• Published 9th Jun 2023
  • 420 Views, 28 Comments

I am still here - Idiotboy24

´Why won´t they leave me alone? What did I do to be haunted, by these monsters?´

  • ...

Why do they hate me?

Eric approached the entrance of the classroom, he could hear the chattering of the students. the He knew what would happen as soon as he stepped through the door, they were all going to stare at him with mocking eyes while Mrs. Cheerlie would look on with shame and disappointment, he prepared to face the music slowly peeking around the corner into the room he saw everypony there just talking.

Without another word he bolted towards his chair managing to get in his seat without issue, but when he looked up straight ahead, all of them were staring at him and just like he thought they all had mocked him with their eyes. The only ones that seemed to pity him were the CMC, they could only watch their friend shrink in his seat from the immense pressure of the class.

“Mr. Eric, it appears you are late again, eighth time in two weeks. Very record breaking I might say, but it it not a good thing.” The voice made itself known, as Eric could only look on in fear at Mrs. Cheerlie who stared at him with disappointment like he had predicted.

“Sorry Mrs. C-Cheerlie, I-I-I just got s-sidetracked.” He meekly explained while stuttering, causing her to sigh heavily as she placed her hoof on her face.

“This is getting out of hoof, Eric. I´ll have to arrange a meeting with your mother later this afternoon, but for now just follow along.” Eric nodded at her words with a frown, as he just sat there listening to her talk about the subject on the board. It all went away when he heard snickering, looking up to see both Diamond Tiara and SIlverspoon they laughed at his misery he saw Sweetiebelle looking at him with pity, his frown changed to the smallest smile ever before reverting back to the same frown he had been holding for minutes.

This was going to be a long day for him.

Recess had come around after a long class, Eric began heading towards the farthest bench away from the other students. He heard them all snicker as he passed by, making snarky comments as well he tried to ignore them as best as he could successfully making his way to the bench. He sat down unpacking his snacks for the moment, he was eating peacefully by himself in one of the few moments he actually felt free of the pain, but it was all shattered by a new voice who he didn´t want to see.

“What an embarrassing entrance, I´m surprised they´d let a colt like you come to school. After all you´re just stupid and scared, nopony likes you so why don´t you just leave you freak!” Eric turned to see Diamond Tiara and Silverspoon smugly looking at him, his frown increased upon hearing that word. Freak

He wasn´t on the greatest mood at the moment especially after everything he had been through, it was starting to get to him, the pressure was getting too much for him to handle. He didn´t want to make his situation worse, and Diamond´s nasty comments weren´t helping.

With a deep breath he finally responded to Diamond Tiara. “Look, I am not in the mood right now. I already have to deal with the crap that everypony else gives me, so go away and pick on somepony other than me.”

He began walking away only to be blocked by her, she didn’t even try to hide her scowl it was clear on her face how she felt after his request. “Why should I bully somepony else? Unlike those blank flanks, you are nothing. You’re the weakest colt I’ve ever met, and you think it’s funny to spread lies, about monsters you think you see? At this point you should’ve left town.”

Eric was on the verge of losing it, he didn’t want to deal with her anymore today. He quickly ran around her, accidentally making her trip over and fall onto the ground. He made his way back towards the schoolhouse, hiding behind the wall out of sight.

Once he sat down he felt the tears on the brim of his eyes, but he didn’t let them fall. He couldn’t let Diamond Tiara be proven right, he had to remain strong no matter what happens to him.

The sounds of the other colts and foals gasping, and audibly speaking reached his ears as he felt the fear of what consequences would follow from accidentally tripping Diamond Tiara.

His thoughts however stopped, when he looked ahead of him and saw eyes. Dark, Lifeless, Judgemental, Empty eyes.

The staring from both parties continued as Eric started to breathe quicker and quicker, his heart beats were loud enough to sound like drums.

This felt like it went on for hours, days, months? He didn’t know. Suddenly he was pulled out of his panicked trance, when a voice called out loudly. “Eric!”

He snapped his head towards the direction of Cheerlie’s voice, before snapping back to where he had been staring only to find nothing there.

Without anymore hesitation he walked slowly around the corner, to see Cherrie looking at him with disappointment along with everypony else except the CMC.

“Eric! You should know better to not physically hurt anypony, you’ll be coming to my office immediately after recess and your mother will be taking you home!” Cheerlie berated.

Eric held his solemn expression knowing very well he couldn’t argue back, but he tried. “It was an accident, besides she was calling me a ‘freak’ and being nasty.”

Cheerlie however shook her head. “No lying, you can save it for your mother! Now come on!” She turned angrily towards the schoolhouse entering.

Eric faced Diamond Tiara who snickered at his punishment, he however didn’t care and followed behind his teacher.

This was going to get very messy.

The silence from the room was unmatched, as Cheerlie stared at the colt with disappointment. “Eric, when is this going to stop?”

He could only face away from her as the images of what he saw earlier kept replaying, those eyes just wouldn’t leave him alone.

Why? Why can’t anypony believe him?

Suddenly the door from behind Eric opened and his mom came in, showing equal amounts of disappointment. “Hello Mrs. Cheerlie.”

“Hello Ms. Falconry, we’re here because you’re son injured another student.” Cheerlie explained.

This made Eric’s mom (who’ll I’ll refer to as Falcony) looked down at her son, whom didn’t face her instead staring at the ground.

“Is this true?” She asked hoping it wasn’t true.

He didn’t respond. “Is. This. True?” She asked more demanding.

Eric finally faced his mother. “It-it was an accident I swear.”

The answer was met with dead silence. “Even if it was an accident, I’m afraid I’ll have to suspend your son for a week.”

Both family members faced Cheerlie for her cold comment. “Why a week?” Falcony questioned heavily.

Cheerlie simply shook her head. “He’s been acting up, not paying attention, continuously ignoring rules and as of today injuring students.

“I don’t want to be this mean, but until he improves this is what has to be done. I’m sorry.” Cheerlie apologised honestly.

Eric simply hopped out of the chair walking towards the door, which caught the attention of both mares. “Where are you going?” Both of them said at the same time.

Eric turned to face them both sighing heavily. “You aren’t sorry, because you let Diamond Tiara get away with so much and have me and anypony else take the fall.

“I really wish I could believe your words, but I don’t. You’re as blind to the the truth as anypony else.” He turned and opened the door leaving the room.

Both mares could only look on in shock at how he spoke, the words cut deep. Very deep. “I’m sorry about that! My son usually doesn’t think to much about what he says, and it causes him say things that aren’t nice and-“ Falcony was cut off by Cheerlie.

“No he’s right to say that. I don’t like being harsh on him, but I can’t do anything else otherwise they’ll kick me out and get somepony nastier to teach them.” Cheerlie told her.

“Spoiled Rich.” Falcony added growling.

“I just hope your son is okay.” Cheerlie added on.

“I’m doing my best, but I feel as though he’ll quit on me. Ever since that day.” Falcony slowly began to tear up.

“What happened that day, exactly? If that’s okay?” Cheerlie requested.

Falcony breathed heavily before facing Cheerlie, with as brave of a face as she could. “It all happened…”

But she couldn’t do it. “You know what, never mind.”

Cheerlie’s ears drooped as she felt worried for Falcony. “Are you sure? I could help you, and-“

But Falcony was already standing up out of her seat. “Thanks for the offer.” She smiled sadly before turning towards the door, leaving the building dead silent.

Cheerlie could only stare in sadness as she wondered, how she could’ve done better to help Eric. But Spoiled Rich had to be a problem, forcing her to be harsh on an innocent student… how she wish things could be different.

Author's Note:

Oh hey this updated wow!

Yeah honestly I don’t really know what to say other than, this story is just dumb.

Say what you want about it I don’t really care, I’m gonna continue working on Sonic: Legend of the Elements.

See you all soon.