• Published 12th May 2023
  • 294 Views, 12 Comments

Stay quiet - TheKing2001

Berry Punch hides her daughter during the split between tribe's.

  • ...

Chapter V

“Ruby don’t drink that,” I warned as we stared in disgust at what I think was apple cider. I think this is why Big Mac isn’t in charge of the organization stuff. Or the delieveries for that fact. Junebug sat on my left, wiping her tongue off with her hoof. Ruby sat on my lap(grudgingly, she wanted to sit on her own chair but I wanted some filly love. That sounded way better in my head and less pedophilish.)

“That was awful!” Junebug grumbled.

“It’s even worse for Rainbow,” Raindrops smirked. She, Blossomforth, White Lightning, Derpy, Sea Swirl, Minuette, Sunset Shimmer and Amethyst were adopted into our little group of friends so we were more inclusive. Not so little anymore I suppose I should say.”I spoke to Fleetfoot before coming down here for a quick second and apparently they thought Rainbow meant to meet them here instead of Wonderbolt HQ and are waiting on the hill for Twilight to receive the crown. They still haven’t seen Rainbow yet.” Must be nice for Raindrops to be a Wonderbolt. Gets to know all the fun Wonderbolt gossip. I remember she surprised me, Ruby and everyone else with box tickets for all the Wonderbolt shows with paid hotels and trips, back and forth. Ruby had almost tackled her with hugs. Of course, we don’t care about getting anything from any of our friends. We enjoy their company.

“Well this is pretty bad so far,” Lyra sighed. “I feel awful for Twilight.” I agreed with her on that. She and Minuette had known Twilight since they were fillies. Lily lifted the cup of apple sludge to her lips.

“Lily, I wouldn’t-” I tried to warn her but it was too late. She set the cup down and smacked her lips.

“Not bad,” she announced. We all stared at her in disgust and shock.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Sunset Shimmer asked. Me and Derpy instantly covered our daughter’s ears and glared at her. Golden Harvest was too slow to cover Noi’s ears.

“There’s three little fillies here who don’t need to know that language yet,” I chided. “Be careful next time.”

“Please,” Derpy added.

“Sorry,” Sunset rubbed the back of her head with a hoof sheepishly. It was really cool she resided in an alternate world but was an Equestrian. There was doubles of all of us. Me, Derpy, Ruby, Octavia. I think you get my point. Apparently she also knew Lyra and Minuette growing up but was a mean pony. Former villian and all saved the world a few times. I quite like her a lot, very good with Ruby. Had some really cool stories from her world.

“You know, we had a major fight a few weeks ago,” Lyra mentioned casually. “How come you didn’t take part?” We all looked at the amber unicorn. That was a good question actually.

“I was there. I stood in the front of the crowd, I was just blocked by some salesponies. After the shield fell, I ran down the hill to take part in the physical fighting,” Sunset revealed. “I’ve been here the past three weeks helping with the coronation preparations.”

“And you didn’t talk to us at all?” Minuette asked in shock.

“I didn’t know if you and Lyra forgave me for how I was years ago. I saw you two a lot but never came up and said anything,” Sunset sighed.

“That’s stupid,” Lyra announced.

“Tactful as always,” I muttered with an eye roll.

“Shh it’s starting!” Octavia snapped and I rolled my eyes again.

“Citizens of Equestria and beyond!” Princess Celestia shouted. “My sister and I have ruled this land for quite some time.”

“Hasn’t Princess Luna ruled for only nine years?” Dinky mused.

“And the unknown amount of years before,” Derpy whispered into Dinky’s ears.

“But even we know that change eventually comes to us all and though we know it can be unsettling, it’s as natural as the rising and setting of the sun and the moon. Both of which my sister and I feel confident leaving in the hooves of the Princess Twilight Sparkle. And so without further ado, I give you the new ruler of Equestria, Princess Twilight Sparkle!” Twilight trotted onto the balcony and immediately faceplanted. A loud gasp went through the crowd of ponies, changelings, griffons and dragons. She stood up blushing and said something to the other princesses. Nodding, they levitated their crowns off their heads and merged them together. A bunch of birds flew down and Luna mumbled something. The birds started to freak out about who knows what. Birds can be annoying like that.

"What in God's name is going on up there?" Sunset mused. I smirked at that despite what was happening. She had taught us all the ways of the other worlds language and it was very fascinating.

"I don't know," Bon Bon mumbled. A loud roaring sound started getting louder and we watched the Wonderbolts fly over head with their vapor trails. Out of nowhere, a bunch of fireworks went off and sent the Wonderbolts scattering. A loud gasp once again went through the crowd as Twilight fell off the balcony with her crown. She flapped her wings and flew back up to the her fellow princesses.

"To Twilight!" Applejack shouted and she sipped her apple sludge. How she drank it with a straight face, I'll never know. I joined in the rest of the ponies in stomping their hooves and cheering. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Lyra and Minuette wipe a tear away from their eyes as Bon Bon hugged them both. Sunset had a massive grin as she clapped her hooves.


A few hours later, all our group stood crowded around Twilight and the elements as she created her council of friendship.

"Sunset! Come here!" Twilight shouted. Sunset approached and bowed with a smirk.

"Princess," Sunset kept grinning. "How can I assist you?"

"You don't need to bow to me," Twilight sighed.

"I know. I just enjoy annoying you." We all burst out laughing at that, including Celestia and Luna.

"As the new ruler of Equestria, I declare you a member of this council of friendship. I assign you to spread friendship to the people you can throughout the other world and visit to give us all updates," Twilight announced and hugged Sunset. "Thank you so much for staying. It means a lot to me and us all." We eagerly nodded our agreement.

"Thank you Twilight. I wish I could stay longer everypony, but I need to get back to the other world. I only got a few more days of medical leave," Sunset hugged each and anyone of us.

"Are you contagious?" Dinky asked. Sunset gave a bark of laughter.

"No. I'm not sick, I lied and said I was so I could spend three weeks here," Sunset winked mischievously.

"So if I lie, I get what I want?" Ruby asked her.

"No," Sunset and I said in unison.

"Absolutely not," Sunset said. "Don't do everything I do. You could in serious trouble kiddo." She ruffled Ruby's mane with a grin. I chuckled at that.

"I'd love to stay, but it's time for me to go," Sunset announced sadly.

"Will you come visit?" Lyra asked hopefully. Sunset hugged her.

"You couldn't keep me away from visiting." I was happy to hear that. Ruby really loved her. Sunset gave us a wave and teleported away. We gave a wave to Celestia, Luna and the elements and started trotting to the hotel.

"Mom?" Ruby asked.

"Yes love?" I asked as we looked around us at the sights.

"Will the pony tribes ever separate like that again?" She asked and I sighed at that. I had figured she would ask that.

"If they ever do, it won't happen in our life time. Princess Twilight is the princess of friendship. Her rule is going to be long, full of safety and security. If the tribes ever separate again, it will happen long after me and you die. Long after our friends and family die," I leaned down and nuzzled her. "Does that help you?"

"A bit. The idea of death scares me but I think the Windigos scared me more," Ruby nuzzled me back.

"Death scares me too," I admitted. "But the potential separation of any tribes is something we should work to prevent, not talk about. It's up to all of us to make sure this never happens again. I know you would do anything to prevent it just like me or Lyra or Derpy."

"I love you mom."

"I love you too, my beautiful smart filly." Ruby beamed up at me, blushing at the compliment. I opened the door to the hotel and she stepped inside. I don't know what the future holds, but it's looking up for us all now.

(That's the ending of Stay Quiet. Let me know if you want more Berry Punch and Ruby Pinch stories. This next writing is going to be the pegasus POV. Enjoy. Here's the link https://www.fimfiction.net/story/535736/rising-up)

I gave a hard flap of my wings and took off into the sky ahead of the angry earth pony crowd. Raindrops, Cloudkicker, Blossomforth and Silverspeed were flying next to me.

“Hurry!” Cloudkicker urged us as she flew behind us. She demanded we fly ahead of her so she could keep us safe from behind. She was our team leader on the weather team and very protective of us. I gave a strained nod and flapped even harder. The screaming crowd kept following us.

“Damn earth ponies,” I grunted. “Running us out of our own home.”

“And unicorns,” Silverspeed chimed in angrily. We hated both the tribes, they spread rumors about us. Hell, my cloud house almost got destroyed by a mob.

“I can’t believe they hate us,” Blossomforth sighed. I gave her a sympathetic smile.

“One day we can return,” I promised and nuzzled my watermelon maned friend. “One day. We just gotta stand up and defend ourselves.” Me, Raindrops and Cloudkicker were wearing our Wonderbolt uniforms. Out of us five, we were the only Wonderbolts. Sassaflash, Cloudchaser, Thunderlane and Bulk Biceps had already relocated a few days before. Cloudchaser and Thunderlane brought their siblings Flitter and Rumble to Cloudsdale. That was our destination. The mayor of Cloudsdale had extended the offer to all pegasi that the city was a safe haven and to bring all pegasus family members, no matter how old or young.

“Look!” I pointed a hoof down at a grey pegasus galloping through the town with a orange pegasus I recognized. The grey pegasus got hit with a rock and tumbled to the ground.

“Derpy!” Blossomforth screamed.

“Let’s get them!” Cloudkicker ordered and we all dived down to the ground. Cloudkicker landed in front of the fallen pegasus and Scootaloo protectively with her wings spread. Blossomforth started dragging the dazed Derpy and covered the cut with a hoof, Scootaloo helping to the best of her ability. I looked around and took into the sky. My eyes settled on a thundercloud nearby.

“Raindrops!” I shouted. “Position the thundercloud over me please!” The pegasus had been doing low passes over the earth pony mob to keep them away from Derpy and Scootaloo. Her eyes lit up with realization and she complied. Most ponies don’t know the meaning of my cutie mark. Sure, I could survive a low voltage of lightning like every pegasus. But I could survive the highest voltage of wild lightning and could even direct it to where I wanted.

“Now buck it! Hard!” I shouted as I thrust a hoof into the sky. She nodded and kicked the cloud hard. A bolt of lightning came shooting down into my hoof. I felt my body tingle as the electricity shot through my body and I thrust my right hoof right near the crowd of the earth ponies. I gave a cruel grin as I watched it fly towards the ground. At least Berry Punch wasn’t here. I’d hate to hurt my friend. If we were one. A pony screamed as the ground exploded and turned black as the grass lit on fire. I high hoofed Raindrops who had the same cruel grin I did.

“Back off! I can send more where that came from!” I threatened. The earth ponies ran away in fear and we landed on the ground.

“Are they okay?” Raindrops asked. I stared in concern as Cloudkicker closed her wings. I quickly stepped forward and examined her cuts from some thrown objects.

“You should get these injuries looked at,” I told her sternly. “Can you fly?”

“Let’s worry about that later. Is Derpy okay?” Blossomforth looked up.

“Yeah. It’s a deep cut, but after we get her looked at she will be fine. Scootaloo is fine too, she’s just shaken up,” Blossomforth explained. That made sense, she just dealt with an angry mob out for blood.

“Can you walk or fly?” I asked Derpy and nuzzled her. We were really good friends. I had honestly thought she had already left.

“I can try,” Derpy stumbled forward and me and Raindrops caught her.

“She could have a concussion,”
Blossomforth warned us. “She should get carried, to be safe.” Rage filled me at that. Anypony who could hurt Derpy deserved to get shoved off a cloud.

“I’ll carry her,” I announced as I stepped forward and folded my legs in. “Put her on my back.” Blossomforth nodded and Derpy slid onto my back. Blossomforth reached into her saddlebags and pulled out some and made a makeshift saddle like thing to keep Derpy on me safely. I gave a low groan as I stood up and gave my wings a flap. I could fly but I’d be slow.

“Need a lift?” Raindrops asked Scootaloo with a smirk. We all knew how fond Rainbow Dash was of the filly. I was kinda scared of her to be honest, she can be intense. Was a good pony though if I had to be honest.

“I mean sure. I could use a flight out of here,” Scootaloo shrugged. She was trying to hide her fear but I could see through it. I’ll give her credit, she tried her hardest.

“White Lightning can’t carry you, nor can Cloudkicker because she’s hurt. I can and Silverspeed can,” Raindrops gestured to the silver pegasus who was watching around us with an eye of a hawk. I moved some of my blue mane out of my eyes.

“I’ll take her,” Silverspeed announced as she kept watching around us for any sign of trouble. Raindrops shrugged and lifted the filly. She placed her on Silverspeeds back and if she noticed the weight, she didn’t show it. She just kept watching until we started flying. I was the slowest as I thought I would be with the added weight. Not that I minded though as long as Derpy was safe.

“I’m sorry about this,” Derpy mumbled.

“You have nothing to apologize for. Why weren’t you flying? Why were you running?” I demanded as Cloudsdale got closer.

“Scootaloo can’t fly. Never has been able to and I couldn’t just leave her.” I frowned slightly at that.

“You could have found us. We would have helped in a heartbeat,” I told her.

“I know,” she sighed and we fell into silence as we all landed on the edge of Cloudsdale.

“Whitey?” Derpy suddenly mumbled.

“Yeah?” I asked as I trotted to the hospital.

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome, Derpy.”

Comments ( 1 )

very nice! Although, god and the f word for ponies?

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