• Published 1st Jul 2023
  • 1,737 Views, 13 Comments

Your Faithful Student - Researcher_Harold

Celestia receives a letter from Twilight and must act immediately.

  • ...

Dear Princess Celestia

There was no time, she couldn’t focus. The very second she laid eyes on the letter, she had flown through the stained glass and out of the throne room.

Dear Princess Celestia,

What is the point of life?

It was all Celestia needed to forget the pony in her throne room and burst through the stained glass, caring not for her well-being or the pony in the throne room. The glass shouldn’t reach them, they’d be fine. She had no chance to concentrate on her magic, time was of the essence.

Ever since that accident three years ago, I find everyday tasks so monotonous and boring, and I can’t find the will to wake up in the morning.

Celestia was already soaring through the sky, not caring about the onlookers from down below. She had her magenta eyes squarely set on Ponyville. She needed to get there as fast as possible.

I often find myself asking the same questions. ‘Why do I have to wake up?’ ‘Why do I have to do this or that?’ I can’t take it. It's like I lost a part of myself.

Celestia felt her heart slowly cracking in two. Please, Celestia desperately thought, let me make it in time.

My 'friends' tried as best as they could. They brought me places, bought me gifts, and spent time with me. Though, it did nothing. What excitement is there in emotionless grey blobs?

Celestia didn’t even notice the cone of air forming in front of her hooves as she flew, growing faster and faster. Please!

Every time I lay down to sleep, I find myself restless, wondering if I’m just some useless waste of space. Wondering if I’m just trash waiting to be thrown out. I feel useless. No, I am useless.

Celestia squinted her eyes against the air berating them, crying out internally. PLEASE! LET ME REACH HER!

I write to tell you one thing, Princess…

“PLEASE!!!” The cone of air begins to sharpen, crackling violently as tears stream out of Celestia’s magnificent eyes,


The pressure cannot hold the alicorn back any longer as it breaks and explodes outward in a brilliant fiery explosion of radiant yellow, oranges, and reds, spreading outward in a sun-like pattern. With a trail of fire following Celestia, she lands in front of Twilight’s treehouse violently, creating a crater in the ground. She wastes no time barging the door open into the library. Empty.

Your faithful student forevermore,
Twilight Sparkle

Celestia hurried up the stairs to Twilight’s room, slamming the barricaded door open with her body. The door gives way easily and Celestia flops to the floor. Wasting no time, she looks around the room and spots her faithful student. Hanging from the ceiling. Celestia lost herself to her sadness for a brief second.

However, hope wasn’t lost, as she was still struggling. Celestia immediately cut the rope with her solar magic and caught Twilight in her hooves and wings and lost control. Celestia began to openly weep as she held Twilight close.

“I’m sorry… Twilight… I’ve failed you…” Celestia whimpered out as Twilight feebly moved underneath her.

“P-princess…?” Twilight croaked out, her voice hoarse.

“Shh… it’s okay… I’m here for you…”

“P-p-... princess…” Twilight began to sniffle and weep as she grabbed Celestia back. Celestia’s mane slowly wrapped around Twilight, covering her in reassuring warmth.

Several hoof steps from down below ran up the stairs and into Twilight’s room, where they rudely barged in.

“Just what the hay is-” The familiar voice of Applejack died off as she took in the scene. Her other friends, confused by her silence, walk behind her and gasp. Hanging from the ceiling is a loose rope, and on the floor, wrapped in a hug by Celestia, was Twilight Sparkle, with a noose still tied around her neck. A fallen chair symbolizes what almost happened.

“T-Twilight…” Rarity tried to speak up but only succeeded in getting a feeble whimper out of her mouth.

“No…” Rainbow Dash was shocked and taken aback, tears already forming in her magenta eyes.

Fluttershy was silent, only whimpering with tears streaming down her face.

Applejack was also silent, the only thing in her eyes being shock and despair.

“Why…?” Pinkie stared on with large, shocked eyes, her mane hanging by her side, completely straight and devoid of color. Her fur also seemed to be drained of color.

Twilight took notice of her friends, but Celestia shielded her eyes with her wing.

“No… its just us for now… focus on us…” Celestia did not falter on her motherly grip, the only sign of movement being the sobs racking her body

Twilight seemingly couldn’t hold herself together anymore. The dam within her shattered into innumerable pieces, and Twilight wailed in despair.

“I’m sorry…! I’m sorry…!” Twilight cried, pressing her face into Celestia’s chest fur.

“I know… I know…” Celestia controlled her tears, comforting Twilight as she wept.

“I’m sorry…! I’m sorry… I’m so… so… sorry…” Twilight veered closer to complete despair, with Celestia as her only comfort.

“There is nothing to be sorry about, my faithful student. Nothing at all.” Celestia quietly spoke, caressing Twilight’s mane with a golden shod hoof. “Don’t be sorry… don’t be…”

“I’m sorry… I’m sorry.” Twilight muttered over and over. Celestia looked over her shoulder at Twilight’s friends and gave them a single look. With that look alone, they all left, leaving Celestia and Twilight alone.

“There is… nothing to be sorry about…” Celestia whispered. “I should apologize… I failed you… I should’ve been there for you… I should have helped you…”

Twilight weakly shook her head.

“No, I am right… This is my fault… it is no fault of yours…” Celestia continued.

“...n-no…” Twilight croaked.

“I’m sorry, my faithful student… I am sorry…” Celestia only increased her grip on Twilight, as if she would disappear at any moment.

“...” Twilight only pressed herself further into Celestia’s chest, her sobs growing stronger.

Celestia sniffled once before pushing herself away from Twilight to look her in her eyes. Magenta eyes met beautiful violet orbs, stained with sadness.

“I’m sorry,” Celestia said with finality. She nuzzled Twilight’s neck in an attempt to calm her. “Let me be here for you, Twilight. Let me help you.”

“...you can’t help me…” Twilight mumbled before averting her gaze.

“If that’s the case,” Celestia turned Twilight’s head to meet her gaze again. Her eyes held a motherly quality, one of sternness, but possessing love. “Then let me try.”

Author's Note:

If you disliked it, don't be shocked, I didn't like it much either. Thought of the idea randomly, decided to expand upon it. This was the result.

Comments ( 13 )

A bit dark, but good story nonetheless!

Well written, I do wish it was explained or hinted why Twilight felt the way she did, but it's still a good read.

Boy howdy did I pick a good story to read this morning. Now my cereal is ruined

Random? Surely not! And I can see a messed-up Twilight being all broken up like that, even if you did leave out the reason of her emotional upset in the first place. Nevertheless, it is a tale that does jerk a tear or two. Have a like and a moustache: :moustache:

If any are confused as to why Twilight is like this, I recommend that you read the sequel, which delves into the why.

I Felt some desperation while Celestia was trying to reach Twilight on time. Doesnt matters in which state you are, you can always recover from It. And Celestia knew she Just needed to be fast enough to not let Twilight do something she would regret forever. Great story. :pinkiesad2:

I am confused as to what wrong with twilight. She did something bad to herself and I know what her problem is. ( or I think I know what her problem is ). What I am confused about is if her problem effect every pony she interacts with or just the ponies she interacts the most ?

Honestly this is a well written story. So good my eye shat a tear
I don't know why but I think the reactions of the others was to much for me, as soon as I saw AJ pop up and what she was about to say, I had to bite the side of my cheek before the reflex to slam my fist into my laptop's screen came to mind internally screamed. Now don't get me wrong I love when there's a lot of reactions in stories but this one just seemed.... sour like I couldn't get myself to read their reactions I managed to get a glimpse of what Pinkie was talking about because I scrolled down when I saw AJ's reaction and I instantly scrolled down to skip her reaction along with the others a well, I'm going to try to at least read one of their reactions and read it like a man :moustache:. Good story though

I have not once written Applejack before this fic, and it would help immensely if I could get some clues on how Applejack speaks and acts. (I don't watch the show extensively)

AJ is quite a tricky character to write about, starting with the country accent of course and with how the way she acts. Sometimes people overdue the accent or sometimes they completely remove the accent but that's ok as long as you keep her personality, which is, honesty, bravery, and mostly a caring pony (98% of the time). With this in mind I'm sure people will understand who you are trying to write about and may even help out. Me, myself, honestly I'm afraid I won't be much use for this question sadly but I'm sure someone else who knows Apple Jack well will be able to help out, and if you can't find help, this might sound really.... sketchy but google is always a second option. Oh and don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I didn't like the way you made AJ react, in general I just internally cringed, not that the reactions were bad, no they really were interesting, but to me honestly I'm just a drama queen sometimes when I read dramatic or sad or dark stories :raritydespair:. Again such an interesting story you have written.

Amazing story with a good ending, I like dark stories but only if there's a good ending although I do have 1 quastion, wasn't teleporting an option? Celestia knows where the library is, she could have easily teleported to her unless you want to use the reason that Celestia was under stress and wasn't thinking straight as her one goal was to reach Twilight as fast as possible.

I would much rather use the idea that teleportation requires some level of focus, and with very stressful event occurring, even Princess Celestia would find it hard to focus enough to teleport. And, yes, Celestia's one goal was to reach Twilight under any circumstances, and that's why she wasn't afraid to break the sound barrier to reach her student.


She had no chance to concentrate on her magic, time was of the essence.

There's this in the story.

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