• Published 27th Sep 2023
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Blooming love. (continuation) - the star bringer

this is a continuation of a fan fic by Meow Mix

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Chapter 9 - Hearts of gold

Blooming Love

Chapter 9 - Hearts of gold

A day goes by since you hung out with Apple Bloom at sugarcube corner and she even invited you to hang out with her once again, "Where are we going?" you ask Apple Bloom. "It's a surprise." she said with anticipation as a cheeky smile formed on her face. then, just before you got there, she asked you to put on a blind fold and follow the sound of her voice, you agree and follow. "Okay you can take off the blindfold now!" As you lifted the blindfold from your eyes, you found yourself standing in a beautiful park filled with colourful flowers, tall trees, and a gentle breeze carrying the scent of nature. It was a picturesque sight that took your breath away.

"Wow, Apple Bloom, this place is amazing!" you exclaimed, admiring the serene surroundings.

She beamed with pride. "I'm glad you like it! I thought we could have a picnic here and spend the day together."

You smiled back, grateful for her thoughtfulness. You both spread out a cosy blanket under a grand oak tree, setting down a basket filled with delicious homemade treats that Apple Bloom had prepared. As you enjoyed the scrumptious sandwiches, fresh fruits, and refreshing lemonade, the conversation flowed effortlessly and laughter filled the air.

Between bites, Apple Bloom shared stories about her adventures with her friends, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and her big sister, Applejack. You, in turn, told her all about your school, hobbies, and dreams for the future.

As the day progressed, you played games of tag, swung on the swings, and explored the park together. Apple Bloom, with her indomitable spirit and infectious giggle, brought out a childlike joy in you, making every moment feel magical.

As the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the park, you and Apple Bloom sat on a bench overlooking a shimmering pond. The sweet melody of chirping birds filled the air while the pink and orange hues of the sky painted a breath-taking masterpiece.

"Thank you for today, Apple Bloom," you said softly, your heart overflowing with gratitude for this unforgettable experience.

She turned to you, her eyes gleaming with sincerity. "You're welcome. I'm just happy to have spent the day with you. It's been a long time since I had a chance to bond with someone like this."

A deep sense of connection grew between you, as if this day had solidified a special friendship. In that moment, you realized that sometimes the simplest moments shared with loved ones could create cherished memories that last a lifetime.

As darkness settled, you reluctantly bid farewell, promising to meet again soon. Walking back home, you reflected on the wonderful day you had spent with Apple Bloom. It filled your heart with happiness and a renewed appreciation for the beauty and joy of life.

As you walked through the school gates the next day, you were greeted by Rumble, your best friend since kindergarten. Rumble was a mischievous yet loyal companion who always had a knack for getting into trouble. You both entered the school building and made your way to your seats in Mrs. Cheerilee's classroom.

The first class of the day was math, a subject you never particularly enjoyed. But regardless of your feelings, you always gave it your best effort. As Mrs. Cheerilee began the lesson, you noticed Aero, was at the back of the room. He was engaged in a conversation with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, the snobby duo who often acted entitled.

Curiosity got the better of you, and you couldn't help but overhear their conversation. They were scheming something, whispering and giggling while occasionally casting glances around the classroom. It piqued your interest, but you decided not to let it distract you from your studies. After all, you had to focus on improving your math skills.

As you diligently worked through the math problems, you occasionally glanced over at Aero and his friends. It seemed like they were planning something mischievous, but you couldn't quite figure out what it was. However, you knew it would likely involve some trouble for someone else.

Unbeknownst to you, Rumble had also noticed Aero and his friends plotting. Being the curious troublemaker he was, Rumble couldn't resist the temptation to find out what they were up to. He tugged at your sleeve and flashed a mischievous grin, eager to investigate further.

Feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension, you followed Rumble's lead and decided to join him in unravelling the mystery. Together, you approached Aero, Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon, pretending to be interested in their conversation.

Acting with remarkable ease, Rumble steered the conversation towards their plan, subtly gaining information without drawing suspicion. Aero, completely oblivious to your motives, bragged about his scheme with an air of superiority.

They revealed their plan to play a prank on Mrs. Cheerilee during the following day's class. They intended to replace the math problems on the board with ridiculous and nonsensical equations, in an attempt to confuse and irritate the teacher. It was a risky and disrespectful plan that you knew had to be stopped.

Determined to foil their mischievous plot, you and Rumble hatched a plan of your own. Late that evening, while the school was empty and quiet, you snuck into the classroom armed with erasers and whiteboard markers. With precision and care, you erased the ridiculous math problems Aero and his friends had planned, and replaced them with challenging but legitimate equations.

The next day, as Mrs. Cheerilee started the math lesson, the class watched with anticipation, awaiting the unfolding of Aero's prank. However, to their surprise, the problems on the board made perfect sense. Aero and his friends were dumbfounded, unable to understand how their plan had gone so wrong.

You watched with a sense of accomplishment as the class engaged with the math lesson, solving the problems diligently. It was a small victory, but a victory nonetheless. Aero, Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon learned a valuable lesson about the consequences of their actions, while you and Rumble earned the satisfaction of thwarting their mischief.

Author's Note:

thanks for reading the first chapter. It did take me a while to write. so I hope you enjoyed
- The star bringer