• Published 25th May 2023
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G5 Adventures in Scooby-Doo! and the Ghoul School - ponydog127

The Mane 5 and Misty meet up with Shaggy and Scooby-Doo to help them teach a school full of ghouls, but they must leap into action with a new friend when Opaline and Revolta, the Witch of the Web, kidnap Misty and the ghouls for their own gain.

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Bog Troubles

Back at the school, Miss Grimwood walked into the kitchen to check on the stew she was preparing. “Is my cauldron bubbling yet, Matches?”

But when she tasted the stew, she put the spoon down in disapproval. “Well-- my scorpion stew is ice-cold. Matches! Here, boy! Light the fire!”

When she looked around, the young dragon was nowhere in sight, leaving her to sigh. “Now where has that dragon gotten to?”


Meanwhile, Matches was following the scent of the girls and their ride toward the Barren Bog. He had a feeling that the group would wind up in trouble, and that was why he wanted to come-- so he could protect the girls if the situation called for it. “Gee, Shaggy,” said Scrappy’s voice, “bog jogging is fun!”

Matches heard the group cheering as they raced across the bog, and trudged that way to look for them. At the same time, the group hopped across rocks to cross the deep waters below. “Hey, Shaggy, how’d you think of this place, anyway?” Sunny asked. “Like, I don’t know,” Shaggy admitted. “In my dreams, I think.”

But the second he leapt to the next rock, he discovered it was actually an alligator, trapping them on one small rock and prompting Izzy to try and lift them with her unicorn magic, which was taking a dramatic tole on her. “I think this dream became more of a nightmare!” Sunny said nervously. “Yeah!” Scooby nodded. “Alligator nightmare!”

“HELP!!!” the group screamed. “Don’t worry, Uncle Scooby!” Scrappy tried to swing on a vine right to them. “Scrappy-Doo to the rescue!!”

But as he tried to swing to them, the vine broke, leaving him to hop across on the alligators’ snouts before jumping into Shaggy’s arms. “Like, nice try, Scrappy,” Shaggy chuckled nervously as the alligators continued to surround them. “But too late!”

Izzy groaned in discomfort, not lifting this much weight at once on a usual basis. “I can’t hold you guys up much longer!”

“Shaggy!” Scooby yelped in panic. “Zoinks!” Shaggy shrieked. “I never thought we'd end up alligator appetizers!”

“Well, this pup is going down swinging!” Scrappy declared, just as Sibella spoke up from above. “Try swinging with me!”

She then dove right toward them, and they were able to grab on and let her fly away from the gators before they were devoured. Once they were on shore, Sibella turned back to normal. “Like, not too bat an escape, right, Scoob?” Shaggy made a pun. “Yeah,” Scooby giggled. “Oh yeah,” Sunny agreed before turning back to Sibella. “Thanks for the help.”

“I need some help myself,” Sibella explained. “Winnie must be playing hide-and-shriek. I can't find her anywhere.”

“Like, this bog is a little boggling,” Shaggy admitted. “Don’t worry,” Scrappy reassured. “We’ll all go look for her.”

“Yeah,” Scooby agreed, just as Sibella went to go search from the air. But before they could get far, another voice, this one an unfamiliar female, caught their attention. “HELP!!” it shrieked. “SOMEPONY, PLEASE HELP ME!!”

“Huh? I think somepony’s in trouble!” Izzy said, pointing toward some bushes. “Lead the way, Izzy!” Scrappy declared. “We’ll look for Winnie on the way!”

They raced through the woods for a hot minute, until they reached a deeper part of the swamp, where they gasped upon a startling sight-- there was a strange pony-like creature struggling to swim in the water, looking utterly terrified. “Somepony! HELP!!” she screamed. “I… I can’t swim!”

“We have to help her!” Sunny declared. “Zoinks! But you better do it fast, Sunny,” Shaggy pointed out. “Like, she has company!”

An alligator was slowly crawling from the brush toward her, making Sunny gasp-- they had to work fast! She pulled a rope from her saddlebag and gave it to Scooby. “Scooby, can you toss this over to her so she can grab it?”

“Okay, Sunny!” Scooby nodded with the rope in his mouth, and flung it over to the creature, who looked surprised at seeing it. “Huh?”

“Quick!” Scrappy cried. “Grab on and we’ll pull you out!”

“Uh… okay!” the creature nodded and grabbed the rope tight in her mouth. “Now, everybody!” Sunny cried. “Pull!”

The five friends heaved with all their might, struggling to bring the creature to shore for a moment before she started kicking toward them, allowing them to easily pull her onto the shore. Once she was on shore, the blue unicorn-like creature panted tiredly, completely soaked. “Shaggy! My auntie’s blanket!” Izzy said. “We can use it to warm her up!”

Shaggy immediately got it from his backpack and wrapped it around the blue creature, letting her shiver. That’s when Sunny approach her, a concerned look upon her face. “Are you okay?”

“Well… considering you pulled me out just as that big alligator was gonna eat me… yeah,” the creature said in a soft voice. “But… you hardly know me. Why did you do that?”

“That’s what we do,” Sunny said with a smile, just before something in her mind clicked. “Wait a sec… you’re a kirin!”

“A what?” Scrappy questioned. “A kirin! They’re sorta like unicorns,” Sunny pulled out her journal, “but with bushier manes, thinner tails and cloven hooves! They haven’t been seen in Equestria for moons, but I never thought they’d be in this world! Oh, wait… sorry.” She turned back to the kirin with a sheepish grin. “We never even got your name.”

“...Midnight,” said the kirin softly. “Midnight Breeze.”

“Nice to meet you. I’m Sunny Starscout,” the earth pony introduced. “And this is Izzy Moonbow, Shaggy Rogers, Scrappy-Doo and Scooby-Doo.”

“Hello!” Scooby said before licking her face happily, causing her to giggle. “Hey… where’s your family?” Izzy asked. “Maybe we can take you back to them before they get worried.”

“Oh, um… no, I… I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Midnight stammered, rising to her feet. “T-Thank you all for saving me, but… I… I have to go!”

And just like that, she bolted off, seemingly frightened. “Midnight, hold on!” Scrappy tried to stop her. “We’ll find her, Scrappy,” Sunny assured. “But we have to find Winnie too. Let’s keep looking.”


Meanwhile, the Calloway cadets were still traversing the woods when they saw Sibella flying above as she still searched for Winnie. “Hey, look up there!” said Grunt. “This bog’s got bats!”

“Better look down here,” Miguel said as they stood in some brown liquid. “We’re back in the mud again!”

“Negative,” Jamal shook his head, beginning to grow nervous as they began to sink. “I think this is--”

“QUICKSAND!!” Tug yelped. “Wha… what do we do now, Tug?!” Grunt asked in panic. “We use our basic survival skills,” said Tug, “like yelling for help!”

“Affirmative!” Jamal shouted. “HELP!!”



Not too far away, Misty was walking with Elsa and Tanis when they heard the cadets screaming for help close by. “Sounds like those smart aleck Calloway cadets,” Elsa said. “Maybe they're playing in the bog, too,” Tanis added. “Come on,” Misty told the girls. “Let’s go see what’s going on.”

So, the unicorn led the group to help the cadets, who were by now, neck deep in the quicksand. “Quick!” Miguel begged. “Help us out!”

But as Misty was about to try and pull them out, a remark from Tanis stopped the blue unicorn in her hoofprints. “But why? Swimming in quicksand is fun.”

“Fun?!” Jamal blurt out. “That's a negative!”

“On the double!” Miguel begged, and Grunt nodded frantically. “If not sooner!”

“Not to be on the wrong hoof of things, girls, but I think the cadets have a point,” Misty shrugged at the two ghouls. “Not everypony back home likes getting muddy either... especially Pipp. You gotta see it from somepony else's horseshoes too.”

“Well, Tanis,” Elsa grabbed a rather large branch from nearby, “if they insist.”

“What a bunch of spoil-sports!” Tanis frowned, and Misty felt a little bit guilty. Elsa pushed the branch toward the cadets, and then once they got a firm hold, she flung them right out of the quicksand and onto solid ground. “Thanks for getting us out, girls,” Tug said as he and the others brushed themselves off. “Now we'd better find our way out of this bog. Forward, cadets.”

But the last thing Misty saw of the cadets was them being chased by a certain fire breathing dragon back through the swamp.