• Published 31st Jul 2023
  • 303 Views, 28 Comments

The Girl Who Cried Wolf - J3sterking

Two years ago, something happened that changed Rainbow Dash's life. Now, reunited with her friends, she finds herself recounting the events that occurred.

  • ...

The Start of It

Author's Note:

So, I really thought this was being published way later than I said it would be. In reality, it's being published write on the 'two months' dot. I really thought it had been longer, especially when I scrapped the original story idea and had to rewrite SEVEN CHAPTERS because I didn't plan things properly. Hope you guys enjoy!

Despite the fact that they'd spent a considerable length of time planning the dinner together, and despite how much Rainbow Dash loved the expensive Manehattan-cut strip steak on her plate, she wasn't eating it, and her friends had begun to notice.

"Is everything alright there, Rainbow?" Applejack asked her.

"Ehhhh..." She continued staring at her plate. "Yeah, I'm just trying to figure out how to say this."

"Say what, darling? Is there something wrong with your food?" Rarity asked. She looked guiltily at Rainbow's food. "I'm so sorry, I--"

"It's not the food!" Rainbow interrupted. "It's, uh...you've just never served us all with the silver dishes, right?"

"Well, no," Rarity said slowly. "They are expensive, and admittedly, I was worried about them getting damaged, but my best friends deserve only the best!"

"They're, uh, pure silver, right?"

"Why, yes! The purest!"

Rainbow groaned, covering her face with her hands.

"Is--is something the matter?"

"This is as good a time as any, I suppose," Rainbow said, voice muffled from her arms. "So, I can't eat off of silver dishes."

"Really, Rainbow Dash, it's alright. They're not that delicate--"

"No, it's not about that. It's...you know how I asked us to reschedule this for a night earlier?"

The girls nodded.

"So do you know what tomorrow is?"

"Uh, Monday?" Applejack put in.

"The full moon?" Pinkie suggested.

"Pinkie, darling, whatever could that have to do with why she can't eat off of silver dishes?" Rarity said. She paused. "Oh my. I--I think I got it."

Sunset let out a groan, her face planting against the table. "Dash, are--are you joking? This is a prank?"

"Nope. I...I'm a werewolf."

"My goodness," Fluttershy said. "When--when did this happen? You weren't a werewolf when we were young!"

"No, it's...recent. Ish. That part I...don't want to talk about yet." She squirmed uncomfortably. "It' doesn't matter, anyway."

"Well, you say it like that, and it sound completely irrelevant, doesn't it?" Rarity said, giving her a pointed stare.

"It is! Er, mostly!" Rainbow glared at her. "Look, I just don't want to talk about that, okay? Any other questions about werewolf-hood--"

"I'm pretty sure the term is 'lycanthropy'," Pinkie said.

"Uh, sure. Any other questions, I'm fine with asking."

"Are you stronger than other people?" Applejack asked immediately.

Rainbow Dash nodded.

Applejack grinned. "So that's how you became captain of all those sports teams, huh?"

"Wha--HEY!" Rainbow Dash bolted out of her seat. "Just so we're clear, no! It's not, that would be cheating! I have to tap into that strength as a choice!" She paused. "The enhanced endurance and healing are, uh, non-optional, but...still, that's--it's not like super healing comes up during football games."

Applejack laughed.

"Well, shut up! So there!" Rainbow sat back down. "Any other questions?"

"Do you have a pack?" Rarity asked.

"Um, my backpack is over there, but I'm not sure why that's relevant--"

"No, darling, a pack of werewolves," Rarity said. "As in, other werewolves you hang out with and who help each other."

"No. If I know any other werewolves, I don't know what they are. I--think I should be able to tell them apart, but I haven't met others, so..." She shrugged.

"Have you met other creatures?" Sunset asked. "Well, myself and the Sirens excluded, of course."

"Nope. Again, not that I know of." She shrugged. "It's entirely possible that most of you guys are a coven of vampire witches, and I just don't know it."

"Well, no, but Grandma Pie was a gypsie," Pinkie said.

Sunset looked like she was about to ask another question, but hesitated.

"Come on, Sunset," Rainbow Dash prodded. "Shoot away."

"No, it's--it's nothing," Sunset said.

"It doesn't sound like nothing," Fluttershy put in.

"She--already said she doesn't want to talk about it, so--"

Rainbow sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Ask me later, then," she relented.

"No, I wouldn't want to--" Sunset winced. "Sorry, I--"

"Hey, Rarity?" Rainbow said, purposefully interrupting her friend.


Rainbow Dash pointed to her steak. "Can I get a non-silver dish now?"

"Oh, of course, darling!" Rarity said, rushing off. As she came back, she asked, "How concerned should we be about you accidentally touching silver, by chance?"

"It makes me break out in blisters. Otherwise, I got this," Rainbow Dash said with a grin. "I've been dealing with this curse for a couple of years now. I have a pretty good handle on it, at this point."

"Curse?" Fluttershy asked.

Rainbow Dash sighed. "Yes. I would say it's more 'curse' than 'blessing'," she said slowly. "Believe it or not, magically turning into a wolf that's almost three times my size is quite painful, I have to change on the full moon, and--" She paused. "--The wolf form can be difficult to control," she said quietly. "I'd like it if you guys...steered clear of me while I'm like that. As I said, I've gotten...a handle on it, but...just in case..."

"Of course, darling! Anything you need, we're happy to provide!" Rarity said, sliding Rainbow Dash's steak onto a fresh plate. "Isn't that right, girls?"

A chorus of agreements echoed through the dining room.

Rainbow chuckled, eyes closing. "Thanks. You guys...made this way easier than I thought it would be."

"While I never heard of anything like werewolves in Equestria, I can try asking Princess Twilight if she could find something about the subject," Sunset offered.

"I--wouldn't be opposed," Rainbow Dash said slowly. "But only if she's not super busy with all her princess duties and the like."

"I'll let her know, then!" Sunset declared. Her stomach grumbled, and she sheepishly looked to her untouched food. "Um, later, so we, uh, don't bother her."

Her friends laughed at that.

"So," Rarity said, "have you considered wolf-form makeovers?"

Rainbow Dash paused. "No, no, no, no," she said. "I just said I want you guys staying away from my wolf form. Like, far away."

"Oh, of course, darling! It was just a thought!" She held up her hands placatingly.

"Rarity. You and your sewing kit and make-up box are not getting anywhere near me as a werewolf."

"What would make-up on a wolf even look like, anyhow?" Applejack said.

"I don't want to think about it too hard," Rainbow muttered. She began cutting off pieces of her steak.

"I'm going to agree with Rainbow on this one, Rares," Sunset put in. "I'm not sure there's anything in your repertoire of skills that could be used to beautify a werewolf."

Rarity pouted. "I suppose you're right," she admitted. "Though, as far as human clothes are concerned, I might have just been hit with some fresh inspiration..."

Rainbow Dash let out a sigh. Then she smiled. "You know, I was half worried this was going to turn into some big debacle. So...thanks. For being good friends."

"Oh, of course!" Fluttershy nodded. "I'd never try to make you uncomfortable about this! But--well, it is going to take a liiiiittle getting used to."

"You have no idea," Rainbow muttered. "It...took me a while to learn to manage."

"Rainbow, do you--" Applejack hesitated. "Everythin's a'right with ya, right?"

Rainbow nodded. "Fit as a fiddle."

Applejack let out a sigh of relief. "Well, glad to hear it," she said. "But if yah do have any werewolf-specific problems, let us know, right?"

"Of course. You're my gals. I've been trying to figure out how to say it since the Battle of the Bands!" She laughed. "Oh, yeah. That was fun."

"So,like, do you think you could have dealt with the Sirens on your own?" Sunset asked.

"Uh--it had occurred to me, but a few...problematic thoughts kept me from trying." She ran a hand through her hair. "It wasn't the best time to tell all you guys about it, and if their magic suddenly started working on me, I wouldn't want you guys to suddenly have to deal with a three-hundred pound raging werewolf."

"Here, here," Pinkie said. "That would sure be uncomfortable! I reeeeally hope that we never have to deal with that in the future!" She took a bite of her food, chewing contentedly as a silence filled the room.

"Please, don't jinx it," Rainbow begged. "Please."

They shared a laugh at that. Rainbow laughed along, even if it wasn't quite as legitimate as theirs were.

Not when she didn't think it was nearly as funny as they did.