• Published 22nd Jun 2023
  • 380 Views, 1 Comments

Immortal, not Invincible - KenDoStudios

Celestia may have eternal life, but it doesn't cover any ailments...

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Stage 7

Dear Journal,

Today, I find myself facing the disheartening reality of losing the ability to respond to the world around me. Like a distant observer trapped within the confines of my own mind, I struggle to connect with the vibrant tapestry of life that unfolds before my eyes.

The once-familiar sights and sounds that once brought joy and wonder now drift past me like fleeting echoes. The world feels distant, as if a thick veil has been drawn between myself and the vibrant reality that exists beyond my grasp. No longer can I engage with the beauty that surrounds me, for it slips through my fingers like sand.

The touch of a gentle breeze, the warmth of sunlight on my coat, the melodies of birdsong—all these stimuli that once stirred my senses now fade into the background. My ability to respond, to react, to engage with the environment that nurtured me feels like a distant memory, slipping further away with each passing moment.

In this state of disconnect, I feel a profound sense of loss. The vibrant hues of life have faded to muted shades, leaving me yearning for the vibrancy that once illuminated my existence. The world continues to move around me, bustling with activity and purpose, while I remain trapped in a realm of quiet isolation.

But within the depths of this struggle, I cling to the flickering flame of hope. Though my ability to respond may wane, the essence of who I am, the spirit that defines me, remains unyielding. I am more than my ability to react. I am the sum of my experiences, my memories, and the love that resides within me.

To those who witness my diminishing capacity to respond, I ask for patience and understanding. Though my outward reactions may be diminished, my inner world continues to flourish with emotions, thoughts, and a desire for connection. I may no longer be able to respond in conventional ways, but I am still here, longing for the warmth of human connection.

As I navigate this bewildering journey, I find solace in the small moments of human interaction, the gentle touch of a hoof, the soothing sound of a familiar voice. These precious moments become beacons of light amidst the encroaching darkness, reminding me that even in the face of adversity, love and compassion endure.

So, as I continue to grapple with the loss of responsiveness, I embrace the moments of connection that come my way, cherishing the tender threads that weave together the tapestry of my existence. Though my responses may be fleeting, the impact of genuine human connection lingers, leaving an indelible mark on my soul.

Dear Journal,

Today, a deep weariness has settled within my being, and I find myself longing for a quietude that eludes me. The incessant noise and chatter that surround me have become an incomprehensible cacophony, an impenetrable barrier to peace and tranquility.

The world, once a symphony of harmonious melodies, now feels like a jumble of dissonant sounds that assault my senses. Conversations blend into an indistinguishable buzz, leaving me adrift in a sea of fragmented words and incomprehensible meaning. It is as if I am an outsider in my own reality, unable to decipher the intricate patterns of communication.

In this overwhelming sea of noise, I yearn for respite. I yearn for the simplicity of silence, where the chaotic hum of the world fades into the background, and I can retreat into the sanctuary of my own thoughts. I crave a stillness that allows me to reconnect with the essence of who I am, to find solace in the depths of my being.

But the pursuit of peace feels elusive, slipping through my grasp like a wisp of smoke. The external world continues to intrude upon my inner sanctuary, its relentless noise a constant reminder of my struggle to comprehend and participate. The frustration mounts, adding an additional layer of weight upon my weary shoulders.

In these moments of yearning, I must remind myself to seek solace in the simple joys that remain. Though the noise may be overwhelming, there are pockets of tranquility to be found. The gentle rustling of leaves in the wind, the soothing rhythm of my own breath, the whispers of nature—all these hold the potential to soothe my restless soul.

And in the face of this bewildering journey, I draw strength from the love and support of those who surround me. Their presence, even if the words they speak escape me, brings a sense of comfort and reassurance. Together, we navigate the stormy seas, seeking moments of calm amidst the tumultuous waves.

So, I implore myself to find solace in the spaces between the noise, to embrace the stillness that resides within me, even amidst the chaos that surrounds. Though the understanding may elude me, the pursuit of peace and tranquility remains a guiding light, leading me towards moments of respite and rejuvenation.

Dear Journal,

Today marks a solemn day, for it is with a heavy heart that I share the final chapter of Celestia's journey. The weight of her struggles, the relentless battle against time and memory, has finally found its end. In the quietude of her final moments as we deem her not sane to live in peace. On the eve of the Summer solstice, she was granted the peace she had yearned for. and last night it was Luna who inserted the needle.

Skyros, the whispered phrase that encapsulated Celestia's desire for release, lingered in the air as a bittersweet reminder of her longing for tranquility. It was a beacon of hope, a testament to her unwavering spirit even in the face of the relentless tide of Alzheimer's. And on the 2000th night of this journal, as the stars adorned the night sky weeping for her loss, Celestia embraced her final slumber, transcending the mortal realm to a place of eternal serenity.

In this moment of mourning, we gather to celebrate her life, to remember the moments of joy, strength, and guidance she bestowed upon us. We hold tight to the memories of her benevolent leadership, her radiant smile, and the warmth of her presence. It is through these cherished memories that Celestia will continue to live on, her spirit woven into the very fabric of our collective consciousness.

Equss, the majestic force that unites us all, bears witness to this somber yet profound moment. As we bid farewell to our beloved queen, we entrust her to the embrace of the celestial heavens. May she find solace among the stars, her essence becoming one with the eternal cosmos.

And so, we honor Celestia's memory, carrying her legacy forward with grace and reverence. As we navigate the complexities of life, may we embody her unwavering strength, her enduring wisdom, and her boundless capacity for love and compassion.

Rest in eternal peace, dear Celestia. Your light shall forever guide us through the darkest of nights, and your legacy shall illuminate the path for generations to come and may you be a star that guides ponies home.

Equss save the queen.

Author's Note:

God Save the Queen

Comments ( 1 )

Bittersweet ending, I love it.

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