• Published 25th May 2023
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G5 Adventures in Scooby-Doo! and the Ghoul School - ponydog127

The Mane 5 and Misty meet up with Shaggy and Scooby-Doo to help them teach a school full of ghouls, but they must leap into action with a new friend when Opaline and Revolta, the Witch of the Web, kidnap Misty and the ghouls for their own gain.

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Garden Hijinks/Retrieving the Ball

The Calloway Military School cadets had run into a huge problem when they went to retrieve their volleyball from Grimwood’s side of the hedge-- Matches had found it first, and he wasn’t guaranteed to give it up without a fight. “It’s the Grimwood’s weird guard dog,” Tug pointed. “And,” Miguel noticed, “he looks mucho hot under the collar.”

“Easy, boy,” Jamal tried to reassure. “We just want our ball.”

But Matches’ only response was to blow fire right at them. “But I think he wants to keep it!” Jamal shouted. “Cadets, advance to the rear!” Tug ordered. “And step on it!!”

This caused the Calloway cadets to flee right back through the hedge before they were burned by Matches’ dragon fire. “I… I guess we’ll be cutting our volleyball practice short,” Grunt panted. Now that the cadets were gone, Matches carried the ball of with a chuckle, knowing exactly what he wanted to do with it.


After ballet class was over and everyone had time to rest, it was time for Zipp to choose the next activity for them to do-- a jog/roller skating through the school grounds. Lucky for the ponies, Sunny brought enough roller skates for all six of them, and everyone else chose to run. “Like, follow us, girls!” Shaggy called out. “There's nothing like a little run to get you in shape!”

“And the boys-- whoa... don’t have to wear a tutu either!” Misty panted, still wobbly since she was just learning to skate. “Yeah! No tutu!” Scooby agreed with a giggle. Further back, Pipp skated alongside Izzy, Sibella and Elsa, and the daughter of Count Dracula sighed happily. “There's nothing like feeling the wind running through your hair!”

“This is good for the heart,” Elsa panted. “Mine are both beating fast.”

“Awwooooo!!! How ya doin’, Tanis?” Winnie asked, trotting alongside Zipp and Hitch. “Great, Winnie!” Tanis said, not panting a bit. “I've got built-in leg warmers!”

That’s when the group skated/ran by where Matches was burying the volleyball he stole off of the cadets. “Hey, Matches! Like, how about burning up a few miles?” Shaggy asked, only for the dragon to growl and shake his head no. “Like, sorry I asked.”

“Gee, maybe his pilot light went out,” Sunny said as she joined them, followed by the other ponies as they came to an apple tree grove. “I just love running through the trees!” Elsa exclaimed. “Me too!” Phantasma giggled, just as Elsa ran past our pony heroes and their friends. “Last one’s a rotten apple!"

At the force of Elsa’s stomps as she ran, apples fell off the trees left and right, causing the group to stumble on the apples and crash into one of the trees, thankfully unharmed. “Like, as long as we’re here, we might as well take a break,” Shaggy said, picking up an apple. “And a bite.”

“Yeah! A bite!” Scooby picked up another apple, as Izzy levitated one up to her mouth with her horn. But when the three bit into them, they instantly spit them out in disgust. “YUCK!!!”

“Don't you like crab apples? They're fang-tastic,” Sibella said, digging her fangs into one and sucked out its juice. “They’re rotten.”

“Blech… you guys have some strange tastes,” Hitch shuddered as he and the ponies got back onto their feet. “Come on… let’s head back before Miss Grimwood gets worried.”


Meanwhile, Matches finished his hole for the volleyball, and was just about to cover it back up when Miss Grimwood approached. “Matches, how many times do I have to tell you?” she scolded. “Don't dig in the pumpkin patch. We need them all for our Halloween open house. And you certainly can't carve that into a jack o'lantern. Now, get rid of it.”

Matches growled, but did as he was told. And just as he was having fun too.


At the same time, Baxter was filling some water balloons at Tug's wishes, for some sort of idea he gained. “Here's another water balloon, Grunt.”

“What are these for anyway, Tug?” Grunt asked, handing the water balloon to his fellow cadet. “Ammunition,” Tug responded simply, and Jamal checked that off the list. “Check, ammunition. How's that air bazooka coming, Miguel?”

“Be patient, guys. It's surplus surplus. Some assembling is required,” Miguel said as he finished his project. “Check, bazooka,” Jamal checked that off. “Is this gonna get our ball back, Jamal?” Grunt then asked. “Check, affirmative.”

“Uh… maybe we should test it out first,” Miguel said. “Good idea, Miguel. But not till I say fire,” Tug told him, before he lifted up a water balloon and muttered to himself. “This should put out that pup's fire.”


“No! Not--” Tug tried to stop him, but ended up getting blown backwards by the force of the bazooka. “--yeeeeeett!!!”

And to make matters worse, when Tug landed, he landed right on the colonel as the water balloon popped, soaking the colonel completely. “Cadet Roper…” the colonel muttered. “What is the meaning of this?”

“Uh… I can explain everything, sir!” Tug tried to explain, pulling the water balloon off of the colonel’s face. “Check,” Jamal gulped. “We’re in trouble!”


Meanwhile, while the cadets (namely Tug and Jamal) were trying to explain everything to the colonel, Matches used his tail to hit the ball back over the hedge. “Our volleyball was missing in action, sir,” Tug explained, causing Jamal to nod. “So we planned a recovery action.”

Just then, the volleyball came up, hit the colonel on the head and right into Baxter’s arms. “I'm the one in need of recovery,” the colonel muttered. “Report to the volleyball court! At once!”

“YES SIR!!” the cadets saluted and ran that way, but Jamal made a quick pit stop first. “Your hat, Colonel Calloway.”

“Thank you, Cadet Williams…” the colonel smiled and put his hat back on, but it shrunk due to being wet. “...for nothing.”


A little while later, Miss Grimwood laid a silver platter with the cover on top on the picnic table, and the floating hand rung a bell for all to hear. “Come and get it, my little ones!”

“Oh boy! I thought you’d never ask!” Hitch said, rather hungry from the exercise they had been doing. “Like, running really revs up the appetite, doesn’t it, Scoob?” Shaggy asked as he and Scooby tied napkins around their necks. “Yeah, appetite!” Scooby responded, taking the silver cover off the platter, revealing a heap of nice steaks. “Mmm…”

“Wow!” Sunny exclaimed, impressed with such a meal. “That looks pretty tasty.”

“Oh, I certainly hope so,” Miss Grimwood said, taking the platter away from Scooby before he could get a steak and carrying the platter to some giant plants nearby. “Nothing's too good for my garden. Come and get it!”

The floating hand tossed the steaks to the plants one by one, and the others watched as the plants devoured them in seconds. “Like, those overgrown flytraps are grabbing all the grub!” Shaggy pouted. “Those look like giant venus flytraps,” Zipp said in thought. “They can eat practically anything... but I hope they'll leave us ponies alone, and for good measure.”

“Can I feed this one, Miss Grimwood?” Tanis pointed to one of the plants. “Can I?”

“Of course, Tanis,” Miss Grimwood nodded. “But be careful. They sometimes bite the hand that feeds them.”

At that moment, one of the plants tried to bite the floating hand, but the hand punched it in order to set it straight. “Don’t worry,” Tanis tossed the steak up in the air. “I’ll be careful.”

The plant immediately gulped down the entire thing, leaving Miss Grimwood to scold it. “How many times do I have to tell you? Chew before you swallow.”

“Hey, Sunny! Why not use those nifty earth pony powers you showed me to get Shag and Uncle Scoob something to eat?” Scrappy asked. “I don’t wanna use my powers for every circumstance, Scrappy... even though I am a little hungry myself” Sunny frowned. “Let’s split up-- there has to be something to eat in this garden.”

“Yeah, right!” Scooby said before he ran off with Pipp flying after him. “Hey! I found some tomatoes!” Scrappy said, and Izzy picked one with her magic before it exploded on them, leaving the pup to grimace in disgust. “Some rotten tomatoes…”

“Like, here’s some squash!” Shaggy said from where he and Sunny stood, but when he picked one up, it exploded on them too. “Yuck… some squished squash.”

Zipp then poked a watermelon that was next to her wuth her hoof, immediately watching in deflate. “And these watermelons have expired!”

“Like, everything in this garden is totally rotten!” Shaggy complained. “Thanks,” Sibella smiled, meaning all of the rotten food was on purpose. “We do our best.”

“But every so often,” Miss Grimwood explained as Elsa threw some fresh corn stalks to the side, allowing Sunny to grab them and stow them away in her bag, “something fresh sneaks in. Thank you, Elsa.”

“Ripe corn… yuck!” Elsa groaned in disgust. Just then, Pipp’s stomach began to rumble. “Oh boy… there's nothing I wouldn’t give for a Zephyr Heights made pizza right now!”

“How much allowance do you have left, Sibella?” Winnie asked. “Uh… a Transylvania dollar,” Sibella held it up. “Well… we should have enough,” Winnie hummed in thought. “Get flapping!”

Sibella lifted her cloak and turned into a bat, screeching as she flew away and causing Shaggy to pass out and Pipp to shriek in surprise.

Scooby, however, was sniffing a new smell he hadn’t smelled before, and was following it to a strange plant close by. When he looked closer at it, the top of the plant had a blinking eye staring right at him! “YIKES!! Shaggy, eyes!” he screeched, running back to his best friend and shaking him awake. “Eyes! Eyes!”

“Rice?! Where?!” Shaggy looked around. “No! Eyes!” Scooby emphasized. “Oh… eyes!” Pipp giggled once she realized what he said. “Why didn’t you just say that?”

“I did!” Scooby tried to protest. But Scrappy and Sunny looked around where Scooby had seen the ‘eyes’, but they didn’t see a thing. “Gee, I don’t see any eyes, Uncle Scooby,” Scrappy frowned. “Like, you were hallucinating, Scoob,” Shaggy assumed. “Hunger makes you do that, you know.”

Scooby was sure he saw eyes… he was sure of it! He just wasn’t sure of where they went. “Awooooo!!” Winnie then howled, pointing to the sky. “You won't be hungry for long, guys!”

Sibella was just now flying in with a hot, fresh pizza for the group, making their mouths water. “One pizza to go with everything on it. Except garlic, of course.”

“Smells wonderful! Smells great!” Shaggy said as he, Scooby and Misty took some slices, making sure to leave some pizza for the others. And to Misty’s surprise, it was actually pretty good! “Hey, what’s on this stuff?”

“Oh… spider webs, snails, and tadpole tails.”

Just the mere thought of what Sibella said was on that pizza was enough to make Zipp and Pipp groan in disgust (quietly of course), but Misty and her cowardly friends actually swallowed their bites of pizza. “Delicious!” Scooby said. “Y-Yeah,” Shaggy added. “Well, like, we're snacking, you girls get cracking. Meet you back at the school!”

“Yeah, right, coach!” Elsa called as Shaggy, the dogs and all the ponies headed back to the school. But, what they didn’t realize was that the evil spider witch Revolta was using the same spying plants that Scooby saw earlier to spy on the Grimwood girls from her lair. “So, the Grimwood girls have a new coach, eh?” she chuckled wickedly. “Ooh, he’ll fit perfectly into my plan.”

That’s when the green, Idaho-potato creature with a singular red eye and light green tentacles chuckled wickedly. “It was a good thing I dropped my venus spytraps into Grimwood's garden! Hee hee hee!”

“You have done well, my Grim Creeper,” Revolta said. “Soon I will have those good little ghouls in my grasp. And then I, Revolta, the witch of the web… will be the most powerful witch in all of monsterdom! Ha ha ha ha ha!!!”

The laughter echoed on for a few moments until a ringing noise, almost like a cell phone, came from a mirror close by, causing Revolta to groan. “Who could that be? MIDNIGHT BREEZE!!!”

Suddenly, out from the shadows came a pony-like creature, trembling a bit in terror. She had a midnight blue coat, slightly longerears than a pony with icy bluish gray tips, a white and blue mane that wrapped around her head, a thin tail with a long tuft at the end, the colors matching her mane, icy blue eyes, icy blue scaly carapaces on her muzzle and on her back, icy blue cloven hooves and a curved midnight blue horn.

Ponies from ancient Equestria would realize this type of creature as a kirin, but kirin hadn’t been seen in Equestria for many moons. “Y-Y-Yes, mistress?” Midnight Breeze asked in a soft voice. “Get my magic mirror!” Revolta commanded. “I must see who is calling me at this time.”

“Yes, mistress. O-Of coruse, mistress,” Midnight stammered, running to the table nearby and grabbed it with her mouth before bringing it over to Revolta, who answered the call. “Ahhh… Opaline, my old friend,” she wickedly smirked. “I have not heard from you in a milennia. How are you doing? Wickedly, I assume?”

You know me so well, Revolta,” Opaline said through her pool, and the sound of her voice made Midnight whimper. “Listen, I realize you may have schemes of your own, but I believe some meddlesome ponies have entered your part of the world, and you may help me defeat them so I may assume my rightful place as queen.

Revolta hummed at that, a wicked idea coming to mind. “Opaline… you have yourself a deal. And I know JUST where to find these ponies you speak of.”

Author's Note:

Midnight Breeze is based off this kirin I found on Pinterest, and I really like her:


All rights go to the owner. Happy Memorial Day!