didn't want to talk about how she became a werewolf. It sounded like she had some bad memories about that, and I don't want to poke at them.

She stopped, seeing the glowing text showing Twilight's reply. I'd give it some time. Let her talk to you about the bad memories at her own pace--and don't ask immediately after she shares them, either. Let her get the help she needs, and then--assuming you still want to--ask her about it. Personally, I don't see why you'd want this. It seems more inconvenient than helpful.

Sunset chuckled. That's because you didn't flunk out of Princess Celestia's friendship lessons, Princess Twilight. I don't think you've ever felt the lust for power like I have.

You didn't flunk out of--

I ran away so I could go and steal magic to depose her from her throne. If that doesn't count as 'flunking', I don't know what does.

Twilight didn't write back immediately. It took her long enough so that Sunset was beginning to think she wouldn't reply by the time she did.

Everypony makes mistakes. But when I came back to Equestria after the Fall Formal, the very first thing she asked was to make sure you were alright, Sunset. See? You did nothing unforgivable. She already has.

Sunset stared at the writing for a long time before she could muster the courage to reply. Do you think you could tell her I'm sorry?

Maybe you could tell her yourself? If you have the time, you could come over and visit. Then you could ask Princess Luna about lycanthropy in pony, too.

Sunset considered. That does sound appealing, she admitted. I think my apology would be better face-to-face, anyway, rather than that halfhearted 'tell her I said sorry'.

So, is that a yes? Or a 'maybe'?

Sunset wrote back quickly. Definitely a 'maybe' for the moment. I'll have to think about it and talk with the girls--I don't think we have any gigs here soon, so I don't think they'll need me for the band. Even so, I want to make sure everything will still be here when I get back, y'know?

She could almost imagine Twilight chuckling as she replied. Yes, actually. Out of every other friendship-related catastrophe I have to go solve, I always fret on the way home, worried that another thing popped up while I was gone and that nopony went to resolve it without me. There was a slight pause. Sorry, did that come out rambley?

Sunset smiled. Just a little, but we all need to vent sometimes, Princess.

I suppose, Twilight admitted. But it can be frustrating when everypony comes to you specifically to vent their frustrations, so, as is often the key to avoiding friendship problems, communicate.

Sunset smiled, but found herself repressing a yawn as she did so. Gosh, it's getting late over here, she wrote. I think this is goodnight, Princess.

Goodnight, Sunset. Let me know when you've decided! Twilight wrote back.

I will, don't worry. Till next time!

As Twilight wrote one last goodbye, Sunset closed the journal, then stretched. I guess I'll ask her eventually, she thought.

Rainbow grimaced, fiddling with her guitar strings again. She played a few notes, but shook her head. They weren't coming out right, so she fiddled with the guitar some more.

"I do hope you actually plan on playing that at some point, darling," Rarity said from the doorway.

Rainbow looked up. "Well, I do, it's just not sounding right."

"It sounded fine to me," Rarity said.

"Did it?" Rainbow played a few notes experimentally. Truthfully, nothing was wrong with the sound of it. "Yeah, it does. I guess I'm just...in a bit of a funk today."

"Related to tonight?"

Rainbow hesitated. "Yeah. You got a lunar calendar?"

"I did think that such an action might be prudent, yes," Rarity said, "but this time, I simply looked it up."

"Ah." Rainbow played another few notes, then gave up and began packing her guitar in its case.

"Does it, ah, how to say this? Does the full moon cause you discomfort?"

"Not much," Rainbow said truthfully. "It's just...one or two personal things, okay? Nothing you need to worry about."

"With all due respect, Rainbow, I shall worry about what I want to," Rarity said firmly. "But, if you are, indeed, alright, then I shall leave it be."

Rainbow let out a sigh of relief. "Thanks." She paused, just about to close her guitar case, when she saw Sunset pause in the doorway right behind Rarity. "Oh, hey. I was just packing up, so if you wanted the room--"

"Oh, uh, thanks," Sunset said, slipping past Rarity. "I'm just wanting to get a little work done on this tune before--" She paused. "Well, after talking to Princess Twilight, I'm considering upon a visit to Equestria."

"Oh! I'm sure it would be lovely for you to visit your home again," Rarity said.

"Eh, maybe? Even though it'd be great to use magic again, I like how human bodies operate," she replied. She wiggled her fingers. "Mostly, these things. Have I ever said that I love them?"

"Not in my recollection," Rarity said with a chuckle. "But I have noted that as a former, ah, unicorn, you do seem to have a great fondness for fencing, painting, guitars, and several other finger-intensive ways to occupy your time, so I made an educated guess."

Sunset grinned. "Well, I did date Flash for a while, remember? The guitar is only reasonable."

"You have me there," Rarity said. "Oh, goodness! Look at the time. I'm terribly sorry, but I promised to hang out with Pinkamena today."

"Hey, don't be late on our account," Rainbow Dash said. "See ya tomorrow!"

"See you then, darlings!" Rarity waved.

"Later!" Sunset called out, before turning to her own instrument as she got set up.

Rainbow stared at her for a minute, waiting patiently. Then, she put a hand in front of her mouth and managed a fake cough.

Sunset looked up, meeting her eyes. "Did I do something?" she asked.

"No, I was just waiting for you to ask your question," Rainbow said bluntly.

"What question?"

"The one you were gonna ask the other night?" Rainbow said impatiently. "I mean, Rarity just left, we're alone, so, whatever it was you wanted to ask--"

"No, I--it doesn't matter," Sunset said. "It can wait till I get back."

"I'll die of curiosity by then," Rainbow said. "Really, Sunset, whatever it is, I'm fine with you asking."

"Even if it brings up painful memories?"

Rainbow hesitated. "Yeah. You're my friends. I can suffer a bit if it's important to you."

Sunset almost asked, "What if it's not important to me", but stopped herself. That would have been too close to a lie for her to be comfortable with. "Well, I wanted to ask...do you know how...to...well.." She gulped. "..,.change other people into werewolves?"

Rainbow froze stock still, staring at her. "Sunset?" she finally said.


"Hell. Fucking. No."

Sunset blinked in surprise.

"I...I..." Rainbow spluttered, then shook her head. "Sunnie, I...I know. I kinda made you ask, so I shouldn't be mad at you. Please...don't ask that again."

"I know, I'm sorry, I--"

"Don't apologize," Rainbow snapped. She covered her face with her palm, letting out an, "Ugh." She stood like that for a moment, then continued. "I...it's not as simple as someone gets bit, then turns into a wolf. Or, it is, it's just more of a numbers game. It doesn't take just one bite, Sunset."

Sunset thought that over. "Oh. I...I'm sorry, Rainbow Dash, I shouldn't have--"

"No, I'm the one who brought it up, so please," Rainbow said. Her tone was uncharacteristically quiet. "Even ignoring the fact that I'd have to...hurt you badly...I don't know if you'd survive. I've only seen it once, Sunset. And you'd either die by my fangs, or...live, under this curse."

"Is it...really that bad?"

"For me? It hasn't been. But I know it can be worse. A lot worse, Sunset." She took a deep breath, then released it. "Please, Sunset. It's...not really something I can just 'do', even if I...wanted to."

"Of course," Sunset said with a nod. "Not if you're not comfortable with it, Dash. I wouldn't make you do something like that if you didn't want to."

Rainbow Dash nodded. "Thanks for understanding," she said, before hefting her guitar and leaving.

As it got closer to the evening, Rainbow began to feel antsy. The conversation with Sunset had not helped in the least, as it brought up all those old memories to the front, and made her invisible scars itch.

And the scars were there. She couldn't see them, her mother couldn't, but Rainbow Dash could feel them. As if the skin remembered that parts of it were fresher than others, what it felt like to be torn, torn, torn--

She sat upright, leaning against a tree. Several passing students waved to her, and she gave them a wave back.

Soon, she'd depart into the woods, and forget all about the troubles of the world for a little while. But first, she had to think about Sunset's request.

Sunset was from a world with magic in the first place, so it made sense to her. There were probably a whole host of strange, magical illnesses and curses that Rainbow wouldn't even begin to understand. So, yeah, lycanthropy might not seem as bad as some of those, and hey, it probably looked really appealing from her point of view, right?

Of course, there was also the other thing. Rainbow wasn't dumb. She could tell why Sunset might want werewolf powers--or, perhaps, just power, in general.

Rainbow would never admit this to Sunset, but the girl with hair of flames scared her. Even though they all knew that the crown had taken over Sunset at the end--after a brief discussion with Princess Twilight--she still saw her, and thought of the fireball heading towards Twilight.

That if it hadn't been for the bizarre twist of Equestrian magic, all the people who were most important to her in the world would be dead.

She shook herself, clearing away the vision of two shocked eyes staring up at her from the corpse that still haunted her dreams.

The sun was quite low in the horizon, and now, Rainbow felt the moon's call strong. With a hastily muttered curse, she took off at a sprint. Seeing no one around, she put a touch of werewolf-speed into her steps, making record times on the woods at the edge of town.

Canterlot did have a mall, but for the most part, it was considered 'that town besides Crystal City'. And this was fair. It did have many 'small town' properties, in that you could go on a walk about town and see the same people at three different stops you made, and in the countryside. Without going too far, you'd be at Sweet Apple Acres, which was a sprawling, family-owned apple farm that grew most of the apple cider you'd see in the town.

But, if you went the other way, as Rainbow was doing, you'd find a thick forest. There was hardly ten feet of room between the trees near the front, and the further you went in, the closer they got. At a certain point, you'd wander into the area that was called "the Everfree Forest". Despite the big, cheery, campground put right smack in the center, the place was the sort of place that you chose as where that spooky story you knew happened.

And hell, half of them might be true. The woods weren't the friendliest of places at the best of times. But tonight, a beast was stalking them.

Rainbow quickly found the small, log cabin her parents had managed to afford. Rather than fumbling with the keys--which she had also left at home--she simply leapt over the fence.

She bounced lightly on her feet, slipping inside. Inside, there wasn't anything worth stealing in the first place, assuming you went this far out into the woods.

Rainbow quickly stripped off her clothes, dropping them off on the table. After two very, very painful evenings, she always made sure to not be wearing anything that was sized for a teenage girl that would most certainly not be sized for a wolf that stood almost five feet at the shoulders. Her backpack was thrown under the table, where it would be less likely to be noticed if someone did happen to come by, and then she dropped to all fours on the tiled flooring set up for this purpose.

With the full moon just on the rise, it took almost ten minutes to fully change. A little on the slow side, for a full moon night, but she had spent the past little while postponing the change as she felt the moon's call.

Either way, the searing pain alone was enough to make her wonder why Sunset could possibly want this. Muscles rearranged, bones reformed, and her fur grew to cover her naked form. Gradually, anyway. She knew from her mother that during most of the process, she looked like she'd been turned inside out. She had recorded the change, at one point, using her phone. Seeing it like that had made her decide to always change away from anyone who might feel bad for her.

She stood up, her front legs stretching, and gave her tail a few experimental wags. She shook her head, then sneezed.

Now that Rainbow was fully in her wolf form, she stepped outside the log cabin. She raised her head, looking straight at the moon, and howled.