• Published 28th Jul 2023
  • 1,879 Views, 18 Comments

Seaside Confessions - Flamewarrior02

Misty plans on confessing to Zipp

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Waves of Love

Misty Brightdawn has experienced many different challenges in her life, but none quite like the one she currently was facing regarding her friend Zipp Storm.

The two of them had just spent the day together at the beach, surfing, building sand castles, and many other activities Misty never got to experience before. It was easily some of the most fun the unicorn ever had, and she was glad she got to experience it with Zipp of all ponies.

“Zipp.” Misty sighed. Despite their rocky start, Misty considered the white pegasus to be one of her closest friends of the group. She was the one she revealed her lack of a Cutie Mark too, after all. Granted, that was due to being backed into a corner, but the fact Zipp so quickly accepted her regardless made Misty begin to feel more comfortable around her. That feeling of comfort increased tenfold once she left Opaline. With no more secrets to hide, Misty could hang out with Zipp and not fear her getting suspicious over everything the unicorn did.

It was during all that time they were spending together that Misty began to see her pegasus friend in a new light. She already admired Zipp for her smarts and sharp instincts, even if they came at the expense of trust between the two of them. But getting to know Zipp more personally showed sides of her Misty hadn’t noticed before.

If today wasn’t proof enough, Zipp was a lot of fun. Alongside surfing, she also taught Misty how to roller skate, how to skateboard, they played sports and board games together, and Zipp even took Misty flying one time.

Misty sighed again as she recalled being held by Zipp while she saw the world from the eyes of a pegasus. That was another thing she had to admire about her. Zipp was kind. All of her friends were, but Zipp seemed to give off this energy that was different. Like a guardian angel of sorts. That would make sense given how she is also an older sister and probably saw Misty in the similar light she saw Pipp.

But Misty did not see Zipp as a sister figure. She didn’t even see her as just a friend. The pegasus was more than that.

There was no denying it. Zipp made Misty swoon.

The unicorn mare couldn’t even count the amount of times she wished she could be in Zipp’s embrace, her strong yet soft wings wrapping around her like a blanket, or to look endlessly at her beautiful blue eyes that matched the ocean they played in.

Despite the blush forming on her face, Misty couldn’t help but sigh in sadness. Truth was this dream was just that. A dream. She had no chance of actually being with Zipp. Not just because she didn’t even know if the pegasus princess even liked mares, but because she was exactly that. A princess.

Not just a princess. The Princess. The one who will one day take her mother’s place as Queen. She was expected to marry a handsome stallion to continue the royal bloodline. Not some strange mare that many of the upper class and elite would consider uncouth and unworthy of even looking the future queen in the eye. No matter how many times Misty envisioned herself walking down the isle in a beautiful wedding dress, seeing Zipp standing at the altar in a tux she had only seen pictures of the pegasus wearing, but still made her look unbelievably dashing, with a loving smile on her face as her future wife approached.

Misty caught herself day dreaming and shook her head to get the welcome image out of her head. “Ugh! Focus, Misty!” She scolded herself. “The more you think like that, the more it’s going to hurt later.”

That’s what brings us to know as Misty paced around at the beach, waiting for Zipp to show up so she could tell her the truth. Regardless of how futile her chances with the pegasus mare were, Misty couldn’t bring herself to keep it a secret. She had already been hiding things from her friends for long enough. She wasn’t going to continue doing so, even if rejection was going to hurt a lot. Zipp deserved to know how she felt.

She chose to do her confession at the beach as even though she already knew she had a crush on Zipp beforehoof, it was when they spent the day together that made Misty finally decide to come clean.

She just hoped Zipp wouldn’t get too uncomfortable around her after the fact and they could stay close friends.

The sound of wings flapping caught Misty’s attention and she looked up to see Zipp coming in for a landing. “Hey, Misty.” Zipp greeted her before she even touched the ground.

“Hey.” Misty softly greeted back.

For a while, neither of them said anything. The only sound being the call of birds and waves against the shore. Finally, Zipp decided to break the ice. “So, there’s something you wanted to talk to me about in private?” She asked the unicorn.

“Yeah.” Misty slowly nodded.

“Is it something about Opaline?” Zipp guessed. “Maybe a potential weakness you just remembered? A possible battle strategy?”

“No, nothing like that.” Misty shook her head.

Zipp observed Misty’s posture and tone of voice. The unicorn mare sounded absolutely defeated, and that worried her. “Is something wrong? Is somepony picking on you?” She guessed as she started to get upset at the thought. “Whoever it is, I’ll track them down and let them have it!” She declared as her wings flared.

Misty couldn’t help but be touched by Zipp’s protective nature showing. “N-no. No one’s done anything to me. I just need to tell you something that I’ve been hiding for a while now.”

“A while? For how long?” Zipp asked.

“Probably since the Manesquersde Ball, if I’m being completely honest.” Misty admitted before she took a deep breath and swallowed. It was time.

“Zipp, I like you. As in like like you. A lot.”

Zipp didn’t say anything, instead coming off as surprised at the sudden declaration. This was the last thing she expected to hear from Misty. “You do?” She asked, making sure she wasn’t mishearing things.

Misty nodded and continued with her confession. “You just…….you give off the feeling of warmth and safety that nopony else has ever shared with me. I enjoy the time we spend together. Not to mention, you’re just so beautiful.” Zipp listened to what Misty said, a small blush appearing on her cheeks from the compliments she received.

The unicorn mare then looked down in sadness. “But I know that we can’t ever be an item. You’re the future queen. You have a reputation to uphold. And that reputation doesn’t include dating random fillies who don’t even know where they come from.”

“If that’s what you think, then why tell me all this?” Zipp asked.

“Because I’ve lied to you for too long, Zipp. I don’t want to keep secrets from you or the rest of my friends anymore. That’s why I decided to come clean and tell you how I feel. I just hope that you won’t feel too uncomfortable around me and we can still hang out like we usually do.” Misty finished, looking like she was about to cry.

Zipp saw this and was immediately at the unicorn’s side, draping a wing of comfort around her. “Misty…” She carefully pondered what she was about to say. “I’m….. flattered you think of me like that. To be honest, I never expected it.”

“Thanks, Zipp.” Misty sniffled. “I’m just glad that even in rejection you still-“

“Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!” Zipp cut her off. “Who said anything about rejection? I just said I never expected you to feel that way about me.”

Misty looked up at Zipp. A confused look on her face. “What?” She asked. Her heart started to pick up speed, but she told herself to not get her hopes up.

“While I can’t say I’ve been thinking about you the exact same way, that isn’t to say I haven’t gotten at least the smallest crush on you. I just didn’t think you were interested in a relationship and decided to not ponder it too much. But after hearing what you said, I think I can start opening up to those feelings more.” Zipp said with a smile. “That is, if you’ll let me.”

“B-but what about what other ponies will say? You’re expected to-“ Zipp put her hoof over Misty’s mouth to stop her.

“Forget about those. The only ponies who can tell us we can’t be together are ourselves. I say we should give it a try. What about you?”

Zipp looked expectantly at Misty, at the unicorn’s eyes began to water again. But this time for the opposite reason as before. “Yes.” She whispered.

“I’m sorry. Could you repeat that?” Zipp jokingly asked as she rubbed her ear. “I don’t think I quite heard it.”

“Yes, Zipp, I will go out with you!” Misty shouted with excitement before tackling Zipp into a massive hug.

“Whoa!” Zipp almost lost her footing and fell into the water, wobbling back slightly, before coming to a stop and laughing at the enthusiasm. “OK. I think I heard it that time.” She teased.

The two of them shared a quick laugh before they looked into each other’s eyes, Misty getting lost within Zipp’s blue orbs. She was so lost that she didn’t even notice her new marefriend moving in closer before she felt her lips against her own. Surprised at first, Misty quickly welcomed the kiss.

They stayed like that until they needed to part for air. But once they took their much needed breaths, Misty immediately went back in for another kiss, this time catching Zipp off guard as her wings sprung open in surprise.

When they parted again, the two mares began to nuzzle each others cheeks as Zipp wrapped her wings around Misty, bringing the unicorn in close. “I love you, Zipp.” Misty whispered. “I’m so happy I can finally say that. So happy I can finally experience this.”

“I love you too, Misty. And I’ll make sure to keep you happy and give you many more experiences like this.” Zipp promised.

“Thank you.” Misty said before they kissed once again under the setting sun.

Author's Note:

“Hey! This isn’t Path to Peace! What is this?!”

Yeah, probably a little out of left field to suddenly publish an unrelated story, but I couldn’t help myself.

I’ve been wanting to write a BrightStorm (StormBright? DawnStorm? StormDawn?) A Misty and Zipp fic for a while now. And with the latest TYT episode, I just couldn’t resist.

Not really much else to say, so I hope you all enjoyed this short but sweet story.

Comments ( 18 )

They're sooo cutee 💕✨️🥺

That's it. The route my story is taking will remain intact, but I'm officially a StormBright shipper now :raritydespair:

There's not enough nice words to describe this, really. I'm just happy to see Misty happy for once.

Truth was this dream was just that. A dream. She had chance of actually being with Zipp.

Pretty sure that’s a typo

Thanks for the catch.

Don’t worry Hitch! You’ve still got Pipp!

Oh, I’m still mainly Stormblazer. But that doesn’t mean I can’t branch out.

Thank you for this.
Been waiting for a story of this ship to get posted.

I uh, have been shipping them at least since she exposed her lack of CM.
Something about Zipp being the least trusting and suspicious to being one of her closest friends.

I love it 😻❤️😻❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ excellent story🫶🫶🫶🫶

Well...this story was cute, although I don't like ships like this very much, but the story is really cute. I think we need a ship for Opaline too.

Lol, I can see it now. Opalines obsession with Sunny and all the magic. Her being beaten by her and all soon blooms into something she never expected of herself. Respect for sunny? Admiration? A crush? How will she cope when she knows she is the villian and should hate her? Either way, the alicorn and the magic will be hers. But will it be how she expected?

Honestly may be an interesting read.
At least I'd read it just to how it would play out. XD

Well...I'm writing a story about Opaline's past and one of the parts is supposed to be romantic. It's true that Opaline is evil, but that doesn't mean she can't experience love

Comment posted by Misty Arcana deleted Jul 29th, 2023

Of course. Not saying she can't. XP
Just saying the concept of her falling for Sunny would be an interesting thing to see from her perspective as she realizes and fights with her "nature" of being self proclaimed evil. And Sunny being her archenemy and whatnot.

Also, side note. I don't ship them. Just find it interesting concept. XP

I quite enjoyed this! I think you portrayed both Misty and Zipp pretty well here.

After seeing that last TYT episode (and after reading Letting Go), I hope to see these two interact more in both shows. I don't ship them, but I think they have potential for a very sweet friendship. I can really see Zipp taking on a big sister/mentor role to Misty.

I do plan on doing more with these two in Path to Peace once we reach that part in the story.

Just got around to reading this. This ship was something I didn’t know I wanted, but I honestly really like the idea! You executed it extremely well here. I like how you brought up the idea of Zipp’s princess status preventing her from being in a relationship with common ponies as that was a very real thing throughout history. I don’t really have much to say as not much happens, but you did a fantastic job on this. It’s nice to see some lighter standalone stories outside of the main continuity. I should probably do that too. Come to think of it, you could put your new story based on today’s episode in this story’s canon if you wanted to as well. I love seeing these two together.

Nice, I'm not a supporter of same sex couples but I don't judge people who are.


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