• Published 6th Oct 2023
  • 2,247 Views, 50 Comments

When You Wish Upon a Star (rewritten) - Kibat Grenbuku

After an unexpected free fall into Everfree Forest and turned into a pony, Carson, now Wishing Star, must adapt to this new world, help the soon-to-be-Princess-of-Friendship, and earn his own Cutie Mark.

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All can be Forgiven

“Citizens of Canterlot and Ponyville,” announced Princess Celestia. “We are gathered here today in celebration of these six mares, a young stallion, and this young drake. Thanks to their bravery, valor and friendship, they were able to defeat Discord, encase him in his stone prison, and save Equestria from his chaotic reign!” Cheers could be heard for their heroes of Equestria and two new others.

Wish couldn’t believe that all of this is still isn’t a dream, it has been three days after Discord’s attack and already praises he was given was something that he’ll never get use to. As he looks over to the girls next to his right, he could see they were proud of the accomplishment that they, including himself, did together. Over to his left however, he could see the young Drake felt somewhat overwhelmed.

“And now, I believe that our young stallion, Sir Wishing Star, would like to give a speech for all of Equestria to hear.” Celestia stepped to the side, allowing the teal earth pony to take the stand.

He gulped quietly, he never had to give out a speech before in his life, yet here he is, up on the stand, looking at the crowd of ponies, anxious and waiting to hear his voice. He clears his throat as he starts off, “Uh, thank you Princess, ahem, now I w-” he stops himself again from almost using that word, “I would’ve gotten a speech together, but time says, ‘Nope. Gotta do it now.’” The crowd and even the girls laughed a little from his joke, even he found it to be funny.

Before he was about to continue his speech, he suddenly felt a chill running down his spine. He looks up at the clouds to see that they were pitch black. If he remembers correctly, Rainbow said that there wasn’t supposed to be dark cloud to today. “Something’s wrong.” He says with caution in his voice. They were confused and everyone too then looked at the clouds. They seemed to be moving, almost alive in someway, that was until a familiar slim figure burst through.

It’s Discord.

The crowd were in fright to see him finally roaming once again. Terrified by his appearance, they began to panic, scrambling for cover for whatever plan of ambush he has for the heroes and Princesses of Equestria. Wish could see him coming for them, but his approach towards them seemed almost slow and solemn.

“Discord?!” Luna began to be defensive, “I thought the Elements of Harmony stopped you! Why are you here?!” The draconequus didn’t answer her, the expression on his face looked regretful. Wish felt like something was off, the Spirit of Chaos shouldn’t act like this, if at all. Did my wish really worked? he thought to himself.

“Ya’ll better give us one good reason to use our Elements again!” Applejack hollers at him.

“Please,” the draconequus requests, raising his paw and talon defensively, “There’s no need to get hostile towards me.”

“After freeing yourself and causing a wreck to Ponyville?” Rainbow retorts with a brow raised, “Yeah, we have a every right to be hostile.”

“I understand,” Discord agreed to Rainbow’s distrust towards him, “But if you can indulge me, I can explain myself, and if you still don’t trust me, then you can strip me of my magic and have me imprisoned.”

The mares, Spike, Wish, and the princesses looked at each other for a couple of moments in thoughts. Can they really trust him after the chaos had caused on Ponyville and it’s inhabitants? After taking the Elements and hide them away from their users? Celestia whispered something to his sister’s ear, of which she was shocked at first to her eldest sister tells her, “Just in case.” Luna nods as Celestia looks at the draconequus and warns him, “Very well, but at any point of trickery, we will not hesitate to use the Elements one last time.”

He nods in approval of the warning and appreciation for their time. “Thank you. Before I tell you, I must ask you a question.” Bracing themselves for yet another riddle, he then asked them, “Did you learn a friendship lesson from all of this?” Nopony from the stands or from the crowd would’ve ever hear a questioning from an enemy of Equestria, let alone the Spirit of Chaos himself. “You see, while I hid away the Elements, I happened to look through one of your journals Miss Sparkle, your friendship lessons that you written down. At first, I thought it was a stupid thing that Celestia had tasked you to do… but after the past three days, I’ve realized how important this was to you.” He began to form not a throne behind him, but a regular chair that you would see at furniture store or a cafe. “So, I ask again,” he says to Twilight, “Did you learn a friendship lesson from all of this?”

This wasn’t Twilight expected at all from him. “Um, w-well,” she stutters, her mind couldn’t comprehend that an enemy was asking her this question, “I-I… kind of did?”

“Kind of isn’t good enough.” Discord said plainly, then he looks at the rest of her friend and ask them the same question, and it was always the same answer, ‘Kind of.’ He then looks at the teal stallion and asked, “What about you Wishing Star? Did you learn a friendship lesson from all of this?”

Wish, just like his friends, felt like that this question was about as difficult beating him. But as he looked back at the past four days that had transpired, from meeting them at Donut Joe’s for the first time, to here and now at this very moment. “I do Discord,” He says to the Lord of Chaos, “I’ve learned that friendship isn’t always easy, but, there’s no doubt that it’s worth fighting for. If it weren’t for their inspiration and helped me realize my true destiny, I wouldn’t have discover how powerful friendship can truly be.”

Discord looked at him silently first, Wish felt like as if he said the wrong answer to his teacher. The draconequus gave him a friendly smile towards him, then at Celestia as he says, “You could learn a thing or two from him Celestia, he’ll be wiser than you by the time you kicked the bucket.” Celestia didn’t know if the compliment was out of mockery or honesty, but then Discord tells her, “A teacher can teach many things to a student, but sometimes a student can teach a thing or two for a teacher.” Celestia nods, agreeing to his exchanged words of wisdom.

Discord sighs as he then says, “Well… I guess it’s time.”. He stood up from his throne, and extended out his arms, ready to accept his ultimate fate. “”Go ahead. Strip me of my chaos magic and have me imprisoned. I’ll accept whatever imprisonment you’ll have me in.”

Wish looked at the draconequus, fully believing that Discord is being honest with the group and by some miracle his wish had worked! As he looks at his friends however, he could tell some of their faces say a different story. “Well, you hear him, let’s stone him!” Rainbow declares, she was about to launch herself to retrieve everyone’s Elements, but she looks at the unsure looks of her friends, “Uhhh… why are you looking at me like that?”

Applejack shook her head and says, “He ain’t lyin’ to us Rainbow.”

The daredevil’s jaw dropped. “WHAT?!” She shrieks, “It’s clearly obvious he is! Look at him!” She gestures her forelegs towards the draconequus, whom seems really offended.

“Well, if he was, my Pinkie Senses would’ve gone off.”

“And, pray tell, what Pinkie Sense function would that be Pinkie Pie?” Wish asked her curiously.

That would go unanswered as Rainbow Dash argues, “But he nearly wrecked Ponyville! We’re just gonna forgive him like that?!”

Rarity injects herself, “Be that as it may dear, it’s clear that he has a change of heart.”

Fluttershy nods and adds, “Besides, I wouldn’t mind having him as a friend.” The gesture she made Discord felt more appreciated by the yellow Pegasus.”

Rainbow was taken aback, all of her friends are buying this?! How in the hay are they even okay with this?! Wish came up to her and said to her, “Plus, isn’t being the Element of Loyalty’s point to be trustworthy and stick by their Allie’s side no matter what?”

Rainbow looked at the draconequus, who wears an honest and sincere smile. She gave out a frustrated sigh, “Okay, fine…” she flew up to him with a scowl before continuing, “But I swear, any sign of trickery, any point of betraying us, any point you hurt my friends-”

“I promise,” Discord tells her, “No harm will come to you or your friends.”

Her scowl never left her face. “As long as we’re clear on that.”

Celestia was the next to speak up as she clears her throat, “I’m grateful that you have reached an accord with the Elements of Harmony and giving up your ambitions of conquest, but there’s still the question as to why you’re here.”

Discord nods, “Yes. For that, I need to speak with you, and Princess Luna, in private.”

“Sure you’re not planning taking one of them out to dinner first?” Wish teases, wiggling his eyebrow.

That caused to look at one another, two of the three made the realization and blushes at the thought, to which Princess Luna ask, “What do you mean by that?”

“Oh, nothing.”

Discord got over the teasing jest as he then clears his throat, “As I was saying, this is a discussion that needs to be talked about in private.” Celestia and Luna agrees and they are escorted back to the the Castle.

Before leaving, she turns to the young heroes and tells them, “You go ahead and celebrate. I will send you a letter when this new information is given to us.” They all bowed to her and took their leave back to Ponyville, with the teal stallion recommending the mares to keep their Elements with them at all time.

Wish still couldn’t believe that this happened, he is with Equestria’s greatest heroes, being counted as one of them, defeated and changed the heart of one the bad guys of the show (earlier than expected,) and now he’s going to celebrate with his new friends and study friendship with his crush. His smile couldn’t be removed from his lips.

Rarity caught sight of the teal stallion, “Wish dear? Is everything alright?”

Wish looked at them and reassures her, “I’m fine. I’m just grateful to have ponies like you as my friends.”

All the mares and Spike smiled back him. Spike tells the stallion, “Hey, we’re glad that we’ve found you back at DonutJoe’s. If we haven’t met you, we wouldn’t be able to stop Discord in time.”

Rarity jumps in, “If anything darling, you’re the real hero.”

Wish looked at them sheepishly, “Heheh, y-you think I’m a hero?”

“You were very brave,” Fluttershy complimented him, “I wouldn’t know what I would do if I was in that position.”

“You could always use ‘the Stare’ on him!” Pinkie suggested.

This made the yellow Pegasus yelp and shiver, “I-I-I don’t know i-i-i-if that could work on somec-c-creature like him!”

“Sure it would Flutters!” Rainbow encourages the thought, “I mean, if anypony would fold themselves under the pressure of ‘the Stare,’ he totally would.”

“What’s ‘the Stare,’ that you keep mentioning?” Wish asked out of curiosity, even though he clearly knows what ‘the Stare,’ really is, he figured it wouldn’t hurt to have a refresher.

Rainbow chuckles evilly, “Hehehe, what’s ‘the Stare’? Show ‘im Flutters.”

“A-are you sure?”

“Go on, show ‘im!” She tells her, kind of sounding forceful.

The shy Pegasus gulped, but then she lets Wish have it as she looked at him very intensely serious. At first, Wish was very puzzled, he looks at Rainbow Dash and asked, “I’m quite confused, what is she doing?”

“Keep looking at her.” Rainbow tells him.

He does so, resuming his somewhat of a staring contest with the shy Pegasus, after about twenty-three seconds, he starts to get uncomfortable and says, “Uh, heh, okay, you can stop now.”

She does so and gave Rainbow Das ‘the Stare,’ as she says, “Rainbow you know that was not very nice.”

“Hey, he asked!” She raised her forelegs up in defense, but Fluttershy was not having it, giving her stare more intensity. Rainbow then too got uncomfortable and says, “Alright! Alright! I’m sorry! Tell her to stop!”

“Thank you.” The shy Pegasus obliges and returns to her kind state.

Jeez, I forgot how she can switch her moods that quick like everypony else here. Wish thought to himself. Also, Rainbow Dash, not afraid of anything, except for her cute Pegasus friend. “You know, you two at like a cute couple.” He remarks.

“WHAT!?” the two Pegasi asked in unison, then they shout, “No we don’t!” They then looked at each other, blush creeps on both mares and looked away from each other, with Rainbow whistling a weird tune, and Flutter used her mane to hide her blush.

Pinkie bounces up and down while she giggles in glee, “Ooh, I can’t wait until we get back to Ponyville! This party is definitely going in Equestria’s history books!”

“Do you always throw a party on occasions like this Pinkie?” Wish asked, once again, knowing his knowledge of Pinkie Pie, he already knew the answer, but he wanted to hear the word from the horse’s mouth (if you’d pardon the pun.).

“Of course I do!” Pinkie exclaims, “I do any kind of party anypony could think of! Birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, including a cute-ceañeras!" He nods with a chuckle, there are times where he feels Pinkie’s energy can be too much, but there are moments here and there where she isn’t, and he’s glad it’s one of these moments. “Oh! I almost forgot!” She exclaims as she reached into her mane and out came a small green and orange plaid wrapped present. “I know it’s a little early for your party, but…”

He looks at curiously and carefully opens the wrapping. That wrapping’s too nice to be torn apart, he thought to himself as he sets the wrapping paper aside. He then opens the brown box’s lid and finds a small necklace and what he sees made his heart leap in shock.

Inside the box is a beautiful turquoise gem in the shape of a seven pointed star, being held around by a dapped bar necklace chain. He nearly dropped his gift, but he took it out. Then upon closer inspection, he realized that the star shaped gem acts as a locket. He opens the locket and this made him softly gasp as in the inner golden part of the locket is a picture of the Mane Six and Spike. As for the other side of the locket is a little quote that only had seven words:

”Never forget who your true friends are.”

He looked up at Pinkie Pie in a speechless surprise as she explains, “I know, it’s a little early for presents, but I had an idea to make very special for you as an early surprise! I found a gift shop for many jewelry and I had the idea of giving you a necklace like this one and-” she stops herself as she noticed his expression had not changed as he looked back at the necklace. “Wishing? What’s wrong?” She asked him

What did he even do to deserve this kind of reward and kindness? He doesn’t deserve this necklace, he doesn’t deserve being a hero despite wishing for it, he doesn’t deserve having friends like them, yet here it all is, all in his forehooves. All he did was just popping into existence into their world and helped stopping the bad guy by negotiations. Seeing everypony here for him, even if most of them didn't know him, made him feel completely warm and happy inside. He clutches the locket close to his chest, as a single tear rolled down his cheek hardly believing this was all real.

The girls and Spike could see his expression change and already they felt worried. “H-hey, why are you crying?” Spike asked him in concern.

Pinkie then looked at the turquoise stallion with a hay-ton of worry. “Is it the gift?! Is it the party?! Tell me, what’s-?!“ Pinkie was suddenly cut off by him jumping out of his seat and hugging her tightly.

“You girls didn’t have to do any of this.” He chokes through his sobs, “The real and greatest gift I’ve ever gotten is you guys. If anything, I should be thanking you guys.”

Pinkie was quite in shock for a few seconds, never in her life has anypony given her this much gratitude before, and out of all ponies who got so emotional about a simple yet special gift like a locket necklace, this means so much to her. She returns the hug, not like in a bear hug how she always does, but a tight hug for comfort.

Wish let go of the party pony, and wiped away the tears looking at the locket again. He can’t help but have a warm feeling in his heart that leapt with a enormous amount of joy.

“A’ight enough of this gooey sh-,” Rainbow was about to say a complete sentence, but she was looked at by her friends with both Twilight and Applejack giving her ‘the look,’ so she changed her last words, “Ssshow of emotions, we got a party to get to!”

Was she seriously going to swear in front of us, and in front of a child? Wish thought to himself, while he did his fair share of swearing in his time in Equestria, he wouldn’t even believe that Rainbow Dash out of all of the ponies he met would even swear in front of him. He just shook his head with a silly smile and looks out at the window to the train’s destination, Ponyville.

As the mares, Spike, and Wish entered Ponyville, it was once again bustling with life, but not as lively as yesterday. The teal stallion guessed it was probably that when Discord was released, he wanted to cause his chaos on the most populated and closest area at the time, and there are some ponies that are recovering from the attack, or might’ve been injured of Discord’s waxed floors or something that was caused in the chaos.

During their walk, Wishing Star noticed how close Twilight got, the sides of their front legs nearly touch… oh if he could hold her hoof, but then again, he needs to take things slow with her. Just because they share the same background, being studious, and goal ambitious, he wanted to have the time to know more about her.

As he then looked around the lively town, staring in awe of how peaceful it is even after a crisis has been averted. The lilac mare giggled at the turquoise stallion’s face of surprise, “Amazing how magic is able to get everything repaired, isn’t it?”

“It sure is,” Wish complimented, looking around the town’s reconstruction, seeing the other unicorns using their magic to repair the walls and exteriors of some of the buildings that were caught in the chaotic crossfire, “I’m quite surprised that you could repair glass with such magic. Kind of makes me wi-… use the word to make me a unicorn.”

“I’m sure if we figure out your powers, maybe you could!” Fluttershy says to him, “oh, um, if you’d wanted to, that is.”

Wish gave it some thought about it, controlling the power of wishes of all things? It may seem like an amazing idea… on paper. In reality? It’s scares him to wield such power. He shook his head out of such as Twilight spoke up, “Well Wish, there’s a lot of things to see around Ponyville. What do you want to see first?”

Wish looked around and felt a little nervous. “W-well, since you’re going to give me the tour, maybe you should decide.”

“Oh! Right, heh,” Twilight giggles with a blushes, then she gave it some thought, “Well, how about we start at Sugarcube Corner?”

This immediately got Pinkie Pie excited and she exclaims, “Oh oh oh, there’s so much to try there Wishy! Mr and Mrs. Cake would be very happy to meet you!” Once again, Wish got a little uncomfortable with her energy, but then again, she’s just excited to have a new friend around the town, so he really can’t blame her for being so. “Oh! Wait, I almost forgot about the party! You guys go ahead! See you later!” And like a bullet fired out of a gun, she took off in a flash.

Wish looked at his friends and asked, “Can you imagine what she’s like without going on a sugar rush?”

“I don’t think it’s the sugar rush she’s on dear.” Rarity says with a titter.

“Yeah, that reminds me,” Rainbow says as she looks towards the sky, “I remember the weather team saying it’s suppose to be partially cloudy today. I gotta go take care of that. Catch ya later!” She took off to the skies with a trail of a rainbow following behind her.

“Well pardner, looks like it’s just us.” Applejack tips her hat to the teal stallion, earning him a chuckle.

And with that the four mares, Spike, and Wish walked their way to Sugarcube Corner. The teal stallion couldn’t believe that he’s walking on the plains of Ponyville itself. He felt like that this isn’t real, yet it is. Spike took notice of the stallion’s awe. “You know, I’ve been meaning to ask, how did you manage to find us here? You know, when you came to help out Twilight and the others against Discord?”

“Oh, Celestia teleported me there,” Wish explains, following it up with a embarrassed chuckled, “After she gave me a good talking to, of course.”

“Oh! Here we are!” Twilight points at a very strange building, to earth’s standards it would be the most out of place buildings archetype. It looks like a gingerbread house with a brown chocolate roof with frosted on it, the tower being a layer cake in design with real candles on top, candy canes and more.

“Oh, looks good enough to to eat!” Wishing says excitedly, his gaze on the house locked on it appetizingly.

“Now now Wishing darling,” Rarity warns with a giggle, “It’s not for eating.”

“Drat.” He jokingly curses, “So, Pinkie said that the Cakes live here, correct?”

“Mr. and Mrs. Cake, they’re practically the owners of that place. They are very well known for their cakes, cupcakes, pastries, just to name a few. Pinkie Pie also lives and works there, right in the loft area. The tower with the layer cake design is her room. So if you ever want to get some goodies, this place is best place to get them!"

“Certainly does look like a place to even have something good there.” He remarks, “So good, I think I might have whatever they have in stock!”

“Don’t worry, we got plenty of time for that, but for now, let’s move on,” Twilight then guides him and the group to the next building. They strolled along through the town as the book smarts pony introduced him to Hay’s Hardware store, Flowers and Snacks, and the Bowling Alley.

Wish looked around, someponies stared at him, sometimes with smiles, others gossip about him. Despite some friendly faces, he can’t help but feel really uncomfortable. Then Twilight’s voice picks up in his ears, as she then guides him to the next building, “Next up, the Carousel Boutique.” She points at the purple and pink building. The top of the building had a merry-go-round theme with the two purple pony silhouettes and continued down to the next floor except without the pony figures instead with the purple bars where they would be, and in front was a door and a few windows.

Rarity then sighs in with pride, “Ah, the Carousel Boutique, where every garment is chic, unique, and magnifique!”

“Whoa…” he says, he knew what the place is like in the show, but in person, or in this case, pony, to see it up close is quite incredible, “I can see why Rarity is keen on doing business. She must be very proud of her work.”

“Oh, believe, you should never take her work for granted,” she remarks to him, “She’s very talented with making dresses and suits. Someday, she might make a suit for the Gala.”

“Or maybe now?”

The mares looked confused when he said that. “What do you mean dear?” Rarity asked him.

“W-well… um… How can I say it without being too explicit? Some mares are staring at me… and not just at me…” he then motions his head back to his rear.

“Oh?” She starts, slowly and surely, the message he’s trying to tell her suddenly got to her, she blushes and exclaims, “O-Oh my! Ugh, the nerve of some ponies, is there no dignity of privacy of other ponies?”

“That’s why I was hoping that you’d-”

“Oh, say no more darling!” She declares, “As a matter of fact, I’ve been working on some suits for an upcoming fashion line for the gentlecolts, but it will be most helpful if I can get a stallion to model for me for a bit.” She looks at me with fluttering eyes.

“Well…” he looked back at Twilight, then back at fashionista pony, “I mean, I can be a good source of help.”

“You will?!” She asked excitedly. He nods, then she began to squeal in joy, “OOH! Wonderful! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” she then proceeded kisses him repeatedly for each ‘thank you’ she has said. Twilight couldn’t help but giggle at the sight, seeing Rarity’s lipstick imprints on his forehead and cheeks. “I knew I could count on you, Wish! Now come! There’s so much work to do, and so little time!” She grabbed him and they zoomed across to the door inside boutique.

“I’ll come back and check up on you soon Wish!” Twilight calls out.

Oh boy, let the tie tying lessons begin. he thought to himself as Rarity began to take his measurements.

In through so many suits that Wishing Star wore, the next suit absolutely screams regal. A suit that some celebrities would wear at high class parties or the Grammy Awards, a black suit with white wing accents on the back, a white pop up collared shirt, black tie and pants. “Oh darling!” She gasps as she witnessed her work-to-perfection on Wishing, “You look absolutely smashing! You’d look like you could take the floor at the Gala!”

Wish look at himself in the mirror. He did look like quite the gentleman in the reflection, but of course, he’d never really see him at the Gala as Rarity mentioned. “I guess I could, eh?” He says as he adjusted the collar, “I could be an agent for a secret organization.”

The seamstress mare laughed, “Oh darling! Now now Agent Wishing, we mustn’t get too use to the suit. It just needs some finishing touches and then I believe that we’ll call it a day.”

“Why make any changes?” He then asks as he took the shades off, placing them back in the case, “If anything, I’d say that I agree that the suit looks really good.”

“Yes, but if I recall, you did say that you’d wanted clothes of your because you had a feeling of everypony staring at you.” She says to him as she helps him out of his jacket.

“Ugh… please don’t remind me…” he groans, then a thought occurred to him. Did Twilight ever get a good look when I confronted Discord? Oh god, please tell me she didn’t…

Rarity giggles, but then clear her throat, helping him out of the pants, the godforsakened tie, and the shirt, she then moves Wishing Star over to a table, and places some paper and pencils next to him, "Besides, since you've seen my designs, I am curious to see your own outfit designs you want me to make for you, but if it's not too much trouble to ask. If you're not comfortable with drawing you can tell me and I'll draw the design and make them right away!"

“Miss Rarity, I would be honored.” He bows as began to start to draw his design, while Rarity watches as he begins his craft. From the first stroke of his pencil, he could already begin to see what kind of an outfit that would standout from the rest of the outfits he had seen, he sees himself wearing a jacket, a shirt, and pants, with some additional pockets of course. Rarity couldn’t help but be marveled and at awe of Wishing’s drawing ability, she never seen such clarity and intent of an artist like him.

Minutes had gone by, and by the time he finished with the color, he sighs and looked at his work. “O-Okay…” he says nervously, “Be honest, what do you think of it?” He then held up the drawing to her and she was stunned.

In the drawing, he made a white jacket with a light sea foam green stripe running from the shoulder down to the sleeve, rolled up with the same color of the stripe and a button on them, and included a golden yellow shirt. The pants is very unique, in a charcoal black color with two pockets on each of it’s sides, one at the side of it’s hip and another one below it, the pant sleeve had a triangular point at the front of figure’s hind laps.

“Oh my goodness…” she said breathlessly, taking in the drawing, "I have no idea you were such a talented artist! Your drawings are beautiful! I’m surprised that you haven’t got-“ she stopped herself from what she was going to say and she almost hurt the stallion’s feelings. “O-oh, forgive me darling, I didn’t mean about that last part.”

“It’s okay.” He said, trying to play it off, “Anyway, how much do I owe you once they’re finished?”

She giggles at the question as she then says, “Darling, you don’t have to owe me anything, these clothes are on me for free.”

“F-for free?!” He asked in shock, he knew that Rarity is the Element of Generosity, but to be this generous of giving him clothes for free? He wouldn’t do that! “N-No way Rarity, I can’t-“ he was cut off by the white unicorn mare’s hoof in front of his mouth.

“Ah ah, not another word. They’ll be on me, and they’re for free. It’s the least I could do after what you did yesterday. Helping me and my friends, and braving against one of the most feared creatures of Equestria and having him a change of heart. And by looking at your drawing, I’ve decided on something and if it’s something that you don’t want, I completely understand.”

“W-what is it?”

“Well, you see dear,” she explains as she looked over at the other mannequins, “I haven’t had taken this thought to an account, but I think it would be nice to have some huge assistance in the boutique. So my offer is this: I want you to be my apprentice and a place for you to stay until you can find a place of your own.”


He screamed so loud , the whole ground shook, even Princess Celestia herself would’ve heard him.

“Now darling, no need to be loud.” She reassured him, “But yes, I want you to be my apprentice and I’m offering my home to you.”

He couldn’t believe it… he didn’t want to believe it… he didn’t just got asked to be working under somepony’s wing and work for her, did he? This had to be some sort of dream. “R-Rarity I… I don’t…”

“Like I said, if you don’t accept it, that is completely fine,” she reassured him with a kind smile, placing her hoof on his shoulder, “If you think I’m putting on too much weight on your shoulders, you can just say so.”

What could he say to such a deal like that? Should he accept it, this would be the biggest turnaround in his life! He could be well known! But then there’s a huge consequence if he does… that he would be recognized by his talents and Rarity being overshadowed by him. What if she’ll regret training him? What if she’d made a mistake having him here in her home? He looked back at his drawing, yes it is a very good drawing at first draft, but it just seemed too perfect! How can it just simply catch somepony’s eye like the Element of Generosity herself?

He then took a deep sigh and then made up his choice.

“You know what? I would be honored to be your apprentice.”

“R-really?!? She asked in excitement.

“Sure. Besides, you’d look like that you could use some help around here. Plus, it would be nice to have a creative team on board, wouldn’t you agree?”

“Oh absolutely darling!” She cheers as she hugged him.

Boy, at this rate, I’m going to the first human to get that many hugs in the first week that I’m here. he thought to himself as he happily returns the embrace, and as he did, he felt like he was going to cry.

She heard a sniffle from him, she stopped hugging him as she looked at him. “Darling? What’s wrong?”

“I-It’s just…” he started, as he wiped his eyes with his foreleg, “From the moment I left my home, I never had any big opportunities like this… and to have a place to live in than wandering around in the alleyways… it’s all thanks to you, I’ve got that chance. So… thank you.”

“Darling…” she held him a little tighter in their embrace.

It lasted for a few minutes as they heard a tiny voice, “Rarity, I can’t seem to find any fabric for the capes and-,” They turned to look at the little white filly with light purple and pink curly mane, “Rarity! Mom and Dad says to not make out with strangers!”

And... Wish thought to himself, The moments gone.