• Published 7th May 2023
  • 120 Views, 0 Comments

Not the best training - PurpleArtist

A short side story (non cannon) for my oc Purple in The Gates of Equestria fanfic.

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Chapter four:

Purple was at home sleeping peacefully until he jumped out of bed screaming. He then looked at his clock on his nightstand after turning the lamp on.

"Only 3:10 AM?" Said Purple, "Only been asleep for an hour! My sleep is getting shorter and shorter."

Purple got out of bed and brewed a cup of coffee and while his coffee was brewing he put on his army service uniform and saw every medal and ribbon he got from the Equestrian Armed Forces.

Purple then drank the coffee and teleported to his office in Canterlot Castle.


Purple sat at his desk reading military documents he had to sign which he did or fed the documents to his paper shredder. He was alone with his thoughts and the sound of his black ink pen scribbling as he signed his name and rank.

When Purple got done signing and reading the sun started to rise. Purple decided to visit the park he used to visit as a Colt and teenager.


At the park.

Purple looked around the park and had a flashback.


Thirty-six years ago.

Four-year old Purple was on a swing where he fell off and landed on his right leg. It was the day after his fourth birthday.

"Are you okay Purple?" Asked Bit Counter, "You're not crying which means you're a fighter. When I was your age my dad called me a filly for crying."

Purple did want to cry but he held back his tears and his right leg felt like it was broken but Bit Counter gave Purple a piggy back ride back to the house.


Present day.

Purple wanted to cry but he held back his tears.

Purple once dreamed of having a girlfriend or wife and having some little ones of his own but after nine hundred and thirty eight dates he's no longer interested in romance and to him love and romance is dead and if a mare asked him out he'll reject her.

Purple then went to a restaurant and got some breakfast and after eating breakfast he went back to his office in Canterlot Castle.

7:30 AM.

There was a knock on Prince Purple Artist office door so he answered it. It was his secretary/assistant named Night Wing, she's a Pegasus mare.

"Got some more papers for you Prince Purple," said Night Wing.

She then set a stack of military papers on Purple's desk.

"Do you need anything Purple?" Asked Night Wing, "Coffee? Something to eat?"

Purple replied, "I'm… fine"

Night Wing didn't ask why there was a gap between 'I'm fine' and she went to her desk to work.

When an hour passed Night Wing asked Purple if she could be dismissed because her daughter got sick at school and Purple allowed her to take the rest of the day off.

I'm going to take the rest of the day off as well, Purple thought, I haven't seen Equestria as my home since when I was nineteen. I feel like a Colt who lost his parents at the supermarket. I'll never see them again.

Purple then went for a walk and one building he passed was a Equestrian Armed Forces recruitment building.


Twenty-three years ago.

Purple, Jackpot and Scrumptious were all seventeen.

"You don't have to follow me into the military," said Purple, "I know we have a pact together but this is my career choice."

Scrumptious replied, "It's either this or rot away in some Celestia damn office. And I'm not my father where working as a Department Head from 8 AM to 5 pm works great for my dad. I'm not him."

"It's either stick with the ponies I call 'family' or I can be with my hostile family," said Jackpot.

Purple replied, "One reason I'm joining the military is because it's patriotism and loyalty to Equestria. The other reason is I've been suffering from not having an identity, feeling I don't belong in the world and I'm just trying to find a place to fit in."

"And when our tour of duty is up," said Scrumptious, "The three of us will find mares to date and marry one day and have foals of our own who'll be friends just like us."

The three entered the Equestria Armed Forces recruitment building.


Present day.

"They deserve to be here," said Purple. "I don't. At least Jackpot had a girlfriend. I don't and Scrumptious could get any mare he wanted due to me and Jackpot called him 'Cassanova' in the eleventh grade. And there's a bat pony mare with unicorn DNA running around and she never got to meet her dad… I should've kept my fucking mouth shut on that day."

Purple then kept walking around Canterlot but he avoided social interactions with anypony because he just wanted to be left alone. To him he viewed trust, friendship, love, romance, and harmony; he views them as immature and naïve where once he believed in them but now he does not.

After he got done walking throughout Canterlot he returned to Canterlot Castle and walked around and whenever Princess Twilight tried to talk to Prince Purple he'll vanish into thin air as if he wasn't there. That's from his training to avoid detection and quickly escape to avoid being caught.


Purple went back to his office and locked the door. He then started to sob and used his right wing to cover his face.


Later that day while eating dinner.

"I've been trying to talk to you all day Purple," said Princess Twilight, "I wanted to see how you were… How are you?"

Purple replied, "Every night I have nightmares, every night I wake up in the middle of the night and can't go back to sleep. I wake up in pain, I go to work in pain and every day I just want to end it. No, I'm not interested in another date with another mare. Don't even know why I went on all of those dates anyway. I knew all of their answers were going to be no anyway… if a mare asks me out I'll reject her because I'm not interested on another date just waiting to go to war again so I don't come back."

"But you should go out and at least make friends," Said Princess Twilight.

Purple replied, "Yeah and looked at what happened to the friends that I had. Half are dead and the other half moved on just considering me as a past chapter in their life. Why should I make another friend? So they can just use me to get free stuff? Why should I go on another date so mare number nine hundred and thirty nine can be wooed by my brother or another stallion in my family and come crawling back to me more or less asking me to be a baby daddy?"

"Not all mares can be wooed by your brother Purple," said Princess Twilight. "There's mares out there who do want to be in a relationship."

Purple replied, "Yeah it's called that when Base or the rest of the stallions in my family woo a mare they melt like butter on a hot knife. I say something sweet and romantic. I get slapped across the face and I get called a sexist and misogynistic pig."

"But you got some friends who are mares," Said Princess Twilight.

Purple replied, "Lieutenant Colonel Vigorous Orchestra doesn't want a relationship where she's Aromantic. Colonel Dusk 'Honey Cake' Stable… her window closed. She's not Aromantic but she has a time table and that window for me closed eleven years ago. Divisional Commander Ruby Velvet and Lieutenant… I mean Brigadier General Flavor Wings. Ruby is bi and has a girlfriend and Flavor is a lesbian and has a wife."

"But you're friends with Sapphire Rose," Said Princess Twilight.

Purple replied, "Friends? No we are not friends… Did I have a crush on her? That ship has set sail and got sunk by a submarine torpedo. Don't even know why I had a crush on her. To be clear she's not my friend and I don't have a crush on her anymore. I'm just a walking [REDACTED] stamp. But my friendly but stoic and lone wolf personality fits well with how I'm going to go out."

"Which is?" Asked Princess Twilight.

Purple replied, "if Equestria does go to war then I'll die alone in one hell of a Last Stand against an onslaught of whoever were at war against infantry and armor. If we don't go to war then on my one thousandth birthday I'll go home and set it on fire and I'll be inside due to the fact that I'm going to die at midnight the day after my one thousandth birthday…I can say is that if I get a partner while being a Gate Guardian I'll tell whoever I work with to be quiet and I'm not interested in chit chat. If it's Pinkie I'll at first tell her to shut up, the second warning would be a lot more hostile and the third time well Cheese Sandwich will be a widow and Lil Cheese would be motherless."

"That's a little rude," Said Princess Twilight.

Purple replied, "In my book. Pinkie is the type that'll get us all killed with her damn part cannon or motormouth. Rainbow is too cocky and never shut up. Rarity is obsessed with fashion and to her it's fashion 24/7. Fluttershy is too timid and when she does stand her ground or be assertive she'll scare away her friends or unintentionally hurt others feelings. AJ is too stubborn. You? You're lenient and naive where more or less every villain you and the other five encountered y'all just gave them a slap on the wrist. Oh Trixie enslaved an entire town and sealed it off? Oh let's forgive her. Starlight removing ponies cutie marks? Oh let's forgive her after she nearly changed history! Also with you Princess Twilight you don't know the difference between friendship opportunities and actual threats to Equestria!"

"That's not entirely fair!" Said Princess Twilight, "At least I'm not a death seeker because I don't live in the guilt and shame of the mistakes I made! You do! You want to die because of the mistakes you made that got others killed!"

Purple replied, "And with this new villain this Phantasia. What are you going to do with him? Marry him, have a few foals with him, hoof over your crown and throne to him. Be at home to cook, clean, pop out foals and wait hand and foot for him and be more or less a housewife for him?"

"No I'm not," said Princess Twilight, "He needs to be stopped. What are you going to do about it?"

Purple replied, "it's called reconnaissance and intelligence gathering for a reason. Base and the other stallions in my family would work for him… Hell they're already members of his army that wouldn't surprise me. I can tell you that Phantasia he just recently fired every mare that isn't a higher up in his group. Dumb bastard."

"What do you mean by 'Dumb bastard' Purple?" Asked Princess Twilight.

Purple replied, "I've worked with mares who could rip a diamond in half like a phone book. I've worked with mares that would have to give anypony a look making them wish they weren't born. I've worked with mares who were four or five times stronger than a stallion who could break this table by slapping it softly like how a gentle breeze hits somepony. If he wants to run a country where mares are more or less housewives then I'll be his last obstacle and I've worked with mares that they're not going to submit to his new world order."

"You'll like his version of Equestria then," Princess Twilights said with sarcasm, "Then you'll have a wife who'll be home to cook, clean, and mother your foals."

Purple replied, "I did want a wife and foals but I want to choose who I want to be with. I hate sexist, misogynistic and patriarchal pricks. They can take a dive into a volcano. Also I don't want a housewife. I want a wife who has a job, it doesn't matter if it's full time or part time but I don't want a housewife. Also I won't live in a world run by a sexist, misogynistic and patriarchal jackass. I'll be running a resistance group against him."

"What happened to the Purple I used to know?" Asked Princess Twilight.

Purple replied, "That fool died on his twentieth birthday... along with his friends… That Purple was happy and wanted others around him to be happy… This Purple is just sad, miserable and depressed and has survivor's guilt and has nightmares every night and what I did as a soldier I can't talk about. This Purple is 75% dead on the inside… This Purple just wants to die because what's the point of making friends and relationships anyway. No, that wasn't a question."


After dinner.

Purple went to stare up at the moon.

I made up my mind that day, Purple thought, The day which was my twentieth birthday that my best friends whom I considered brothers died. Everypony else I led into battle as well. I can't atone for failing to protect them. I looked up at those moon and something died inside me. A conscience is something that gets in the way. That's all a soul is. An obstacle that's meant to be overcome.


Fourteen years ago.

"Let me ask you something," said a Private Pegasus mare soldier, "What was I to you?"

Major Purple Artist replied, "You're a soldier. A soldier with a promising future ahead of you. You're going to become a wonderful soldier when you get out of your Greenhorn status."

"You're a Ghost?" Asked the bleeding out Pegasus mare private, "Feelings and the death of your soldiers go right through you. Don't they?"

Purple replied, "The death of every soldier under my command hits me hard. I feel sad and depressed on the inside."

The Pegasus mare Private died in Purple's wings and he put a rose flower between her frontal hooves on her torso. Purple grabbed his B.A.R automatic rifle and walked off by himself before looking back at his dead company of one hundred and nineteen special forces soldiers before walking off. He had a sad face but held back from crying.

Sixteen years ago.

Purple was a lieutenant and he had a girlfriend named Misty Waltz.

"Can't believe I'm going home," said Corporal Misty Waltz, "And with me being a month pregnant with our foal. I decided to take a military desk job in my hometown of Trottingham."

They entered a tunnel and the tunnel is the only way to leave the valley, one of the members of their group revealed himself to be a traitor. He rigged the railroad and soon the train was boarded by enemy soldiers.

Corporal Misty Waltz was taken hostage, everyone else was killed except Misty Waltz and Purple. The stallion traitor blamed Purple for killing his parents and family but Purple doesn't remember unless it's a battle that he had killed enemy combatants.

The traitor then stabs Corporal Misty Waltz in the belly six times so Purple could know what'll be like to feel pain and loss. The traitor and the enemy soldiers fled. Purple galloped over to Corporal Misty Waltz.

"Save our foal, Purple." Said Corporal Misty Waltz before dying.


Present day.

Purple looked down at the ponies who were heading home because it's getting late.

"You need anything, Sir?" Asked a Bat pony Royal stallion.

Purple replied, "No I'm fine. You can go back to your patrol."

Seventeen years ago.

Lieutenant Purple Artist was walking and he came upon the body of a unicorn mare with blonde mane. She's in olive drab titanium armor. Her helmet is beside her.

Purple didn't recognize her until he saw a small teddy bear. Purple put the small teddy bear between her frontal hooves and gave her a look before walking off.

"Sleep tight Daisy," said Purple, "If there is an afterlife you deserve the great one that's filled with love and be in a place where good ponies go to when they die."


Present day.

Purple lit up his horn and teleported home. He tried to get some sleep but he either tossed and turned or just stared up at the ceiling. He couldn't fall asleep until 2:30 AM but only got up at 3:05 AM where he had another nightmare.

7:00 am.

Purple was in Los Unicorna and he went to his therapist house where his therapist was asleep when he came. His non-binary therapist named Ocean Breeze let Purple in where they were about to tell him to come back later but on how tired Purple looked and how it looked like Purple had been kicking his own ass, Ocean Breeze let him in.

"Alright Purple even though I already know what you're going to say," said Ocean Breeze, "But tell me what's wrong with you?"

Purple replied, "Reliving the deaths of my friends whom I made in the military and the deaths of my two close best friends… Have you ever seen your friend fall off a catwalk and fall and land into a vat of molten steel and scream and the only thing you can do is kill her? I have but the mission was more secret than top secret."

Ocean Breeze looked at Purple being disturbed due to it's only 7:03 in the morning and she wasn't expecting to hear that first thing in the morning.

"Alright Purple I'm going to be back," said Ocean Breeze, "Give me a few minutes."

Ocean Breeze got up and went to the third floor of her four story townhouse beach house and she got a prescription slip and wrote down that Purple needs sleeping pills.

"Okay Purple," said Ocean Breeze, "Go to the pharmacy that you go to and get this order filled after this session. Also this session is on the house this time. Also continue."

Purple talked about how some of his friends died and all of them disturbed Ocean Breeze.

I don't think I'll be sleeping for awhile, Ocean Breeze thought, Purple has to deal with this for the rest of his life. Hope these sleeping meds help him.

After the session Purple went to Canterlot and went to the pharmacy he goes to and while waiting for his order to be filled. Purple went to a dojo where he wore a Gi (pronounced ghee) and a black belt.

Purple fought four ponies in which Purple was trained and is a master in mixed martial arts, professional wrestling, Karate, and jiu-jitsu. He hurted them from his military training.

He did the fighting until time was up until his medicine was ready.


Later that day.

Purple visited his other therapist, an Earth pony stallion who's a military therapist and he did the same as Ocean Breeze, in which he prescribed Purple some sleeping medicine.


8:40 PM.

Purple took two sleeping pills and a cup of milk and he went to lay in his bed and he turned off all of the lights and after a few minutes he was out like a rock. He didn't even have a chance to set his alarm but he thought the sleeping pills won't work.

Purple got up later when he looked at the clock on his nightstand it's 2:30 in the afternoon and when he went to Canterlot he found out he was asleep for four days. One of his Royal Guards told him he was out for four days and when Purple entered his office he saw a stack of papers in which was four days worth.


Later that day.

Purple was walking down a hall in Canterlot Castle. He saw a unicorn mare and her cutie mark is a staff with a ruby jewel on the end of it.

Oh great what does Master Shi want? Purple thought, She better not.

Master Shi came and started to lay into Purple and started to reprimand Purple for seriously hurting multiple reserve Guardians who aren't going to be ready for at least a few years due to their serious injuries.

"You have the balls to face me and not don't have the guts to face the enemy in an actual battle?!" Said Purple after he gets reprimanded by Master Shi. He also pulls out his military sidearm.

"If I ever see you again! I'll kill you!" Said Purple before Master Shi walked away in disbelief and then Purple put his pistol away.


A couple of hours later.

There was a knock on the door and it was Head Guardian Sapphire Rose assistant named Tumble. Tumble told Purple that Head Guardian Sapphire wants to talk to him right now so he went.


In Head Guardian Sapphire Rose's office.

"Yeah Head Guardian Sapphire?" Asked Purple, "Do you need something?"

Sapphire replied, "Why did you threaten Master Shi?"

"So if somepony came to you and started to lay into you and reprimanded for doing something that you're trained to do," said Purple. "And I was trained to pacify somepony or eliminate somepony. I did the former which is painful but the training is non lethal and I just knocked them out."

Sapphire replied, "And you were warned not to do that!"

"Well excuse me for being wired up differently than you!" Exclaimed Purple, "I was trained for three months on how to either pacify the enemy or to kill them. It was that or I could've used a member of the reserve guardians as a makeshift bat and swing whoever it was. After all you don't know what I'm trained in and you never will and you don't know what I had to do to survive or see my friends get killed because of a bad decision."

Head Guardian Sapphire was about to reply.

"You never seen a friend get shot and fall off of a boat then eaten by a crocodile," said Purple, "You never seen two of your friends get run over by a tank, you never seen one friend get blown up into a million tiny pieces, and you never seen a friend fall into a vat of molten steel. Yeah and I know you're also 3,100 years old and I overheard what you told Princess Twilight because it's a part of my counterinsurgency training to overhear important things. Anything else Head Guardian or can I go?"

"You don't know me either." Sapphire said, "I don't appreciate it when ponies make assumptions about what I might have been through and what I haven't. Just because they think their life is worse than mine. You're moping around because you don't have a special somepony and just because you're hurt and feeling lonely doesn't give you the right to take it out on other ponies. I've been through things twice as bad as you have in my lifetime. You don't know if I've been to war or not. What I can tell you is that I have been in a battle or two. I have seen friends die in front of me. I know what that pain is like, believe me.

"You don't get to become the Head Guardian and not be involved in war. As a matter of fact I've had my entire home destroyed and had to pick up the pieces! And the next time you think about threatening a government worker I won't just let it slide just because I wanted to be friends with you or because you're a Prince!"

"Why should I make friends if they just want special treatment and get stuff for free?" Said Purple, "Every mare I went on a single date with, they only wanted to be friends with me for special treatment and to get stuff for free. Not adding 98% came crawling back to me wanting to date because they wanted me to be a baby daddy for another stallion foal.

"And you don't know about my career in Equestria Armed Forces," said Purple, "In SPECWARCOM, and ESOC. To help you understand what those words mean they mean Special Warfare Command and Equestrian Special Operations Command. What I did… if I told you I would have to kill you and I'm not joking. I've been in battles that you would've run away from. What I did you wouldn't believe… Have a good day Head Guardian."

Purple then left to go back to his work.


Later it's nighttime.

Why am I here, Purple thought, Why am I in a big room with soldiers dancing with their wives or husbands?

Purple then talked to a General but in Purple's eyes and mind he doesn't want to be there. The general told Purple that somepony wants to meet him.

"You got three minutes," said Purple, "If you're not back in three minutes then I'm gone. Time starts now."

The General then went to go find the pony and when the General did and went back to Purple, Purple was gone three minutes had passed and Purple went home.

Why did I go to an event filled with love? Purple thought, To me since Head Guardian and mines date ever since that damn date to me love, romance and friendship and harmony is dead to me. Hate love and I hate romance. Just want to go into a battle and die.


At home. Purple took off his Army service uniform but he threw the tie at a chair in anger. He then got a cup of milk and took a sip before taking his sleeping pills and taking another sip and going to bed.


In the morning.

Purple sat at the end of his bed looking at his crown.

Cheap thin golden metal junk, Purple thought, Should take it to a steel mill and throw it into a vat of molten steel or into a smelter mill. Don't even want to be a fucking Prince. Only reason I'm a Prince is because I want to make Twilight happy but nopony stops to ask how I am.

Purple then threw his crown against his far bedroom wall in anger. He didn't want to be a Prince but the only reason why he is one is because he wants to make Princess Twilight happy but nopony wants him to be happy.

Purple then made himself a scrambled egg sandwich for breakfast then he went to brush his teeth and got dressed.


In Canterlot.

Purple was walking next to Princess Twilight but he just tuned her out not paying attention to her. He turned and started to walk by himself down another hallway.

Purple then heard Head Guardian Sapphire and Master Shi talking while the two are talking to each other and they're coming towards Purple's direction.

Before they passed each other Purple stopped dead in his tracks.

"Does it look like I care what you think!" Snapped Purple, "Does it look like I give a shit about what you two think!"

Princess Twilight heard and saw it and she put her right wing into her face and said "Oh boy".

Princess Twilight then caught up with Purple.

"Purple, that's the second time you snapped at somepony for no reason," said Princess Twilight, "You don't have the same level of coolness as you were as a teenager. Don't want to do this but give me your crown."

Purple reached into his army service uniform pocket.

"Just take some…" said Princess Twilight.

Purple took his crown and smacked it against Princess Twilight's chest.

"Didn't even want to become a dumbass Prince," Purple said hostilely while walking away.

Purple then lit up his horn and teleported away. Princess Twilight then picked up Purple's crown which was no longer gold or the same length and with like hers more or less a copy of her's. His was ruined and it looked like he took a blowtorch to it where he did take a blowtorch to it.

"What?" Asked Princess Twilight while examining Prince Purple crown.

Princess Twilight then teleported to Purple's house and saw it being burned but she ran in to see if Purple was inside.

Princess Twilight saw Purple but when she got to him it was just a whiteboard with a photo of him when he was twenty-seven and there was multiple papers around his photograph and the papers have a ton of black ink lines where they're the official after action reports from Purple's military service even though he knows they made copies.

Princess Twilight then grabbed a photo off the board and got out before she got killed. She then looked at the photograph.

The photo has the words "Second/Fifteenth" meaning Second Infantry Division Fifteenth regiment.

The photo has Private Sapphire Breeze, Private Starry Swirl, Private Nimble Force, Private Midnight Hoof, Private Little Harmony, Private Mythic Strike, Private Orchid Fire, Private Onyx Armor, Private Hazelblossom, Private Thunderbolt Lighting, Corporal Ironclad, Sergeant, Shadowstep, Staff Sergeant Frostbite, Sergeant Major Razorback, Warrant Officer Nightshade, Captain Stormchaser, First Lieutenant Blaze, Second Lieutenant Blitz, Major Warlock, Lieutenant-Colonel Avalanche, Colonel Eclipse, Sergeant Thunderchild, First Sergeant Viper, Sergeant First Class Fronstbite II, Specialist Pyro, Corporal Jackpot Blaze and Corporal Scrumptious. Purple is even in it but all but Purple have red X's on them meaning they were killed in action with a red circle around Purple.

All of them were his friends, Princess Twilight thought, Every single one of them was his friend whom he made a bad decision which got them killed or got hot under the collar and got two of them killed for getting angry. Hope Purple wasn't in there.


Very far away.

Purple built his new home which is very far away and he's the only one who knows where his new house is and he just wants to be left in isolation now.

His new house is made of prefabricated steel with tiles floors. He also threw a camouflage net over the house so Pegasus in the air doesn't find it where it'll blend in with the grounds and trees.

"I should've stayed in my old house and died painfully," said Purple.



Princess Twilight knocked on Head Guardian Sapphire Rose's office door and entered when Sapphire Rose opened the door and let her come in.

"Sorry for Purple yelling at you and Master Shi earlier," said Princess Twilight, "Guess he reached his breaking point."

Sapphire replied, "It's not your fault Princess. You shouldn't apologize for someone else's behavior."

"I can't find him where I just went to his house," said Princess Twilight, "But it was on fire. Don't know if he killed himself or not. But if he did well that what he wanted due to not finding love and before your and his date that is what he wanted and the moment after your and his date he doesn't want to be happy anymore. Only thing I could recover from the fire was this."

Sapphire replied, "Do you think he would have made a new home where nopony would know where it's at? Also no offense but he really should see a therapist."

"He already see two therapists," said Princess Twilight, "And when I ask the two therapists about if they could help Purple with his PTSD and trauma they tell me that they can't due to whenever they ask him about his military service he always dodges the question and asks a counter question to change the subject."

Princess Twilight then put the photo on Head Guardian Sapphire desk.

"You know any of them?" Asked Princess Twilight, "Besides Purple."

Sapphire told Princess Twilight that she doesn't know any of them.

"The one to Purple's right and left were his best friends since kindergarten," said Princess Twilight, "Everyone else were his friends he made while in the military but all of them are dead. His other friends whom he made as a Colt and teenager they abandoned him and consider Purple as nothing more than 'A past chapter in their life' and every mare he went on a date with including you he sees them saying 'let's be friends instead' as a insult due to all but you just wanted to be friends so they can get special treatment. Not adding all but you came crawling back to him because they wanted him to be a baby daddy to his or another stallion in his family foal's father. He also has trust issues."

Sapphire replied, "Why does he have trust issues?"

"He never knew his biological parents," said Princess Twilight, "His brother and sister blame him for getting their biological parents killed by Timberwolves. Since when he was four he knew that his adoptive parents weren't his real parents. The rest of his biological and adoptive family don't see Purple as family and they beat him up no matter what he does. Consider yourself lucky because the other dates he been on his brother or the other stallions in his family they came and wooed the mare and that mare came back a few months later trying to get into Purple's life to be an baby daddy to a foal that the mare was pregnant with by another stallion. If Base or another stallion in Purple's family saw you there's nothing you can do about it they always get the mare to sleep with."

Sapphire replied, "I don't know who this 'Base' is but if I did they wouldn't get to me."

"That's what every mare said," said Princess Twilight, "Before you say it. Remember every mare said it but Base and them got to said mare. Also Base and the other stallions in Purple's family are sexist, misogynistic and patriarchal and the mares in Purple's family are wolves in sheep's clothing or by pulling wool over their eyes. Purple is the only nice one who deserves a happy life. His biological parents had a happy life together and they were the kind that rejected their parents' teaching of being either a sexist or a diva. It's a shame what happened to them though. Also this is Base."

Princess Twilight then put a Baseball magazine onto Head Guardian Sapphire Rose's desk. The magazine has an iceberg blue Pegasus with jet black mane wearing a white and blue outfit with a button up shirt, long-sleeved red undershirt, white pants, and a baseball cap.

"He's being put in the Equestrian MLB Hall of Fame this Friday," said Sapphire, "And this is Purple's brother?"

Princess Twilight nodded in agreement.

"If he says anything to me then I'm going to hit him and get a restraining order out against him." Said Sapphire.

Princess Twilight replied, "Not going to work. The rest of Purple's family either have high powered lawyers on speed dial or have enough Bits to pay off the right official to make you look crazy or pay them off and say they're not going to take you seriously to waste the court's time. There's not a damn thing you can do about it. They always win and if you hit him or any other stallion in Purple's family then they think you're playing hard to get. Every mare gives in sooner or later and they always do. And with Purple? He can't do anything fun because if he goes out then they'll just be waiting for him to leave and they'll beat him up for the kicks of it."

"Even if the restraining order doesn't work I have my ways of dealing with idiots like Base. Trust me I've dealt with enough ponies like him to know. I am 3,100 years old so I wasn't born yesterday. Why doesn't Purple defend himself?" Asked Sapphire.

Princess Twilight replied, "Last time he did, they were able to defeat him and put him in an intensive care unit at a hospital. If he defends himself from them then they just beat him up twice as hard and there's not a thing he can do about it. To him well he says that he's like a Colt who loses his parents in a supermarket but to him he says that but also says that in this situation for him he feels like a Colt who loses his parents in a supermarket but his parents left not knowing they left their son behind. He's just lost and scared and is in a world that he doesn't know. To him before his twentieth birthday Equestria was his home. Since his twentieth birthday Equestria isn't his home. Yees he was born and raised in Equestria but he's still searching for an identity. Ponies and other creatures like Purple who've been abandoned they're always trying to find a place to belong and looking for a home. He thought he would've found it in the army. Once that's lost you can't get it back again. He has been all over the world looking for a place to belong. You name a country he was there but he never found a place to belong. He did find happiness for fourteen months but he was married. He was happy until they peacefully broke up because of Purple being the Prince of the Military and she is the leader of Stalliongrad; you can see why their relationship didn't entirely work out."


Later that day.

"Thanks for meeting us on such short notice," said Princess Twilight, "So Brigader General Ruby Velvet what can you tell me about Purple's military career?"

Brigadier General Ruby Velvet replied, "I can't tell you. It's very above your pay grade. What Purple did was quote-unquote 'Never happened' and if you did find out then you would have to be silenced. Only thing I can tell you is that he was the type and still is the type that you have to point where his objective is then you get the fuck out of his way."

"But is there anything you can tell us about Purple's military service?" Asked Head Guardian Sapphire.

Brigadier General Ruby Velvet replied, "On the DL on what I can tell you two is that if you: Need three ponies to sneak into a heavily fortified base? You call Purple. Need to assassinate a high ranking enemy officer? You call Purple. Need reconnaissance but don't have enough ponies to do so? You call Purple. Need to defuse IEDs and bombs in a town covered in enemy snipers? You call Purple. I've seen him take apart an armored encampment with nothing but a combat knife, I've seen him eliminate an enemy unit just with a tree branch. Give Purple an anti-armor launcher then those bastards never stood a chance. Give him a sniper rifle then he'll assassinate every enemy officer and disappear without a trace as if he was never there. To Purple fighting is like breathing. I remember when I first saw him after basic training I said to myself 'This stallion will bring pain and suffering to our enemies like never seen before he'll get the job done'. And I was correct."

"And do you think him being bullied by his family and him being broken on the inside made him be so ruthless?" Asked Head Guardian Sapphire.

Ruby Velvet replied, "Your mistake is seeing Purple as military hardware, not as a pony. Yeah, he was a little bit broken but seeing his best friends get shot in front of him. Who wouldn't snap a little and go Rambo? But he was raised with an older brother who treats mares as tools and foal factories and not add he's misogynistic. His sister never gave a damn about him since he was five but he mostly fended for himself. Imagine being trapped in a room with no way out but every nightmare you ever had was in there… That's Purple's life in a nutshell."

"What can we do to help him?" Asked Princess Twilight.

Ruby Velvet replied, "Help him? That's a laugh. If you want to help him then cut him loose. None of you care for him where everypony does say they do care for him but in reality nopony gives a rat's ass about Purple and wouldn't care if Purple got hit by a train. Y'all were born Into your families and had love and were cherished by your family Purple had to fight in jungles, deserts, mashes, mountains, plains, beaches, islands and snow to find family and to him he'll die to defend his brothers and sisters."

"I thought he hates his family?" Asked Head Guardian Sapphire.

Ruby Velvet replied, "In combat the soldiers you're with are your metaphorical brothers and sisters. To him he doesn't give a rats ass about your fur color, your species or If you believe in the afterlife or not to him the soldiers he fought with were his brothers and sisters. He has been in places that make the Valley of Death look like a picnic. His real family wouldn't care about them and if they were soldiers well Purple would leave them to die but he'll save the soldiers under their command. Even though he's been a Lieutenant General since he was twenty eight, he isn't the type to be behind a desk, he's the type to be boots on the ground to know what's going on, not stand behind a podium and only say what'll make you hear what you want to hear."

"Then why would he threaten a friend of mine?" Asked Head Guardian Sapphire, "Because when she started to reprimand him he pulled out a gun and threatened to kill her."

Ruby Velvet replied, "Because he isn't the type you're going to yell at and get away with. He already has to deal with his family beating him up because it's entertaining for them and your friend reprimanding him… what do you expect? Him playing patty cake with her? Be glad he didn't just kill her instead. When Purple goes after this Phantasia guy, well place your bets now and I'm betting a month's salary that Purple is gonna kick that Phantasia guy's ass."

"Here's the thing Master Shi is or was his trainer. If he did kill her he'd be summoned to the Royal Court and possibly thrown into the dungeons. Because she's his trainer she has every right to yell at him if he doesn't do what he's told." Sapphire pause. "How do you know about Phantasia?"

Ruby Velvet replied, "He probably still does rallies. I've been to a few. Good day your highness and ma'am."

Brigadier General Ruby Velvet then got up from the table and went back to work.


At his new house.

Purple was in a spare room that he made into a gym and he punched a punching bag. He punched the punching bag so hard that it broke and tore in half. Purple then ran over to the treadmill and he just galloped for several hours without breaking a sweat.

Purple then made some lasagna and while it was baking in the oven he took a shower and ate dinner when the lasagna got done baking.

"Good thing I brought on what I wanted before burning down my old house," said Purple, "Got my stove, fridge and kitchen table with chairs. I also got my army footlocker which I should've left behind. Should've just stayed inside of my old house while it was burning. If I stayed and died in my old house then everypony would be happy."

Purple then just ate his dinner in sadness. He knows he'll never be happy but he knows that when he does die he'll go to Tartarus when he does die in either combat or the day after his one thousandth birthday in nine hundred and sixty years.

There's nothing in this world that'll make me happy, Purple thought, NOTHING! Just want to be left alone until the day that I die!