• Published 14th May 2023
  • 791 Views, 8 Comments

I never got to say goodbye - TheKing2001

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Things are looking up

I stood above a grave, the wind blowing my hair and jacket around. I ignored the biting cold wind.

“It’s been two years now. I’ve been getting better and getting help. Applejack, Rarity and I are talking again. Fluttershy got me into an alcoholics anonymous group. I still drink every now and again but not as serious as before. I do it to have fun, not to forget. Rainbow Dash and I have been playing more sports recently. I had your favorite dinner of lobster last night. I didn’t even mean to make it, it just happened. Almost felt like you were sitting across from me. Sounds crazy right? I like to think you were there. Makes this whole thing a bit easier. I know I said I don’t believe in ghosts and all, but you’re more than just a ghost. You’re my best friend. The love of my life. I’d have given up my life for you if I needed to. I know Fluttershy said she’d be heartbroken if I died, but if we could switch places, I’d do it so fast. You should be here. With us all doing our favorite activities. Rainbow and Applejack are finally dating. Only took them forever. Anyway, how’s heaven? I like to think it’s beautiful. I personally don’t know where I’ll end up when I die, but I really hope it’s with you up there. Being in hell would suck, plus it’s really hot I bet. I’ve always liked the cold. I’m getting off track and rambling, aren’t I? Oh! We celebrated your birthday last week, sorry we didn’t come by and drop off some cupcakes,” I quickly knelt down and placed a pink cupcake on the grave and flipped open the picture of Pinkie’s smiling face. “Look beautiful as always, Pinkie. Lyra really misses you. Said she and Bon Bon are coming to visit next week. Don’t tell them I told you. It’s supposed to be a surprise visit. I graduated college. We had a empty seat with your picture on it. Really wanted a drink after looking at that, but I somehow resisted the urge. Hopefully you’re proud of me. I miss you a lot Pinkie. We all do. And great, I’m crying again,” I wiped a tear away. “I promised myself I wouldn’t on the way here but I guess I lied to myself. Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom graduate high school this year. Crazy to think about they were three crazy kids running around the school,” I ran my hand across the grave stone, admiring the cupcake etched into it and stroked the words Pinkie Pie and gave a small smile. I placed a pink rose down on the grave and stood up. I glanced to my left, sensing someone.

“Hey Limestone, hey Maud. Hey Marble,” I sighed.

“Hey Sunset,” Limestone replied gruffly. “How are you?”

“Getting better. You?”

“Upset,” she admitted as she placed some flowers down.

“Why?” I asked her curiously. She never really opened up around me before.

“Everyone forgets about us. You lost a girlfriend but we lost a sister. Someone I’ve been around practically my entire life. I watched her grow, make new friends, move out, you and her get together, just do everything that I admired a lot. None of us ever got to tell her how proud we were,” Limestone sighed. “You’re lucky really. You got to see her everyday and make new adventures.”

“We still came and visited you. I didn’t forget about you and Pinkie hasn’t either,” I gestured at the grave. “We were actually planning on asking you three to move in with us. We had more than enough space but things happened.”

“Really?” Maud asked and I jumped slightly. I had forgotten she was here, along with Marble. I was too focused on Limestone.

“Yeah really. Pinkie loved you three. Probably more than she loved me,” I gave a soft laugh at that and stared at Limestone in surprise when she laughed too. It’s rare to hear her laugh.

“I don’t know what I would have said,” Limestone admitted. “I have the rock farm. I probably would have either sold it, shut it down and hired some workers when I got enough money to pay them.”

“Yeah we didn’t get to work it all out unfortunately because you know,” I sighed and she gave a quick nod. “Believe it or not, it was actually my idea to have you three more here.”

“Really?” Marble echoed her sister and we jumped. I’ve only heard Marble speak once or twice and I certainly enjoyed it. She had a very soft voice that fit her personality.

“Yeah,” I replied after shaking off my shock. “I know how much you guys meant to her. Besides, I wanted to get to know you guys better. I only saw Maud the most because she lives the closest.”

“Well let’s change that,” Limestone announced. “We still have a few hours till we fly back. Let’s get dinner.”

“I’m down for anything. You pick the place, I’ll be there tonight, " I smiled. I glanced behind me and nodded at Maud. I quickly turned my focus back for the grave.

“I’ll be back next week, love. Don’t miss me too much and stay safe. I might bring back some more roses,” I gave a faint laugh at that. “Who am I kidding? We all know I will bring more. I know you loved the pink roses. I’d love to stay, but Fluttershy is getting impatient and I’m going to go get dinner with your sisters after they talk to you. I sold our bed. Hope you aren’t mad. Just too many memories there,” I turned around and started to walk away. “Sleep well Pinkie.”

“Talk to her?” Fluttershy asked me.

“Yep,” I smiled and took the tissue Fluttershy offered. “Thanks for taking me here again.”

“We all have your back,” Fluttershy sat down in her car. I quickly joined her as she started to leave the grave yard.

“Thanks Fluttershy.”

Comments ( 3 )

As someone who has never drunk, I can say I feel for you friend.

I'm both happy and sad my friend's death came so early in my life.

My father grew up in a really bad place. He eventually left (military), but his family stayed there so we were familiar with the area. I became really good friends with a kid from the neighborhood.

Since my dad got stationed in Hawaii we moved. I remember waking up, I was small, maybe 11. When I got downstairs my mom looked stunned. She told me that my friend had been shot and that he passed away over night. I ran back to my room and cried for hours.

I couldn't talk about it much for a long time. When I was older I found out that he was hanging out with friends at night and some people in a car thought he was someone else. They shot him and took off.

He could've gotten help, but it was a bad part of town so when his friend was banging and pleading at a door for someone to help or call the cops the people that lived there thought they were part of a gang and didn't do anything. Too scared apparently.

I've never forgotten that friend, but I'm glad I wasn't a little older when it happened, didn't understand things a bit more or I might've been in a place where I could've made worse decisions.


Anyway, real stories are the best reads.

Good fic.

I feel for you too. My friend had just got accepted for the army the day before. We went to the same school church and had been in boy scouts almost all our life and the army was his biggest goal. Unlike Sunset, I had no one lol. I stayed in my room. I had nothing going for me at the time and stuck in a dead end job. When Sunset said she wished she died instead of Pinkie, those were words I had actually said. But I appreciate you liking the fic and your kind words and I'm very sorry about your friend

I feel for you, really I do. Not sure if you're completely recovered, but I'm very glad you can talk about it.

Thanks as well for the kind words.

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