• Published 21st Jul 2023
  • 341 Views, 4 Comments

When Cupcakes Rot - Danero

Twilight wakes up to find a package at the door. The contents are not what she remembered ordering.

  • ...

The Aftermath

The ponies of Ponyville were shocked to find their beloved bakery closed the next morning. It was all the townsfolk could talk about. There was no sign of the Cakes or Pinkie Pie. The doors and windows of Sugarcube Corner were locked up and shuttered, and royal guards ensured no pony gained entry. Whatever was going on, it was serious business. The only information the guards were permitted to provide was that all parties involved were safe, but were not here at the moment.

Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy had been told by Celestia herself that Twilight would be in the Canterlot hospital until she was able to fully recover from the severing of her horn. They were also told Pinkie was safe and would be in Canterlot until further notice, and they would not be able to visit her for the time being. Celestia also promised to pay any and all travel expenses for the elements to go visit Twilight. Despite several questions, the details of the previous night were purposefully kept vague. For the most part, they were content with knowing their friends were okay, even if life around Ponyville would not be the same in the coming weeks.

Celestia had asked one of the guards to help Spike clean up the library, and a work order for the new door had already been submitted to the local carpenter, who was paid double to make it post-haste. They had also been tasked with packing up the personal items Spike and Twilight would need while in Canterlot. Twilight was already being taken care of by the doctors in Canterlot, and Celestia had told Spike he could stay in Canterlot to be with her. He wished he could be with Twilight the whole time, but Celestia had made clear that she would need some space during the recovery process. Spike was going to miss the Golden Oak Library, but he would miss Twilight a lot more if he stayed. He made sure to pack Twilight’s favorite books, and the ones she had really been meaning to read. He was sure she’d be able to read them at some point.

The Cakes were provided a one week, all expenses paid trip to the destination of their choice, which they gladly accepted despite being hesitant at first. They needed some time away from the bakery to think about what their lives would look like without Pinkie. It would also take time for everything to be extracted from the basement, even if they didn’t know about that. Furthermore, all of Pinkie’s personal belongings were packed up and sent to Canterlot, as it had been made clear she would no longer be able to lead a normal life in Ponyville, at least, not anytime soon. The Cakes would certainly miss her skills in the kitchen, but Celestia assured them it was for the best. The princess would make sure the basement was completely sealed off, with something stronger than a few boards this time. The Cakes would be back to baking before they knew it.

The perishable baked goods the Cakes had previously prepared were put up for sale on a cart just outside the bakery, manned by another guard. The items sold out quickly, because no pony when more would become available, despite assurances the Cakes would be back. After they ran out, a group of guards poked around other parts of the bakery besides the main storefront, just to be sure nothing was missed. One of the guards found a stash of cupcakes in the kitchen, and tried one. The guard was knocked out cold mere moments later, and the whole batch of cupcakes was thrown out. After a hearty laugh, the guards decided any other discoveries should be similarly discarded.

One of the guards took Owlowiscious to Fluttershy’s cottage first thing the next morning, and she was sure the owl would make a full recovery. He would be staying at Fluttershy’s until Twilight was ready to move back to Ponyville. Fluttershy didn’t mind taking care of him in the meantime.

A temporary librarian was selected and brought in from Canterlot later that week. She was told to let ponies know Twilight was in Canterlot continuing her studies, but she should be back at some point, just not anytime soon.

Once Celestia was able to return to Canterlot, she and Luna had much to talk about. Luna did not fully believe Celestia at first, but after the first few crates of items arrived, her tone shifted. Even she found it hard to believe that a pony with such a nice demeanor could have committed such treacherous acts. While Luna suggested harsher forms of punishment, Celestia thought there was still hope for the element of laughter. Pinkie had told Twilight a lot, and once Twilight was feeling up to it, she had shared several key details. It was clear to the sisters that Pinkie could reasonably be monitored, and rehabilitation was a real possibility. Someday, Pinkie could once again live a normal life. At least, as normal as one could hope while being under constant surveillance. They both agreed Pinkie was still a potential threat, and would have to be treated as such for the good of Equestria. They knew Pinkie was capable of good; they just didn’t want history to repeat itself. Only Pinkie could make the choice to become a better pony.

The basement’s look had been well captured through photographs, and the items down there had been documented in more detail once everything had been shipped to Canterlot. Celestia and Luna were still in debate while this was being completed, but eventually came to the same conclusion. The sisters did not see a need to keep all the physical evidence, not to mention the potential health hazards it could pose. While they wanted to do right by the families of those impacted, the records to even try had been completely destroyed. The one thing Pinkie did keep a log of was the names. The only other details they could work with were the fact most of the victims had been residents of Ponyville, and most of them had been earth ponies. While a traditional burial was out of the question, earth ponies valued returning to the earth as part of their natural cycle. So, a large plot of the Ponyville cemetery was purchased, what could be buried was, and the priest who blessed the souls of the deceased was the only other pony overseeing the burial besides the royal sisters. A memorial was created to honor the pour souls whose lives had been taken too soon. A trio of statues, one of each pony race with the earth pony being most prominent, was surrounded by placards of the names of the victims. A central plaque read:

Here lies the remains of local ponies whose lives were cut short. Each one had hopes and dreams which were never realized, all due to the actions of a dark entity which also called this town home. May their sacrifice serve as a reminder to always look out for one another, and to appreciate the joys of life each day as if it could be the last. There is no darkness and no foe which we cannot overcome when we stand together in love and community.

While many ponies were initially confused, and even a bit scared of this memorial, over time the residents came to embrace it as part of their identity. What had come to pass was done, and the history had been respected, but the future was full of possibility. Celestia had high hopes for Ponyville.


Spike had avoided the photograph and the cupcake on the table while cleaning and packing. They reminded him too much of what had happened. He still saw some of those things in his nightmares. It was a good thing Pinkie had gotten caught, but it was difficult to face the reality Twilight would never be quite who she was before, magically or emotionally. He picked up the cupcake and turned it in his claws. On some level, it looked appetizing, but he kept thinking back to the pony who made it. The pony who hurt Twilight. He brought it closer to his face, staring it down as if he was staring into the blue eyes of its creator. He then proceeded to cough, noticing a pungent smell emanating from the cupcake. A rotten smell which reminded him of where they found her. Whatever it was, Spike wanted no part of it, and he couldn’t imagine Twilight would, either. He unceremoniously dumped the dessert in the trash.

Spike picked up the photograph again, thinking of all the good times Twilight had with her friends. Although Spike wasn’t exactly sure why, he figured she would still want the photograph. With time, Spike would come to understand what the picture really stood for.

It was not only a reminder of the good which had passed, but an inspiration for the good which was still possible.

Author's Note:

While I had always firmly believed a fanfic like this should exist, I had not seriously considered writing it, or even begun to conceptualize it, until I had a vivid dream that left me strongly inspired to write it. I did my best to create a logic that would allow for the original Cupcakes to be possible, and make some sense, with the added notion that there must be some flaw that would allow Pinkie to get caught. She may be experienced, but she hasn’t known Twilight very long. I also did my best to make it feel like an early fandom fiction to match the story line of the original Cupcakes. Basically, I wanted to create a new story which incorporated and respected the original. I care a lot about fairness, and I was not about to water down Pinkie's character. It’s true, the climax leaves something to be desired, but to the best of my ability, the story is how I imagine the interactions between these characters would play out, given the circumstances.

Side Notes:

Would putting caffeine in a cupcake work? Yes! Caffeine does not undergo significant thermal decomposition until about 460°F (238°C), which is hotter than most cupcake recipes call for. You can find plenty of recipes for caffeinated baked goods.

“That is, assuming a creature with such powers could be remembered in order to record its existence.”While this line was added naturally, I also considered it a nod to the grimdark NIGEB by Aquaman.

The clouds had piled up, just as she was told.” This is a direct reference to Dash’s line in Cupcakes “When the clouds pile up, they’ll come looking for me.”

“She really thought it was all a prank, until I dug my surgical knife into her flank.” I really hate this line, but I'm not taking it out.

Question and Answer:

Isn’t erasing memories a bit of a stretch? I will fully admit it is a stretch, even if we assume that Pinkie has powers in the MLP universe that other ponies don’t seem to. However, I think it is easier to swallow and makes the universe work a lot better than any other explanation I’ve seen. Most of the explanations for how Pinkie keeps getting away with it fall apart very quickly if you actually think about them. The original story even notes how many foals she has killed, and parents of dead kids are a force to be reckoned with. Not to mention that there are plenty of married couples. And again, Ponyville is a small town. There aren't secrets in small towns.

So Pinkie doesn’t need ponies for Cupcakes in this story? The idea of needing ponies for cupcakes is a poor cover up for wanting to murder ponies. Yes, clearly she enjoys what she does, but I just don’t think it’s possible to kill ponies at the rates that are detailed in the sequels and get away with it. Not to mention, the amount of material put into each cupcake should be relatively low, so one kill should last awhile if the material is properly stored. It’s not like she sells thousands of cupcakes every week. I would also tend to think that somepony would notice something off about the cupcakes if there was a lot of meat in them.

Magical copy? An existing imprint is magically imprinted onto a blank sheet of paper or parchment. Yes, basically the magical equivalent of a copy machine. I would be shocked if such spells do not exist, and I would imagine the quality of the copy increases with increased magical aptitude, and vice versa.

Pinkie lied about the inspiration, but how much? I figured Pinkie fabricated a lie inspired by the times spent watching Rainbow Dash train, as she does move around fast enough to make even Pinkie’s head spin. Usually lies are fabricated from truth, that’s why the “her” portion stuck out. Pinkie was thinking about Dash.

Celestia is actually concerned? While the elements of harmony had only been used once, Celestia was still very aware of their power and their importance to Equestria’s national defense. Furthermore, the murder of an element of harmony is no small crime, nor is it out of the question that it may have happened again if left unchecked.

“The things that would help them remember.” The way I thought about Pinkie’s mind erasing powers were that affected ponies would completely forget the newly deceased pony ever existed, from what they looked like, to their name, to erasing them from all memories, with slight ability to rewrite more core memories that would otherwise just not make any sense. This helps explain why there was a sort of blur when Twilight tried to remember the day the photo was taken, and why she could not remember Dash’s name or face. This means that any items with the dead pony’s name or face would have to be physically removed from Equestria to ensure everypony could forget. Given the number of victims Pinkie is supposed to have murdered, and given her canonically uncanny understanding of things, I can see her being able to get away with breaking and entering both easily and efficiently. Ponies, in general, also seem to be more reliant on word of mouth and shared experiences than they do physical artifacts, meaning that plenty of ponies would only have memories. Dash being the one that got away honestly makes a lot of sense given Dash’s popularity locally and abroad. Pinkie bit off more than she could chew (for once). If you keep in mind later episodes where Pinkie is already tracking information about ponies, it is not hard to believe that Pinkie would be able to effectively remove such evidence.

Which Pinkie was behind the window? While most people would say the Pinkie/Pinkamena personalities are like two sides of a coin, I would argue they are on a spectrum. You can really see this in the episode “Yakity-Sax,” but I think it was noticeable well before then. Initially in this scene, Pinkie is mostly Pinkie, but is shifting towards Pinkamena, then she shifts right back to Pinkie when she cries, and then she shifts clear over to Pinkamena. I would also say that, even if some memories and behaviors are exclusive to one extreme, Pinkie at least has some self awareness about them. I have always preferred this theory to the idea that she has multiple personalities, since she has such strong situational awareness and self awareness.

Why didn’t Pinkie fight Celestia? Because season 1 Celestia is actually a force to be reckoned with.

Why is Pinkie’s punishment so light? Shouldn’t she be in Tartarus or something? Much like we see in the actual show, it is less what ponies have done that decides their fate, but more what they choose to do in response. MLP has a history of reformed villains, and I see no reason why Pinkamena could not receive the same treatment. However, you’ll note that the princesses plan to keep a close eye on her. Much like with Discord, she will be turned to stone again if she refuses to change her ways. As an aside, therapy is usually a part of rehabilitation, and it is entirely possible that Pinkie could become better with the help of therapy. Everyone deserves a second chance. Also, I’m pretty sure Pinkie could break out of Tartarus, somehow...

How can Pinkie lead a normal life if everypony knows about what she did? Celestia should have been able to provide the public a narrative about what happened that didn’t even hint at the fact that Pinkie did something bad. Very few ponies know the real truth, and most of them would not want to talk about it, anyway. Such a narrative would only serve to strike fear into ponies; the idea that somepony down the street could be a serial killer. I mean, it’s even possible they said Pinkie went back to live with her folks for awhile. I know this was not covered in season 1, but it’s still a plausible possibility. This would make reintroduction easy enough.

It all came full circle? I wrote the first paragraph before I had any idea how the story was going to play out. I can only consider it a sign that this story was meant to be.

Comments ( 2 )

Why would Spike spit on the cupcake, ik it's to spite pinkie, but that also feels disrespectful to the poor pony who died, (don't disrespectful the dead)

I was going to say it was because he didn't really remember RD, but then I was kind of wondering if he even put two and two together to realize there was pony flesh in it. Twilight didn't tell him, and it is not something obvious to the characters of this universe, even if we as the readers know. I'll keep thinking about that and decide if I want to change it or not.

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