• Published 12th Jun 2023
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My Little Pony: The Flurry Heart’s Story - Arkogon

This is about Flurry Heart’s story of how it all happened. How Equestria was divided, and how creatures and ponies no longer unite.

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Chapter 6: Finishing the Evil

As the sun rises, Princess Twilight was on the balcony still waiting if Discord succeeds in convincing the dragon not to turn creatures against her. She thought maybe he hadn't succeeded and she started to return to her throne. Before she was, Discord pops out of nowhere with firecrackers celebrating his success.

“I made a friend!” He shouted. “I told you I can convince him to be my friend.”

“But did he agree?” She asked.

“He did,” said Discord. “I am Discord, Lord of Chaos. I can do whatever I want with my magic.” He snaps his finger and a celebration party pops out of nowhere. “He agrees no more revolution against you anymore as long as he trusts you.”

Twilight couldn’t be sure how he did it but believe him. “Thank you, Discord. I guess we can trust you more than being a chaos. Fluttershy really supports you as a friend. After all, I’m your friend too.”

Discord smiles, and Twilight returns to her throne. But his smile faded after what happened. Earlier that night, he joins his side and listens to what he must do to save Fluttershy.

“If you wanted to save your best friend,” said Clipso. “We must slow down their resources if we ever want to save Equestria. By starting with their treasure they stored evil artifacts.”

“Princess Twilight’s treasure-”

“Don’t call her a princess,” he warned him not to call her that.

“Okay,” he apologized. “Twilight Sparkle’s treasure room. Yes, she keeps all those… evil artifacts… at the only place my best friend Fluttershy told me.”

“Then make sure you go there and do not get caught.” said Clipso. “But you won’t. I already see you will gain her trust. But as long as you help me, you and Fluttershy can finally be together again.”

Discord agrees, and back to the present when he gains Twilight’s trust. But for a moment, she asks if he’s okay because of the way he’s doing.

“Is there something wrong?”

“No,” he responded. “Not at all, I’m Discord, Lord of Chaos. Nothing’s wrong with me.” He disappears with a snap, leaving Twilight wonders why.

At Twilight’s Castle, Luster Dawn waits for friends to show. And they did, they arrived and sat back on what she had to say.

“So, we’re gonna meet somepony?” Hazel Garden asked. “You sure he likes us to be invited?”

“That's what he said, to bring my friends along.” Lusted said, “I just hope you guys can, you know, be normal and try not to embarrass yourself.”

“Embarrass ourselves,” Ambrosia asked. “Luster, why would we be? We’re your friends, and you like us the way we were.”

“She might have a point.” Sundance pointed out. “Remember the lesson we learn from Rarity. She once was too embarrassing in front of the royals with her friends. And when she told them, they actually love for her friends to join. Even if your new friend meets us, he might accept us as a friend also.”

He was right, the lesson they learn from Rarity. No matter if you think you are embarrassed of yourself because bringing your friends along doesn’t mean you have to lie or change them to be what you want them to be. But being yourself is one way we can learn from each other. Luster accepts being herself and ready to bring her friends to meet her new friend. When ready to go, Discord pops in front of them with a surprise.

“Discord?” She asked with surprise.

“Oh, sorry, I didn’t realize somepony was here.” He said, then looked and saw her friends were there. “And creatures. Didn’t mean to surprise you all.”

“Baron wasn’t surprised. He was never surprised.” He said, not to be surprised.

“Anyway, we’re just gonna head out and meet a friend I met,” said Luster. “But why are you here?”

“Oh, I just love coming here all the time.” He played out. “I have full days of doing my chaotic magic whatever I want.” As he snapped his finger, he made them wear ridiculous clothes and they laughed, but not Ambrosia.

“Hey!!” She yelled.

Then Discord snaps, returning them back. “Apologize, thanks Twilight for letting me free. I now can do anything.”

Then he snapped another, popping out a celebration of his free chaotic time. Luster and her friends stare for a long time and decide to leave, letting him have his fun.

“Well, I think it's time for us to go.” She and friends left. “Have chaotic fun!”

As they left, he stopped and snapped everything away. He wanders around searching for the treasure room, and finds it. He remembers what Fluttershy told him about a barrier keeping anypony and creature out of it. But he knows how to break it, thanks to Clipso’s vision, he snaps when a note appears and reads it carefully. He said in a language spell as the barrier disappeared and entered to find artifacts around. Discord then snaps them all disappear and himself back to Dragon Land where Clipso was waiting.

“Just in time you got them,” he said. I was wondering what’s taking you so long.”

“I ran into some ponies and creatures.” Discord said, “But I got the artifact you asked for.”

Clipso checks if he did bring every artifact. When checking, he found something he doesn’t like. He brought it out with the palm of his claw, revealing it to be the Alicorn Amulet.

“That’s an Alicorn Amulet,” said Discord.

Clipso looks directly at it and imagines from his mind hearing the destruction of what the alicorn can do with its power. “It was….” he said, then he closed his hand, squeezing it, until he stopped and revealed pieces of molten amulet.

Discord was surprised, “How…?”

“My magic isn't the same as theirs.” He said. “As you can see, my soul and armor are one with me, giving me the power of Equestria. I owe everything to it.” Then he scoured around the stuff and found the Staff of Sacanas. “The Sacanas staff, wielded by Storm King. Takes magic from ponies and creatures. It used to take the alicorns’ magic, and now, it holds the lightning storm magic.”

“So we’re gonna use it to take away their magic?” he asked, thinking that's what they're gonna do.

But then, he crushed it with his claw, destroying it. The staff was now shattered with pieces of remains. “I don’t use any evil artifacts compared to me. I am no evil.” He then returned back scouring the stuff and found the magical talisman.

“The Bewitching Bell,” said Discord. He remembers how the main villains use it to drain his power.

“And it still holds Grogar’s power.” Clipso recalled. “You pretended to be him but failed to let the villain take your powers. I see I cannot destroy it, according to the legend, it must be hidden somewhere that no one will be able to find it again.” He zaps it with his horns as it disappears from his palm.

“Wait, what?” he asked, then Clipso answered his question.

“I send it somewhere it can be hidden,” he said. “The bell will never be used by evil anymore. But I still need more artifacts to destroy. Find them, and bring them to me.” Then he walked away. “In the meantime, I have another problem.”

“Problem?” Discord asked.

“A threat will return soon, and I have to stop it.” He informed Discord. “Continue finding them, I will deal with them.”

He spread his mighty wings and flew out from the ground, leaving Discord to snap his fingers and disappear to find more artifacts from Equestria.

Somewhere around Equestria, Luster and her friends arrive at the hill and wonder where they are.

“Okay, where are we anyway?” Ambrosia asked. “We literally follow all the way here to this cliff. You sure you’re reading it right?”

“I am,” Luster replied. “This has to be the right way.” She looks at the note again. “It said here, “Head straight where the sun rises, keep moving up to the hill, and there, you will see the amazing scene.”

As she said, she stops not knowing what it means. But her friends look up, staring at something that amazes their eyes. Luster wasn’t paying attention as Hazel lifted her chin letting her see the amazing scene. A beautiful ocean glint by the sun, as Luster and her friends were amazed by the sight.

“That is the most beautiful sight I have ever seen.” Hazel said. “I never knew this place was so special.”

“It is.” They look back and see Argyle arrive with his satchel bag. “You made it.” He said, then saw she brought her friends. “And these must be your friends.”

“Yeah,” she was nervous then introduced them. “Guys, meet Argyle Starshine. Argyle, meet my friends. Ambrosia, Sundance, Hazel Garden, and Baron.”

They introduced themselves, as he was glad to meet them. “Great friends. And it's great to see you all.”

“Baron likes to meet you,” said Baron.

“So great to meet another earth pony,” said Sundance. “Luster has been telling us about you.”

“She did?” He asked.

“She totally did.” Ambrosia answered. “She told all about you, you like researching.”

“Mm-hm,” he nodded. “I spent a lot of time doing research. That’s why I carry them in my bag.”

“So you're an architect,” Hazel asked. “You must’ve come here to continue studying alone in this beautiful ocean.”

“Yes, but I spent my research at my place.”

“What place?” She asked.

“Come, I’ll show you.” He let them follow, as they wonder what place he’s taking them. And they arrived at his place. “Welcome to my lighthouse.”

Luster and her friends were amazed by his lighthouse he used to research. They all went inside and saw many artifacts he had been researching. They were amazed and began looking at stuff.

“So you collect junk just to do research?” Sundance asked.

“Yup,” he replied. “I did these things that I found or bought from Equestria. But I’m getting close.” As he shows them what he had learned. “These things I collect I learn they were not from old time, but very old time from the beginning. If I understand where they came from, then the answer will be discovered.” The friends think he may be too carried away from his research, but Luster likes what he's been doing to learn of forgotten history. “If you guys can look around, you can. Just be careful, they’re breakable.”

They understand and look around, as he and Luster were alone time. “So, what do you want to do?” She asked.

“Well, I do need help from this.” He showed her the pictures tag to the wall diagonal line and another. “It’s hard for me to learn what it all means. Perhaps I needed a assistance.”

She smiled and will assist to help him out.

Meanwhile, Clipso arrived at the Canterlot Courtyard at night. He looked around searching for something he knew what’s coming until he found it. The statue of the Mean Three, still there covered in vines and moss.

“Found you,” he said, walking up to them. “I knew you’d be here. Even if you are still stone, but won’t be for long.”

He concentrated his spell and horns began to sparks, as it zaps them. The statue started to crack and broke free the villains, as they were awakened from their prison.

“Wooh,” Cozy Glow felt dizzy. “What happened?”

“What do you think happened,” Tirek replied. “We were encased into statues by those two alicorn princesses and that draconequus. We should’ve destroyed them instead of keeping them alive. And whose fault is that?” He looks directly at Chrysalis, blaming her for prisoning Celestia and Luna.

“Me?” She talked back. “I only need something to feast on. Cozy here think we should torture Twilight’s friends for fun but instead get us lose.”

“Oh, come on!” Cozy startled. “Tirek was the one who got upset and set them free.”

Then both started to complain until they stopped noticing he’s standing there listening to their argument.

“Who are you?” Chrysalis asked, and he answered.

“I am Clipso, I am the leader of the Creature Revolution against the alicorn. I have come to free you and end Twilight Sparkle and her friends.”

“Leader of the Creature Revolution?” Tirek question. “Never heard of that. But I do love some creatures against the alicorn.”

“I want in,” Cozy said, wanting to join. “I was so ready to get my revenge on those ponies again.”

“Yes, revenge.” Chrysalis announced. “We will have our revenge, and finally take over Canterlot then Equestria.”

Before they could all agree, strange magic captured them and were forced in the air. Clipso has them in his grip and won’t release, making them confused what's going on.

“What is this?!” She asked, aggressive. “What in Equestria are you doing?”

“I am no evil,” Clipso responded. “I only see to save Equestria from the alicorn. Including dealing with the threat of evil. I see you three will escape from your prison but I stepped in stopping you.”

“Actually, you set us free.” Tirek explained. “You just free us from it. That’s how we escaped.”

“You believe that because you see.” Clipso said. “But me, I see the both of you free and begin to turn others against each other. And steal their magic. But it won’t happen again, cause none of you will ever exist.”

With that they don't understand, he opens a rift behind them leading to an unknown void. “What are you doing?” Chrysalis demands to understand what’s going on.

“A void where you three will be,” said Clipso. “Forgotten, disappear into the eternity of this world forever. No creatures will ever remember your destruction and evilness of this. I will save Equestria, I will make sure they get the message of understanding I am no evil.”

Then he cast them both into the unknown void where they would never threaten Equestria again. He walked away ready to leave, but stopped and looked at the Nightmare Moon statue. So he zaps it, destroying it just not liking them very much and leaves.

Back with Luster, she and Argyle were doing research together as friends. But she was almost tired from learning, and he sees it.

“Feeling tired?” He asked.

“Almost,” She yawned. “I never knew you stayed up so late.”

“I do sometimes,” he said. “Researching is my favorite thing in Equestria.”

Luster chuckled, and later asked how research became part of his life. “So, how did you end up becoming an architect?”

“Well,” he tells his story. “It started when I was in ponyville. My parents sent me to school to help me find my cutie mark. I was told to show my presentation but I didn't have any until I found a relic giving me to research. And when it’s time for the presentation, I present my research to them. But it got boring for them until my teacher appreciated my work. And with it, I got my cutie mark.” As he shows her his cutie mark, a shooting star of rainbow.

“Wow,” Luster likes his cutie mark. “That rainbow shooting star, I guess it means….. Something.”

“Yeah, I get that a lot.” He figured. “But I know it means to me. Say, do you want me to show you something?”

“I love that, too. I mean, I like that.” She said, not to mention what she said.

So he brought her up to the lighthouse and showed her the view at midnight. She was seeing the beautiful ocean with her eyes as she was amazed.

“Do you always come here? Not at home?” She asked.

“I do come home,” said Argyle. “But I always come here to look at the view. Because it reminded me there’s more mystery out there waiting to be discovered. And if anything out there I can research, and secrets will be revealed.”

She smiles and continues to stare at the oceans, as he too stares. Then both were getting close to each other until their friends were watching.

“Whatcha doing?” Ambrosia asked, with her friends smiling.

“Nothing!” They both said it at the same time.

And her friends chuckled and joined them. They all watch the night together and wait when they’re tired.

At Crystal Empire, Flurry Heart continues watching the night as her father Shining Armor sees she still up.

“Flurry, should be in bed,” he said.

“I can’t,” said Flurry. “I’m not that tired to sleep.”

“Well, you should.” Shining said, “You’re going to visit Auntie Celestia and Luna tomorrow if you stay up late.”

“I don’t want to.” She said, “I don’t want to sleep in the middle of the night.”

“Sweetie, you have to.” He said, “Your mother wants to make sure you're ready. I don’t wanna let you be tired without sleep.”

Before he could get her to go to bed, she asked him about it. “Dad, are you sure we’re not that evil?”

“What?” He was startled. “No, what in Equestria told you that?” As he paused, he soon realized she overheard them talking from the room. “Were you listening?”

“Yes,” She admitted. “How could you keep this from me? Or everypony?”

I’m sorry,” Shining exclaimed. “We can’t tell them what’s coming. If we do, then everypony will start freaking out and be scared.”

“And what about me, your daughter?” Flurry asked. “Were you gonna tell me sooner or later?”

Shining sighed and told her why no ponies know about this. “I was. Well, me and your mom. We were gonna tell you, but you’re not ready to learn it. But I guess you already know.”

Flurry was mad at her father, and her mother, who did not tell her the dragons were no longer their friends anymore, but followers of Clipso. He tried to explain but heard a flapping sound from the sky. He looked at the sky and saw something big coming towards them, until it came into the light revealing to be Clipso.

“What is he doing here?” Shining asked, confused why he’s here.

He hurried and woke Cadance, telling her Clipso is here in the Crystal Empire. “What? Here? Why is he here?”

“I don’t know,” he said. “But I don’t like what he's doing. We gotta make sure why he’s here.”

She agreed and asked every guard to come with them. They meet outside and see him coming, as he's been waiting for them.

“Hmm, Shining Armor and Princess Cadance, thought you came to meet me,” Clipso figured.

“We did,” Cadance said. “What are you doing here, Clipso?”

“I only came here to deal with your enemy,” he said.

“Enemy?” Shining asked. “We don’t have an enemy. Not around in the Crystal Empire.”

“That’s the reason.” Clipso added. “You and your princess do not focus on one thing that troubles you around here. But I do.”

“And what are we not focusing on?” She asked.

“The enemy who almost took control of your Crystal Empire.” He said, and they understood the enemy he was talking about.

“King Sombra?” Cadance replied. “But Twilight and her friends defeated him. He’s no longer a threat.”

“That’s when you're wrong.” Clipso added. “He’s still here. But not here yet. I am gonna bring him here and deal with your problem.”

“Bring him here?” Shining startled. “Are you crazy? What kind of dragon will bring him back to the Crystal Empire after what happened?”

“I know what happened here.” He recalled. “Twilight and her friends use the Elements of Harmony to defeat him, but fail and let him destroy the Tree of Harmony with the elements. And instead, they defeat him. But that wasn’t enough to get rid of him. If he comes back, he’ll just do it again and we’ll all be done for.”

“Are you suggesting you gonna get rid of him?” Cadence asked.

“It’s my opportunity to deal with evil.” He recommended it. “But the only thing that can bring him out from his hiding is to get rid of the Crystal Heart. So, if you let me do my part then evil will never again have to harm us anymore.”

Shining and Cadance were afraid he’s gonna make a big problem, bringing Sombra back will bring devastated to Equestria. And Cadance asked, “And what if we refuse?”

“Then I have to do it myself.”

Before he heads to the Crystal Palace, Shining orders the guards to stop him. “Stop him! Don’t let him reach the crystal.”

All of them tried to stop him but he did not feel like stopping. They use spells and cast on him but still nothing affects him. Cadence then tried to keep him away, and it got his attention and blasted her with his horns. This attention Shining as he hurried to help her, and Clipso kept moving forward to the palace but the guards shot out spells which got his attention. He tail whipped out of his path and continued onward.

As Shining helps Cadance, she then tells him he has to stop him. “Shining, you cannot let him reach the crystal. Go!”

He understands and hurries to stop Clipso. But he arrives and sees the Crystal Heart with his eyes. “Crystal Heart, you've been keeping evil away to protect this empire. But I will do this a favor.”

And when he reaches it, Flurry appears and tries to back him off. “Don’t even touch it!”

Clipso did not fear her but stared right at her. “Flurry Heart, the Daughter of Love. You have saved Crystal Empire and your family from a winter storm.”

“You know who I am?” She asked.

“I know everything, I know your friend Luster Dawn.” He speaks. “And your aunt Twilight Sparkle. I am here to clean her and your friends’ mess they left behind.”

Flurry was startled and couldn’t move, but her father arrived and saw her with Clipso. “Flurry! Get away from him!”

He rushes in to save her but Clipso smacks him with his tail to the wall, as they continue talking. “Don’t worry, I’m not gonna hurt him. No interrupt. As I said, I’m only rid of evil. I am not like King Sombra, I am something more like my brothers and sisters. I was reborn by Equestria, giving me a new life to be free from my chain. And you can be free if you let me do my part.”

“Don’t listen to him!” Shining shouted. “He's trying to trick you!”

“I’m not lying.” He said, speaking with his words. “I am telling the truth.” Then he stared at her eyes. “Tell me. If I were to lie, would I have said not to hurt your father? Is that what you think?”

She couldn’t look away from his eyes but he was telling the truth. She sees he may be right, he can get rid King Sombra from Equestria if he must touch the Crystal Heart. That’s when she let him go, and he began what he must do. He grabbed the Crystal Heart from the pedestal and held it in his claw. Cadance arrives from her recovery and sees him holding it, but it seems he’s not doing anything but looking at it. With no thinking, Clipso crushed it with his claw and the heart was shattered into shards.

“NOOO!!!” Cadance yelled and used spells on him, but he deflected it and blasted her to the wall.

“Mom!!” She rushes over to her, and Clipso releases Shining from his tail.

The family reunite, but a maniac laugh echoes around them as the darkness returns and a storm comes, King Sombra returns laughing as the Crystal Heart was destroyed. “At last, I have returned. And the Crystal Empire is mine.”

“And it will never be yours, King Sombra.”

He looked back, seeing Clipso waiting for him. “And you are?”

“I am Clipso,” he answered. “And I am here to banish you from this world.”

Then he laughed evilly. “You? Banishing me? Pathetic! I am King Sombra! And no creature banishes me, not even you are working with the princess.”

“I do not work with princess! I don't served alicorn.” With rage, Clipso began striking him with a bolt of magic.

But Sombra just dodges it then uses a spell to enter his mind. “Let’s see what's inside your mind.” As he searched, something went wrong. His evil smile went to terrified. “Your thoughts, you don’t have any thoughts.”

“Of course I don’t.” He responded, not struggling. “I have no Fear!”

Then he unleashes his rage, knocking Sombra to the floor. With him weakened, he was scared begging for mercy. “Wait, I won’t do any more evil. I’ll return to my darkness and never come back! Never show my face around Crystal Empire, or Equestria!

“Evil must be banished,” said Clipso. “Evil will never again return to Equestria. And, evil always lies.”

Sombra begs and pleads more, but Clipso doesn’t care and then sends him to the place where he never again returns to Equestria. Soon, he was now gone forever and the Crystal Empire was safe. But Crystal Heart was shattered and he doesn’t care then leaves.

“Stop!” Shining shouted. “You destroy the Crystal Heart! You are placed under arrest!”

“You still don’t get it, do you?” He said, speaking with his words. “You did not see what I just did. I have got rid of your nemesis because the Alicorn did nothing but control everything, just like I have to destroy that Crystal so your Alicorn will not force love to these ponies. Such a pity she can’t do it anymore.”

An enraged Shining was about to attack him, but Cadance stopped him to let it go and confronted Clipso. “Clipso, we know your turning creatures against us. We do not control everything that you believe.”

“You said that just to make me believe you are good.” He added. “Nothing will convince me of what I have seen. I’m the only one who foresaw the Alicorn’s controls. I freed myself from their chain, and I alone can free Equestria from everything that you and your Sister-in-law did to do what you all want. And once every creature joins with me, all of you will be alone with ponies you all enslaved.”

He then spread his mighty wings and flew away, leaving them of what to do because the Crystal Heart has been destroyed and no ponies will be safe again. Shining Armor and Princess Cadance see the shattered crystal, then look at Flurry Heart who did nothing but trusted him.