• Published 6th Oct 2023
  • 2,249 Views, 50 Comments

When You Wish Upon a Star (rewritten) - Kibat Grenbuku

After an unexpected free fall into Everfree Forest and turned into a pony, Carson, now Wishing Star, must adapt to this new world, help the soon-to-be-Princess-of-Friendship, and earn his own Cutie Mark.

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The Strangest Night Ever.

It has been fourteen years since Twilight's chance encounter with the green teal colt and she was well on her way to the Gala along with her friends. She’s been meaning to talk with her mentor about her mission to learn about friendship so far. She isn’t the only one that had dreams of going to the Grand Galloping Gala, Rarity wanted to talk, get to know, and swoon Celestia’s nephew Prince Blueblood, Rainbow Dash would get her chance at meeting the Wonderbolts, Pinkie Pie would there to, well, be Pinkie and give Canterlot the party of a lifetime, anything the girls would do to accomplish their dreams.

As the Gala had gone on, Twilight had been telling Princess Celestia about her lessons and studies of friendship, only to be interrupted by some nobles who’d wanted to meet the Princess in person. As she tried to wait patiently for her mentor, she couldn’t help but getting the feeling of being watched, so she looked around and there was one pony that she felt peculiar with.

Heading outside to the gardens was a green teal stallion with a brown mane, midnight blue eyes, slim build, and no cutie mark, nor a suit worn… how did he get in the Gala with no suit? Was he a resident in Canterlot Castle and Celestia didn’t mentioned it? So she decided to follow him. Once she did, she witnesses him walking towards Fluttershy, who of which was trying to get the animals’ attention.

“Excuse me.” The stallion calls out, which made the light yellow Pegasus jump in fright and looked at him, he then gave her a look of sincerity, “I’m sorry for frightening you, but are you trying to get the animals close to you?”

She shy Pegasus nods and tells him, “I-I know that some of these creatures here are really shy, but I didn’t think the animals here would be that shy.” They looked at the frightened critters and bird that were peaking in the bushes and peering down from the trees.

The stallion then gave her a chuckle, “They’re not fond of seeing new ponies, at least not with those who are nice to them.” He then went to a bench and picked a bag of bird seeds. “With enough care and love for them,” he tosses a good hoof full of the seeds in the air, scattering them, making the bird come flocking to the ground, “They’ll come to you and they’ll know to trust you.” He took another hoof full of birdseed and knelt down, several birds came to him and pecked some of the seeds.

“The animals trust those who feed them. It’s just like the ones at home!” Fluttershy says in her sweet tone, “Why didn’t I think of that before hoof?”

He looks at her and then asks, “Wanna give it a try?” She nods and the stallion gave her a good hoof full of seeds and instructed her, “Give it a good toss, they’ll come to it.” She does so, albeit it wasn’t as big of a wave of birdseeds as the stallion did, but some more birds and some critters came towards the seeds.

Twilight couldn’t help it as if she’d seen the stallion before, but where she couldn’t put her hoof on it. He bids farewell to the shy Pegasus and decided to head towards the Wonderbolts. She also couldn’t help but as if he planned for something like this to happen, as if like he knew that Fluttershy would be there.

And so the lilac unicorn follows him once again, as he comes and interacts with two members of the Wonderbolts, Captain Spitfire and Soarin’. He greets them and they were a little hush-hush for reason is beyond Twilight as she was a good distance for nopony to notice her. She then notices the stallion pointing at Rainbow Dash, whispers something in the yellow Pegasus’ ear and began to walk away, then he, on purposely, shouts, “HEADS UP!” knocking the pie out of Soarin’ hoof.

Rainbow notices this and quickly zooms over and grabbed it, just in the nick of time. She sighs and says to the stallion, “You know, you seriously gotta watch where you’re going pal.”

“Sorry.” The green teal stallion chuckles.

“Hey, I know you,” Spitfire says in surprise, “You're that pony that saved us in Cloudsdale and won The Best Flyer Competition.”

Rainbow was already swelling with pride as she brags, “Hay yeah! The name’s Rainbow Dash.”

The green teal stallion seemed to be displeased with the light blue Pegasus’ boasting, but he shrugs it off for now. “Well, I have to say, for mare with speed and accurate flying,” the stallion says to her, “You seem to show a lot of promise. No doubt wanting to be a Wonderbolt yourself?”

The tomboy mare says sarcastically, “Uh, yeah! How could any Pegasus pony not be one? What? You think I don’t have a shot?”

“I’m not saying that you don’t,” the stallion says defensively, “I’m just giving you a warning: if you are going to be a Wonderbolt, then be mindful that some of the trials are going to be hectic. Take Storm Rush for example, he-”

“Yeah yeah, I know his history, I’m know about every single Wonderbolt in history!”

The stallion chuckles and says, “Well then, I guess that you do have a future Wonderbolt on your hooves Spitfire.”

Spitfire wholeheartedly agrees with a nod, “You got that right. Hey, how about you come and hang out with us? We could have a youngster like yourself.”

Rainbow was in shock, so too was Twilight, the stallion got the light blue mare to be with her heroes! “Uh, s-sure, why not?” She says nervously, and as soon as they turned around, she exclaims, “I'm... hanging... with the... Wonderbolts!” with a squeal of delight and excitement she follows them.

“Have fun!” The stallion calls out as he takes his leave.

The lilac mare got more curious by the second, now she follows him back inside, keeping a distance to give him the idea he wasn’t being tailed. He then decided to head towards the convention stands, more noticeably to Applejack, and an arguing Rarity and Prince Blueblood, having a throat clearing contest until Rarity gave up.

“I’m going to have to pay for this, aren’t I?” Rarity asked with a sigh.

“No need,” the young stallion said as he tossed a pouch of bits to Applejack, “One for me and one for the lovely lady please.”

Rarity was in shock and was about to thank the green teal pony, until Blueblood rudely interrupts her. "And who are you?" He asked him.

“Somepony’s who is a better gentlecolt, thank you for asking.” The stallion retorts with a smug look on his face. Twilight could already see that this isn’t going to end well. “Also, you’re really expecting a mare to buy things for you? How much of a fucking donut you have to be for being that selfish?”

Blueblood laughed, “Hah! As if I, a prince, would be paying for some hussy’s meal.” The mares jaw dropped, especially Twilight, she knew he was a prat, but to stoop that low about her friends? She wanted to go up to him and just preach to him about Applejack.

Luckily for her, she didn’t have to as a he then got slapped in the face by the young stallion. “You want to say that again and in front their faces?” He growls like a manticore at the prince, “In case you’d forgot, they are worth giving a damn than you, unless you can tell me what you had accomplished, you’re nothing.”

“How… how dare you!” The pratty prince shouts at him, “You would dare slap at the nephew of Princess Celestia?! I would have you-”


The mares gasped after seeing a much harder slap to Blueblood’s face, almost knocking him to the floor. “As far as all of the asshole pricks who call themselves a noble go,” the stallion says to him lowly, “You are the fucking worst. Now, you’re going to get up, apologize to them, and walk away. I better not see you at the Gala for the rest of the night, and if you ever talk to a lady like that again, I will fucking drag you like a two year old to an alleyway and leave you locked up in a dumpster. Are we clear?”

The prince just stood up as he grabbed his sore cheek, scoffs at him, and walked away.

The stallion sighed in disgust and looked at the fashionista and country pony who looked at him in shock, “I’m sorry, but if it’s one thing I hate is nobles.” He took another pouch of bits and placed it on the counter. “Here, as an apology.”

Applejack was confused, “An apology? For what sugarcube?”

“For seeing violence.” He answers and began to walk off with his slice of the apple pie. The mares were just awestruck by what they witnessed as they continued to stare dumbfounded at the stallion walking down the corridor.

“What are we staring?” Pinkie Pie asked the mares out of nowhere, scaring the bejeezus of her unsuspected friends. “What?”

“Pinkie darling, please make your presence known dear.” Rarity says to her while she clutched her chest after nearly getting a heart attack.

“I don’t know why, but I felt like I’ve seen him before.” Twilight said aloud to nopony in particular.

Applejack and Rarity caught on what their friend said. “Ya know ‘im Twi?” The country mare asked her.

“I… don’t know,” she says as she shook her head, “But he’s acting strange, and I’m going to find out who he is and why he’s acting like this.” And so, her investigation has her being lead to following the stallion down to a corridor and then taking left to a hallway. This was strange, he was taking the path to the princesses’s chambers. Why was he going there? Does he live here with the princesses? Why doesn’t he have a cutie mark? So many questions rang through her mind, but her questions were about to be answered as she heard a voice she knows all well.

“Ah, out and about through the castle, are we?” Luna asked the stallion. The lilac mare stops herself and listen in on the conversation from the corner.

“Princess Luna,” the stallion greets with a chuckle, “Good to see that you’ve been interacting with some of the, ahem, nobles in the Gala this evening. Have they been giving you praise like Celestia?”

A sigh could be heard from the Princess of the moon. “I could now see what kind of stress Celestia had mentioned when I’ve became reformed from being Nightmare Moon.”

“I guess being stuck in exile on a moon for thousand years will do that to a pony,” the stallion says to her with remorse in his voice, then pipes up, “But hey, better things are going to happen soon, that I can guarantee you.”

“Speaking of better,” Luna says curiously, “Tia and I have noticed your interactions with the Elements of Harmony. Have they helped you seek the happiness you desperately needing?”

That’s what his interactions wit her friends were about? Seeking happiness? Why didn’t Celestia tell her about this stallion? She could’ve helped him in his happiness or friendship situation, that could’ve dealt with! But from his saddened tone as what he says next would almost second guess his plight.

“To be honest with you Princess Luna,” he says to her, “I’ve seen this replaying in my mind so many times, I just feel like I still don’t belong here in Equestria, especially with that dream.”

“Still on your mind?” She asked him with concern.

He sighs, “I don’t know if it was real or not. I want to say it was real, but at the same time, I’m just going to end myself mucking up her life without end.” There was an awkward silence for a few seconds, until he spoke again, “A-anyways, I’m gonna back down to Canterlot’s alleyway and just… sulk. Oh, uh, if you see her, could you give this to her?”

After a few more seconds of silence, Twilight had then decided that she’s gotten a pretty good idea as to what he’s dealing with, so she peers around the corner and said, “Excuse me, could I- huh?” She noticed that the stallion’s gone, she looked around the hallway, but no sign of the stallion. “Where did he go?! There’s no way a Earth Pony could leave the castle that quick!”

“Ah, dearest Twilight,” Luna greeted warmly, “How are you?”

“P-princess Luna!” She exclaims as she gave her a bow, then raised herself back up to look at the cornflower blue alicorn mare, “Were you talking to a teal stallion? He just came by here. I don’t know if it’s my mind playing tricks on me, or if this is one of Rainbow Dash’s pranks.”

“I assure you that it was no prank,” Luna explains looking down the hall, “he was here indeed, but from his current predicament, he might not be up to seeing anypony else at the moment. However, he did want me to give you this.”

She gave Twilight what appears to be a drawing. In this drawing there was an obscure black silhouette of a foal next to the green teal colt, asleep in what seems like a bed and was healing from some injuries. The silhouetted filly seems to be watching over the colt, and he was unconsciously smiling.

Twilight gasped in shock at two revelations: one is that his art style is quite impressive, but secondly is that this is the same colt she saw from fourteen years ago, though some other important details like colors have not been present. She looked up at the Princess of the moon and began to throw a heap of questions, “Where is he now?! Why is in the alleyways?! Does his parents know?! Who is he?!”

“Now now Twilight,” Luna calms the eager and excited lilac mare, “The colt has been through a lot, and as I mentioned, he probably might not want to meet anypony else at this time.” She sighs as she looked back at the hallway again, “Poor soul. Bless his heart though, despite his situation, he’s always finding a way to help get through my struggles ever since I’ve been reformed.”

Twilight then sighs, saddened by the fact that she won’t get the chance to see him again tonight after fourteen years. However, she then noticed that something else was off, looking around herself, she asked herself, “Wait… Where’s Spike?”

As Spike gorges himself what seems like the tenth donut, he looks at the stallion behind the counter and shouts in a demanding tone, “Hey! Pony Joe! Another Donut!”

The shop owner who was a unicorn with light brown fur, along with a short darker shade of brown hair on his mane and tail, green eyes, gray hoof-tips, and a pink frosted donut cutie mark, while wearing a white baker’s outfit. “Don’t you think you’ve had enough?” Joe questions while he thinking it was for the best for the baby dragon‘s health.

But Spike insists, “Another donut! Extra sprinkles!”

But the demand for another desert styled bagel wasn’t paid to mind as the door bell rang as the green teal stallion, wearing a brown cloak, walked in the shop. He then took a seat to the table next to Spike’s, of which this caught the little purple dragon’s attention.

“Ah, it’s you,” Pony Joe greets with a smile at the young stallion, “The same as usual?”

“No, not really,” the green teal earth pony said to him, “It’s been uneventful actually… you see, I-”

“I was talking about a cup of mocha, mack.”

“O-oh,” he says with a blush of embarrassment, he sighs sadly, “No thanks, not this time. Just some water. Chilled please.” The shop owner nods as he went to the back. This only earned the young stallion a depressed sigh, leaning himself back on the chair. He then looked at the little dragon, who was just waiting for his next donut that might not be coming and is probably on the verge of a sugar crash. “You too, huh?” He asked the dragon.

“The Gala?”


Spike sighs in the same depressing tone the young stallion was. “It was supposed to be the best night ever,” He said to him, “but everypony else was just doing their own thing. I though we could’ve, you know, just talk with each other, have fun… but-”

“It isn’t what it’s cracked up to be.” He finished before the little dragon could, but he does nod at his answer. The stallion just scoffs, “Heh, you’re lucky that it’s the only time for you. I’ve been every single one of those Galas since I was six. At first, I thought it would be nice to just interact with somepony there. They’re just like every single, stuck up, idiotic noble in this town.”

Spike was now curious and little concerned for the earth pony. “You don’t have any friends?” He asked him.

The green teal pony just looked at him with a deadpan expression, “Other than the Princesses? No.” Pony Joe then gave him a water bottle, which the young stallion gratefully nodded and took it. He opens it and began to down it with a couple of gulps. He exhales as he asks, “I mean, I just don’t get it. These nobles had already seen and spoke with Celestia about maybe five to six times and all they do is prattle on about their accomplishments instead of thanking her with everything she’s done. You don’t like the Gala, but you want to see Celestia. Take a number and pick a fucking lane.”

The shop owner looked at him in shock, while Spike was confused by the word the stallion used. “Hey, watch the language pal!” Pony Joe calls out.

“Sorry Joe.” The stallion said with regret, he took a moment to sigh and lean back.

Spike got curious about this stallion, so he went to the pony is at table he sat at and decided to chat with him. “I hope I’m not prying or anything, but it sounds like you’ve got a grudge with nobles.” He says to the young stallion, “I mean, nopony doesn’t really like to hang around with them, but why you?”

The stallion just looked at the little dragon across the table, he shook his head and asked, “Aren’t you too young to even know this kind of stuff, kid?”

“I’m old enough to assist anypony in need, including finding a solution to a friendship problem.” Spike explains to him, giving him a toothy smile.

The stallion just looked at him with a brow raised. “That still doesn’t answer my question…”

Spike’s smile then turned into a concerned frown with his arms crossed. “It still can’t hurt to talk about it, can it? I mean, my friends can solve any problem!”

The stallion sighs, “I don’t think it’s problem they can help me with kid.”

“Try me.” Spike says with a kind smile.

The stallion just looked at the little drake, there was something about him that really wanted to help him with whatever situation he wanted to tell. “You’re very persistent, aren’t you?” He asked him making himself chuckle, he then turn to Pony Joe and then shouts, “Hey, can we get a dozen donuts here?”

“Man, tonight was awesome!” Rainbow Dash cheers as pumped her left foreleg in the air.

“I’ll say!” Pinkie joins, “That was best party I’ve ever been to!”

While the two Pegasi and the party pony were talking about some the best moments, Applejack, Rarity, and Twilight were discussing about the strange stallion that was in the Gala not too long ago. “Yer sure ya’ll seen ‘im before?” AJ asked the lilac unicorn.

“I know I’ve seen him.” She confirms with a nod, “It’s been fourteen years, we never actually got acquainted when we were foals, but I know that this is him. What’s really puzzling to me is the silhouetted filly.” She pulls out the picture for what felt like the twenty-eighth time and showed them the silhouette, “Just from the outline, she looks familiar, but I can’t tell who this is. At first thought that would be my mom, but that wouldn’t be possible as she’s much older than he is. Then I thought it could be Moondancer, but that shouldn’t be possible either, she wasn’t present at all!”

The two mares looked at the silhouette, just as perplexed as Twilight is. “Well, I don’t know who this filly is, she does seem to have a very lovely coiffure, and the colt looks very handsome.” Rarity complimented, she then placed her hoof to her chin, “Hmm… but now the more that I think about it, I do believe that you may be right about that stallion being the colt… he seems very kind, but he has that… aggressive side to him.”

“He does seem like it,” The country pony agreed, her curiosity matching Rarity’s and Twilight’s “More likely, he seems to hate nobles. Ah wonder why, and why would he be scurrying around in the alleyways? Ya think he might be homeless?”

Twilight shrugs, “I don’t know, but from what I’ve heard from his conversation with Princess Luna, he seems to know the ins and outs of the castle, he could basically just go there when and wherever he pleases.”

Their conversation about the young stallion was interrupted however when Rainbow Dash shouted, “Hey, there’s Spike!” The girls gather as they watch the little drake talking the same stallion they all met back at the Gala, the both of them were laughing. “Who’s that he’s talking to?” Dash asked the mares.

Twilight’s eyes lit up, seeing this as an opportunity to finally get her answers, so she hurries inside only to see and hear Spike mimicking her voice, “Ah no no, Spike, they go in the A-E section and- no, if a book is talking about romance, they don’t go in with the magic- Spike!” The stallion was laughing his head off, smacking his hoof on the table. He took a moment to open his eyes and he stopped laughing when he saw Twilight.

“What?” The baby dragon asked. It took him a few seconds to realize for him to ask, “She’s right behind me, isn’t she?” He slowly turned around and immediately panicked, “Gah! T-Twi, hey, uh… w-we weren’t talking about you or anything, heheh…”

She didn’t paid any mind to the poor impersonation Spike did and walked towards the stallion. “Um…” she was beginning to stutter, it’s been fourteen years ever since she saw the stallion as a colt, and she doesn’t have any idea as what to even say to him!

Thankfully, he spoke first with a smile, “So you’re the Twilight Sparkle. I’m glad we got a chance to meet face to face.”

“Oh! U-uh, yes,” she giggles awkwardly as she shook his hoof, “It’s nice to meet you too.” Why am I getting nervous around him? she asked herself in thought, And why does my cheeks feel so warm? “I-I wanted to say thank you for making the girls’ night at the Gala.”

The young stallion looks at her confused and said, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

Applejack then reminds him, “Yer were there when ya gave me that bag of bits, and ooh howdy, ya’ll must’ve gotten a fortune in getting those bits!”

“O-oh! Well I-”

Rarity spoke up next, cutting off the green teal earth pony, “And you paid for the apple pie earlier tonight and gave Prince Blueblood a talk down, though I would’ve done it with the use of violence.”


Rainbow then exclaims in excitement, “And not only did you got me to meet the Wonderbolts, but they’re thinking about having me in the academy!”

“I-I’m grateful to hear that.” He stops and looked at the shy Pegasus for a few seconds, who only just nods at him as a sign of thanks from earlier tonight. “L-look, I’m glad that I made your night, but if you’re planning to ask me out, then you’re asking the wrong pony.”

“WHAT?!” The mares shouted in a shocked unison.

“Who would want to go out with you when you just met a few hours ago?!” Rainbow asked, the question seemed to hurt the young stallion, who just looked away in shame. The light blue Pegasus immediately realized what she said and regretted by her sentence, “Oh shoot, I-I didn’t mean it like that, I-”

“It’s okay,” he says with a sigh and shook his head.

Rarity was next to speak up, “You’ll have to forgive Rainbow, dear, her mouth can get ahead of her mind sometimes.”


Rarity ignored her daredevilish friend and continued, “But I think you’re not giving yourself enough credit. In fact, if you’d haven’t stood up to Blueblood, I wouldn’t have fully realized how much of a prat, if you’d excuse my language, he really is.”

The stallion nods, a small smile crept on his lips. “Hey! I saw a smile!” Pinkie says in singsong tone.

He looked at the mares, giving him smiles of their own. “Oh, um… would you girls like to have a seat?” He asked them.

Rarity titters, “My my, such a gentlecolt.”

As the mares took a seat of their own, he looked at them individually, as if he’s seen them seated like this before. “I guess by assuming that you know who we are,” Twilight says as she sat across from the teal green Earth Pony, “Maybe you could tell us about yourself?”

“Oh… well,” the stallion started, scratching the back of his head, “I don’t know if you want to even hear about it… my life isn’t happy or exciting.”

“Oh, sure it is!” Pinkie Pie exclaims excitedly, standing up on her chair, “I bet you must’ve gone through a lot of adventures, and made a lot of friends too.” His body language said otherwise as his ears flattened and his head hung in sadness. She notices this and asked, “What’s wrong?”

“I… didn’t had any friends growing up.” He explains to them.

Their smiles immediately turned to either frowns or were gasps of shock. Pinkie rushed to the green teal Earth Pony and got into his personal space as she grabbed him by the shoulders. “No friends?!” She asked him.

“No friends.”

“No adventures?!”

“Haven’t been to one.”

“No parties?!”

“Never been invited to one.”

“WHAT?!” The party pony screeched as the teal pony moved away from her, causing Pinkie to fall forward and on her stomach. She immediately pronked back up and asked the obvious question, in his mind at least, “Why didn’t anypony bother inviting you?”

“Have you seen the nobles here Pinkie?” Rainbow asked rhetorically.

Twilight nodded in agreement with the light blue Pegasus and further explained, “Some of the nobles are high ranked ponies and they’ve never even bothered with, in their view, childish things.” She then turns to the green teal pony, “I’m a little confused as to why would you even bother stay here in Canterlot? If you don’t like the nobles here, why are you even staying here?”

He sighs and then asks, “Can you promise me to not think of me as the bad guy if I tell you?”

“Depends.” Applejack says with a brow raised.

He nods and then began, “Some of the nobles would treat me like as if they’re nothing to them. Things like, ‘Oh, a pony who wishes to find a Cutie Mark in such as a place as Canterlot? Absurd!’ or, ‘I don’t think you would qualify for getting such a Cutie Mark like mine, peasant! You’re not fit for my assistance, begone!’ So, for as long as I could remember, I’ve been living in the alleyways. For years, I kept hoping somepony would just for once look and me and think, ‘You know, this guy might need help,’ but apparently they don’t have time for a grown stallion for getting a Cutie Mark.” The mares and little dragon were in silent state of shock, letting the stallion continue, “I felt like I was at the point of giving up… I got bitter with hate. I just felt I just wanted to lash out anypony that would try to hurt me.”

Applejack then broke the silence as she says, “Ah guess that’s why ya’ll apologized to me Rares for seeing ya laying a smack down on Prince Blueblood.”

He nods as he finishes as he said, “I just didn’t want to live in this lifestyle anymore… I’m just tired of it.”

“Well, being violent towards others is not going to solve this problem dear,” Rarity says with sincerity in her voice, “as I said, how you stood up to the Prince was admirable, but I would caution to not use violence in the future.”

Just then, as if a lightbulb went on in the party pony’s mind, she then exclaims, “Hey! Why don’t you come to Ponyville with us? Tonight!”

The stallion looked shocked at her. “T-T-Tonight?” He stutteringly asked.

“Yeah!” She cheers, pronking about and around the stallion, “You could definitely fit in! We’ve gone through all kinds of adventures! You could get lucky and make news friends!”

“I… I don’t know Pinkie Pie,” he says to her, getting uncomfortable by her energy, “I’m not much of an adventurous kind of pony.”

“Aw, come on,” Pinkie encourages with a nudge of her elbow to his side, “We’ll throw a party for you~.”

“I think I’ll pass.”

Pinkie gasps dramatically and before she goes on a rant about the importance of parties, Twilight quickly cuts her off, “Pinkie, let me handle this.” She turns to him and then explains to him, “I get it, you just want to stay in Canterlot and just do your own thing, but believe me that spending your whole life by yourself, it’s not fun.”

He shrugs and tells her, “Well, not being the fun type isn’t in my repertoire either.”

“I wasn’t either when I first came to Ponyville. I only cared more about studying than making friends," she said, looking at him in his midnight blue eyes. "When Princess Celestia sent me here to Ponyville to make some, I was dreading it. That changed when Nightmare Moon returned, and I quickly realised that the five ponies I had met on my first day here were indeed... my friends. Once I realised that, we were able to recover the Elements of Harmony and use their power to defeat Nightmare Moon — which in turn returned Princess Luna to us. And ever since then, I've been so grateful to have them by my side.”

He took a deep breath through his nostrils, then smiled at her. “You know? I think the both of us are a lot more in common than I thought.” This earned a smile from the lilac mare. “Both of us isolating ourselves because we chose to, and we struggle to make friends at first... but that’s where those similarities met it’s crossroads. You made making friends look so easy.”

She giggles at his compliment, “Well, sometimes making friends isn’t easy. Sometimes new friends come to you, other times, you to come around to new and potential friends.”

He looks at the mare, and at Pinkie Pie, who’s practically giving him the begging act. He sighs and gave in, “Okay… I’ll give Ponyville a go.”

“I think that’s a good idea Wishing Star.” They all turned to the entrance of the bakery, surprised to see Celestia, who spoke before them, and Luna not at the castle and approached them.

“I agree,” Luna commented as she sat next to the stallion, who the mares’ and Spike’s new form of knowledge that said stallion’s name is Wishing Star, “It’s nice to step out of the shadows and into my sister’s beloved sunlight tomorrow. We couldn’t help and overheard your conversation, so we’ve taken the liberty of getting you a train ticket Wish.”

He was quite surprised and said, “P-Princesses, you didn’t have to-”

“We figured it would be best if you could make some friends and learn the values of friendship with your new studying partner.” Celestia explains with a smile, leaving both the lilac mare and teal stallion were in shock.

“I-I have a study buddy now?!” Twilight’s excitement level went through the roof. Celestia nods at her student as the lilac pony turns to look at the teal stallion, after searching for him all night, after trying to get answers, they’re finally friends for the first time in fourteen years! She squeals in delight for a moment and then she says to her mentor and her sister, “Oh thank you Princesses! We won’t let you down for our study of friendship!”

Celestia giggles as she looks at the bedazzled Wishing Star, whom of which spoke up, “P-princess, this seems so… sudden. Are you sure that this is a good idea? I don’t want to be in the way of somepony else that’s working on such a task.”

“You’re not in the way of anything Wish,” Twilight says as she walked around the table to the teal stallion, “Besides, this could be a fun and interesting experience for the both of us!”

“She’s right on the fun part!” Pinkie commented with a giggle.

The stallion looked at the Princesses at first as he stutters, “W-well, um… I-I…” he then looks at the lilac mare, her soft expressed smile made some of the nervousness melt away within twenty seconds. “You know what? Sure, I’ll give Ponyville a go.”

Spike and the mares, excluding the Princesses, cheers, then Pinkie exclaims, “Now this is the best way to end the best night ever!” Everypony was laughing at the party pony, except for Wishing Star who just gave her a small smile.

Maybe Celestia is right, Wishing thought to himself, I’ve remained dormant in Canterlot for so long, and had to keep up with charade of being this tough guy pony everyone here sees me as… but can they accept me for who I am when I get to Ponyville?